Chapter 38-My Name Is Lei Feng Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77

“……you say you’re from Mojia village?  What’s your name?”  Xia Ge’s grip on her sickle was unsteady, making the blade slightly shaky, “Who do you know from there?  Who knows you?”

The beauty regarded Xia Ge with gleaming, emotional eyes, her tone of one who’s been dreadfully wronged: “This servant’s name is Ah Tang.  I was to become a married woman in Mojia, and my hometown is Taohuawu.   When my parents became outer disciples of Lingxi Sect, they moved to Mojia……

“So who do you know?”

“Since childhood I’ve stayed at home, not stepping foot outside.”  Seeing Xia Ge’s disbelief writ plain on her face, Ah Tang dithered before adding: “One person I do know……Mo Quiran, a barmaid at Taoyuan Tavern.”

……Mo Quiran?

Very startled, Xia Ge gaped at Ah Tang.

“This servant is truly not a ghost or a bad spirit……young man, I have been here for two days without a drop of water.”

Fresh tears spilled from Ah Tang’s eyes as she cried: “This servant fears she will never see Master Ji again……young man, if you manage to make it out of here, please bring a message to Master Ji.  Tell him that Ah Tang will always remember him, even if she does become a ghost.”

Wah, wah, waaa……

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Who the hell was Master Ji?  The supposed groom?

Xia Ge didn’t mince her words: “Well, if you do become a ghost……I don’t think he’s really going to want you to remember him.”

Ah Tang’s sobbing intensified.  Like a pear blossom bathed in the rain, the weeping beauty appeared to be even sadder than before.

System: [Would It Kill You To Speak Nicely?]

Xia Ge: “……”

Wah, waaah, waaaaaaaa……

The beauty dressed in red covered her mouth with a sleeve as she wept, seemingly heartbroken.  Although before she did so, Xia Ge noticed the beauty’s chapped lips and wan complexion.  Remaining cautious, Xia Ge finally whispered to the system: “Fine, I’ll be gentler……if she was a ghost, her lips wouldn’t be so dry and cracked, right?”

Ah Tang: “……”

System: [……No.]  But I think she heard you.

Ah Tang smiled tremulously, face pale, eyes brimming over with tears: “The young sir likes to joke……”

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“I’m not making a joke……anyways, you’re clearly not a ghost.”  Xia Ge slung the sickle over her back, covered her hands with her sleeves, and acted like she was taking something out of one, when she was actually retrieving a Bigu dan from her silver ring.

The golden Bigu dan.

Then, still maintaining the physical distance between them, Xia Ge tossed the dan to the crying beauty, saying: “This is a Bigu dan, eat it and you won’t feel hungry anymore.”


The dan made a dazzling golden arc through the air.  With a swish of her sleeve, Ah Tang reached out her slender jade fingers, stained with cinnabar, and caught the dan, all her movements graceful as a swan.

Xia Ge noted the elegance and the speed, yet acted as if she’d seen nothing.

Clutching the dan, Ah Tang’s expression turned awkward: “The young man has given me this golden dan, what can I do for him in return?”


Don’t worry about it, lady.  Something that’ll make you feel not hungry for a year is something awful.

Pasting on a false smile, Xia Ge replied: “I’m not hungry right now, besides it’s best that the young lady eats first.”

“Oh……thank you, young sir.”  Ah Tang gave a slightly apologetic smile, then sensuously extended her small tongue, about to softly place the dan in her mouth, looking devilishly beautiful as she did so.

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As a woman, Xia Ge generally considered herself a good judge of other women……

It would be any young master’s good fortune to be married to such a beauty.

However, before Xia Ge could sort through her true feelings, there came an unexpected upheaval in the stone chamber!  The night pearls’ radiance wildly amplified, as innumerable black vines suddenly burst from the walls, viciously darting towards Xia Ge!

Xia Ge’s body trembled from the shock, yet she recovered almost immediately.  Narrowing her eyes, she swung her sickle, ruthlessly slicing through the vines stretching towards her!  Hearing a terrified scream as she cut a thorny vine in two, Xia Ge glanced over.  Her pupils contracted to find that the dense, sharply-thorned vines had already ensnared Ah Tang, raising her high and holding her against the wall!  The golden dan inadvertently rolled to the ground and Ah Tang’s eyes were wide: “Young sir, the dan…aaaaaa……”

Thorns had gouged themselves into the beauty’s delicate snowy skin, bright red blood flowing, staining the scarlet of her dress even darker!

As the metallic stench of blood filled the air, Xia Ge’s pupils shrank even more!

It didn’t matter who the beauty was—–

If a person bled, then they weren’t a ghost!!


Chest tightening, Xia Ge watched as black thorny vines just kept violently bursting from the floor, the bloody reek just getting stronger and stronger.  Xia Ge clenched her jaw: “Lady……please try to hold on !!”

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“Young sir……don’t concern yourself over this unworthy servant.”

Her blood soaked dress clung to her body, blood dripped from one corner of her mouth, and Ah Tang’s long eyelashes fluttered faintly like butterfly wings: “……young sir, if you make it out……you must give a message to Master Ji……Ah Tang……likes Master Ji very much……want to……become a ghost, don’t want to leave him……not like……”

The black vines were still in a frantic dance of extending and drawing back.

“Not being able to be his wife……is the greatest regret of Ah Tang’s life……”

“If I can’t be his wife in this life……maybe in the next life……”

“Fuck the next life!  There is no afterlife, that’s just a bunch of bullshit, and this young sir doesn’t believe in it!  If Ah Tang likes Master Ji so much, just stay alive!”

Flying this way and that, the blade of Xia Ge’s sickle carved through vines, {ghost and shadow} launched yet again.  The layers upon layers of thorny vines were like crisp white paper to the sickle, while Xia Ge’s black hair wafted unrestrained—–

“When people die, they’re like a lamp extinguished—-even if there is another life, you won’t remember him anymore!   Such maudlin words—-you want him to know, tell him in person!!!”

If you couldn’t hold onto your happiness in the present, what was the point of placing your hope in an imaginary afterlife?

Lei Feng (1940-1962), made into a model of altruism and dedication to the Party by propaganda from 1963 onwards

Lei Feng’s greatest influence on later generations is the spirit of Lei Feng named after him . The spirit of Lei Feng is the spirit of selfless dedication to fight for communism; the spirit of dedication to the party and the people, self-denial and selfless dedication to the public

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