Chapter 35-Seeing a Deer in the Deep Forest Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77



“Ah, this sickle is so sharp!”

Xia Ge smacked her lips.  Felling that fir tree had been like slicing tofu…a very pleasurable sensation!

System: [……]  Is that what you should be focusing on right now?

Current events as they were, Xia Ge really didn’t have time for superfluous feelings.  For dark shadows had evaded the falling trees with disturbing agility, still relentlessly advancing towards Xia Ge!

The demonic qi of the back mountain started to restlessly stir, a cold wind whistling through the trees!

Gripping the sickle with both hands, Xia Ge extended it out, and with a mighty clatter, the handle split into three chain-connected segments.  Xia Ge held on to the middle segment, sending the tail end flying straight behind her shoulders.  There came a squealing sound, and judging by the distinct vibrations, her sickle had hit metal.

Xia Ge curled up her body like a ball, her grasp jumping to the top segment of the handle.  Making a sudden kick back, she used the force to make a 360 degree rotation in mid-air, and the huge sickle blade cleaved through the shadow behind her from top to bottom, followed an agonized scream.  The attacking black shadow had been slain by the sickle!

—–Though there was no blood.

Moonlight filtered through the dense forest, dimly reflecting on a green-ribboned youth holding the three-sectioned handle of a sickle, eyes gleaming coldly.  Xia Ge’s feet hit the ground, the shadow she’d split in half also falling down with two muffled plops.  The other shadows, perhaps frightened by the efficiency of the first shadow’s demise, receded back into secretive darkness, and there was no more movement.

With a couple of clangs, Xia Ge restored the sickle’s handle back to its original state.  Then she stepped forward without looking and her foot landed on something odd.  Glancing down, Xia Ge found that she’d trod on half a mask.

Made out of bronze, its divided expression was extremely malevolent, with a partially hollowed out eye and the mouth stretched wide with a blood-red smile, showing sharp fangs.

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The cut was very smooth and clean, and Xia Ge took a second to laud herself on her handiwork.

Then her movements stopped.

Demon puppet?

Those had been demon puppets just a moment ago?

Only a demon puppet would cover its face with a mask.

……so that others could not see what they’d looked like when still alive.

And now that they’d been scared off, it was—–

It was time to book it!!!

Yet Xia Ge didn’t have time to take one step before—–

“Oo, oo……”

That eerie cry……

Xia Ge’s hands clenched on the sickle handle!

System: [Host……I Think You’re About To Meet Your Downfall.]

Xia Ge: “Hey doomsayer, would it kill you to say something good for a change?”

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The next second came several wild roars, and puppets bigger than before suddenly encircled Xia Ge—so fast Xia Ge hadn’t even been able to register them!

“So many demon puppets on the back mountain, how unexpected……”  Xia Ge’s eyes flashed with a green light, {puppet reconnaissance} launched.

[Guardian (Demonized)

Rank: C

Status: (Controlled)

Explanation: Originally An Ordinary Guardian Puppet, However Due To The Loss Of Its Object Of Protection, Eventually Became Demonized.]

Well, C rank puppets were the same level as the puppets that had attacked in Mojia, but Xia Ge couldn’t see what weapons these puppets had—-

Wait a second!


These puppets were in a controlled state?  Who?  Who was controlling them?

“Oo, oo……”

As if to answer Xia Ge’s question, there rang out that strange cry again.

That sound?

It was that voice that was—–

The demon puppets surrounding Xia Ge moved.

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Her grip squeezing even tighter on her sickle’s handle, Xia Ge’s black eyes now flashed deep violet.

{soul capture}.

Yet to Xia Ge’s surprise, the puppets didn’t attack.  Instead they took a small step back, slightly giving way.

Eyes flashing again, {ghost and shadow} restarted, Xia Ge made to withdraw.  But the next second, a demon puppet suddenly appeared, the eye sockets within the devilish mask burning with blue spirit flames, blocking Xia Ge in the blink of an eye!

Xia Ge made a backhanded swing of the sickle!


Sparks flew, and Xia Ge opened her eyes wide.  With only one iron-strong arm outstretched, the demon puppet held the blade of the sickle in place!

{puppet reconnaissance}!

[Guardian (Demonized)

Rank: A

Status: (Controlled)]

“Fuck off!”  Xia Ge glared into the blue spirit orbs with her own deep violet eyes, resolutely exerting force on the sickle blade, “I said——fuck off!!”


More sparks erupted and the puppet arm that’d barred the sickle blade was sliced off!!  The blue flames within the mask flickered, then like an instant infection, turned deep violet.  Black hair fluttering in the night breeze, Xia Ge hooked her blade around the demon puppet’s steel neck and ferociously flung it into the center of the circle of the other puppets—-

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“I order you, stall them for me!!”


About to retreat using {ghost and shadow}, Xia Ge glanced back, catching sight of something subtly gleaming down on the ground, right next to the Rank A puppet missing an arm.

Reflecting cold moonlight, the gleaming thing also had the soft color of jade.

Wait a second!

Eyes bulging, Xia Ge patted at her waist…nothing……


The demon puppets weren’t advancing on her.

She could escape right now.

—–“Xia Wuyin, I can only help you this far.”

Xia Ge’s pupils shrank a little.

The next moment, the youth with the green ribbon was back in the center of the demon puppets.  But before Xia Ge could pick up Guilongyu and get the hell outta there, there came another: “Oo, oo.”  Although this time it was accompanied by the sound of light hooves walking on the ground.

What, exactly, was that sound?!

Instead of making a move to attack, the surrounding demon puppets silently retreated a pace.

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