Chapter 26-The Amazingly Peerless Divine Dan Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77




The young lady dressed in white and red got up, walked over to Xia Ge, and picked up the thrown-aside Danshu, using her slender white fingers to flip to the ‘Bigu dan’ page: “Which one?”

That crisp sandalwood scent wafted in the air, and Xia Ge’s face stayed flushed.  Begrudgingly, she pointed to the character 啠below 木.

Gu Peijiu’s voice rang clear as she pronounced the two characters, “Zhe wood.”

The cool sandalwood fragrance of the young lady by Xia Ge’s side was strangely comforting.

Embarrassed, Xia Ge scratched her head: “Oh, zhe, zhe wood, now I recognize it……”

The system icily snarked: [Aiyo…Ah Yes, Zhe Wood.  My, My, What An Outstanding Student.]

Xia Ge: “……”

Seriously……could she just uninstall this trash system?

Gu Peijiu asked: “Any others?”

Xia Ge pointed to the characters 蚧子: “……this.”

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“蚧 is ‘jie.’”

Character by character, Gu Peijiu helped Xia Ge through the whole list of materials.  When she’d made sure Xia Ge could read them by herself, Gu Peijiu handed the Danshu back to Xia Ge, saying temperately: “Stay here and keep reading.  No running around while I’m out getting materials.”

After issuing those instructions, Gu Peijiu departed the pavilion. Xia Ge sat, holding the Danshu and watching the young lady’s slender back retreat from sight, feeling that life had become meaningless.

…… the sheer shame of it.

Living as long as she had, only to have to be taught how to read by a 16-year-old girl.

Taking a gander around the pavilion, Xia Ge found she was the only person there.  Senior Sister was Danfeng’s great disciple and if she had ordered that there be no idlers at Suxi Pavilion, then it would be so.

Ah, the privileges of having power.

Xia Ge went ‘tsk-tsk-tsk’ and heaved a few sorrowful sighs before naturally tossing the Danshu aside once again.  Never mind all those unfamiliar, rare characters.  She wasn’t stupid.  Going through them once should be all she’d need to remember them.

So, instead of studying, she took out some hawthorn and unripe mulberries she found earlier.  Eying the green hawthorn, Xia Ge decided on trying a mulberry.

System: [……That Doesn’t Look Ready To Eat.]

Brave Xia Ge tossed in her mouth anyways, telling the system: “Oh, it’s not, but I can’t eat the hawthorn, needs more time to ripen.  Mmm, this mulberry is tart……”

System: [The Hawthorn Is Too Green, Right?]

Xia Ge: “……I only found those few red ones……”
And she’d thrown those to Senior Sister.  And what reaction had Senior Sister given her?  None.

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Calling upon past unpleasant experiences with its host, the system groaned in contempt: [If You’re Not Busy Trying To Ingratiate Yourself With Someone, You’re Busy Cheating Or Stealing.]

Deeply wronged, Xia Ge retorted: “How could you say such a thing?  I was sincerely trying to show Senior Sister my gratitude.”

Not paying attention while she was talking, Xia Ge popped a hawthorn instead of a mulberry into her mouth.  The bulk seemed wrong, but she bit into it out of habit.


Xia Ge spat it out with a ‘pfff’, practically jumping three feet high in her disgust: “Fuck, fuck, it’s so fucking sour—my teeth are gonna fall out, fuck—–”

System: [……]

Generally speaking, the system should have felt a modicum of sympathy, yet somehow it just couldn’t summon it up……

Xia Ge found a cup of water and rinsed out her mouth, after which she regarded the fruit she’d gathered with despair: “Why does it have to taste so motherfucking awful……”

“If it’s that bad, throw them away.”

The second Xia Ge heard that voice, she instinctually shoved the fruit in her hand into her jacket.  Then she grabbed the Danshu and flipped it open, frantically trying to give the impression of a conscientious student: “Haha, Senior Sister, I’ve been busy reading……you’re back so soon?”

The young lady in white and red carried a basket, its contents covered with a white cloth, as she quietly gazed at Xia Ge with clear, cold eyes.

Then a green hawthorn rolled out Xia Ge’s jacket onto the wooden floor, merrily bouncing along until it came to a stop at Gu Peijiu’s feet.

Xia Ge’s smile grew rather stiff.

And the air suddenly became a bit stifling.

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Gu Peijiu put the basket down on a mahogany table.  Stooping down, she picked the green hawthorn up off the ground, frowned at it, and next the bulging front of Xia Ge’s jacket: “Throw them away.”


Wrapping her arms about the trunk of her body, Xia Ge pretended not to hear: “Eh?  Did Senior Sister bring back some materials?”

Silent for a moment, Gu Peijiu held in her hand the hawthorn that still retained Xia Ge’s body heat.  Countenance unchanged, Gu Peijiu next tucked the hawthorn into her sleeve, gave a ‘hmm,’ and pulled the cloth in the basket aside.

Xia Ge immediately peered into the basket to find out what was in there, and was quite surprised to see five or six fresh steamed buns.  Freed of the white cloth, their delicious aroma drifted in the air, making Xia Ge’s eyes glow.

“It was my oversight, I should have remembered that you hadn’t eaten yet.”

Gu Peijiu considered the young man, clinging to his unripe fruit and refusing to let it go, appearing very thin in his cheap hemp, and an unwelcome feeling rippling through her heart.

If……he wore Danfeng’s inner disciple clothes, the youngster would surely look much better.

Too thin.

“Throw them away.”

Pushing down the emotion rising in her chest, Gu Peijiu’s expression remained untouched, her voice nonchalant: “Throw those berries away and come and eat.”

Ah, it was always the big shots who provided the food!

Choosing to follow good advice, Xia Ge tossed the fruit in a wastebasket, though still holding onto the Danshu, and was by Gu Peijiu’s side in an instant: “Thank you, Senior Sister!”

“Xia Wuyin, don’t pick unripe fruit.”  Recollecting the blazing red hawthorn she’d held in her palm earlier, Gu Peijiu eyed the youngster nibbling away a bun, “……if you’re hungry, you need to speak up.”


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蚧子  jiè zǐ

蚧  jiè       scale

子   zǐ       son / child / seed / egg / small thing

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