Chapter 30-Flowing Silver Under the Moonlight Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77




Completely unconcerned about her depressed system, Xia Ge finally got back to her hut after night had fallen.  The village was already hushed, lights dimmed.

There was no curfew for the small village, but Lingxi people were very disciplined with their schedule.  Work began at sunrise and ended at sunset.  After a busy day came the nighttime calm.

Outside her own hut, Xia Ge glanced next door.  Ye Ze’s door was securely closed, and no flickering light showed through the windows.  It looked like Ye Ze hadn’t come back.


Stroking her chin, Xia Ge mumbled: “I’m surprised he isn’t home.”

System: [Very Good.]

Xia Ge: “What are you afraid of?  My Mary Sue dan are already gone.”

The system’s tone was a little cold: [Didn’t You Call Them Mary Sue Invincible Rejuvenation Dan?]

Xia Ge: “……little puppet is correct, little puppet is very smart.”

System: [……]  Go die.

Xia Ge: “Ai, it’s not very often that I actually want to talk Ye Ze about refining dan.  But he hasn’t come back, so forget it.”

In truth, Xia Ge actually was frustrated at not being able to quiz Ye Ze on his liandan experience.

System: [Hehe.  You’ll Have To Let It Go For Now.]

Expression unchanged, Xia Ge opened her front door: “Recently, perhaps because of Senior Sister’s influence, I’ve been thinking that maybe I should start studying seriously.  It’s been on my mind day and night.”

System: [……]

Suddenly there was nothing for the system to ridicule.  It felt ready to fly up to Buddha.

Xia Ge lit a candle and gave a quick glance to the glistening black sickle in the corner, sinking into contemplation after.

“Little puppet.”

Reluctant to answer, the system forced itself to go: [……Hmmm?]

“Do you sell anything that can shrink stuff?”

The system gave a gentle reminder: [Host, You Can Barely Afford Sanitary Napkins.]

Xia Ge: “Oh, shut it.  Do you have something like that or not?”

System: [Yes.]

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Xia Ge: “Show me what I can afford, thanks.”

System: [……]

Xia Ge opened the Points Mall, and the system ranked the items that could ‘shrink stuff’ at the top.

First up was Shrink Potion.  Painting it on an item would shrink the item, however said item could not then be restored to its original state.  Xia Ge: “……PASS.”

Nest was a Compression Capsule.  For one-time use, it would compress any item into a small capsule.  The disadvantage being that the capsule would very small and easy to lose.  The system added: [Its Diameter Would 3 Millimeters.]

Xia Ge: “……what kind of thing is only 3 millimeters?”

System: [You Cannot Afford The 3 Centimeter One.]

Appalled by the system’s unfeelingly blunt reply, Xia Ge shook her head.  Then at the end of the row, Xia Ge’s eyes were caught by some particularly conspicuous bold red letters—–

[Cubic Tail Ring!  Daily Special!  Two Full Cubic Meters Of Space, Because You Deserve It!]

Eyes lighting up, Xia Ge declared: “That actually looks good!”

System: [That Thing……]

Xia Ge smacked a fist into her palm: “That’s what I want!”

System: [Wait……]

[Ding!  Congratulations To The Host For Obtaining The Cubic Tail Ring For 15 Points!]

Two cubic meters of space?!  What was lacking?!

Buy, buy, buy!

The next second, a slight breeze blew through the room.  Translucent, beautifully sparkling lights floated in the air, forming a tiny whirling tornado.  At the center of the tornado gleamed a fine silver tail ring, its beauty like stolen moonlight.

[Your Two Cubic Meters Of Space-Cubic Tail Ring Has Been Delivered, With Additional Tornado Teleportation Effects!]

Stretching out a hand, Xia Ge plucked the ring from the special-effect tornado.  It glistened silvery-white in her palm, ice-cold to the touch.

“It’s very pretty.”

The shining ring reflected in her black pupils as the ring’s data rapidly unfurled in her mind.

[Flowing Silver.]

[Efficacy: Two Cubic Meters Of Storage Space.]

[Additional Efficacy: Automatic Invisibility, Will Not Be Detected By Others. (Effect Can Be Lifted.)]

[Defects: Occasional Failure To Retrieve Items.]  (In bright-red bold characters.)

Xia Ge stared at that big red text for a long time.

The system coughed delicately: [I Suggested You Wait……]

Xia Ge: “……”

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The system attempted to be comforting: [It’s Alright, Cheap Items Are Not Good, Good Items Are Not Cheap……]

Xia Ge: “……”  Just shut the fuck up, please.

But the system persevered: [Daily Specials Of The Points Mall Are Still Items Of High Standard……]

Going ‘hehe,’ Xia Ge was about to express the depths of her disdain, when she glanced again at the pit-digging Shrink Potion, the junk Compression Capsule, and some other no-doubt fraudulent goods listed, and paused.

……let it go, it wasn’t a ‘pit-daddy.’

Xia Ge consoled herself that 15 sanitary napkins was definitely a fair price for such a beautiful item.

Putting the ring on her right-hand pinkie finger, Xia Ge admired the way it glowed like quicksilver in the moonlight.

Then she touched the gleaming, ice-cold blade of the black sickle, her ring flashed with a faint light, and the sickle suddenly vanished without a trace.

At a light wave of her hand, the ring flashed its silver light again.  The next second, Xia Ge held the black sickle in her hand.  The sickle’s end-chain swayed, the blade as hooked and sharp as ever.  Flickering candlelight cast the shadow of Xia Ge holding the sickle against the wall.  The contrast between the slender figure and the huge sickle was striking, like a little grim reaper out to harvest souls in the night.

The system spoke hesitantly: [Host, An Outstanding Puppet Master Wouldn’t Use A Puppet’s Weapon……]

Xia Ge swirled the sickle around in both hands, trying to be slick, until there came a great crashing sound.  The handle of the sickle snapped, breaking into three pieces.  Though each section was still connected by black chains that clanked with Xia Ge’s every movement.


Shaking her head, Xia Ge sighed: “Personally, I think if you want to be an outstanding puppet master, you should first learn how to be an excellent puppet.”

System: [???]

Looking at the sickle in her hand, Xia Ge gave a little laugh: “Those demon puppets don’t understand the weapons they hold, and the puppet masters controlling them, well, their technique is very sloppy.”

System: [……]

Unexpectedly, there were no grounds to refute that.

After a brief moment of pondering, the system spoke from experience: [Back When Puppet Masters Were Prevalent, There Was A Type Of Puppet Master Called A ‘Mohua’ Puppet Master.  It Was The Mohua Puppet Masters Who Specialized In Controlling Demon Puppets.]

[Demon Puppets Potentially Have Great Attacking Power, However They Are Very Difficult To Manipulate.  Furthermore, At That Time, A Demon Puppet Was Only Considered Destroyed If It Was Laid To Rest In The Ground.  So Mohua Puppet Masters Were Particularly Held In Contempt.]

[But Someone Who Could Become A Mohua Puppet Master Was Naturally Very Powerful.]

Xia Ge slightly raised an eyebrow, then put the sickle back into her silver ring while asking nonchalantly: “That amazing puppet master you spoke of before, were they also a Mohua puppet master?”

The system maintained a rare silence.

“If you don’t want to say, it’s alright.  I don’t need to know.”  Xia Ge shrugged.

[……It’s Nothing.]  The system paused for a second before changing the subject, [Flowing Silver Is One Of The More Beautiful Special Rings, And I Made Sure To Have The Price Marked Down Just For You.]

“Aiya, so that discount was thanks to little puppet?”  Xia Ge grinned, “I knew little puppet was the best for me.”

[Humph!  I Only Made It A Little Cheaper, That’s All.]

Despite what it said, the system felt a little cheerier.  Apparently its host still knew how to speak humanely.

The very next second……

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Glancing at the pretty silver ring on her thin finger, Xia Ge blithely commented: “This ring has its practical use, and it’s very nice-looking, but it’s also too showy.”

System: [……]  Can’t you let me be happy for more than 3 fucking seconds?!

[Host, You’re A Young Lady!  A Girl, A Girl, Please Understand That You’re A Young Girl!]

Xia Ge answered half-heartedly: “A girl, a girl, yes, I’m a girl, a young lady, the best and prettiest little young lady ever.”

System: [……]

“Good, good, this beautiful young lady is going to get ready for bed now.”

Unwrapping the bandages around her neck and hand, Xia Ge examined her neck in the blurry copper mirror.  The cut wasn’t very deep and had already scabbed over, but she’d still have to keep it dry.  Perhaps youngsters mended quickly.  The wound on her hand was already half-healed, although she had to be careful not to touch it, otherwise it would ache something dreadful.

Carefully avoiding it, Xia Ge took off her ring, threw it on the small table, and conscientiously washed up.  Scrubbing her face, Xia Ge noticed moonlight sneaking in through her damaged window.  The moonlight shone on the fine ring, making it glisten brightly, as lovely as a dream.

—–Flowing silver.

As beautiful as its name.

Xia Ge put her towel aside, and picking up the ring, put it back on her little finger.  Then her system’s words came back to her mind……

—–You’re a young girl.

Maybe it was easier, in the dead of night, to rouse the demons sleeping in the depths of a person’s heart.

Suddenly Xia Ge couldn’t even name what she was feeling.

She’d almost forgotten.

Back then……she’d been a beautiful little girl, one who set a great deal of store by her appearance.

She’d pull at her parents’ sleeves, act spoiled, be a crybaby over any little thing……and be happy for a long time after catching sight of anything beautiful.

When……when had things changed?

Between the illumination of the moonbeams trickling through the window and the warm glow of the flickering candle, the hut’s interior was warm and bright.

She’d become reckless.  Desperate.

Surviving no matter what.

Like a red-eyed beast.

Because, when it was all said and done……life and death, hunger…they didn’t care if you were a little girl or not.  There was only the cut of the sharp blade, naked reality laying exposed.

……let it be forgotten.

Blowing out her candle, Xia Ge got into bed, curled up in her blanket, and whispered to herself: “……just for a night, I’ll be a little girl.”

If there was no one to dote on you, you had to dote on yourself.

She’d buy some candied hawthorn tomorrow.  That’d be nice.

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The moonlight was like silent, still water, and hiding under her warm blanket, Xia Ge’s eyes slowly closed.

Much later……

The system’s voice was soft and faint.

[Sweet Dreams, Little Girl.]











魔   mó    化huā

魔化—enchantment; Demon Reform



the reverse of one’s expectation; be cheated; high


pit father 坑爹

Pit father, a catchphrase on the Internet, literally means the behavior of cheating father, making father embarrassed. After being widely used, it has been extended to mean “pit people”, “how could this happen”, etc., and is used to describe a situation that is very different from the original idea. Often used for sarcasm, ridicule, or dissatisfaction. [1]

The term first appeared in the online game World of Warcraft .

In 2012, before the release of the Wrath of the Lich King version of “World of Warcraft”, due to a certain game loophole, when the new version was not opened and the level cap was not unlocked to level 80, a player surpassed the game’s highest level through a game loophole. Level (70) and upgrade to level 71 is famous in the whole game, and the game ID of this player is “Dad this is”. In addition, the word pit father is full of ridicule, and it immediately became popular in major forums. [2]

Literally, it means cheating on the father’s behavior and embarrassing the father. After being widely used, it has been extended to mean “pit people”, “how could this happen”, etc., and is used to describe a situation that is very different from the original idea. Often used for sarcasm, ridicule, or dissatisfaction. [1]

“Pit father” can also mean “pit me”, because the meaning of “father” here can also mean “me”.

Pit father = creative and unexpected. For example: This ad is so stupid, haha! Pit father = talented. For example: I’m going, it’s too stupid! Technology changes the world! Pit father = dissatisfaction. For example: Oh, you are such a fool! Neither will it.

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