LFTMPH Chapter 81-The Scenery Is Nice Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77




Suddenly recalling something, the system spoke urgently: [Host, Quickly Find A Way To Escape!  I Only Deducted You Five Points For Becoming A Paper Doll, And You Have Less Than Thirty Minutes Left!  Get Away Or You’re Going To Be Discovered!]

Xia Ge was dumbstruck: “Why didn’t you tell me something so important earlier!”

System: [Don’t Blame Me, Blame Your Own Stupidity!]

Xia Ge hadn’t used a paper pill to turn into a paper doll this time, it’d been the system ‘helping’ Xia Ge while she’d been dazed and immobile.  Was it Xia Ge’s fault that she’d just assumed the system had used some sort of cheat to give her the full effects of a paper pill? And that the time allotted would be the same, and so on……

Well, her imagination might be very rich, but her reality was very poor.

An obnoxious voice from below: “It’s trapped!”

“What formidable silver butterflies……”


The guard was pursuing too!

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“Ah, ah, {acacia}, run away now, run away as fast as you can!!  Get out of here immediately!!”

{acacia} heard Xia Ge’s order, even as the attacks of the silver butterflies became even more frenzied.  In acknowledgement of Xia Ge’s words, the originally red ribbon began glowing with layer upon layer of dazzling gold light.

Dried mud having long since fallen off of it, {acacia} kept emitting golden waves that rippled out against the assaulting butterflies.  Xia Ge didn’t know if it was an illusion or not, but she could have sworn she heard the faint sound of an electrical current.

Time seemed to be standing still……

“Hurry, shoot it down!”

“I’ve got a bow!”

Chang Nian: “Hand it to me!”

Given the bow, Chang Nian aimed and held his breath, the sharp tip of his arrow slowly gathering golden lingqi at its tip.  The arrow was targeting straight for the center of the mobbing silver butterflies,  where a ball of ribbon was pulsating gold light.

Chang Nian was utterly confident that, no matter what type of evil-doer, his arrow would successfully turn them into obedient roast pork.

Xia Ge’s heart skipped a beat.  Even though she was protectively wrapped up by {acacia}, and so could barely see, she still sensed that she was being targeted by something——

Something very dangerous!


Chang Nian’s hand released the bow string!  The sharp arrow, imbued with golden lingqi, cut through the air towards its target!

“{acacia}!  Run away!”

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The second Xia Ge’s voice ceased, she heard a sound like a sting, followed by the sound of an electrical current flowing through a conductor, and then the feeling of rubbing against something impressively dangerous and horrible!

Just as the sharp arrow was about to pierce the ball of ribbon, the ribbon ball gave one last dizzying burst of golden light like lightning.  While the arrow, passing through innumerable silver butterflies, was reduced to scraps and the central ball of ribbon was nowhere to be seen!

Chang Nian’s eyes went wide: “It’s destroyed?!”

His fellow disciples: “……”

“Didn’t know it was possible……one arrow destroyed it!”


“It wasn’t destroyed.”  A girl’s soft voice was heard, and the disciples turned around to see Chu Yi with the beautifully embroidered sleeves quietly emerging from the deep forest.  Her eyes gleaming cold in the moonlight, she slightly raised a hand before abruptly dropping it.  Silver butterflies flew back to her, one after the other, settling back into their place on her sleeves, like swallows returning to their nests.  Although one silver butterfly landed on Chu Yi’s fingertips, the contrast between it and her hand giving Chu Yi’s skin the color of cold winter snow.

Behind Chu Yi, a silent young man holding a sword slowly walked out of the forest.

Seeing Ye Ze and Chu Yi arrive together, Chang Nian felt something twist in his chest, making him extremely uncomfortable: “Which way did it go then?”

“Its direction……was Danfeng.”  The silver butterfly on her fingertips fluttering its wings, Chu Yi’s large, round eyes narrowed: “It can’t escape.”



= =


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Steam spiraling upwards, the young lady closed her eyes as she immersed her whole in the hot spring water, her voice a little hoarse: “Hang the ayara over here.”

Bixi, who’d just finished washing {heavenly punishment}, sniffed: “You don’t want it hung outside tomorrow, in the sunshine?”

The Yimei was completely wet, comfortably rolling around in the water.

“Bring it over here,” Gu Peijiu affirmed, “Hang it on this tree next to me.”

Saying nothing further, Bixi did as she was told, wringing the ayara out and hanging it on a branch of the old Wutong tree beside the hot spring.

Once on the branch, {heavenly punishment} shook out a little more water, cheerfully enjoying the caresses of the night breeze.

Amidst the dense steam, Gu Peijiu kept her eyes closed for a long time.

Until finally murmuring: “……so many years.”

The ayara, happily stretching itself out, jolted slightly at Gu Peijiu’s words, than let itself drape down quietly, no longer moving.

The minutes passed by.

Softly crawling down from the tree, the Yimei took the initiative to wrap itself around one of the young lady’s hands.

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“I don’t need you to comfort me.”

The hot spring water was very warm, and half of the ayara fell into it.  Vapor clouded the young lady’s delicately beautiful face, and against her skin like jade, the Yimei felt impossibly silky.  Although Gu Peijiu’s pitch-black eyes were impassive, her eyelashes quivered.

“Anything else you want to tell me?”

Coiling itself around, the ayara seemed to be sensing something.  Then, just as Gu Peijiu was about to speak further, a small ball of ribbon, blazing with electric golden light, suddenly appeared midair!  Its aura quite familiar to her, Gu Peijiu’s pupils contracted and without thinking, she raised {heavenly punishment} towards it.  The Yimei didn’t need any urging.  Yanking itself out of the water, water splattering like rainfall, {heavenly punishment} rushed towards the ball of ribbon!

The next second, the ball unraveled itself, turning into a pathetic little red ribbon, making {heavenly punishment} pause its momentum.  Next there came a poof of smoke and a loud bang, and something dropped down into the hot spring, making the water splash practically five feet high!








Parents in Cantonese-speaking areas often scold their children by saying, “It’s better to give birth to barbecued pork than to give birth to you

That is, “a raw piece of barbecued pork is better than a raw you”, implying that children are useless.叉燒

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