LFTMPH Chapter 73-A Divine Beauty Part 3

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Translated by Snowfall77




Xia Ge stopped in her tracks, and the next second, there was an onslaught of overwhelming, terrifying pressure!  Completely on instinct, Xia Ge’s sickle was in her hand, and there came the dull sound of metal blades grinding against each other.  Xia Ge’s left hand went numb, and she fell back three or four steps.  Raising her gaze, she was shocked to see that her assailant was a person!

Wearing a half-broken mask, the man had bulging, blood-shot eyes, and wore a baffling outfit!  White, blood-stained clothes covered a cloak……like what should have been worn under the cloak was being worn over the cloak?!  He had an ordinary iron blade, yet it held its own against Xia Ge’s sickle blade, making sparks, and the man’s strength was extraordinary!


Roaring, the man exerted more force!  The white, blood-stained clothes seemed to move with the wind, and a wave of viciously strong aura erupted around the man’s fragile iron blade!

Instantly the iron blade glowed, overflowing with great power!

Xia Ge hardly thought herself an ideal match for any of this, her sickle handle bending under the attack.  But even as it bent, the sickle blade hooked around the man’s shoulder.  The man avoided the blow being fatal with a graceful sideways movement.  However, launching {ghost and shadow}, Xia Ge used the chain of her sickle handle to suddenly bind the man up!

Despite the man’s dodge, the blow of the sickle blade should have had the man bleeding copiously.  Yet the blade was grinding down on the white clothes like they were made of metal.  The man wasn’t hurt at all!

“Truly a Yimei!”


A wave of the man’s berserk qi flew into the stone behind Xia Ge.  The whole of Black Rock cavern seemed to quake, the silvery formation on the stone wall suddenly gleaming bright with a cold, uncanny light!  A strange wind was whistling past, but Xia Ge still heard a subtle sound from the binding sickle chain, her pupils shrinking——

The sickle chain was being split apart!

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Hurriedly ripping her sickle chain off the man, Xia Ge kicked herself off the man’s back, and with {ghost and shadow} still activated, started booking it out of Black Rock cave!


No longer held back by a chain, the Yimei’s rage only grew.  Controlling the man’s body, the Yimei made him chase after Xia Ge!

Rushing along the way she’d first come; Xia Ge saw that the toad-masked puppet who’d collected her copper coins before had met a violent end.  As she kept going, Xia Ge’s body slowed, her breath hitching, not quite able to believe what she was seeing!

Almost all the lively sellers in the ‘small’ black market were dead, the ground stained red with blood, broken hands and feet littering the landscape!

Desperately trying to comprehend the bloody scene before her, Xia Ge stood still in shock.  Yet there was an ice-cold screaming in her ears, and the iron blade in the man’s hand was already aimed at Xia Ge’s neck!

Giggle, giggle——

In the blink of an eye, the red silk ribbon on Xia Ge’s left hand, like a divine maiden scattering flower petals, spread itself out, protecting Xia Ge’s neck from the malicious blade!

The terrifying waves of power suddenly dispersed, as two Yimei matched each other blow for blow!

Stomach nauseous, Xia Ge recovered her wits enough to turn and look at the attacking Yimei.  It’d retreated about ten meters off, half its mask splattered with blood, but the man’s iron blade was being pulled by the red ribbon, one end wrapping around the blade, trying to turn it into a red dumpling, and the other end still wrapped around Xia Ge’s hand!

“These people……you killed them?”

Holding back the urge to vomit, Xia Ge keep her grip taut on the nameless red ribbon and asked again: “Did you kill them?!”

The man controlled by the Yimei made more disgusting little giggling sounds: “Wasn’t me, wasn’t me, I don’t kill people, I don’t murder——”

Bulging eyes rolling in his head, the man started screaming——

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“You killed them all——”

“You murdered them!!  You just forgot, you forgot, heeheehee——”

“How could you forget; how can you forget it all——”

Veins popping with anger, Xia Ge pulled tighter on the red ribbon: “Bullshit!”

The middle-aged man shrieked back: “You’re the one who killed!  And then you forgot!  You’re the one who wore me, and then you murdered!  You forgot me!  I hate you!!  I hate you——”

In the midst of its shrill words, the demonic Yimei managed to jerk the iron blade away from the red ribbon.  Transforming what had been an ordinary blade into something extraordinarily sharp, the man laughed hysterically as the iron blade soared into the sky before swooping down towards Xia Ge!

“Come to think about it, I’ve got an idea!”

“C’mon, put me on, put me on!  You’ll remember how wonderful you used to be!  You wore me and killed so, so many people, everyone was trembling, weeping, begging you——”

“Don’t give me that bullshit!!  Who the fuck killed people?!  Your mouth is full of shit!”

Unable to bear the Yimei’s taunting words, Xia Ge was about to swing her sickle again when she heard the slow ‘clap-clap-clap’ of someone applauding.

“Oh look, it’s the eavesdropping thief.”

The voice was cold and Xia Ge pupil’s shrank.  Glancing to the side, she saw a figure dressed in white and wearing a black ‘smiley face’ mask.  Bairen kept clapping, his tone amused: “Really, searching high and low for you, and now here you are, right in front of me.”

Yes, Xia Ge had changed her clothes and her mask, but……

But she hadn’t changed her cloak!

Her cloak hadn’t been part of her ‘wanted’ description, so the puppets had paid no attention to it, but Bairen would naturally recognize it right away!


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The iron blade approaching, Xia Ge shifted her focus, blocking the blow with her sickle.  The sickle blade and the iron blade struck each other, sparking flying!  Yet at the same time, countless figures in white clothes and black masks surrounded Xia Ge and the vicious Yimei!

“Hurry up……put me on, you can kill them all……and make your escape.”

The Yimei controlling the middle-aged man made his eyes glint with rapaciousness, his voice turning seductive: “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter that you forgot me.  I don’t hate you anymore.  If you would just put me on, I will serve you forever, I won’t hate you anymore……”

“I’m your only hope of escape——”

“I’ll tell you……my name……”

“My name is——”

The Yimei’s voice was gradually growing more and more ghostly and strange, and a sense of hopeless crept over Xia Ge as the Yimei slyly smiled: “My name is——”


From out of nowhere, something sharp sped through the air, and Xia Ge was left staring blankly at a long, feathered arrow protruding from the middle-aged man’s forehead!

His eyes left wide and empty.

Still, the Yimei lived on and it continued using the dead man’s voice box, bizarrely slurring out words.

Goosebumps covering her skin, Xia Ge kicked the Yimei and slammed the its blade aside with her sickle at the same time: “Fuck off!”




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天女散花 [tiān nǚ sàn huā]

The heavenly maids scatter blossoms


针锋相对 [zhēn fēng xiāng duì]

give tit for tat; be diametrically opposed to; blow by blow; contrast sharply with; at loggerheads

to oppose each other with equal harshness

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