LFTMPH Chapter 82-Policies And Countermeasures Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77

System: [……]

Gu Peijiu: “……”

Eyes lowered; Gu Peijiu wasn’t aware of how flushed her face amidst the heavy vapor: “{heavenly punishment}.”

After the slightest of pauses, Gu Peijiu’s ayara softly wrapped itself around Xia Ge’s bare chest.

Xia Ge: “……”

She’d been so focused on other things; she’d forgotten her own nakedness.


——Still, they were both girls.  There was nothing to be afraid of!

And being seen like this was nothing!  Besides, Xia Ge had touched and then touched again!

Wait, what the hell was she thinking about?  Huh……

Xia Ge felt a bit desperate.

“You’re right, this is a really, really good place with nice scenery,”  Gu Peijiu turned her head, giving Xia Ge a perfect view of her long, pretty eyelashes.

Her mind going almost blank again, the only thought in Xia Ge’s head was that Senior Sister’s eyelashes were incredibly beautiful.

No, that was wrong.  Senior Sister was very beautiful everywhere.

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Yet even as Xia Ge was confusedly mulling that fact over, her Senior Sister with the beautiful eyelashes raised a hand with another silver butterfly perched on it.

“So, exactly what is this?”

Xia Ge: “……”

At that moment, Xia Ge felt a mouthful of old blood choking her, refusing to go up or down.

Did anyone else understood the feeling of repeatedly making great sacrifices until a new era of freedom was imminent, only to open your eyes and find yourself oppressed yet again?

Because Xia Ge understood it very clearly.


Gu Peijiu: “This thing seems to make you very nervous.”

Xia Ge: “……”

Gu Peijiu eyed Xia Ge thoughtfully: “Why?”

Pointing at the silver butterfly with a trembling hand, Xia tried to answer: “It, it……”

Waiting patiently for Xia Ge to explain, Gu Peijiu suddenly heard the hustle and bustle of people, and Bixi’s voice sounded: “Miss, there’s some people coming outside.”

Gu Peijiu registered Xia Ge’s stiff expression and asked Bixi with narrowed eyes: “Who are they?”

Bixi: “Apparently something happened at Jianfeng and now they’re checking on people?”

Ignoring everything else, Xia Ge jolted and tried to doggy paddle herself out of the hot springs: “Ah, ah, ah, Senior Sister, I shouldn’t have touched you here in your hot springs, it was too  inhuman of me!  Please let me quickly leave!”

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Gu Peijiu slightly moved a pale hand, and her ayara wrapped Xia Ge even more tightly.  Then Xia Ge, like a little eggroll, was pulled back into Gu Peijiu’s grasp.

“Why are you trying to run off?”

In the dense steam, Gu Peijiu watched Xia Ge with measuring pitch-black eyes: “Do you think if you run away now, you’ll escape consequences?”

Xia Ge: “……”

Feeling both guilty and unconfident, Xia Ge assayed: “I, I’m not trying to run away.  I just don’t think it’s proper for me to be here with you, it’s inappropriate……”

Why had {acacia} brought bring Xia Ge to such a deadly ‘safe place?’

Glancing down at {heavenly punishment}, Xia Ge’s heart filled with despair.

Why was there no one who was reliable?!

The system pondered: [{acacia} Had To Have Thought The Quickest And Best Way To Escape Was To Return Directly To {heavenly punishment}.]

Bixi’s voice carried as she spoke to someone: “The young lady is currently bathing.  Would you like to wait here?”

“That’s fine.”

A familiar girl’s voice, tinged with amusement, “But I do wonder, since it’s awfully late, where did Danfeng’s special disciple go?”

Chu Yi?  Fuck, Chu Yi actually came to Danfeng in person?!

Although……come to think of it, the silver butterflies did belong to her, so it was only natural that she’d be the one to follow them.

“Special disciple?”  Bixi sounded taken aback, but just as she was about to respond to Chu Yi, Gu Peijiu calmly interrupted: “Bixi.”

“Ah,” Bixi paused, “Miss has instructions?”

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Silent for a moment, Gu Peijiu glanced sharply at Xia Ge.

Xia Ge didn’t dare return Gu Peijiu’s gaze, instead nonchalantly staring out at the surrounding scenery as if there were nothing more fascinating in the world.

Ai, Danfeng’s hot spring was truly big.

Unblinking, Gu Peijiu made the slightest movement with her hand.  The silver butterfly upon her fingertips trembled before vanishing in the blink of an eye.

“Bixi, bring me my clothes.”

“Yes, miss……if you could just wait here……” The last part of Bixi’s sentence clearly for Chu Yi.

“Naturally, I’ll wait right here,” Chu Yi lightly laughed.

Bixi’s footsteps approaching, Xia Ge submerged her whole body in the water, not waiting for Gu Peijiu to say anything.  Gu Peijiu froze for just a moment before her red ayara made sure to completely conceal Xia Ge’s body from view.

“Miss, I’ve brought your clothes.”  Bixi came over and was surprised to see {heavenly punishment} floating on the water, “Miss, why are you washing that again here?”

Gu Peijiu: “……”

Thinking fast, Gu Peijiu came up with: “It wanted to soak too.”

Bixi: “……”

Xia Ge: “……”

Moving slowly, {heavenly punishment} gave its best impression of enjoying a bath under the expressionless scrutiny of its master’s large, black eyes.

Bixi: “Right……I’ll just put your clothes here.”

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Xia Ge, waiting for the sound of Bixi’s tread to slowly fade away, found she couldn’t hold her breath anymore.  About to come up for air, Xia Ge was surprised when a hand ruthlessly pushed her down.



Bixi had unexpectedly returned to anxiously advise Gu Peijiu, “Miss, when you take it out, don’t forget to wring it dry.”

The epitome of composure, Gu Peijiu nodded: “Yes, I know.”

Xia Ge, currently drowning: {ai……i’m about to die young!!}

Bixi: “Miss, I think I heard a strange noise just now……”

Gu Peijiu coolly suggested: “It was probably {heavenly punishment} stretching about.”

The Yimei, committing to the act, splashed the water with its ‘tail,’ but used too much force, making waves three feet high!

Bixi: “……it seems it’s very happy.”

Gu Peijiu: “Mmm, it’s always been like this.”

Xia Ge: “……”

“Still, please get dressed quickly, Miss.  I’m not sure those people from Jianfeng have completely good intentions,” Bixi urged.

“Yes, I know.  You go ahead.”

Bixi nodded and left.

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