LFTMPH Chapter 80-Killing Three Birds With One Stone Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77

Beyond the green curtain, the setting sun glowed bright red.

Gu Peijiu put down her vermilion brush.

Lifting the beaded curtain, Bixi came in, saying: “Miss, since there are few papers today, how about cleaning up and resting early?”

“Mmm,” Gu Peijiu assented lowly.

Bixi smiled, happily chatting as she started tidying up: “Miss, have your nightmares stopped lately?”

Gu Peijiu kneaded her temples: “Nothing too bad.”

Truthfully, Gu Peijiu was still having nightmares.

When she dreamed now, she would experience dreadful things; her world crumbling in on itself, her faith completely destroyed, and being left with nothing but utter devastation.

Yet when she’d wake at dawn, she’d be confused, the events of her dreams fading away before she could grasp them.  Abandoning her with only the dread and hopelessness, weighing her heart down.

To the west, bright red was turning to gray twilight.

“Bixi,” Gu Peijiu spoke suddenly.

Bixi: “Yes, Miss?”

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“Who do you think……I am?”

“Miss is Miss, who else?” Bixi, confused, paused for a minute, before smiling, “Ah, Miss is Danfeng’s pillar, the future of Danfeng, and the most outstanding disciple of Lingxi Sect!”

Danfeng’s pillar?  Danfeng’s future?  Lingxi Sect’s most excellent disciple?

“……am I?”

Gu Peijiu was bemused.

……was she?

Maybe she was.


Bixi laughed: “Is this because you’ve been busy the last few days and haven’t gotten enough rest?  Miss, how about I finish tidying up while you recover your spirits in the hot spring?”

“Mmm,” Gu Peijiu responded without thinking, but by the time she came back to her senses, Bixi had already left to prepare for the hot spring.

Opening a drawer of her desk, Gu Peijiu looked down at a bright green ribbon that slightly smelled of honey locust.

She picked the green ribbon and twined it around her fingertips, gazing at it quietly for a long time.

The ayara wrapped around Gu Peijiu’s wrist silently extended itself like an elegant snake, slowly floating over the bed where it coiled up as if about to sleep.

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Giving it a glance, Gu Peijiu realized it was getting late.  She lit a candle and changed her clothes to a snow-white robe.

Outside the door, Bixi called: “Miss, I’ve tested the temperature of the hot spring, and it’s just right.  It’s ready for you once you’ve changed your clothes.”

“Good.”  Gu Peijiu told herself that she’d been letting her thoughts get too tangled up.  She should make time to relax and take a mental step back.  So she took herself off to the hot spring.

While Gu Peijiu was soaking, Bixi found {heavenly punishment} resting on the bed.  Not thinking much of it, Bixi picked up the Yimei, telling it: “You need a bath too.”

About only half-conscious, the ayara thought about attacking whoever was disturbing its slumber, but upon realizing it was someone familiar to its master, {heavenly punishment} lazily slipped back into relaxation.

After all, it also wanted a bath.

Yes, that little ribbon was off in some strange place again.

But……it could wait.  Baths first.

= =

“……one sword breaks rivers and mountains.”

In an instant, a blazing white light engulfed everything, intensely washing over the surroundings.  As if with dread, the bamboo trees trembled, some even loudly splintering, sounding like the exploding of firecrackers.  No matter where it reached, the light of Chu Yao’s sword could not be extinguished!

Bairen, all dressed in black, wanted to keep living, not be burnt to crisp.  Therefore, gritting his teeth, he crushed a teleportation stone!


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A second before the blow would have landed, Bairen vanished from Jianfeng.  Dazzling light illuminating the night sky, the bamboo house was pulverized and the Wutong tree became little more than fragments!

The power of Chu Yao’s sword technique made evident!

Frozen in place, Xia Ge was confronted with imminent death, only to be saved by the red ribbon instantly extending itself to wrap Xia Ge up like a dumpling, protecting her from the fatal blow!

System: [Are You Stupid?!  Quick!  Run Away!  How Would You Explain Yourself If Chu Yao Finds You?  Claim You Were Just Out Sightseeing?!]

Her heart empty and her mind in a fog, Xia Ge replied: “I can’t move……I don’t feel well.”

System: [Imbecile.  I’ll Help You, But Remember To Pay Me Back!]

Against the blazing white light, Xia Ge’s black-clothed body wrapped in red suddenly became a small paper figure, still fiercely protected by the now much smaller ribbon.

The lingqi gradually dispersing along with the brilliant whiteness, Chu Yao waited as silence returned.

There was an ice-cold gleam in Chu Yao’s eyes as she stood there in her wooden clogs, the night breeze fluttering her thin clothes, and a wooden sword in one hand.


Her opponent had actually escaped.

The scorched corpse of a demon puppet had fallen to the ground and Chu Yao glanced at it with narrowed eyes.

Earlier……she’d seen another figure, dressed in black and wielding a sickle.

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They hadn’t been a puppet, nor had they tried to steal the key.  More like……they’d wanted to help?

They’d also been on the short side.

Beholding the small bamboo house blasted to smithereens, Chu Yao idly kicked at mask fragments on the ground, her light brown eyes flashing.

So, where was that person?

The night wind blew cold.

“Aiya, sister, it’s really bustling with noise and excitement over here.”

Emerging from the bamboo forest, a harmless looking Chu Yi softly flicked debris off her clothes, her large round eyes full of laughter.

Immediately frowning, Chu Yao demanded: “What are you doing here?”

“Me?  I’m here to assist you, sister.  Naturally.”  Chu Yi ran a finger along the edge of her dagger sheath, smiling to herself.  “Thanks to my sister’s sword show, I knew to come here quickly.”

“The spy is already gone,” Chu Yao was stone-faced, “You can go back.”

Chu Yi laughed lowly: “Don’t be like that, sister, not when I specially came all the way over here to help you.”

“Help me?” Chu You sneered, “Or to gawk at the excitement?”

Still playing with her dagger, Chu Yi squinted thoughtfully: “Why can’t I do both?”

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