Chapter 64-Enjoying Popular Support Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77



The voice calling for quiet on the Danfeng field was clear and powerful, piercing through the general hubbub, and in an instant everyone fell silent.

Lifting up her head, Xia Ge could barely make out some graceful figures over on the northern platform, dressed in the silks of Danfeng.  Although, because Xia Ge was at the southern end of the field, she couldn’t distinguish the exact identities of who was on the platform.

However, having much experience in failing Danfeng entry examinations, Xia Ge knew that those who’d placed in the top 6 would be announced, and dans returned to those who’d refined them.  Then finally, those who’d failed would be given a rousing pep talk, encouraged to try again next time……and so on.

Although, since it was Mao Qing’s first time; she was slightly puzzled: “Uh……is something else supposed to happen?  I thought all we were supposed to do was come and check the results……”

Hu Bai, still holding hard feelings, spoke mockingly: “I guess not everything is the way you thought.”

Mao Qing snapped back angrily: “Do you really have to be so petty?!  I’m done arguing with you!”

Xia Ge: “Shhh……they’re going to say something.”

Snorting, Huo Bai said nothing further, while Mao Qing rolled her eyes at him before also lapsing into silence.

The clear voice again rang over the whole field: “First, those who placed in the top 6 of this Danfeng entry examination will be announced!”

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“First place, Huo Bai, Chixue Bigu dan!”

Even if most people had no idea who Huo Bai was, they still gave a round of applause, with Xia Ge adding a hearty: “Congratulations!”

Reluctantly clapping too, Mao Qing followed Xia Ge’s example and ground out: “Congrats.”

Huo Bai stayed quiet, throwing Xia Ge a quick glance.

“Second place, Mao Qing, Jin Bigu dan!”

Huo Bai applauded, to which Mao Qing humphed, but her expression greatly relaxed.

One after the other, the next four were announced, each one receiving a round of applause.  That meant the next thing to happen would be the various dans being returned to those who’d refined them.

“Entering disciples will next line up according to their rankings!”

Since Huo Bai and Mao Qing were first and second respectively, naturally they would be going ahead.  Mao Qing smiled at Xia Ge, saying: “Then I’ll see you later.”

“Go on, go on.”  Xia Ge insouciantly waved a hand.

Huo Bai was about to leave right behind Mao Qing, but Xia Ge abruptly asked: “Huo Bai, can you wait a minute?”

Casting Xia Ge a doubtful look, Huo Bai nevertheless halted.

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Xia Ge grinned at him, her eyes sweeping over the white jade pendant at his waist: “Your pendant is really lovely, where did you get it?”

“Oh,” Huo Bai answered, “I was bored after the examination the other day and got it when I went strolling around.  You think it looks nice?”

“Well, it’s an exceptionally fine piece of jade,” Xia Ge laughed, “I’m not surprised that when you saw it, you grabbed hold of it.”

“It’s just a piece of jade.  If you like it that much, let me give it to you.”  Huo Bai made to unfasten the pendant from his waist and Xia Ge hurriedly protested: “No, no, I couldn’t accept it.  I was just complimenting it, that’s all, not trying to take it from you.  Brother Huo, please go ahead and retrieve your dan!”

Giving Xia Ge one final glance, Huo Bai replied: “Then I’ll hope that you’ll also find a satisfactory jade for yourself soon.”

He nodded his farewell and left.

After his departure, Xia Ge stretched her neck, trying to get a better look at the northern platform.

The young man with the water gourd was still there though, and watching amused as Xia Ge tried to get a better view, he asked with a smile on his face: “Xia Wuyin, what are you trying to see?”

“Oh,” Xia Ge stopped her straining and explained with a completely deadpan expression: “I was trying to get a glimpse of Danfeng’s great beauty.”

Slightly more truthfully, she was looking for Senior Sister.

“Beauty?  Who is that?”  The young man’s face was blank for a moment before he finally reacted with good-natured lambasting, “Hey boy, you’re quite empty-headed!”

“You’re calling me empty-headed for wanting a glimpse?”  Xia Ge was aggrieved, “When I haven’t seen her yet?”

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“Hahaha, Danfeng’s senior disciple, you want to see her, so go see her.  Your thoughts are too anticlimactic.”  The young man laughed, “You should stop daydreaming and study hard for the next entry examination instead!  You’re very gifted, so maybe if you pay more attention to your furnace instead of exploding it, you’ll be able to pass next time.”

He winked at Xia Ge: “When you become an inner disciple, you can see that beauty every day.  Although by  that time, I bet you won’t care to.”

Xia Ge quickly grasped the young man’s meaning.

Senior Sister could be considered the equivalent of a head lecturer, couldn’t she?

Who enjoyed the sight of a stern taskmaster?

Too intense.


“I disagree.  I think Senior Sister is so beautiful that I’ll always want to look at her,” Xia Ge prattled shamelessly, “Senior Sister’s beauty, I would never get tired of.  Not if I beheld it a hundred times or ten thousand times.”

Even as Xia Ge was speaking, she saw the young man with the water gourd widen his eyes, his body stiffening, and his expression filling with disbelief.  But before Xia Ge could ask him what was the matter, Xia Ge heard an indifferent voice behind her, asking: “Lu Qie, who is it that you’re saying you don’t want to see?”

That voice was really familiar.

……Senior Sister?

Xia Ge instantly went rigid.  Obviously she hadn’t said anything bad about Senior Sister, but for some reason her mind was horrifying empty.

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That person was coming nearer and the young man Lu Qie shook off his stiffness with a labored: “Haha, why is Senior Sister here……haha, Senior Sister, of course I……always want to see Senior Sister.”


Ignoring Xia Ge, a straight-backed Gu Peijiu faced Lu Qie and said: “Keep standing out here, talking rubbish and pretending to be an outer disciple, and I will punish you to copy Danfang.”

……pretending to be an outer disciple?  This……person who said he was too nervous and didn’t care check his results……was not an outer disciple?







title of chapter-众望所归 [zhòng wàng suǒ guī]

enjoy popular confidence; be in favor with the general public; command public respect and support; stand high in popular favor

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