While taking out tickets, Inseop looked around. It was a weekend evening, so the cinema hall was crowded with people. It’s been a long time since he went to see a movie alone. Moreover, the movie in which Lee Wooyeon appeared. He’d seen the same movie dozens of times before, but the feeling was new.

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It’s been a week since he hasn’t seen Lee Wooyeon’s face. These days, almost all of Lee Wooyeon’s schedule ended after midnight. He couldn’t contact him during the day and only made one phone call at night. He couldn’t tell such a person that he would go see him, and he couldn’t even ask him to come.

So the only method he came up with was to watch his movie. He felt ashamed for some reason, so he couldn’t tell Lee Wooyeon. He didn’t want to see how much he would tease him.

Inseop put the ticket in his pocket and sat down on a chair in the hall waiting for him to enter.

“Lee Wooyeon, the evaluation of this movie is good.” 

At the name Lee Wooyeon, Inseop’s ears perked up.

“They said Lee Wooyeon was no joke here. My friend said she didn’t like Lee Woo-yeon, but she became a huge fan after watching the movie, so it must be really good.” 

Inseop felt better when the women sitting next to him praised him.

“What do you do when you become a fan? He’s dating Chae Yeonseo anyway. There were even rumors that the two were getting married.”

“Ah, please. How old is Lee Wooeon, it’s crazy to marry at his age. The road ahead is bright for both of them.”

“Don’t tell this to anyone. A friend of mine told me that a friend of her sister’s second cousin…”

The woman in white whispered to her friend, lowering her voice.

“Chae Yeonseo is three months pregnant. The two of them also picked out a dress at a dress shop in Cheongdam-dong.”


Inseop almost screamed no as he jumped up from his seat.

“Ah, wow. No wonder. This is the first time Lee Wooyeon has admitted to dating rumors.”

A friend of hers, a close friend of her sister’s second cousin. In the middle of the rumor creation scene, Inseop felt dizzy. He wanted to tell them that it was absolutely not like that, but he couldn’t hastily intervene, so the frustration doubled.

“The entrance to Hall 2 begins.”

People began to line up at the cry of the cinema staff. The two women next to him quickly entered the theater as well. Inseop held his coffee and walked weakly to stand in line.

When he entered the theater, the front row was sold out. The news that his box office performance was getting better by word of mouth seemed to be true. Thanks to that, he felt a little better. Inseop found the third seat from the end and sat down. Soon after, the light went out. He had seen it at a press preview, but this was the first time he had a proper appreciation of it in a theater. Inseop adjusted his posture and watched the movie.

The commercials ended and the movie started. In the dark theater, Lee Wooyeon’s voice began to resonate. He forgot to drink the coffee he had brought with him and immersed himself in the movie. The movie ended without knowing how the two hours had passed.


Inseop took a deep breath.

It was a good movie. The script was great and the directing was sensuous. Most of all, he liked the way Lee Wooyeon moved on the screen. It was a movie worth seeing several times. Later, without Lee Wooyeon’s knowledge, he promised to come back and see it again.

As the ending credits rolled, the lights in the theater turned on. People stood up from their seats one by one, but the front door opened and a movie theater employee came in.

“After a while, there will be a surprise stage greeting from the actors and the director. I would appreciate it if the audience would wait and not go out.” 

The surroundings began to stir. It was also done to promote publicity.

Of course, Lee Wooyeon was not the type to take care of that, so Inseop was quite shocked by this sudden stage greeting. CEO Kim’s words that Lee Wooyeon is working very hard these days seemed to be true.

“…What should I do?”

He didn’t want to be found out that he came to see Lee Wooyeon’s movie alone. Even if he tried to leave, the staff were already coming in, so he couldn’t leave either. Reluctantly, Inseop put on his hat on and leaned back against his chair.

One or two actors slowly began to enter. The audience screamed in excitement. Finally, when Lee Wooyeon came in, the screams reached their peak. The spectators seated each took out their mobile phones and took pictures and videos.

“Hello. I’m Yoo Taehyeon, the director of <Lovers>. Thank you very much.”

After the director’s greeting, people clapped. The microphone passed to Lee Wooyeon, who stood next to him.


Even just saying hello, a huge shout burst out. Women screamed and took pictures.

Inseop blankly looked at Lee Wooyeon. It was only a week apart. There were times when they couldn’t see each other for a long time due to each other’s circumstances. However, he was strangely happy and excited. Every time he blinked, feelings for him overflowed.

Ah. He really likes that person a lot.

He realized the obvious fact by chance.

“I am Lee Wooyeon, who played the role of Kwon Hyungjoo in <Lovers>.”

“Oppa! You’re so handsome!”

Everyone burst into laughter at the female student’s shout from the corner.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

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Lee Wooyeon replied with a polite smile. The microphone was passed to the other actors in turn. Inseop sat in the corner and stared blankly at Lee Wooyeon on the stage. He felt his position again.

“I think the director has a lot to say about this work. Please say something.” 

The mike was handed over to the director.

“First of all, I sincerely thank actor Lee Wooyeon, who believed in me and chose this work just by reading the script. My wife told me to bow in the direction of Lee Wooyeon every New Year’s Day and Chuseok from now on.” 

Everyone laughed at the director’s comment. Inseop looked at Lee Wooyeon blankly.

“I think it was possible because of the efforts of not only Lee Wooyeon, but also all the great actors and production staff. I would appreciate it if everyone would spread by word of mouth to your friends.” 

Applause continued. Lee Wooyeon was handed the microphone.

“It was an honor to work with great actors and directors. Watching this movie twice or thrice is more fun than watching it for the first time, so please watch it again next time.”

After Lee Wooyeon’s comment, the girl from before started screaming again.

She said,

“Oppa! Don’t get married! Live alone for the rest of your life!”

It was a statement that was conscious of the dating rumor with Chae Yeonseo. Lee Woo-yeon, who was about to pass the microphone aside, stopped and turned his gaze to the female student. Seeing his stare as sharp as the tip of a spear, Inseop involuntarily swallowed his breath.


Lee Wooyeon replied with an expressionless face. The sound of laughter that resounded in the theater died down with his short and low word. Even the schoolgirl’s face, who was jokingly screaming, hardened at the sharp words.

“The fans who always said that were the first to fall in love with me.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled softly and continued. The theater was again filled with laughter. The mic went over and Lee Wooyeon kept smiling. Everyone thought it was a mischievous sentence. However, Choi Inseop watched Lee Wooyeon closely with a nervous feeling.

Was he in a bad mood?

Even if no one else knew, Inseop knew that Lee Wooyeon was not in a good mood. Even though he was smiling, his eyes didn’t smile. It was rare.

While he was working, he rarely showed his feelings to such an extent.

Inseop watched Lee Wooyeon with worried eyes. After the greetings of the other actors, the director and actors exited. Inseop jumped up from his seat.

“Oh my god. Lee Woo-yeon is really handsome. Why does his voice sound so cool? “

“Awesome. Lee Wooyeon is so handsome.”

“Why is his voice so cool?” 

“Chae Yeonseo is lucky. She must have been hugged by those broad shoulders. He’s good at acting and has a good personality. How nice it would be to marry someone like that.” 

Words about Lee Wooyeon came from all over the place, but now he didn’t hear any of that.

“Sorry. I’ll go through first. I’m sorry.” 

Inseop ran forward through the crowd. Because he had previously held a preview at this movie theater, the public could figure out where Lee Wooyeon would go to the parking lot. The problem was that the elevator Lee Wooyeon would use was for emergencies, so it was not allowed for the audience to use it.

The elevator in the hall was crowded with people leaving because the movie was over. After thinking about it, Inseop turned to the emergency stairs. He ran down the stairs. Lee Wooyeon was worried. It was the first time he had made such a face. He wanted to look at his face for a second, a very short time, to ask if he was okay or if something was wrong. That was the only thought.

Inseop jumped down to the first basement floor where the VIP parking lot was.


His heart was beating fast. Even though he knew he shouldn’t overdo it, his body moved first every time he thought about Wooyeon. He quickly pulled out his phone, wiping his sweaty hair. It was only then that he started thinking about what to do if the road diverges. Then, the back of a familiar man came into view.


The moment he was about to call his name, the woman who had been hidden by Lee Wooyeon appeared. Inseop said, “Uh,” and opened his eyes wide. If his memory was not wrong, that person was definitely…

Chae Yeonseo smiled at Lee Wooyeon and spoke to him. Lee Wooyeon listened to her with his head slightly bowed. After standing and talking for a while, the two got into a white car. Inseop blankly watched as the car pulled away from the parking lot.

What the hell did he see?

Standing in a dark underground parking lot, Inseop tried to think properly with a confused head. The light on the cell phone in his hand flickered.

Inseop looked down at his cellphone’s LCD screen with his blank eyes. It was a text from CEO Kim.

“Go to work tomorrow. In front of the office, 6 in the morning!”

Inseop read that short sentence over and over again. Only then did the fear hidden behind the message stick out its head.

There must be another reason.

Inseop made up his mind and moved his steps. It was rude to the other person to doubt blindly. Lee Wooyeon didn’t even tell him why, and he obviously had a good reason for letting him rest, and it must have been the same yesterday.

“Because I’m not that kind of person.”

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Inseop nodded his head. However, no matter how many times he opened himself up like this, he couldn’t help the gloom and fear creeping in.

If it wasn’t for that yesterday, the steps on the way to the office would have wings.

It should have been light, but now the steps he took were heavy.

At first, he thought it was a meeting to show off their relationship. He was sure the article would come out this morning. However, there was no article published anywhere with photos of Lee Wooyeon and Chae Yeonseo.

‘Shall I ask you directly?’

He know that was the best. However, he was afraid that Lee Wooyeon would deceive him or he would have to listen to his harsh words, so he kept his mouth closed.

Hee also called Lee Wooyeon last night. He was no different than usual.

After checking Inseop’s diet and telling him some kind words, he told him to go to bed as it was late. With the words see you tomorrow. In the end, Inseop couldn’t say a word about it.


Inseop let out a long sigh.

“Why are you sighing so much? Do you hate going to work so much?” 

Hearing the voice from behind, Inseop was startled and turned around. Lee Wooyeon, wearing a white shirt and navy blue slacks, was standing there smiling.

“Oh, hello.”

Inseop quickly bowed his head and greeted him.

“Long time no see.”


He looked up but couldn’t meet his eyes. Perhaps because of his mood, the white shirt Lee Wooyeon was wearing seemed more dazzling than usual.

“Did you have breakfast?”


He had no appetite. He couldn’t sleep much because he was thinking about it yesterday.

“What did you eat?”

Inseop hesitated for a moment, but did not answer.

“I knew it.”

Lee Wooyeon handed over the bag in his hand.

“Sandwich and juice. Eat it later.”

“Thank you. I should have taken care of it…” 

Inseop thanked him while accepting the bag.

“Follow me.”

Inseop had the feeling that something had come up. He was even more scared because he didn’t know what to say.

Lee Wooyeon took Inseop down the stairs to the underground parking lot of his agency building. The bag in his hand rustled every time he walked. His heart trembled at the same time.

Lee Wooyeon, who had been walking ahead, stood on the landing. Inseop came down the stairs and stopped in place. Without even having time to ask why, Lee Wooyeon reached out and wrapped his hand around Inseop’s waist. After that, he hugged Inseop a few more times.

“What, what are you doing?”

Inseop was surprised and asked.

“I’m going to weigh you.”

Lee Woo-yeon replied, as if he was stating the obvious. Hee then carries on with his words, frowning his brow as if he was disapproving.

Hehe said, “I think it’s almost the same as a week ago. Did you eat well?”

“It’s because it’s morning… Please let me go.” 

“Then let’s have dinner and check it out.”

Inseop thought he should drink as much water as possible. Lee Wooyeon set Inseop back down the stairs.

“How are the cats?”

In addition to his diet questions, Lee Wooyeon was constantly asking questions. This was bad. He said that the day he came home drunk, he wasn’t interested in the cat.

“Everyone is doing well. John has improved a lot too. He should be able to leave the hospital in a week.”

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“I’m glad.”

The voice that answered like that was more affectionate. To the extent that someone would mistakenly believe that he is a person who genuinely cares about cats.

“I cut myhair.”

Inseop raised his head and looked at Lee Wooyeon. Come to think of it, he noticed that his hair was a bit shorter than he had seen before.

“I polisstyled it a bit yesterday. It’s the day Mr. Inseop comes.”

When did he go yesterday? Did he go after meeting Chae Yeonseo? The question he wanted to ask came up to the throat.

“Doesn’t it suit me?”

When Inseop didn’t respond, Lee Wooyeon playfully pointed to his head and asked.

“It suits you well.”

Inseop replied with a smile on his face. Lee Wooyeon’s eyes met his. The heat rose. It felt several times hotter than the moment he hugged him. Inseop quickly turned his head to the side.

Lee Wooyeon took one step. The distance between the two became even closer.

Inseop held his breath. His tension made his head dizzy.

“Shall we go?”

Lee Wooyeon, who passed by Inseop before he knew it, asked.

“What? Oh, yes”

Inseop hurriedly followed Wooyeon up the stairs. As Inseop followed him, his face burned with embarrassment. He thought that Lee Wooyeon would definitely kiss him.

“Oh, Inseop”

CEO Kim, who was standing at the entrance of the building, greeted him and shook his hand.

“Hello, CEO.”

“Why are you two there… ha ha ha. It’s been a long time. Have you been doing well?”

CEO Kim quickly changed his words.

“Thanks to you, I rested well.” 

“…Yes, it’s good that you rested too.” 

CEO Kim, who had been in very bad condition during the past few days, muttered and saw the man standing next to him.

He pointed and spoke.

“Right. This is Kim Kangwoo, who will work as a road manager for the time being. Hey Kangwoo, you would know this even if I didn’t say it, but this is Lee Wooyeon, and this is his manager Choi Inseop”

“Hello. My name is Kim Kangwoo. Thank you.” 

A tall, sad-faced man greeted him with a wide smile.

“Hello. I’m Lee Wooyeon.” 

“Nice to meet you. I am Choi Inseop.” 

The two greeted in turn.

“He is a former driver, so he drives well and has a good sense of humor.

CEO Kim looked at Lee Wooyeon’s eyes and then said “Hmm” and cleared his voice.

“Lee Wooyeon. Kangwoo is my ex-wife’s brother. So please take good care of him.” 

“Which one?”

Lee Wooyeon threw a dagger at CEO Kim in a non-trivial manner.

“… second”

“Ah, then he is also the brother-in-law of Manager Cha. I should do better.”

The words that he had to do better had some hidden meanings. CEO Kim glared at Lee Wooyeon with his teeth clenched.

“I’ve heard a lot about you from my brother-in-law.” 

Kim Kangwoo said with a smile.

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“Which brother-in-law?”

“Me! I’m the brother-in-law!”

CEOKim screamed at Lee Wooyeon’s clever question. Inseop didn’t know what to do and looked at the two of them.

“I was joking. Mr. Kangwoo, please take good care of me from now on.”

Wooyeon held out his hand. Kim Kangwoo wiped his hand on his pants, and he quickly grabbed it with an embarrassed face. Inseop rubbed his hand on his shirt, wondering if it was his turn to shake hands.

“Then, since the greetings are over, let’s go to the car.” 

At Lee Wooyeon’s words, Kim Kangwoo nodded and followed CEO Kim.

Inseop looked down at his hand in embarrassment and then let it hang down again. A faint smile appeared on Lee Wooyeon’s lips as he watched the scene.

“Do you have a driver’s license?”

In front of the van, CEO Kim handed over his car keys and asked Kim Kangwoo.

“Of course, brother-in-law. I was a driver.” 

Kim Kangwoo took the key and climbed into the driver’s seat. CEO Kim looked at Kim Kangwoo with anxious eyes, like a parent who had left a child at the water’s edge. When Kim Kangwoo closed the car door, Lee Wooyeon came up behind CEO Kim.

“Why did you bring something that would make you so anxious?” 

“Because I can keep his mouth shut.” 

If something happened, it seemed like he was going to cover it up with friendship.

“Haha. The CEO is so funny.”

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Lee Wooyeon smiled and opened the back door of his car. Inseop said to CEO Kim in a small voice, “I’ll help you well.”

“I believe in you. Inseop.”

CEO Kim tapped Inseop on the shoulder. 

Inseop nodded his head eagerly and opened the passenger-side door.

“Why are you riding there?”

Lee Wooyeon, who was sitting in the back, asked.

“…Should I not get on?”

Inseop asked back, feeling dejected. Lee Wooyeon frowned as if it was absurd.

“I telling you to sit in the back.” 

“The manager should ride in the front.” 

After saying that, Inseop looked at CEO Kim asking for help.

“Of course, in front…”

Lee Wooyeon’s eyes shone brightly. CEO Kim muttered, avoiding his gaze, saying, “You can ride in the front or in the back.”

“Did you hear that?”

Lee Wooyeon pointed to the wide open back door. Inseop hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

“I’ll ride in the front.”

Lee Wooyeon stared blankly at Inseop. Thinking he was going to say something, he said whatever and got into the car. Inseop also immediately climbed into the passenger seat. Not long after, the car pulled out of the parking lot.

“I can’t understand what he’s thinking.” 

He couldn’t understand why Lee Wooyeon, who had firmly refused to use a road manager, suddenly changed his mind within a few days.

There’s no way that non-existent humanity will spring up again.

CEO Kim patted his lips and sighed at his rough day.

He quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

“Yes. Please make a reservation for 10:00 am today. Full body course.” 

After making an aesthetic appointment, CEO Kim put his cell phone in his pocket. He quickly put his thoughts about Lee Wooyeon out of his head. The troubles that could not be resolved were poison to the skin. He began to walk faster while humming his song.

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