LFTMPH Chapter 73-A Divine Beauty Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77




Xia Ge raised her head higher, peering out the private room’s window.  When someone made a bid, the upper right hand corner of their private room’s window would light up, showing the room number.

Because the private rooms had been assigned at random, no one would know who the occupant was other than the hosts.

Currently, the window of the private room opposite Xia Ge’s was brightly glimmering!

Ten million high-grade spirit stones?!

Someone was rich!

Everyone had gone quiet after that final bid.  Except for the figure in the gaudy cloak, their tone became even more impassioned: “Ten million high-grade spirit stones, going once!”

“Ten million high-grade spirit stones, going twice!”

“Ten million high-grade spirit stones—sold!”

“Congratulations to Guest #33!”

Staring at the other private room while the figure on stage insincerely shouted, Xia Ge snorted to herself in disdain.  Congratulations?  What was there to be congratulated on?  Congratulations on buying a fake?  Or congratulations on being possibly targeted by the Demon Sect?

Whoever had bought that fake Yimei was probably going to get about eight lifetimes worth of extremely bad luck.

But it was none of Xia Ge’s business.  Instead of worrying about whatever bigshot had ten million high-grade spirit stones, her time was better spent worrying about herself and the people searching for her outside.

Picking up the fox mask and her tattered cloak, Xia Ge put them on again.  Her abdomen still cramping, she took a deep breath and spotted the dan that’d fallen on the floor.

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Xia Ge thought for a moment, then picked the dan up, a green light in her eyes scanning it.

[Pain Relief Dan*Xuan: Refined By An Excellent Liandan Master.  After Consumption Of This Dan,  Whether A Broken Arm, Broken Leg, A Headache, Egg Pain, Or Period Cramping, The Pain Will Cease Immediately.]

What the fuck?  Egg pain?

And why were the words ‘period cramping’ in bold?

Xia Ge: “Little puppet, you wrote this, didn’t you?”

The system was deadly earnest: [I Wrote In Clear And Simple Language, For Fear That You Would Not Understand It Otherwise.]

Xia Ge: “The language-style very much suits you.”

Simple, plain, and brimming with bitchiness.

Glancing at the closed room door, dan in her hand, Xia Ge’s mood was little complicated.

Who the hell was the cloaked person?  Did they know her?  Why were they being so good to her?  Were they someone Xia Ge knew?

On that note……

Among the people Xia Ge knew, there wasn’t one who had reason to treat her so well.

Ye Ze?  Ye Ze was in Jianfeng.  No way he had the time to come to the black market.  Besides, Xia Ge strongly suspected the cloaked person was a woman……

A woman……could be it Senior Sister?  Or maybe Mao Qing?

Thinking of Senior Sister made Xia Ge’s head ache.  Why would Senior Sister go out of her way for Xia Ge?  After all, Xia Ge had promised Senior Sister that she’d place in the top three of the Danfeng entry examination, and then hadn’t even made it to the top six.  Instead, she’d completely failed.  No, no way the cloaked figure was Senior Sister.  Besides……

Would an upright person like Senior Sister come to the black market?  Sit for a whole afternoon in a ‘small’ black market, keeping a straight face?

Xia Ge recalled how the cloaked person and herself had dismally sold nothing for a full afternoon.

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Stop, stop……no, don’t think about it.  Too damaging to self-esteem.

Mao Qing……If Mao Qing had such abilities, would she have been bullied that badly by Jianfeng people?

But who else did that leave?

Looking again at the dan in her hand, Xia Ge’s head hurt, her stomach hurt, and all she could do was sigh: “Well, regardless of who you are……I owe you a lot.”

Going to take the dan with one swallow, Xia Ge was exceedingly surprised when the red ribbon sprang up with a ‘whoosh’ and swept the dan out of Xia Ge’s right hand.

Suddenly left ‘emptyhanded,’ Xia Ge was stunned, an eyebrow twitching as she looked down at the red ribbon now grasping the dan in its two ‘hands’ and asked “What did you do that for?”

Apparently hearing Xia Ge’s censorious words, the red ribbon carefully rubbed the dan all over, then proffered it back to Xia Ge like a polished piece of treasure.

Ah, since the dan had been on the floor earlier, it seemed the red ribbon had wanted to clean the dan for Xia Ge.

Xia Ge: “……”

The system was deeply moved: [……Very Good Service.]

Xia Ge didn’t know why, but seeing the red ribbon extending the now-clean dan to her made her stomach hurt even more.

When Xia Ge made no move, the red ribbon eagerly put the dan back in Xia Ge’s right hand.

Wasting no more time, Xia Ge put the dan in her mouth and swallowed it.  After that, a soothing warmth spread through Xia Ge’s whole body, her pains and aches instantaneously vanishing without a trace.

Xia Ge pushed open the room door.  There was no one outside it.

The cloaked figure was not there.  They really had left then.

Touching the fox mask on her face, Xia Ge didn’t know what she was feeling.  Even though the cloaked person was very mysterious and their purpose unknown, it was clear, as they’d said themselves, that they didn’t intend Xia Ge any harm.

“……Just cause you’re good to me, do you think I’ll be good to you?”  Xia Ge spoke to herself, trying some self-persuasion, “There’s no such thing as fairness in this world.”

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“Next time we meet, I’ll definitely pay you back what I owe.”

The red ribbon rubbed against Xia Ge.

“Do you have a name?”  Xia Ge asked.

The red ribbon wagged one loose end.

The system spoke: [It Is A Piece Directly Torn Off A Very Powerful Yimei.  Ordinarily, Such A Piece Would Not Have Its Own Consciousness, Unless The Yimei Put Its Spirit Into The Torn Off Piece.  But I Doubt A Yimei Would Be That Foolish.  This Piece……It’s Almost Like It Came Alive On Its Own.]

Xia Ge raised her left hand: “What the hell are you?”

Of course the red ribbon did not speak, but just kept up its rubbing.

The system: [Yimei Have Their Own Names. Either The Name The Original Spirit Was Born With Or A Name Given By Its First Master.  Once A Yimei Has A Name, It Will Generally Only Accept That Name For The Rest Of Its Existence.  A Yimei Does Not Change Its Name Easily.]

[You Can Try Giving It A Name, But If It Rejects The Name You Give It, That Means The Original Spirit Of The Ancient Yimei Is In It.  If It Accepts The Name, That Means It Is Newly Sentient And Has Not Yet Recognized A Master.]









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chapter title    天香国色 [tiān xiāng guó sè]

heaven fragrance and national beauty

or –an outstanding beauty



血霉    blood mildew/mold

Very bad luck, the worst thing that’s ever happened to you, curse, rotten luck, etc.



Egg pain, a buzzword on the Internet , “Egg pain” was created by a Chinese World of Warcraft player, and its antonym is “egg butt”. The general meaning refers to all kinds of unreasonable things done because of being too boring, and also refers to the state of boredom [1-2]

(or referring to testicles)

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