Chapter 41-Exposed Identity Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77



Ignoring her exhaustion, Xia Ge just kept fighting.

Although she felt like she’d almost become an automaton.

Unfortunately she couldn’t use {soul capture} on these demon puppets from the array because they no longer had a soul, and becoming demonized had only strengthened their physical bodies.

They operated completely mechanically.

So, in order for Xia Ge to defeat them, outside of destroying the array, she had to keep fighting the puppets until their spiritual power was exhausted.

Keep going, keep going……

[……Host, You’ve Been Battling These Demon Puppets For A Whole Day!]

The system was very agitated: [There Are Too Many!!]

But Xia Ge didn’t feel weary, no, she really wasn’t tired at all.

Having eaten her Xue Bigu dan, Xia Ge’s body hummed along like clockwork, full of excited energy, operating at an incredible physical state.  Therefore, she wasn’t fatigued—she was very annoyed.

She had cut the floor’s array off from feeding more power to the demon puppets, yet because of the earlier berserk waves of spiritual energy, the puppets had already received more than enough strength.  And meanwhile, the black vines were still as poisonous as ever.  Whenever Xia Ge tried to hack a night pearl off the chamber wall, innumerable black vines would rush over to protect it.

Very annoyed and very worried.

Very, very worried.

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Ah Tang remained held aloft by poisonous black vines, and Xia Ge didn’t even know if the beauty was alive or dead.  Unable to rescue Ah Tang, Xia Ge was kept busy with combat.

“……I must……break through.”

Ruthlessly slashing at the head of an attacking puppet, Xia Ge leapt into the air, using a whirlwind kick to a puppet that’d been sneaking up behind her to increase her velocity.  However countless black vines immediately rushed to attack, blocking her from getting any closer to Ah Tang——

Xia Ge knew she could not afford to get poisoned or injured.

She had to stay in peak physical condition and not suffer any mishaps.  It was her only hope of winning against such a horde of demon puppets.  But if she got poisoned……

The puppets weren’t going to get miraculously worn out, and Xia Ge had only attained her current state thanks to her Xue Bigu dan, the effect of which would last a mere 3 days.

If Xia Ge got poisoned by the vines, all Ah Tang and she would be able to do was wait for death.

Therefore Xia Ge had been choosing her tactics based on surety of success, those that would allow her to kill the most enemies without getting hurt herself.

Yet because of that, the situation was moving far too slow.

She could kill a lot of demon puppets that way she was currently going about it.  The disadvantage being that it was taking too much time and effort.  And those nasty black vines kept obstructing her from getting any closer to Ah Tang or the night pearls.

Furthermore, she only had……one day left.

The greater part of the demon puppets were slain.  Maybe now was the moment to take a gamble!

Xia Ge glared at the black vines rushing towards her, a sharp light flashing through her eyes.  Instead of retreating, she advanced!

Stunned, the system spoke urgently: [Host!  What Are You Doing?!  The Vines Are Poisonous, Retreat!!!]

Ignoring the system, Xia Ge kept her attention on the sharp thorns about to pierce her skin.  In a split second, the black sickle erupted with a pure light, the blade soundlessly moving with roiling killing intent, yet somehow making no stir in the air.


In the wink of an eye, the attacking vines broke into countless pieces.  While the system was rendered dumbstruck——the blade had been so swift!

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But in the next moment, chunks of Xia Ge’s black clothes also fell to the floor, made into rags by the vines’ attack, revealing parts of her snow-white undergarment.  Also exposed were her slender shoulders and arms, the skin covered with endless scratches from the black vines!

“……little puppet.”  Xia Ge softly landed on the head of a vanquished demon puppet, then immediately leapt towards a wall, trying to destroy a night pearl!  More black vines assailing her, Xia Ge used the sickle to slice through the thorny mass, her stance of one engaged in a death match!

[Host!!!]  The system’s tone was urgent: [If You Go On Like This, You’ll Be Poisoned To Death!!!]

“——gotta destroy the old to build the new.”

Black sickle weaving deadly arcs midair, Xia Ge’s voice was hoarse above the howling of the demon puppets: “Sometimes I……really don’t like things, that’s why I always leave myself a way out.”

Outside this blasted tomb, the Jianfeng entry competition would currently be taking place.

And that meant tomorrow would Danfeng’s entry examination.

Xia Ge had just claimed to invariably have a path of retreat, but the truth of her present situation was—there was no way back.

The system found itself temporarily at a loss for words.

Having given the gold Bigu dan that lasted a year to Ah Tang, Xia Ge had left herself only the Xue Bigu dan that lasted for 3 days.

The system abruptly reconsidered the very recent past.

——The whole time, Xia Ge had actually been quite clear-headed.

Not just clear-headed, but a little scary too.

She’d kept in mind that the Danfeng entry examination was imminent and had known she was running out of time.

By unhesitantly giving the golden dan to Ah Tang, Xia Ge must have resolved that keeping it for herself would simply be a cowardly form of avoidance.



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TN-the literal translation of the chapter title would be ‘Tear the Vest’ or ‘Torn Vest’

Vest, Internet term, from the 2000 Zhao Benshan sketch ” Hourly Worker “. Network means that when more than 2 (including 2) IDs are registered in the same forum and used at the same time, the commonly used or well-known ID is generally called the main ID, and the other IDs are called vest IDs, or vests for short.

Vests refer to registered members who have registered other names, and these names are collectively referred to as Vests. [1]

In the Internet, on forums, vests generally refer to different IDs of the same IP address. In order to prevent people who know you from guessing, the other name registered in addition to the commonly used user name is called wearing a vest. General forums explicitly prohibit the use of vests to make trouble. Privileged classes such as administrators can find your IP and block it, but if you are a dynamic IP or use a proxy, it is difficult to block your IP. “Substitute” is one of its extended meanings.

Based on the virtuality of the Internet and the multi-faceted nature of human characters, the vest is a ubiquitous and unavoidable phenomenon in the virtual society of the Internet . The existence of the vest makes the network closer to human nature and more attractive than the real society.

1 Exposure vest: Refers to the vest that most ordinary netizens know whose main ID is. Exposure vests are further divided into active exposure vests and passive exposure vests. The former is voluntarily declared by the main ID. For example, because the main ID is stolen, blocked, forgot the password, or purely for entertainment, a new vest is registered; the latter is mostly used improperly. Not recognized or defaulted.

2 Restricted exposure vest: refers to the vest that is exposed in a specific circle but not known to the majority of ordinary netizens. This kind of vest is more suitable for developing gang teams, uniting one’s own people, and combating dissidents.

3 Suspected vest: Refers to the ID that is suspected by most ordinary netizens as the vest of a certain main ID but cannot be verified. If this kind of ID is scientifically rigorous, it cannot be called a waistcoat, but it can still be called a waistcoat from the point of view of troublemakers without wind and waves.

4 Private vest: refers to the vest whose main ID is temporarily unknown to the user except the user himself.

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