LFTMPH Chapter 56-Working Hard Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77




Faced with her biggest crisis since she’d transmigrated to this godforsaken world, Xia Ge didn’t know what to do.

If she couldn’t make her long story short, what was she supposed to say?  It wasn’t like she could tell the unvarnished truth.

But the senior disciple of Danfeng was not someone who’d be easily fooled, was she?  It’d only take Xia Ge saying one wrong thing and she’d be out in the cold like that.

Gu Peijiu: “Your pain is suddenly gone, correct? So tell me.”

“Aaaahh……my head is hurting really bad!”

Xia Ge covered her head with her hands, whinging like an overwrought bird: “I don’t know why, my head just now started hurting again……oh, oh, it hurts very much.”

Gu Peijiu regarded Xia Ge in stony silence.

The sun was sinking into the west and, oh my, was Senior Sister’s expression frosty.

As the deadly quiet continued for about 2 minutes, neither party budged an inch. Until finally Xia Ge had to give up.

Shoulders slumping, head drooping, Xia made another plea: “Could you not feel a little distress for your grievously injured disciple, one who’s still enduring great pain?”

“Ha.”  Distress?

You don’t seem to value yourself much, yet you want others to care?

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Gu Peijiu’s smile was both ambiguous and ice-cold.

Was that why the air suddenly turned so freezing?

Xia Ge gulped, smiling insipidly in turn, although not daring to quite look Senior Sister in the eye.

Really……if you don’t feel sympathetic, you don’t feel sympathetic.  Not need to make the mood so awkward……

Another minute crawled by before Gu Peijiu callously asked: “Nothing else to say?”

Her tone so frosty that she was practically spitting ice shards.

Every other way appearing to be blocked, Xia Ge decided to barrel on straight ahead in hopes of the most gain: “If I tell you……will you return my possessions?”

“I mean,” Xia Ge cautiously stroked the tiger’s beard, “The jade dragon with the missing corner……”

Jade dragon with a missing corner……the jade dragon Gu Peijiu had found on the back mountain.

Gu Peijiu considered.  Was this Xia Wuyin admitting again that she’d gone to the back mountain?

The corners of Gu Peijiu’s lips curled up infinitesimally.

Seeing that Senior Sister was not saying yay or nay, Xia Ge opened her eyes wide and shot her mouth off: “If I don’t get that jade back, my ancestors’ tombs will go up in flames!  No……I mean, that jade is a Xia family heirloom that was passed down to me.  If I’ve lost it for good, my ancestors are gonna come and haunt me in the night!”

Sob, sob, sob.  “And if you can’t promise me that I won’t be beaten to death, I can’t tell you!”

Gu Peijiu appeared utterly indifferent: “Very well, don’t tell me.”

Standing up, Gu Peijiu’s clothes fluttered in the breeze, and Xia Ge’s sharp eyes caught the dried bloodstains on Senior Sister’s elegant outfit with one glance.

An abrupt and unfitting sight.

“Please, wait a minute——”

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Tugging at Gu Peijiu’s sleeve, Xia Ge muttered lowly: “Too petty……asking you for that jade is useless.”

Senior Sister’s eyes and brow were exquisite, her thin lips pursed tight, and, from head to foot, she exuded coldness.  Almost completely unapproachable, she looked down at Xia Ge, not saying a word.

While the chill in the air grew worse and worse.

Ai……just how pissed off was she?

Xia Ge wanted to let loose a torrent of endless bitching.  Ye Ze was far more tolerant than this young lady.  But, in front of this old-fashioned, inflexible Senior Sister who held life or death in her hands, Xia Ge felt helpless.

Racking her brains trying to figure a way out of the mess she was in, Xia Ge was still pulling on Senior Sister’s sleeve when Gu Peijiu dispassionately stated: “You told a lie just now.”

Fine.  Yes, to be fair, there had not been one iota of truth in Xia Ge’s little story.

Xia Ge: “……”

A long, long moment passed before Xia Ge embarrassedly mumbled under Gu Peijiu’s icy gaze: “Even if the dragon jade isn’t from my ancestors……it’s very important……really, as important as if it were from my family……”

Gu Peijiu coldly added: “Saying your head was hurting again was also a lie.”

Xia Ge: “……”

Yes, yes, yes, she’d been lying!  It was all lies!

Did you really have to be so blunt about it?!

List all my falsehoods and nail me to the pillar of shame?!

You shouldn’t expose people so ruthlessly, Senior Sister!

Under the cold regard of Gu Peijiu, Xia Ge managed, with great difficulty, to get out: “Um, anyways, my head has stopped hurting again.”

Gu Peijiu was quiet for a long time.

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Cautiously raising her head, Xia Ge saw her Senior Sister gazing out the window, mouth tight.

Yikes……she looked really angry……

And there was……the bloodstains on her dress……

Xia Ge heard her own low voice breaking the silence: “About……I’m sorry.”

Gu Peijiu still did not speak.

Xia Ge’s eyes met Gu Peijiu’s pitch-black ones as Xia Ge stiltedly asked: “The examination……was it you?”

On the Danfeng field.

The one who’d carried Xia Ge away.

There’d been the soft fragrance of sandalwood and a warm embrace.


Taking a break from staring out at the shadowy landscape, Gu Peijiu glanced at Xia Wuyin’s forced expression, then her gaze slowly traveled down to the boy’s hand holding onto her sleeve.

Gu Peijiu knew she could softly take that hand and easily remove it from her sleeve with her own pale and elegant hand.


But the other’s hand looked so weak.

And on its palm was a scar that’d been endured for the sake of others.

Finally, Gu Peijiu sat back down, saying in an apathetic tone: “Go on, speak and I’ll listen.”

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As for Xia Wuyin’s earlier question, Gu Peijiu offered neither admittance or denial.

Xia Ge’s internal struggle lasted quite a while.  However, since there was no getting around the fact that Senior Sister had Guilongyu, there was no use in Xia Ge trying to hide the fact that she’d been roaming the back mountain……













衣不解带-title of the chapter

衣不解带 is the simplified form of 衣不解帶

衣不解帶to diligently work on behalf of someone

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