LFTMPH Chapter 24-Executed by Heaven and Destroyed by Earth Part 6

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Translated by Snowfall77


Gu Peijiu remained silent, merely taking white gauze out of one sleeve and using it to bandage Xia Wuyin’s neck.

Until finally being compelled to ask: “Why are you keeping your eyes closed?”

The young man who usually chattered nonstop was now being quiet?

Didn’t even want to tell Gu Peijiu off?

Yet despite asking, Gu Peijiu didn’t really care if she got an answer.

When she’d finishing wrapping the young man’s neck, Gu Peijiu picked Xia Wuyin up.  They’d just been in an emergency situation earlier, and naturally Gu Peijiu hadn’t been able to pay attention, however now she noticed how thin and light Xia Wuyin’s body was.

Not quite skin and bones.  But there really wasn’t much meat.

And now he was injured too.

Gu Peijiu couldn’t help feeling a bit regretful.

—-She’d told Xia Wuyin to remain within the barrier, and he’d obeyed.

He’d followed her orders, he hadn’t moved, and he still got hurt.

The responsibility for that lay solely on her, Gu Peijiu.

She could not shift the blame elsewhere.

“Let’s leave, Xia Wuyin.”  Perhaps out of remorse, Gu Peijiu’s tone softened, like she was cajoling a child, “I’m going to take you away from here.”

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Warm breath, a tender voice.

An embrace that smelled of sandalwood and sweet wine.

An aura of steadiness and security.

—-I’m going to take you away from here.

A light wind brushed against them, a young lady in white with red embroidery holding a young man dressed all in hemp.  The young lady was treading over charred puppet bodies, the scent of burned earth mingling with her crisp sandalwood fragrance, when Xia Ge heard her own voice.

“I heard……if you keep your eyes closed, you won’t see ghosts or evil spirits.”

Obviously, this wasn’t the real reason she was keeping her eyes shut.

Obviously, it was because of {soul capture}.


She’d just wanted to say that.  For some strange reason.

To the person with the warm embrace, Xia Ge had wanted to give a reason.

Even if it was nothing more than a meaningless excuse.

“There are no ghosts,” said Gu Peijiu.

What?  You think if you say there are no ghosts, that means they’ll go away?  Maybe ghosts needed to save face too.

Xia Ge silently disagreed with Gu Peijiu’s statement.

But Gu Peijiu continued: “If there are evil spirits, closing your eyes might cause you even more harm.”

Xia Ge didn’t answer that, only clenching Gu Peijiu’s Danfeng silk dress tighter.

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A cool breeze was blowing in the moonlit night.

“If you want your eyes closed, then keep them closed.”  The soft murmur of the wind mixed with the limpid tones of the young lady’s voice: “You can keep them closed till dawn, the evil spirits won’t hurt you.”

With me here, no evil spirit can touch you.

Xia Ge said nothing, simply leaning her head against Gu Peijiu’s chest.


Sensing nothing amiss, Gu Peijiu flew back to Lingxi with her outer disciple.



Gu Peijiu had already left with Xia Ge by the time Chu Yao made it to the scene of the battle with her sword, only to find nothing but burnt puppet corpses and scattering fire clouds in the sky.

“Tsk-tsk.  Aren’t you a little late?”

The cutting tone turned Chu Yao’s light brown eyes dark.  Ignoring the question, she spotted from the corner of her eye a white blade stuck in the ground.

Brow furrowed, she flicked the blade out of the dirt into her hand with her sword.  Nothing more than a soft long strip of white paper, tail end cut to a sharp point.  Using its own internal force, the blade pulled itself straight in the blink of an eye, both taking and spitting out light.

“The twin brothers of Thousand Souls Sect, Bairen and Bai Luo?”

Chu Yao sneered to herself and the white blade was engulfed by a sudden flame.

“Trash,” she snorted.

‘Executed by heaven and destroyed by earth,’ making the ground spew lava and all hell break loose……it could not have caused by two pieces of trash from the Demon Sect.

The sudden ‘snap’ of a branch cracking underneath a foot.

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“Who’s there?!”

Her long sword flew out, the bleak blade reflecting ice-cold moonlight, and hit the ground next to the source of the sound with a ‘clang.’

Half-hiding behind the sycamore tree at the entrance to the village, a man dressed in hemp shivered in fright.  Thighs shaking, he raised both his hands high: “Heroic lady!  Brave……brave lady, spare my life!  I……I’m from Mojia village……”


Chu Yao lifted a hand and her sword flew back to her through the air.  Casually making a flower shape with her blade, Chu Yao’s eyes were narrowed: “A villager from Mojia?  What are you doing here in the middle of the night?”

“I……I was sent by the village chief, to see…find out what happened……”  He swallowed his saliva, still feeling trepidatious.

A small smile hung on Chu Yao’s lips, her light brown eyes glimmering: “Really?  Why don’t you tell me who it was, the ones who were fighting just recently?”

“It seemed like…people from the Demon Sect were chasing Gu Peijiu from Lingxi Sect……?”  Sensing that Chu Yao didn’t intend to kill him, the man’s words became slower.

Gu Peijiu?

An uncertain light flashed in Chu Yao’s eyes.  Gu Peijiu, Danfeng’s great disciple, hand-picked by the head of Lingxi Sect?  Her?

Glancing sideways at the cracked earth, Chu Yao contemplated the remnants of magma and blazing fire everywhere to be seen, plus the piles of dead puppets.  Under the chilly moonlight, the scene looked like purgatory come to earth.

“Tell me everything you know.”  Chu Yao commanded coldly, the frost of her sword flowing in the sharp night air, “From beginning to end, leaving out no details, tell me everything.”

The man shivered from the murderous qi that emanated, but promptly started speaking: “First, the young lady Gu Peijiu was drinking in Taoyuan Tavern with a short young man wearing a green ribbon……”

Green ribbon……short young man?

—-My name is Xia Ge.

No, enough of that.

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……why did that runty bastard show up everywhere?!

What kind of coincidence was this?!

Chu Yao clenched her sword, collected her thoughts, and focused on listening.

“Then I ran away, and I don’t know what happened after that……”

“I see.”  Chu Yao paused, then: “Go back and tell the other villagers the matter is over.”

Like a man just pardoned, the man started to run back home, but before he could make it even three steps, the stony-faced girl called in a cold voice: “Stop!”

The man stopped, shuddered, and turned his head: “Brave young lady……you……”

Underneath the hazy light of the moon, the girl’s light blue ribbon fluttered in the night breeze: “……the boy with the green ribbon, the one drinking with Gu Peijiu, do you know who he was?”

“Um…”  The man hesitated.


Chu Yao humphed: “I’m simply asking, if you don’t know—-It’s just that he sounded like someone I know.”

“Before I came here, I think I heard the barmaid Mo Quiran saying……”  The man paused, thinking.  “A young man with a green ribbon named ‘Xia Ge’ saved her.  That was probably the same small person who was drinking with Gu Peijiu……But I don’t know if it was the young man you’re thinking of.”

Chu Yao: “……”

……as expected, it had been that damn runt, showing off and acting the hero!



(tn-holy motherforking fudgeballs, this chapter was long.

Thanks to immo for the ko-fi!  I’ll try to post an extra chapter for you, but it might take a while…)

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