Chapter 97- Observing Law and Discipline Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77




Chu Yi: “You’re so foolish.”

“Do you actually think you can get revenge in your current state?”

Ye Ze’s steps didn’t falter.

“Perhaps you can wait.  Only the more than two hundred souls of the Ye family who died, do you think they won’t despise your powerlessness?”

Fists clenching, Ye Ze abruptly halted, his body stiff.

Chu Yi stared dreamily at the moonlight bleeding down into the horizon, her voice incomparably soft: “I heard not even a dog was left alive to keep you company.”

“I didn’t know your family……”

Blue veins pulsing in his hands, Ye Ze turned around and glared fiercely at Chu Yi: “You shut up!!”

Chu Yi went quiet, contenting herself with regarding Ye Ze tenderly.

Ye Ze closed his eyes, took a few calming breaths, until finally saying: “It’s none of your concern.”


Then he turned and continued walking away.

Chu Yi called: “Have I made you angry?”

Ye Ze did not look back.

“I’ve made you angry.”  Chu Yi began to slowly follow Ye Ze.  “You’re angry, right?  But don’t you think you’re being too unreasonable?”

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“I’m too bad.”

Chu Yi laughed to herself: “And since I’m so bad, he definitely doesn’t to be with me anymore.”

“Use me then.”

Ye Ze: “Stop following me.”

“Good people will consider whether or not they should accompany someone,” Chu Yi watched Ye Ze’s back, “But I’ve never been a good person.”

And that was why she was only worthy of being used.

“If I must be used by someone,” Chu Yi gradually caught up to Ye Ze until she was walking side by side with him, “I want to be used by you.”

Ye Ze: “What are you even saying……”  Nonsense.

The girl stood on tiptoe and covered Ye Ze’s mouth.  About to shove her hand away, Ye Ze froze when he saw what she was holding up in the other.

It was a vaguely familiar little bell.

Seeing that Ye Ze was completely fixated, Chu Yi shook the bell.  The bell swayed back and forth, yet made no sound.

It was……a bell Ye Ze had often thought of.

“Brother Ye……I’ll tell you who is in Jianfeng’s mountain prison, alright?” Chu Yi’s voice lowered, “Use me, alright?”

Use me.

Need me.

This way——

You won’t……abandon me again.

Staring at the bell, Ye Ze listened to the low murmur of the girl’s voice.  It was as if he’d returned to that night, where, under a wan moon, the black dog’s anguished howls had filled his ears, and the only smell was the stench of blood.

Year after year, every day he remembered it, and every night he dreamt of it——the wailing and the spilled blood of his dying family.

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Every day, every night.

“Brother Ye,” Chu Yi gently wrapped her arms around Ye Ze’s neck, whispering in his ear, “Children who are too well-behaved aren’t given sweets.”

“For the sake of the innocent souls that died……”

“You also should learn to not stop at anything.”



= =



For the third time, Chang Nian’s hand drifted to the place where he’d hidden the bell.


Li Liu, who was sitting beside Chang Nian, gave him a confused look: “What’s the matter with you?”

Chang Nian calmly dropped his hand back down: “……nothing.”

“You should hurry up and go eat something, cause you’re acting too nervous.  You think I can’t tell?” Li Liu teased.

Chang Nian gave Li Liu a frown: “Who’s nervous?  Nonsense!”

Li Liu: “I’ve heard that Senior Brother Chang didn’t go to deal with that Demon Tide, but sent Sister Chu instead.  I wonder if things will go smoothly.”

Someone else asked: “What about Shoufeng and Danfeng?  Did they send people?”

Li Liu thought: “I saw……some Shoufeng disciples and Danfeng’s Senior Sister leave.  I don’t think there were any other Danfeng disciples.”

Chang Nian: “Why is Danfeng so fucking useless?!  Do they have any disciples who aren’t a waste?”

A fellow Jianfeng disciple: “Hey, they’ve got no way to defend themselves, they have to rely on others to protect them.  Besides, it’s impossible for anyone less than a Xuan-level liandan master to refine the Huichun dan without a furnace.  Making them go would be sentencing them to death.”

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Li Liu: “A Danfeng Xuan-level liandan master……”

“To reach Xuan-level in liandan, a disciple needs both their lingqiao open and Danmai,” the Jianfeng disciple continued, “Danfeng’s book on cultivating Danmai was lost in a fire hundreds of years ago.  Danfeng’s Senior Sister, who was born with Danmai, she’s the only one who can refine true Xuan-level dan.  Any other disciple trying to refine at that level. without those two things……well, at best, it could be called pseudo ‘Xuan-level.’”

“Pseudo Xuan-level?” Li Liu was curious.

“Tsk-tsk, even if the disciple has an opened lingqiao, without Danmai, the lingqi of the dan they refine will be inadequate.  Meaning the dan’s effectiveness is halved, and thus making it a ‘pseudo’ Xuan-level dan.”  The disciple took a sip of tea and sighed pretentiously.  “Although, given Danfeng’s current situation, even making a pseudo Xuan-level dan is beyond them.”

Li Liu: “How do you know so much about this?”

The disciple smugly asked: “Don’t you know who I am?”

Chang Nian sneered: “Who?”

“My name is Yao Qian!” The disciple thumped his chest, “My father is the renowned Yao Wuji!”

Li Liu: “……”

Chang Nian: “……”

Someone else was decidedly blunter: “Oh, so your father is that Yao Wuji who sells fake medicine?!”

Yao Qian slapped the table and stood up: “Who sells fake medicine?!  Whose father sells fake medicine?!  Your father sells fake medicine!  Your whole family sells fake medicine!  The medicine sold in Yao Wuji’s shop cheats neither the young nor the old and is highly effective!  What fake medicine?!  Who’s calling it fake?!”

Yao Qian and the blunt disciple started roundly scolding each other, creating a messy scene.  But Chang Nian paid them no attention, once again feeling for the bell that wasn’t there.

Still gone.

An inexplicable anxiousness pervaded Chang Nian’s heart.

Last night, that young girl in blue had spoken in such a soft voice.

——You want to know your little sister’s whereabouts?

——I can help you.

——But before that……there’s one thing you have to do for me.

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When Chang Nian stood up, Li Liu casually inquired: “Where are you going?”

Chang Nian: “My brother didn’t go to fight the Demon Tide, right?”

Li Liu laughed: “He didn’t go.  Two Senior Disciples already went, so that means someone has to stay here to manage the overall situation.”

“Mmm,” Chang Nian replied, “I’m going to find my brother.”









Too good a child has no sugar to eat

too obedient child has no candy

(candy is instead given to the misbehaving child as a reward/bribe for improving behavior)


丹脉  danmai

Elixir pulse/Dan vein

Yao Qian-Pill/Medicine Money

Yao Wuji-Pill/Medicine Everlasting

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