Chapter 78-Demon Sect Spy Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77




The next day-


“Xia Wuyin……you don’t look too good,” Mao Qing eyed her fellow disciple who was about down to her last gasp, “Did you not sleep well last night?”

Xia Ge in turn stared at Huo Bai, sitting up straight and seemingly perfectly energetic, with two defeated, dark-circled eyes, inwardly deploring the vicissitudes of life: “No, no, I’m fine.”

Ah, this fucking guy really did go sleep yesterday……right?!


Although unresigned, Xia Ge retracted her gaze.  She’d previously given Huo Bai a {soul capture} order to keep the little puppet by his side.  After that, Huo Bai instinctually carried it around wherever he went, meaning that the little puppet was with him right now.

But, out of range of the Nibai formation Xia Ge had made the other night, Bairen’s white talisman took effect, and Xia Ge had lost contact with her little puppet.

She could only maintain the connection with her little puppet when it was in Huo Bai’s room.

That would have to be enough.

During the day Bairen had to maintain the identity of ‘Huo Bai,’ so he would definitely go to his classes.  No, if he was going to steal the key, he wouldn’t do it during the day.

As long as Xia Ge could monitor his movements at night, she should be able to figure out what he was up to.

When it came to Lingxi Sect, Xia Ge’s sense of belonging might not be very strong, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t occasionally fulfill her obligations as a disciple.


Xia Ge took out Guilongyu, sighing over its broken corner, thinking of Ye Ze, and giving herself a headache.

She had gone looking for him over the past half-month.  However, she didn’t show herself to him because she didn’t know how to.

Basically, every time she went, she had either seen him getting hit or him hitting back.

The vigorous lifestyle of a Jianfeng disciple was enough to leave a person speechless.

So, thinking of their previous agreement, Xia Ge did not meet with Ye Ze.

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Only……if he entered Chu Yao’s guard, he should be fine for the time being.

Xia Ge gave Guilongyu one more look, relaxed her face, and glanced over again at Huo Bai with the upright posture.

Everything was ready, she was just waiting on one last crucial thing.

Xia Ge just hadn’t expected that the one last crucial thing would move so very slowly.

She been spying on Huo Bai via the little puppet for the last couple of weeks without rest.  Even though her system had finally woken up, Huo Bai refused to do anything of note.

Every night Huo Bai followed the same routine.  He washed up, reverted back to Bairen’s appearance, and stared at the little puppet for a long time.  Then his body would retreat into the darkness, doing who knew what.

For a whole half month, Xia Ge endured until her second period came.  When the system also finally returned, it found Xia Ge just steadily enduring day by day.

Xia Ge: “……”

The newly awakened system: [……]

After being asleep for a couple of weeks, the system noticed something: [Have Your Breasts Gotten Bigger?]

Empty-handed and irritable, Xia Ge answered with: “……fuck off.”

Whether her bosom was any bigger or not, Xia Ge didn’t know, but she did feel like she’d gotten a little taller.

Eyes puffy from lack of sleep, Xia Ge put her back to the door frame, held her body straight, and carved a line for her height with a small knife.

Since she didn’t have anything to measure herself with, she’d have to settle for using notches.

“Why were you gone for so long?”  Xia Ge asked the system.

System: [I Don’t Know……]

Xia Ge: “While you were sleeping, I heard a voice talking in my ear.  Was it an auditory hallucination or did you malfunction and accidently play a recording?”

System: [……I Wouldn’t Malfunction!]

Xia Ge was indifferent: “Oh.”

Taking the dark circles under Xia Ge’s eyes as an indication of what she’d been up to, the system added: [Your Method Of Surveillance Is Very Stupid.]

Xia Ge: “What do you expect me to do?  I don’t have any other way.”

“Although I don’t think I can go on like this anymore,” Xia Ge buried her head in her hands, “I keep falling asleep in Master’s class……but I have to watch Bairen.”

Was he fucking sleeping or not?!


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Tightly closing his door and windows, Huo Bai returned to Bairen’s appearance as usual.  He silently put the little puppet on the table and lit a candle.  Staring at the little puppet for a long while in the faint light, his expression was blank.

He couldn’t understood why he kept bringing the little puppet with him everywhere he went.  Ever since that time……when the Sect leader had given the order to surround and kill Gu Peijiu and yet they’d failed……that was when he’d picked up the little puppet from among countless corpses of demon puppets, and started carrying it around everyplace.

Taking it with him gave him a peculiar peace of mind.  Also, whenever he looked at the little puppet, he would inexplicably think of a pair of indescribable deep violet eyes.

——Those eyes.

After gazing at the little puppet for a long while, Huo Bai finally lowered his eyes and extinguished the candle, plunging his room into the darkness that once again hid him away.

Shortly after, the little puppet’s eyes moved.

Xia Ge had sent her spirit into the little puppet, and was now peering into the pitch-black with dark eyes.  After listening for a long time to make sure of the silence, Xia Ge had the little puppet body stand up.  The system, who’d come along for the ride with Xia Ge, whispered: [Hey, The Table Is Pretty High.  How Are You Going To Get Down?]

{well, it’s certainly wasn’t easy,} Xia Ge sneered, {but let me show you the high level i’ve reached!}

The little puppet leapt off the table into the darkness, flipped 360 degrees in mid-air, and then, with a tiny ‘pop’ of despair, landed face-down on the floor.

System: [……Brilliant.]

Xia Ge: {……will accept.}

Fortunately, although Xia Ge had suffered a tragic fall, {ghost and shadow} had muffled the noise to a minimum.  Xia Ge still decided to play dead however, trying to survey the room from her novel angle.

Only the door, windows, and curtains were all tightly closed, giving Xia Ge no clear direction in which to go.

Xia Ge took the risk of asking the system for help: {is there any way for me to see more clearly?}

System: [……Use Your Opened Lingqiao To Gather Lingqi To Your Eyes, That’ll Help You See.]

Xia Ge: {i can do that even in this body?}

System: [Should Be Able To……]

Xia Ge gave it a shot.  The little puppet’s body wasn’t the best at gathering lingqi, but she managed to gather enough to do the trick.

With the help of the lingqi, Xia Ge could see that the small room was separated by a screen between the table and bed.  Earlier, the candle light had been too dim, and Huo Bai had been blocking the little puppet’s view, but seeing it all now, Xia Ge sadly felt that other disciples’ room were very small……suffering such grief, no wonder their furnishings were so dark.

Laying quietly on the floor, Xia Ge waited to see if there’d be any movement from the other side of the black screen.  Once she felt she’d waited enough, she cautiously got up, crept up to the screen and looked around it.

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A pale-faced young man was prone on the bed, his eyes closed, apparently asleep, a white talisman and a piece of mint candy on his pillow.

Xia Ge: “……”

System: [……]

Are you a fucking fake?  You’re supposed to be an evil spy from the Demon Sect……how much do you like eating candy?!

Who knew that while Xia Ge was busy inwardly roasting him, the white talisman would suddenly light up and Bairen almost instantaneously open his eyes!

Horribly shocked, Xia Ge instinctually jerked the little puppet’s head back and hid behind the screen with a stiff body, not daring to move.

Hearing Bairen get off his bed, Xia Ge dashed over to one of the table legs, tried to arrange the little puppet body to look like it’d fallen down there, and played dead yet again.  Moving the lingqi to the puppet’s ears, Xia Ge listened attentively to every sound.

Bairen’s voice, low and apathetic : “……three days later?”

“Tsk, got it.”

The little puppet’s body was moved, the sight dimming from its eyes.



Back in Xia Ge’s room-

Spirit returned to her body, Xia Ge opened her eyes, the red ribbon on her wrist softly rubbing against her.  Xia Ge rested her hand on the ribbon for a minute, before tying it in a tight knot around the handle of her sickle, as she’d gotten in the habit of doing.

The red ribbon, which never seemed to learn its lesson, struggled to free itself, but instead got itself tangled up in a couple more knots.  All its attempts proving fruitless, it pitifully hung limp.

System: [Three Days Later, Hmm.]

Poker-faced, Xia Ge got into her bed and pulled the quilt up over her head.

“Shut the fuck up and go to sleep.”






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万事俱备,只欠东风wànshìjùbèi, zhǐqiàndōngfēng

lit. everything is ready, all we need is an east wind (idiom) / fig. lacking only one tiny crucial


承让   Concede

means to give in to others. [1] It is usually said when the winner  is modest and polite after the competition . For example, if A and B win a match, A will politely say to B: “I have given in”, to the effect that you let me win.

Concession, humility, what you say to the other party when you have an advantage in a competitive activity , a humble statement about the advantage you have gained.

For example: when playing chess, the dominant party says “acceptance” to the other party,

The direct meaning is: the advantage I have gained is that you have not used your full strength, and you are giving way to me.

In fact, it contains encouragement to the loser or affirmation of the strength of the loser.

Sometimes the word “letting go, letting go” is often used twice in order to emphasize the meaning

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