LFTMPH Chapter 60-You Can’t Afford to Pay What You Owe Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77



Down on the ground, Jianfeng disciples were causing a commotion.  They viewed their peak’s council hall as a highly important and proud symbol of Jianfeng.  Having it be interfered with in any way was tantamount to slapping Jianfeng’s face.

Therefore, Jianfeng disciples had hurried to the council hall.  Yet when they arrived, they found only the ‘bald head’ of the hall, with not even half a shadow of a perpetrator to be seen.

“Where are the people who did this?”

“There had to have been someone up there just now——”

“They must still be up there……no one could’ve run away that fast, right?!”

“They triggered the warning formation, maybe they’re trapped? Find them!”

“Someone notify Senior Brother……”

Jianfeng disciples urgently ran here and there, like people trying to put out a raging fire, desperate to find the ‘assassin’ who’d shorn bare the roof of their hall.  Meanwhile, Xia Ge, held firmly by her collar and buffeted by a cold wind, watched as the bald council hall disappeared further and further into the distance.  Silently passing through the warning formation, Xia Ge’s unseen captor landed softly amongst a peaceful cluster of trees.

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The person holding Xia Ge’s collar didn’t loosen their grip, which meant Xia Ge’s feet weren’t yet reaching the ground, making her feel quite insecure.  She attempted an honorable explanation: “I didn’t kick your family’s roof tiles……”

“Truly?”  The voice overhead sneered, “I suppose they just fell down on their own?”

Xia Ge: “……”

Of course they hadn’t fallen down on their own.

Xia Ge: “I didn’t do it deliberately……”  How was she supposed to know that the hall’s tiles weren’t that sturdy, and that a little bit of stomping would cause them to go crashing down with such a great hullabaloo?

Chu Yao snorted, and with a disdainful look tossed Xia Ge to one side like a piece of trash: “A runt.”

Xia Ge: “……”  The fallen tiles were Xia Ge’s fault, yet surely that was no justification for Chu Yao stooping to such a personal attack……

“C’mon, tell me, just how did the roof tiles of Jianfeng’s council hall provoke you in the middle of the night?”

Arms crossed against her chest, Chu Yao leaned against a tree, looking Xia Ge up and down with a smirk: “Or did you think you’d grow taller if you stood up there?”

Very slowing picking herself up off the ground, Xia Ge made an exasperating show of brushing the dirt off herself.  Dressed in the hemp clothes of an outer disciple, her black hair tied back with black string, Xia Ge then dryly gave Chu Yao the look of a diminutive dumpling who had nothing left to live for.

Runt?  How old was Xia Ge?!  A fucking runt?!  There was still time for Xia Ge to grow to her full height!  One day she might crush them all, towering over them by many centimeters!

Although her heart was full of ‘fuck your mother!,’ Xia Ge assumed an outwardly apologetic expression: “I saw how much, much taller Jianfeng was than Danfeng, and I couldn’t help climbing up the highest point to enjoy the cool night breeze.”

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“Come on now, no need to be so mocking,” Chu Yao tsked, “I had already caught sight of you earlier.  Tell me truthfully why you were sneaking around to sit on the council hall roof instead of getting some sleep.”

Chu Yao’s tone……did it mean Chu Yao didn’t intend to seriously pursue this matter?

And she’d seen Xia Ge earlier?  What did that mean?  Had she’d seen Xia Ge as soon as Xia Ge had arrived at Jianfeng?

Xia Ge: “……I really did climb up to enjoy the night air.”

Chu Yao scrutinized Xia Ge: “I also thought you were here to enjoy the cool night breezes.”

“Until you knocked down all the roof tiles of Jianfeng’s prestigious council hall.”

Xia Ge: “……”

Giving an awkward little laugh, Xia Ge then defended herself: “I was just stomping about a bit, I didn’t know the tiles were that precarious, and that they’d so easily fall down like that……”

Although, to be honest, it’d been kinda cool.

“I guess you’re just that capable,” Chu Yao answered, “However, I didn’t permit you to be here just so I could watch you wreck one of Jianfeng’s roofs.”

A little speechless and even more embarrassed, it took Xia a long time to respond: “You permitted me to be here.  I see.”

No wonder there’d been almost no guards around for the whole night……Xia Ge remembered reading that Jianfeng’s disciples patrolled vigilantly every day.  She’d even wondered at the time at how unguarded Jianfeng had seemed, and how easily she’d been able to use {ghost and shadow} to go where she pleased.

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She’d concluded that her {ghost and shadow} was simply that awesome.  Now it turned out that someone had thrown the game.

“Naturally you were only allowed here because I permitted it,” Chu Yao said, “You didn’t actually think you had the ability otherwise, did you?”

Xia Ge: “……”  Was it really necessary to wound her ego this ruthlessly?

Trying to figure a way out of her current late-night sticky situation, Xia Ge was taken by surprise when her thoughts were interrupted by a detached voice: “Does your injury hurt?”

Hands tucked into her blue sleeves, her big light brown eyes looking off to one side, Chu Yao appeared nonchalant.

While Xia Ge replied with a blank stare: “Huh?”

Impatient, Chu Yao snapped back: “I asked if your wound is bothering you?  It’s only been a couple of days and you’re already out running around.  Are you looking for death?”

In the lucent moonlight, Xia Ge’s eyes shone bright and confused: “How do you know about my wound……”

The last time Chu Yao had gazed into those eyes, Chu Yao could’ve sworn they were a brilliant violet……but perhaps she’d been mistaken.



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Ginseng rooster, a homonym for personal attack . “Ginseng” is a word, “rooster” is a word, but together they have no meaning, because the pronunciation is similar to “personal attack”, and they become an Internet term, which is an alternative word for “personal attack” on the Internet [1]  .





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