Chapter 80-Killing Three Birds With One Stone Part 3

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Translated by Snowfall77




Chu Yi’s entire body stiffened.

It was happening again……she couldn’t see.

——She couldn’t see, she couldn’t see anything.

The jade, no, her dagger, where was her dagger?  She had to hurry, hurry and pick up her dagger!  So many people……too many people!  They were going to find out!

——The Chu family’s second daughter is blind?  How funny!  How could it be?!

In Chu Yi’s growing panic, her hand groped around at random until someone caught her wrist, saying: “Hold still……you’ll cut yourself on the broken jade.”

Then the Yunxing dagger was gently placed in Chu Yi’s hand by the same person holding her wrist.

A low voice said: “……here, take it.”

Chu Yi could feel the person’s faint warmth on the dagger.

Some kind of influence crept over Chu Yi, melting away the darkness that blocked her vision.  In a daze, she raised her eyes, her pitch-black pupils taking in the sight of the young man who’d helped her.

She could see again.

Suddenly, she could……see again.

How?  Every time one of her attacks of blindness happened, it’d take at least an hour for her sight to return, but now……why?

Clutching her dagger, Chu Yi shook the young man’s hand off, stood up, took three steps back, and stared down at the young man stiffly.

Ye Ze then stood up too, his expression indifferent.  Gazing directly at Chu Yi, he showed her the dragon-shaped jade in his hand, repeating earnestly: “This is mine.”

Meanwhile, Chang Nian was looking like he’d just been cuckolded: “Who do you think you are, touching the young lady?!

Ye Ze didn’t bother to look at him.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Chu Yi composed herself.  Finally her mouth curled up in its usual light smile, and she opened her eyes again, addressing the young man: “Mmm……thank you, tell me, what’s your name?”

——He must not……he must not remember her anymore.

Ye Ze took a second to answer: “……Ye Ze.”

Ye Ze……Aze, Guilongyu.

Hers, Aze……her gege.

With much effort, Chu Yi kept her neutral expression pasted on, but the emotion in her eyes was deep.

“It is yours.”

The broken corner of Guilongyu that Chu Yi wore against her chest was burning, like it sensed the rest of its body.

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It was his Guilongyu.

He was her Aze.

Chang Nian’s disbelieving eyes were wide as saucers: “Sister Yiyi……”

“Brother Chang, it’s nothing but a piece of jade, no need to be so fussy about it,” Chu Yi gave Chang Nian a breezy smile, “I’ve seen him with this jade before, so Brother Chang should stop worrying about it.”

Chang Nian: “……”

Chu Yi had not dealt with Ye Ze before now.  The most she’d known was that some unlucky bastard from Danfeng had come over to Jianfeng.  How could she have seen Ye Ze with Guilongyu before?

She was just lying to help Ye Ze out of a tight situation!

Xia Ge, squatting behind her clump of weeds, watched it all unfold in amusement.

But the system was unsure: [Has The……Goal Been Accomplished?]

Xia Ge: {yeah, it’s achieved.}

Then she added confidently: {just killed three birds with one stone.}

After all, Xia Ge had spent a lot of time spying on the spy, drinking with Chu Yao, and stirring up shit on Jianfeng……but, with all her actions, she’d had three main goals.

Make sure Ye Ze got Guilongyu, have Chu Yi and Ye Ze meet each other, and finally……restore Chu Yi’s eyes.

Since Ye Ze had made coming to visit him too awkward, Xia Ge had been forced to resort to bad ideas to get Guilongyu to him.

And when it came to Chu Yi……

System: [I Thought You Wouldn’t Acknowledge Chu Yi, And So Didn’t Care About Her.]

Xia Ge: {ai, that doesn’t mean i shouldn’t care……still, what use is it to recognize her?  it’s of no benefit to anyone.}

Tianmu grass could restore a blind person’s sight.  However, in later stages, the person needed to be around the child of destiny for the grass to keep its efficacy.

Xia Ge was not the child of destiny.

The child of destiny was this book’s protagonist, Ye Ze.

Only by staying at Ye Ze’s side, could Chu Yi prevent her eyes from going blind again.

Furthermore……under the protection that Chu Yi’s identity provided, Ye Ze shouldn’t be bullied anymore.

Three birds with one stone.  No matter how exhausting, why shouldn’t Xia Ge do it?

{ugh, i really am a role model to the masses.}  Xia Ge felt depressed.  {why isn’t anyone giving me an award?}

System: [……Don’t Rejoice Prematurely.  Where Are You Getting The Confidence That Chu Yi Won’t Find Out Something’s Wrong?  Ye Ze Doesn’t Know Anything.]

Xia Ge: {ai, take a good look at her.}

The system followed Xia Ge’s suggestion.

Although Chu Yi’s facial expression was her typical one, her gaze kept darting off to the side because she hardly dared glance at Ye Ze.

Xia Ge: {what do you see in her eyes?}

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System: [……]  Nervous, nervous, nervous.

In fact, Chu Yi seemed almost terrified.

Steady as an old dog, Xia Ge counted on her fingers: {seeing the way she’s acting now, i reckon she won’t figure out anything’s wrong for at least ten days.}

System: [……]

Xia Ge: {in any case, by the time she does realize something’s off, ye ze won’t be as weak as he is right now, so……}

Chu Yi was clever.  Even if she did eventually discover that things weren’t what she thought they were, she would’ve already figured out that being around Ye Ze positively affected her eyesight.

Again, Chu Yi was no idiot.  When that time came?  She wouldn’t need anyone to guide her, it’d be clear.

The system hesitated: [……So What Are You Going To Do Now?]

Xia-Little Paper Doll-Ge voiced her profound thoughts: {now that the matter is done, i will brush myself off, and make sure my meritorious deeds are deeply hidden.}

“Go bring everyone here.”  The second Xia Ge was done bragging to the system, she heard Chu Yao’s voice.  Done studying pulverized persimmons, Chu Yao declared: “Starting now, Jianfeng is under martial law.  I won’t let even a mosquito fly out!”

“Go find Senior Brother Chang.  Danfeng and Shoufeng will be under martial law as well.  So have Senior Brother Chang issue the Lingxi order immediately.”

Chu Yao, done ordering Li Liu, paused before adding: “Again, all of Lingxi Sect is under martial law starting now.  We will now check one by one and find any disciples who are not in their rooms!”

Xia Ge quivered: {fuck?!}

System: [Hurry Back Already!]

With great effort, Xia Ge tried to make herself float away, only to despairingly find out that, due to being covered in mud, she couldn’t.

System: [……]

Xia Ge: {……why didn’t i realize before how much you drag me down?}

System: [You’re In A Bad State Right Now, But I’m Sure You’ll Recover Quickly.]

Xia Ge: {why don’t you materialize yourself in a paper doll, and while you’re immobile, i’ll throw you to ground and let people stomp all over you.  we can see how well you do then.}

System: [……]

The red ribbon twined around Xia Ge suddenly shivered, drawing the system’s attention: [Have You Given The Ribbon A Name Yet?]

Xia Ge: {xiaohong.}

[Oh, Shut Up.]  The system took a second to contain its irritation.  [Whatever It Is, You Need To Give It A Name.]

Xia Ge: {yeah, i said it was xiaohong……see, i took responsibility.}

System: [……]

The system then scoffed: [When You Get Caught Tonight, You Won’t Have To Worry About Taking Responsibility Anymore.]

Xia Ge glanced down at the dirty red ribbon, gently wrapping itself around Xia Ge, sedately protecting her fragile paper body

Why……why was it willing to protect Xia Ge like this?

It was a Yimei unrelated to Xia Ge.  There was nothing to tie it to Xia Ge.  Why had it lent its strength to Xia Ge so willingly?  Staying with Xia Ge while getting trampled in the dirt, protecting Xia Ge even through that?

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Could it simply be because……Senior Sister had ordered it to?

“……why are you being like this?” Xia Ge asked the red ribbon, trying to comprehend its behavior, “Even if Senior Sister told you to protect me, you don’t have to go this far.”

Because being responsible for things was too tiring.

One ‘Chu Yi’ was enough, Xia Ge couldn’t bear more.

Tenderly rubbing against Xia Ge’s wrist as she spoke, the bright red ribbon seemed oblivious to Xia Ge’s mood.  Then, in the next second, Xia Ge felt some sort of spirit resonance, as if something were whispering in her ear.

——”May you pick more, this thing is the most lovesick.”

A dazzling flash.

An entranced Xia Ge felt that she’d entered someone else’s soul, chaotic shadows and lights appearing before her vision.

There was a dark cave, filled with endless piles of bones, and evil spirits howling all around.  In the middle of the cave stood a young in blood-stained white clothes, her feet bare and her back to Xia Ge.  And a deep open wound on the girl’s wrist was dripping blood.

Drop by drop, making ‘plop’ noises as it hit the  ground, the blood kept flowing, more and more rapidly, creating a long stream of blood.

Eyes widening, Xia Ge instinctively wanted to go the girl and help her: “Hey!  You will……”  Die!

However the instant Xia Ge took one step, the scene before her disappeared, only to be replaced by another.

It was still the same girl in the same blood-stained clothes, only this time her wrist simply had a bloody scar.

Xia Ge: “……”  That had been blood before, right?  Not water, right?  Where had that stream of blood gone?

With her back still to Xia Ge, the girl was silently kneeling before a nameless gravestone, her hands reverently folded and back straight.  Staring, Xia Ge realized that beside the girl was a hallucinatory blood-red stream, bent and twisting on the ground.

The girl knelt for a long, long time.  The green trees of spring turned to cicadas singing in the summer night, and then to maples leaves falling in the autumn, and finally, to snow covering the mountains.

The dreamworld accelerated, passages of time unceasingly flying by.  The only constant was the devoted girl kneeling in front of the gravestone.

Regardless of pouring rain or scorching sun.

While that thin stream of blood-red gradually grew longer and thicker.  If the dedicated girl was a fixed tree, the unreal stream became her growth rings, recording each year as they passed by.

One year.

Two years.

Three years……

Many, many years.

The seasons rushed by so quickly, Xia Ge lost count of the innumerable years.

Finally, one autumn, when the blood-red stream was very long and thick, it spread itself densely around the girl, no longer illusory, but materialized, ceaseless yearning made manifest.

Xia Ge wanted to go to the girl, have the girl turn and show her face, ask the girl just who she was.  Yet before Xia Ge could take that step, the skies suddenly changed, dark clouds thickly gathering overhead!

The girl seemed to have sensed it also.  While the blood-red stream instantly condensed itself, the mountain rumbled, the girl’s blood-stained white clothes flapping in the howling wind!

Xia Ge’s eyes were very big: “Hello——”

But the girl didn’t look back.  Lightning struck and the blood-red strip unexpectedly spread itself out like a web, protecting the girl!

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The first strike failing, lightning again aimed for the nameless gravestone!

The blood-red strip seemed enraged, gathering itself up and rushed towards the sky!

“If the heavens seek to punish me,” The girl’s voice was barely discernable, “I will punish the heavens in turn.”


The blood-red strip was endless, reaching to the highest heavens, ferociously entangling with its lightning!

“May you pick more……”

Amidst the thunder and the lightning, the barefoot girl knelt with her back to Xia Ge, her voice soft and indistinct, while leftover wisps of the blood-red stream tenderly protected the gravestone.

“This thing is the most lovesick……”







Author: Wang Wei Dynasty: Tang Dynasty


Red beans grow in the southern country, and a few branches come out in spring.

May you pick more, this thing is the most lovesick.





Mandate of Heaven / destiny / fate / one’s life span




Steady as an old dog is a buzzword on the Internet, which refers to describing a person who is stable, experienced, and has a sense of security. [1]

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