Chapter 24-Executed by Heaven and Destroyed by Earth Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77


But even if there was only two Thousand Soul Sect members within the village, that didn’t mean there weren’t others lurking outside Mojia, waiting to ambush.  True, two fists were no match for four hands……still though, fleeing might mean just going from the frying pan into the fire……unless Senior Sister was banking on outracing anything and anyone.

For Gu Peijiu seemed to effortlessly move at great speed, about three points faster than Xia Ge’s upgraded version of {ghost and shadow}.  Xia Ge held in the left arm, Gu Peijiu’s right hand incessantly threw out yellow talismans.  Helplessly watching as the talismans, painted with incomprehensible cinnabar, were pasted onto village doors in a strange sequence, it finally dawned on Xia Ge what Gu Peijiu was doing.

They had gone in a circle……Senior Sister wasn’t running away.

She was setting up a formation!

While at the same time, the penetrating and mournful notes of a piccolo sounded once again—

Suddenly the roof of the tavern split open, the two demonic boys flying up into the air.  In order to not impede their movements, they’d tossed aside their woven rush capes, both of them dressed only in white as they floated midair.  One held a string of white paper needles that rattled in the night wind.  One held an ashen-white piccolo, deep black paint applied under his left eye, which then ran down his cheek like a trail of jet tears.  They hovered high in the air, peering down like ghosts that despised all living things.

Gu Peijiu landed on the ground, put Xia Ge down, and stared up at the two floating boys with deep black eyes: “Xia Wuyin.”

“……yes, here!”  Xia Ge stood at attention.

“We’re going to leave the village.”

Bright moonlight beamed down, illuminating Gu Peijiu’s gentle expression, her voice clear and limpid: “Are you very scared?”


Leave the village?  Meaning making a precipitous retreat?  Why would Xia Ge be afraid of that?

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For once Xia Ge didn’t know what to say, a dumbfounded expression on her face.

……well, she couldn’t go wrong if she made the good impression of courageousness in front of her superior!

After all, Senior Sister was the big shot who could award wage increases!

Stupefaction gone, Xia Ge put her chin up and chest out: “I’m not scared!”

The second the words left her mouth, Xia Ge heard her system’s somewhat despairing voice: [Host……The Person Who Played The Piccolo Just Now……]

Xia Ge was confused: “???”  So what if someone playing the piccolo?

System: [I Was Observing.  By Playing His Piccolo, That Person Summoned Approximately A Thousand Demonic Puppets, Which Are Now Located Outside The Village……]

Xia Ge: “!!!!”

Why didn’t you speak up earlier?!!  Fuck!

Breath caught in her throat, Xia Ge lifted her head to Senior Sister, hoping to communicate her newly-found profound anxiety.  Yet as soon as Xia Ge looked up, she met the gaze of the young lady with the long, red ribbon, deep eyes shining like starlight.

Xia Ge’s mind went blank for a second.

What had she……she had been about to say something……?

Swish, swish, swish——

Apparently, the enemy wasn’t inclined to give them time to chat.  Countless paper needles were raining down from above!

Giggle, giggle, giggle—“Hurry up and die—-”

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“Ah, how good it would feel to kill Danfeng’s great disciple……would certainly be very wonderful.  Brother, brother, let me kill her, alright?”

An artless child’s voice surging with murderous aura!

Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle—-

Gu Peijiu swept out her ayara, the fierce paper blades turned to nothing by the red fabric, strength overcome by softness.

Over the two girls’ heads, the ayara danced in the air, blocking the killing intent of the boy in floating above them.  Feeling faint, Xia Ge’s body fell into a soft embrace.

Gu Peijiu vaulted high into the sky, her ayara swaying.  The night wind stirred about them, and Xia Ge heard a tender voice.

“Xia Wuyin, you’re very brave.”

“I will protect you.”

“We will break through this together.”

No, you don’t understand……that was just false bravado earlier……


If Xia Ge had known there were about a thousand A-rank puppets out there, she would’ve never tried to talk big!

But Senior Sister was clearly paying no mind to Xia Ge’s changed attitude.  She held Xia Ge in her arms, the tenacious ayara wafting about them, a protective barrier against all the paper blades that sought their death—-

Then an abrupt awareness of her circumstances hit Xia Ge.

She was being held by Danfeng’s senior disciple……in a princess carry?

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Crisp sandalwood melded with sweet peach blossom, the chill wind driving the fragrance straight to one’s core, where its warmth made the heart pound.

Xia Ge: “……”

Ah……to die under a peony flower and become a ghost, was it not romantic?!

After all, Senior Sister was an SSS rank great beauty!

Gu Peijiu didn’t know and refrained from guessing at just what the little slickster in her arms was thinking.  Instead she focused on keeping her steps light and quick, rapidly leaving the village.

“Yah……brother, is she seeking death?”  Bairen’s voice tinkled in the night.

The other boy in white didn’t answer, the two simply continuing to pursue Gu Peijiu outside the village.








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Princess carry

To carry another person in one’s arms

公主抱 gōngzhǔbào

to carry sb the way grooms carry brides across the threshold




death under the peony flower and be a ghost

This sentence originally came from “Drunk Xi Shi” by the famous actress of Yuan Dynasty with bead curtain embroidery, and was later included in his masterpiece “The Resurrection of The Peony Pavilion” by Tang Xianzu, a playwright of the Ming Dynasty.

Today, this sentence is more common in the character dialogues of film and television works. From time to time, in the film and television, some people with poor moral character will spontaneously come up with the line “Death under the peony flower, and be a ghost.” The “peony flower” here mostly refers to women, especially beautiful women. Under normal circumstances, it means: to be able to get the love of beautiful women, even if they die for them, they are still satisfied, because they are happy “happy ghosts”!

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