Upon receiving her salary, Xia Ge’s first stop was the tavern, where she elatedly bought some wine.  Next, she generously purchased herself some candied hawthorn.  Only after that did she hunt down the carpenter Zhang to repair her roof.

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After finding someone to assist in extracting the huge black sickle, Xia Ge ran back to the tavern to buy more good wine for her helper, asked several people to join her for dinner, and finally, settled her account with Zhang, for the repair of her hut was concluded.

So it was that her huge sum of money, the one silver coin she’d obtained with great difficulty, came to an end.

By that time the sun had set, the glowing moon already hanging overhead.

Lighting a candle, Xia Ge pulled at a bandage with her teeth, tightening it around the wound on her hand.  At the same time, she eyed the sickle leaning against the wall in a corner with great bitterness and resentment.

Yesterday she’d shown off like some kind of hero.  But even though she’d used her dragon jade to obstruct the majority of the sickle’s damage, she’d still gotten her hand hurt by the overflowing qi.

“Ai, life is hard.  Best to cherish the moment.”

Tying a knot in the bandage with one hand, Xia Ge sighed.

System: [Why Keep The Sickle Then?]

Weren’t you going to sell it for some coin?

The hut was very tiny, with not much in it.  It wasn’t wide of the saying ‘a family with nothing but four bare walls.’  But now Xia Ge had an upside-down sickle propped in a corner, the pitch-black blade glistening in the dim candlelight.

Xia Ge: “I’m afraid of evil spirits, the sickle will drive them away.”

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System: [……]

Naturally, Xia Ge ignored the system’s dumbfounded silence.

She truly was afraid of ghosts, evil spirits, and the like.

Taking out her dragon jade with its missing right corner, Xia Ge held it in her left hand, eyeing its warm glow against the snow-white bandage.

“Thank you.”

[Guilongyu-Ghost Dragon Jade.]  The system butted in: [Originally, This Was Supposed To Belong To Ye Ze, Right?]

“Yes,” Xia Ge answered, “It was indeed supposed to be one of his things.”

Guilongyu was jade that held a dragon’s spirit.

Driving out devils and not letting evil spirits come near.

The male protagonist had few opportunities in the early stages, and Guilongyu had been one of them.  Just, unfortunately for Ye Ze, Xia Ge had got there first.

Mostly due to her fear of ghosts and demons.

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Encountering devils—once in a lifetime was more than enough.

“I’ve borrowed it for so long, it probably is time to find a way to return it to him.”  Tossing the pendant in her hands, Xia Ge slightly raised her eyes: “I don’t really want to part with it, but thinking of that fucker, well, I should give it back.”

Although the male protagonist would have a bumpy journey, he would eventually reach the greatest heights.

Guilongyu would only recognize him at its master.

The system broadly ridiculed: [I Really Can’t See It.]





Lingxi Sect, Hall of Council-


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The Yimei lay in the middle of the hall, its face frozen in a terrifying expression.  At the head of the hall sat an elderly lady with grey hair, narrowed eyes, and holding a white horsetail whisk.  Standing before her were two men and one woman.

The standing woman wore Danfeng’s white dress with red embroidery, red ribbon tying back her hair.  Her white skin was smooth as porcelain, her black pupils deep, and the curve of her red lips very attractive.  Stationed at the elder’s left hand, her head was slightly lowered.

On the elder’s right-hand side, stood the two men.

One had thick brows and big eyes, his clothes made of all kinds of creatures’ skins, and his hair was held back with a yellow ribbon.  At his waist hung a topaz jade flute.  Roughly two meters tall, he was a formidable-looking figure.  Yet there was one incongruous thing about such an imposing man; the small yellow bird perched on his shoulder.  The bird stayed quiet and calm, only occasionally pecking at its own plumage with its red beak.

The other man was young, eyes pitch-black, dressed in Jianfeng’s blue, with the accompanying blue ribbon in his long hair, and a sword at his waist.  He stood with his hands folded, giving off the attitude of wishing to escape the everyday dust and grime of life.

The elderly woman scrutinized the Yimei on the ground before asking with an aged voice: “Does this come from the Demon Sect?”

Gu Peijiu, in her Danfeng white and red embroidered clothes, shook her head: “I don’t know.”

“This method of killing the Yimei……was exceedingly straightforward.”  The elder gave a light smile: “Peijiu, this was indeed done by one of your Danfeng children?”

Gu Peijiu’s voice was faint: “Yes.”

“It’s unusual for Danfeng to have a seedling with good martial arts.”  The elderly woman coughed, looking again at the woman’s corpse the Yimei had controlled with mild pity.  “It’ll be the Demon Sect trying to steal our secret techniques again, but it’s a shame nevertheless.”

Gu Peijiu stayed silent.

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“Dispose of it.”


Some disciples in white promptly took the dead Yimei away.

“Peijiu, are the matters of Danfeng still exhausting?” The elder asked.

Gu Peijiu’s tone remained detached: “With Senior Brother Chang and Brother Baili to provide assistance, they are no trouble.”

The old woman sighed deeply, glancing at the young man to her right: “Your Senior Brother Chang is also busy with the affairs of [Order].  Furthermore, he came to act as senior disciple of Jianfeng, giving the Chu family of Chang’an and their daughters in Lingxi face……”

“The Master overstates.”

The young man dressed in blue slightly bowed: “Although the Chang family and the Chu family maintain friendly relations, I would still be eligible to act as the senior disciple of Jianfeng.  The matters of Jianfeng are the duty of this disciple, and are unrelated to the Chu family.”

The elder heaved another sigh: “It will take three years for the next Jianfeng master to be named……I will trouble you for these intervening years.”

“Yes.”  The young man nodded his head.

On the other side, the man in beast clothes said not a word.  Only the bird on his shoulder cocked its little head, lacquer black eyes glimmering.

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