Inseop, who was pushing the chair, asked, looking at manager Cha’s expression.

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“I’m okay. It’s only a broken leg, not a fatal disease. Everything is fine except for the leg. Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Manager Cha answered in a cheerful tone. As if to prove his own words, his skin was shiny like a boiled egg.

“I’m glad you look good.”

“Well then. My digestion is good and my headache is better. Ah, this world is worth living.”

Manager Cha muttered with his eyes closed like he was savoring the sunlight. Then, as if he had suddenly remembered, he looked back at Inseop and asked.

“But what happened? So suddenly.”

“I’m sorry I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Ha ha ha. It’s nice to see your face once on this occasion. Okay, is everything okay?”

“Yeah. It’s nothing special.”

Inseop’s voice that answered like that was weak. Lee Wooyeon’s dating rumor was heard through CEO Kim, and he was well aware of it. Scandals for hiding something else were common in this field. But compared to contractual marriages, a dating scandal was nothing.

However, Inseop was in a relationship with the person who was the center of the scandal. The only people who knew about it were CEO Kim and himself. No matter how showy the scandal was, it was different for Lee Wooyeon, whose nerves were made of steel. It was clear that Inseop was suffering from heartache.

“That’s… No, is Lee Wooyeon very upset?”

“No. It’s not like that. Rather, I’m only causing trouble.” 

Inseop hurriedly shook his head.

How kind and beautiful his heart was! 

Manager Cha quickly wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his hospital gown. Other people didn’t know, but he knew. Lee Wooyeon, who revealed his true nature, behaves like a dog to his manager.

“What trouble? Talk to CEO Kim and get a lot of salary. If you’re trying to hold your words just because it’s a temporary job, tell me. I’ll scold him.”

“No. I’m sorry for giving you so much trouble.”

Inseop smiled and replied.

“Is your body okay? Come to think of it, your face looks a bit damaged.” 

Manger Cha felt remorse when he saw Inseop, whose complexion was paler than that of the patient with a broken leg.

“I’m just a little tired because I couldn’t sleep last night. It’s okay.”

“Yesterday? You couldn’t sleep because you were doing something. Ah ha ha ha yeah you couldn’t sleep. It could be because it’s hot.”

A text message sent by CEO Kim yesterday flashed through Manager Cha’s head. It was a message full of swears aimed at Lee Wooyeon, who took his credit card and reserved a hotel suite. Who did he share the hotel suite with? It was obvious who he would have used it with.

“A movie is coming out.” 

Manager Cha quickly changed the subject.

“Yes. The movie promotion will start the day after tomorrow, so I will be busy.” 

“They say that this movie is good.”

“I think it came out really well. I hope it will be opened soon and many people will see it.”

The excitement in Inseop’s voice as he said that was evident.

“Inseop seems to be really a fan of Lee Wooyeon. How come he expects more than Lee Wooyeon himself?”

“Yes. Of course I look forward to it… Because I am a fan.” 

Inseop felt sorry for deceiving Manager Cha by saying that he was a fan of Lee Wooyeon.

“Hmmmm, don’t go there. Inseop” 

Manager Cha cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

“As I said before, if you have any concerns, you can tell me. Think of me as a hyung.”

When Inseop opened his eyes wide, Manager Cha scratched his cheek as if embarrassed.

“Sorry. Am I too old for a hyung?”

 “No. It’s just… it’s a bit strange because I don’t have a hyung.”

“Are you an only child?” 

“I’m the oldest.”

Inseop murmured softly. It was embarrassing, because he’d always heard that they were not similar at all. He had a weak body and a timid personality, so he doesn’t look like the eldest at all.

“Do you have any younger siblings? How many?” 

“Three of us.”

“Wow. It’s a big family. I think you’ll get along well with your younger siblings. Do you have any pictures?” 

Inseop found a family photo in his cell phone photo album and showed it to Manager Cha. Cha opened his eyes wide and alternately looked at Inseop and the phone screen.

“Cute, right?”

“Hahahahaha… he’s big.”

Among the brothers, Inseop looked the youngest. The expression “cute” suited Inseop, not his younger siblings.

“They grew up, but they are all kids. You don’t know how noisy it is when we get together.” Inseop’s eyes were full of affection as he looked at the photos on his phone. 

“You don’t want to see your family?

“…I miss them.”

Inseop put the cell phone back in his pocket.

“Isn’t America more comfortable than Korea?”

“Yes. Maybe. But I’ve adapted a lot.”

“Are you going back to America after you graduate?

“No, that’s not it… Nothing has been decided yet.”

He just told his parents that he wants to study in Korea. No concrete plans have been made since then. To stay here with Lee Wooyeon, he had to find a proper job.

“I’m thinking about this and that. I’m worried.”

The last words were mixed with a sigh. Manager Cha tried to tell him that he was worried about useless things with so many men next to him that even if he played and ate all his life, his money would rot and disappear. But he had a very plausible feeling that Lee Wooyeon would stick out his back to insert a straw, make him take a sip of his own bone marrow, and then make him pay a very high price.

“Why don’t you go to the States or something before the vacation is over?” 

“I’ll decide after seeing the situation. I’m busy now.” 

Inseop quickly smiled.

“Then take a vacation and go somewhere to get some fresh air with your friends. I’ll tell the representative. You’ll be fine for a few days.” 

Inseop smiled silently. Manager Cha carefully asked.

“Are there any friends you keep in touch with in Korea?” 

Inseop shook his head slightly.

“Not even one?”

“…I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, goodness. This friend.”

Manager Cha put on a look of genuine regret.

“I’m kind of bad at things like that. You don’t even know how to hang out with people.”

“If you can get along with Lee Wooyeon, you can get along with anyone.” 

Inseop laughed at Manager Cha’s sincere joke.

“I’m serious. If you  put your mind to it, you’ll make a hundred friends.”

“That would be nice.” 

Inseop slowly pushed the wheelchair.

“Then is Lee Wooyeon your only friend?” 

“Ah, yes… he is.” 

Inseop lowered his eyes and answered.

“You know, Mr. Inseop. I’m not saying this because I hate Lee Wooyeon a lot, I’m saying this because I think of Inseop….Can you communicate with Lee Wooyeon?”


Inseop missed the timing to reply. Manager Cha let out a sigh as if he knew that would happen.

“It feels like you’re talking to a wall, right?”

“It doesn’t happen often.”

Lee Wooyeon’s ability to empathize has declined. He adequately compensated for that with acting in front of people, but he didn’t even bother to act with someone who knew his personality. There was a particular lack of empathy for very trivial and small parts. He felt very sorry for Lee Wooyeon, but Inseop felt lonely every time. He thought that he would never be able to get sympathy from this person for this kind of problem.

“Aren’t you lonely?”

It was a question that ran through his head.


Inseop revealed his true heart without even realizing it.

“you should have met someone else before you got your nose pierced…“ 


Inseop was surprised and asked back.

“Ah, no, I mean… make other friends. A tree needs many small roots to be strong. It’s the same with human relationships…” 

Inseop nodded his head with a serious expression.

“Have I been too arrogant?”

“No. Not at all. You’re the only one who tells me this. I really appreciate it.”

“Think of me as a hyung. A very older hyung.” 

“Thank you.”

Inseop felt very happy, even the nape of his neck turned red.

“Yeah. Don’t you have anything to talk about with your hyung?”

He thought the answer would come back, but Inseop hesitated and wiggled his hand. Manager Cha urged Inseop, saying, “Tell me.”

“Mr. Kang Youngmo.”

“Kang Youngmo?”

The only people who knew the truth of that day were CEO Kim, Manager Cha, and Choi Inseop. And Kang Youngmo’s name was a taboo word among the three.

“Why about Kang Youngmo? What’s the matter? Did Lee Wooyeon cause trouble again?” 

Manager Cha asked, breathing hard. For the first time since he was admitted to the hospital, he had a sick day.

“No, it’s not like that at all. Just… Is he a big influence in the entertainment industry?”

“Yes. He’s good at acting, but the head of the agency is from Kang Youngmo’s wife’s family. The agency is very big.”

While answering, Manger Cha couldn’t hide his anxiety.

“Does Kang Youngmo often run into Lee Wooyeon?”

“I can’t say no, but I’m trying my best not to run into each other…Is there really nothing going on?”

Inseop hesitated for a moment. If he said what Kang Youngmo said to him, it’ll unintentionally result in Lee Wooyeon being outed. No matter how trustworthy Mr. Cha and Mr. Kim were, this was a completely different matter.

“Yeah. It’s nothing. I was just asking because I was worried.” 

Inseop thought it was fortunate that he was pushing the wheelchair. Looking at Manager Cha’s face, he had no confidence to lie calmly.

Manager Cha sighed for a moment, then continued,

“Just in case. If Kang Youngmo and Lee Wooyeon run into each other, Mr. Inseop will stop them. First of all, drag him somewhere else. If it’s from Inseop, Wooyeon listens well.”

Inseop thought about asking CEO Kim to use another manager. However, he thought that if he did that, there would be a misunderstanding, and he was the only person who could stop Lee Wooyeon in the event of an emergency, as Manger Cha said.

“I will do that,”

Inseop nodded as if he were determined to himself and said,

“But it’s really fortunate. There is someone like Inseop next to Lee Wooyeon.” 

Inseop couldn’t raise his head at Manager Cha’s words.

When he woke up this morning, Inseop initially thought he was dreaming. It was only after looking at it for a while that he realized it wasn’t a dream. It was amazing. It was the first time he had woken up before him. Lee Wooyeon’s hair was messy and disheveled. He had taken a shower and slept without properly grooming his hair.

He looked younger than usual. Lee Wooyeon smiled like a boy sometimes. He didn’t know if he was aware of it, but especially when he played a practical joke on Inseop or said a joke. And he really liked that look. Every time Lee Wooyeon smiled at him like that, he felt like he had become an idiot. He was dizzy and his heart was pounding.

It would be nice if he always smiled

Inseop stared blankly at Lee Wooyeon and swallowed the fleeting feeling. And at that moment, like a dream, Lee Wooyeon opened his eyes and smiled like a boy.

Perhaps he was asleep, Lee Wooyeon immediately closed his eyes again. His heart beat like crazy. He was afraid that the sound would wake Lee Wooyeon. He knew the meaning of Lee Wooyeon’s defenseless appearance. How much he cares for him, and how much he cares for him, too.

‘Whether it’s a settlement hospital or a prison, I don’t want to be locked up in either.’

The blood splattered pale face and Lee Wooyeon’s smiling like a boy overlapped. He was worried that something else might happen to him because of him. The happier he was next to him, the greater his anxiety grew.

“Of course, from Inseop’s point of view, a friend like Lee Wooyeon… would not be good.” 

“Oh, no, it’s not like that.” 

“If Lee Wooyeon behaves badly, just throw him away. Because you can make as many friends as you want. Understand?

“Thank you for your concern.”

As Manager Cha was about to say a few more relationship advice, his cell phone which was tucked into the patient’s gown began to ring.

“Wait a minute. Hello?” 

Manger Cha started talking on the phone. Choi Inseop took out his cell phone. Before leaving the hotel, he asked CEO Kim to hold Lee Wooyeon for an hour. The answer came back saying, “I will, so don’t worry and take care of yourself.” He left a text message to Lee Wooyeon asking if he had left the office. Fortunately, there was no contact yet.

Lee Wooyeon called him in the middle, but he didn’t answer. No, he couldn’t. It was obvious that he would be caught sneaking out if he answered the phone. When he sent a text message apologizing for not answering the phone, Lee Wooyeon replied that he would come later because things would be a little late. It was fortunate that things turned out better than expected.

“That’s weird. The hospital staff wants you to come quickly”. 

Manager Cha finished the call with a questionable face.

“Hospital administration?”

“Yes. It’s urgent, so a guardian was asked to come as soon as possible. It’s strange. There’s nothing urgent.”

“Then I’ll go there.”

It took some time to push the wheelchair and move.

“I’m sorry. You’ll have to go a bit, but it’ll be next to the information desk on the first floor of the department of staff.”

“Okay. Shall I get a drink while you’re coming?””

“Buy me a bottle of bottled water. I’ll give you the money when I go up to the hospital room.”

“That’s all right. Then I’ll be right back.

As soon as Inseop left, Manger Cha took out a cigarette from his pocket and asked if he could smoke. Smoking was inconvenient in front of non-smokers. Then, a hand extended from behind lit a lighter and handed it over.



The cigarette dropped from Manager Cha’s mouth.

“Can the patient smoke?”


Lee Wooyeon picked up the cigarette that had fallen on the floor, broke it, and threw it into a nearby trash can.

“…why are you here?” 

“Wow, the weather is nice.”

Lee Wooyeon grabbed the wheelchair handle and started pushing.

“Why are you here? Just answer the question.”

“I came to see you in the hospital, Manager.”

It was a soft voice like melted chocolate. Manager Cha got goosebumps.

“What tricks are you playing?”

“What do you mean a trick? I’m upset.”

Manger Cha had a lot of people around him thanks to his cheerful personality. After being hospitalized, not only company employees but also quite a number of celebrities he knew came to visit him. As for Lee Wooyeon, he didn’t even send a text asking if he was okay, let alone visiting him in the hospital. Of course, he knew he was that kind of guy, so Manger Cha didn’t worry about it and ignored it. Rather, this situation, which appeared to be a visit to the hospital, was very scary.

“Are you the one who made the staff call me?” 

Cha frowned at the thought, brushing off his hair.

“Yes. I asked them to hold off Inseop as long as they could. Thanks to that, I don’t know how many times I took pictures.

Lee Wooyeon smiled as he lowered his sunglasses with his fingers. The ulterior motive behind putting Inseop away from him with so much effort was sinister.

“What are you curious about?”

“As expected, it’s good that the manager communicates well.” 

Lee Wooyeon continued as he slowly pushed the wheelchair.

“Inseop suddenly got a little weird.”

“Where are you going?”     

“I think he’s afraid of something. Originally, he was timid, but he’s strangely scared these days. He tries not to make eye contact.”

“It’s not strange that he’s afraid of you.”

Although it was an attractive point that highlighted his neat appearance, Cha feared that Lee Wooyeon would show his teeth and bite him.

Lee Wooyeon smiled briefly at the curt scolding of the manager. 

“What is he afraid of? Say something that makes sense.”

“First of all, he’s afraid of your laughter.” 

Manager Cha trembled like a person facing a ghost.

“Inseop-ssi likes the sound of my laughter.” 

Every time he laughed, he would stare at him in awe. Lee Wooyeon, liking Inseop’s blushing cheeks and slightly parted lips, sometimes deliberately laughed out loud.



“Well, I’m sure.” 

Manager Cha made a very strong hypothesis and convinced himself.

“Have you seen me being mean? Oh, you heard me.”


Manager Cha’s face turned pale as he recalled the nightmare of Jeju Island. As if trying to shake off the memory, he shuddered. Then, he gathered up his courage and spoke out the words he had stored in his heart..

“You won’t last long if you keep being like this.” 

Lee Wooyeon opened his eyes.

“As expected, couples are said to be one in heart.”

“What nonsense is that?”

Cha’s expression was distorted.

“The CEO said something similar today. You didn’t talk to each other on the phone in advance and kiss each other, did you?”

“People’s thoughts are the same. Isn’t it obvious?” 

Lee Wooyeon smiled and gripped the wheelchair handle.

“Then tell me what Inseop said. I’ve heard enough of the obvious.”

“He didn’t say much. Just that he’s  busy with work these days.”

Manager Cha said vaguely. Inseop brought up the story of Kang Youngmo, but he couldn’t say it in front of Lee Wooyeon. If he does that, Lee Wooyeon may disappear by picking up a pretty brick and humming, saying he will ease Inseop’s worries.

 “Anything else?”


Manager Cha responded sternly.

“I’ve been watching you for a while…”

The park next to the hospital was across an eight-lane road. In the direction of the overpass that crosses the road, Lee Wooyeon slowly pushed the wheelchair.

“Why did you talk about being busy for so long?”

“It could be. Hey hey hey. Why go up the overpass?” 

Lee Wooyeon hummed lightly. It was an early summer with a lot of greenery. However, Manager Cha felt a chill at the moment.

“Why are you taking a walk on the overpass?

“It’s nice to see.” 

“There is nothing to see on the 8-lane road!”

There were no people around. There was a cold sweat behind Cha’s back. Not long after the leg surgery, he could not move a step without crutches or wheelchairs.

“Manager, even if you can’t see it, I’m really trying. So I hope you can help me.”

“I, what can I help you with?”

Instead of answering, Lee Wooyeon smiled, revealing his straight teeth. It was rare in the entertainment world to have such neat and pretty teeth without braces or dental work. Although it was an attractive point that highlighted his neat appearance, Cha felt fear that Lee Wooyeon would show his teeth and bite him.

“What did you talk about with Mr. Inseop?”

Manager Cha swallowed and looked back. A bright smile flashed in Lee Wooyeon’s eyes. The hot sun was hitting the top of his head, and it seemed like a refreshing wind was blowing around Lee Wooyeon.

”That he’s just busy these days.. Ugh.” 

The wheel of the wheelchair got caught on the edge of the stairs. Manager Cha tried to get up, but he collapsed

“It’s dangerous. What are you going to do if you get hurt?” 

The way he said it was to the point where anyone would mistakenly think that he was the person who was most concerned about the safety of Manager Cha.

“Because you’re like this, Inseop is…!” 

“Inseop what?”

Lee Wooyeon’s eyes flashed. He stepped on a landmine. It was hard to get out of it any more. Manager Cha sighed and said with a half-give-up.

“He said he couldn’t live here.”

He actually said the U.S. was more comfortable, but he said with a mixture of exaggeration.

“He can’t live?”

Lee Wooyeon asked back as if he had heard something strange.

“Of course he doesn’t want to live here. He’s far away from his family, he doesn’t have any friends, his lover is…, tsk” 

Manager Cha turned his head as if he had seen something he would not see.

“Mr. Inseop said that? He doesn’t want to live here?” 

Lee Wooyeon repeated the same question.

“Yes. He says it’s lonely and difficult. It’s obvious. You won’t let him make friends and he only sees you. Yes, will the relationship last? A person who is affectionate and likes people will wither away and die.” 

Lee Wooyeon already knew Inseop’s lonely personality. Also the fact that he missed his family. A subtle admiration for a group of friends or peers. But I never thought he’d hate it.

“It’s hard to be in a relationship.”

Wooyeon muttered with his eyes down. Then, with an expressionless face, he tapped the handle of the wheelchair.

Manager Cha became elated at the thought that his attack had worked, and fired at it excitedly.

“It must be a hundred times more difficult for Inseop. Above all else, you are the opponent. I’m worried about him.  He’s a human being who doesn’t even know what he’s thinking, and your job is a celebrity. Worst combination ever. Just imagining it..” 

Manager Cha said horribly.

“Don’t imagine it. Unless I get shot in the head, the day I go out with Mr. Cha won’t come. No, even if I get shot, I won’t go out with you.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled and teased  Manager Cha.

“Lend me that gun too. I’ll shoot myself in the head.”

“Haha. It’s fortunate. We don’t like each other, so we won’t be hurt for the rest of our lives.”

“Ugh. Poor Inseop. How did you meet someone like that?” 

Manager Cha clicked his tongue and shook his head. Lee Wooyeon looked at Manager Cha, who was not mistaken and said the same thing as CEO Kim, with an expression of interest.

“Manager .”

“What? Again.”

“Isn’t what you just said a lie?” 

Manager Cha was so confused, and asked back  “What kind of lie?”

“There hasn’t been any problem lately. But he suddenly doesn’t want to live in Korea. It’s weird.”

“Don’t you know that it’s a critical point? The last drop has fallen and it’s over the limit. Aah. It’s scary when a kid like Inseop makes a sudden turn around. One day, he could get on a plane and go away.The beginning of emotion may be weak, but the end…”

The wheelchair creaked forward.

“What is the end?” 

“…will return in peace.”

Manager Cha pointed to the hospital. No matter how hard he tried to stay calm, his fingertips trembled. If it was Lee Wooyeon, he would have been able to push people down the stairs with a nonchalant face.


Lee Wooyeon announced the wrong answer in a clear voice. The center of gravity of the wheelchair was shifted forward. Dead. Manager Cha closed his eyes tightly while swearing at CEO Kim, who caused this by taking in one wrong person. However, the body that he thought would roll down remained the same. Looking back, Lee Wooyeon was holding on to his shoulder.

“You didn’t really believe that I would push you down the stairs, did you?”

“… ” 

He firmly believed it.

“How do you look at people?”

“How do I look at people? I just look at you… haha.” 

Lee Wooyeon straightened the wheelchair with a perfectly good-natured smile. He pushed the wheelchair and began to go down the overpass and saw a small figure resembling Inseop approaching.

“I’ll go first. Don’t ever say that I was here. If you tell…”

Lee Wooyeon gently grabbed the manager’s shoulders.

“I will visit you again.”


Manager Cha only nodded with a bewildered expression. Lee Wooyeon, as if getting a satisfactory answer, tapped Manager Cha’s shoulder lightly.

“Be well.”

The sound of footsteps disappeared. When he looked back, he couldn’t find Lee Wooyeon. It was only then that Manager Cha noticed that his  patient’s uniform was wet from his sweat.


[At the hotel lobby. I’ll come up soon!]

After sending a text message, the reply arrived right away.

“Yes! Okay!”

It seemed that Inseop’s urgent voice could be heard in the text message. Lee Wooyeon had arrived at the hotel early. He sent a text message shortly after confirming that Inseop had entered the elevator.

Lee Wooyeon got into the elevator and pressed the floor of the room with his card.

He doesn’t want to live here.

If he’s homesick, it was okay for him to take a few flights to the United States, but this was a completely different matter. It was also something he hadn’t even thought about.

Lee Wooyeon crossed his arms and tapped the other arm with his fingers. It reminded him of what Manager Cha said about how anxious he would be if the other person was him. That wasn’t entirely wrong. If he thinks about it, even he would not believe himself.

Would you rather stay together in the US for a while?

Lee Wooyeon clicked his tongue.

It was a good way to overcome Inseop’s anxiety, but it was also the most dangerous way. Filled with love, Inseop’s family was useless to the point of being wonderful. Inseop, a childish and lonely person, had to limit himself to the only person he could rely on. In this situation, if he lets him meet his family, it could be an opportunity for him to settle down in the United States.

Then what should he do?

Suddenly, the elevator arrived at the floor. Even as he walked down the hallway, Lee Wooyeon kept trying to figure out the thoughts in his head, but no answer came. He felt shitty. When he opened the door with the card key and went in, he was startled and saw Inseop sitting on the sofa from the back.

“I’m here.”

Lee Wooyeon deliberately announced his presence out loud.

“Ah. You came?”

Inseop’s clothes were neatly folded on the table.

“They brought me the laundry earlier.” 

When Lee Wooyeon gazed at the clothes, Choi Inseop muttered something like an excuse. He had told them not to bring in the laundry until he asked for it. He didn’t know that Inseop, who always hid even when he ordered a meal through room service, would call and ask for laundry.

Sometimes he’s uselessly good at acting. It’s annoying.

Lee Wooyeon tilted his head and looked at Inseop, then stretched out his hand.


“Why are you dressed like this? You’ll catch a cold.” 

Inseop hadn’t even properly adjusted the hem of his bathrobe, as if he had changed his clothes in a hurry when he heard Lee Wooyeon was coming.

“I’m sorry.”

When Lee Wooyeon meticulously tied the laces of his gown, Inseop was nervous and did not know what to do.

“What is that?” 

“What is it?”

Wooyeon pointed at his feet. It was only then that Inseop realized that he hadn’t taken off his socks.

“Ah, I, I put on my socks because my feet were cold…” 

If he entered a lying contest, he would be eliminated without even reaching the threshold of the preliminary round. Lee Wooyeon looked at Inseop blankly and then hugged him.

“We-We have to leave now. It’s almost time to check-out.” 

“It’s okay. We can do a late check-out.”

Lee Wooyeon held Inseop in his arms and took him to bed. Then, without saying a word, he hugged Inseop and buried his face in his chest. Acting uncharacteristically for Lee Wooyeon, Inseop said,

“Hey, what’s wrong?” 


Inseop hesitantly stroked Lee Wooyeon’s hair

Having watched and experienced Lee Wooyeon’s stamina from the side, the person who knew the best was Choi Inseop. Even so, Inseop worried about Lee Wooyeon without a doubt when he said that it was difficult.

He doesn’t even remember hearing his mother ask him where it hurts. Even though he knew what a terrible monster Lee Wooyeon was, Inseop hugged him without hesitation every time.

“I  must be a bit tired.”

“Shouldn’t you take some medicine? Shall we go to the hospital?”

“I think I’ll be okay if I do this.” 

Lee Wooyeon held Inseop’s arm tighter. Inseop looked at Lee Wooyeon’s face and looked worried. Lee Wooyeon called him in a low voice, “Inseop.” Inseop patted Lee Wooyeon’s head with a careful touch, as if dealing with a fragile artifact.

“Let me know if it hurts a lot. I’ll take you to the hospital.” 

Lee Wooyeon nodded.

At that time, Inseop’s socks, which were worn unevenly, caught his eye. The irritation, which had been so intense, was all at once relieved. There was a laugh.

“Shall we continue what we were talking about?” 

“What are you talking about?”

“We decided to finish talking about how much I like Inseop.”

“Uhm, did we?”

“Actually, I hate it when someone touches my hair.” 

Inseop’s hand, which was stroking his head, paused. Lee Wooyeon put his head in Inseop’s hand as if asking him to continue.

“…you said you didn’t like it.

“I don’t like anyone else. So keep… touching me.” 

Inseop moved his hand back and swept Lee Wooyeon’s hair.

Lee Wooyeon closed his eyes while hugging Inseop’s waist. He was not sure if his feelings were the love that ordinary people felt. No one can guarantee that this feeling will last forever.

But one thing was for sure.


Inseop answered yes to Lee Wooyeon’s call.

“Where did you put your passport?””

He can never let someone else touch his hair.



“Did you bring your passport?” 

“Yes, I did.” 

Inseop took out the brown envelope and held it out.

“What about your ID?”

“I put it all in there.”

Lee Woo-yeon asked for his passport and ID card under the pretext that he might go to overseas photo shoots soon.

“Let me know if you need any other documents. I’ll get it ready.” 

Lee Wooyeon smiled softly, facing his clear eyes. Inseop was a person who would give up his heart if Lee Wooyeon said he needed it. No, he’d add that he should be careful not to fall down while giving his heart.

“If you need any documents, I’ll tell you then.” 

Lee Wooyeon thought that he should keep the document envelope handed over by Inseop in the safe for the time being.

“Then I’ll start.”

Inseop turned the steering wheel. Today was not an official schedule, so he drove Lee Wooyeon’s car without using the bus. Sitting in the passenger seat, Lee Wooyeon leaned by the window and stared at Inseop.

“Is something wrong?”

“I’m looking at you. Can’t I do that?”

“Don’t say that outside…”

“It’s not outside. It’s just in the car. Who’s watching?”

“You should always be careful. Just in case.” 

Inseop closed his lips and made a serious look. Lee Wooyeon thought that the scandal with him seemed to play a role in Inseop’s anxiety and stress.

“Okay. I’ll do as Inseop says.” 

Inseop glanced curiously at Lee Wooyeon, who answered calmly unlike usual.


This time, Lee Wooyeon asked.

“No. Are you still tired?” 

Lee Wooyeon burst into laughter.

Shit. He’s so cute.

“I’m not tired.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled happily as he immediately stopped the car and swallowed his desire to put his cock between Inseop’s crotch.

“I’m glad. I was worried a lot,” 

Inseop changed lanes by checking the rearview mirror.

“Oh, I’m so happy when Inseop worries about me.” 

Lee Wooyeon leaned his head on the passenger seat and said.

“It’s better not to worry.”

He pretended to be serious, but Inseop’s red neck was seen through his shirt. He put his finger between his shirt and neck and asked if it was hot.

“It’s all right. It’s dangerous while driving, so don’t mess around,” 

Inseop said, quickly adjusting his shirt collar. Lee Wooyeon withdrew his hand while he was trying to tell him that he was joking. He folded his arms and closed his eyes.

“Do you want me to wake you up when I arrive?”

“I’m not sleeping”.

Lee Wooyeon answered with his eyes open.

“Go to sleep. What if you’re tired again? You have two schedules today.”

If an actor did not have work, there was no schedule enough to call it a break period. However, when he entered a production or a movie was shown, he would be very busy.

“It’s like having two interviews

“Have you read the expected question I sent you yesterday?”

Inseop e-mailed Lee Wooyeon with an interpretation of the movie and an explanation of the character in detail enough to write a thesis. Lee Wooyeon smiled silently at the manager’s sincerity.

It was surprising to see Inseop believing that the interviewers would be genuinely curious about it. The question to be asked today was obvious. ‘How did you meet Chae Yeon-seo, how did you go out with her, and a word to her.’

“Yes, I’ve read it. It’ll help you a lot.”

“I hope so. Take a nap. I’ll wake you up in 20 minutes.” 

He couldn’t sleep, but when Inseop told him to, Lee Wooyeon closed his eyes again. Twenty minutes later, when he arrived at a cafe in Pangyo, Inseop stopped the car.

“We’ve arrived.”

Lee Wooyeon deliberately didn’t open his eyes because he liked the way he gently shook him.

“We’re here, Mr. Wooyeon.… Are you sleeping?”

“Yes, I’m sleeping.”

Lee Wooyeon answered with his eyes closed. Lee Wooyeon opened his eyes while Inseop was thinking about how to respond to his pranks.

“Don’t you know how to wake up Sleeping Beauty?””

“… If you’re awake, hurry up and go.”

Although Beauty was a noun referring to women, Inseop thought that it was not unreasonable to attach it to Lee Wooyeon. Lee Wooyeon laughed and removed his safety belt. As he was leaving the car, he turned his head when Inseop did not move.

“Don’t you want to go with me?”

“I’ll wait in the car.”

“Wait inside the cafe. Why wait in the car? It’s difficult.” 

“It’s all right. Hurry up and come back.”


Even though he knew Inseop drew a subtle line, Lee Wooyeon doesn’t say anything.

He nodded.

“Call me if you have something to do.”


Lee Wooyeon closed the car door and disappeared.


Inseop, who was left alone, sighed and leaned on the seat. He pretended nothing was wrong, but because he was conscious of Lee Wooyeon, his shoulders felt sore. He asked him not to touch him outside, but he was very nervous because he didn’t know when he would suddenly reach out. Still, Lee Wooyeon kept his promise and joked, but he was not as aggressive as before.

Inseop suddenly took his cell phone out of his pocket and started searching. Starting with the portal site, he went around fan cafes, communities, etc. in turn to search all the posts that appeared by typing Lee Wooyeon’s name.

“Thank god… “

He did not see any strange story. Inseop found Lee Wooyeon’s article on the portal site with confidence and expressed sympathy for the good comments. The malicious comments caught his eye. It was true that CEO Kim said that antis had increased. Inseop worked hard to suppress his disagreement one by one.

After some time doing that, his shoulders were stiff, so he looked up and checked the time.

About half an hour had passed. Interviews usually end in an hour. It takes an hour and a half to take a picture, so there’s still 40 minutes left before it’s over. Inseop took off his seat belt and went out of the car thinking of looking around the cafe.

The cafe was quiet because it was a weekday. The interview was in progress at a cafe annex, so there was no one nearby. Inseop, who was looking around, narrowed his eyes to see a black car parked next to the cafe parking lot. The license plate looked familiar. It was definitely the car that was parked next to him when he left the company gate… No, he saw it at the intersection before entering here. Right behind him

Inseop approached the black car without hesitation. He took a deep breath and tapped the glass of the driver’s seat. The glass of the car went down, and the bearded man put on an irritated face. A large camera next to the driver’s seat caught Inseop’s eyes.

“I know you’re following me.”


“I don’t know for what purpose you’re following me, but you shouldn’t do this. It’s against the law. Please delete the picture you took.”

“Ha, what are you really saying? Do you know who I am?” 

The man laughed as if he was saying something ridiculous. Choi Inseop did not know where he got the courage from, but he replied calmly. The man got out of the car.

“Are you Lee Wooyeon’s manager?” 

“Yes, I am.”

“There’s nothing good in behaving like this to me. I’m going to die of annoyance because I got nothing all day.” 

Inseop breathed a sigh of relief inwardly at the word nothing.

“Please. Please ask for an official interview and take a picture.”

The man put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. Cigarette smoke came over Inseop’s head. Inseop coughed quietly and frowned.

“Hey, manager. That’s so frustrating. It hasn’t been long since you started working, has it? You really don’t know anything.”

Under the man’s short-sleeves, an old tattooed blue dye was seen. His tone and appearance seemed to be of no ordinary reporter. To be honest, he was scared. But he couldn’t back down. Even more so if this man was from Kang Youngmo.

“Please request an official interview through the company. Otherwise, I don’t allow you to take pictures and publish articles.” 

The man tapped Inseop on the shoulder, saying, “Look at me.”

“I think you’re mistaken, but you’re not the one who gives permission to film. If we take it, we take it, and if we don’t, we don’t. The company knows all this and moves on, so don’t be too up-tight. Can’t you understand the situation as the manager?”

“I’m telling you that nothing can’t be done.” 

The man’s expression turned ugly when Inseop, who looked gentle, did not bend to his will.

“Do you think you’re something because your actor is popular? Yes, you bastard slave who sucks on celebrity assholes.” 

“I hope you don’t chase him like this again. Please.” 

Inseop politely asked in a trembling voice, but the man threw the cigarette butts at Inseop’s feet and began to grumble.

“I shouldn’t follow him around when he’s popular, but when he loses popularity, he’ll be left with nothing. Then later, they’ll grovel on the floor, pay me, and beg me to take their picture..”

“Then I’ll ask you to do that at that time.” 

Not only Inseop but also the man turned around in surprise at the voice heard from behind. Lee Wooyeon handed the iced coffee to Inseop.

“If I knew the reporter was here, I would have bought another drink,” 

Lee Wooyeon said while drinking the coffee in his hand. The way he spoke was friendly, but Inseop noticed the cold stare that passed through Lee Wooyeon’s eyes.

“… Are you done already?”

“Break time.”

During the interview, Lee Wooyeon looked through the window and did not take his eyes off Inseop. As soon as Inseop knocked on the door of a black car, he stopped the interview and came out right away.

“You may go in. I’ll take care of it.” 

Lee Wooyeon did not budge and turned to the man even after listening to Inseop.

“What were you two talking about?”

“The manager seems to have some misunderstanding,” the man replied with a sly smile.

“No, I’m sure…”

Inseop was about to talk, but Lee Wooyeon raised his hand to stop him.

“If my manager made a mistake, I’ll apologize for him.”

“Don’t mention it. He’s very uptight but he doesn’t look like that.” 

“My manager is kind of strict when it comes to work.”

Lee Wooyeon’s words made the man’s face happy. He thought they could communicate now.

In fact, it was clearly against the law to sneak around and take pictures like this. However, the public wanted to know the celebrities’ private lives, and celebrities gained public attention through that. Among them, the paparazzi acted like bastards. There was even a saying that the amount of photos released was a measure of popularity. So, it was a fact that the agency also turned a blind eye to it to some extent.

“But you know the case of Jinsu-mi, who was my stalker, right?” 

“Of course I do.”

Lee Wooyeon’s stalker case also raised alarm in the entertainment industry. There was even a movement to propose a bill on illegitimate fans. Although it was a criminal complaint because it was an injury case where she stabbed a person with a knife, Lee Wooyeon also sued Jinsu-mi for invasion of privacy and intimidation and even appointed a large law firm to claim compensation for mental damage. This should never happen again, he announced that he would not agree to any leniency.

The incident was also common, but Lee Wooyeon’s handling was so severe that it was unusual in the industry that it was stuck in the minds of reporters.

“You know, after that incident, our company is in a position that we don’t take any good care of stalkers.”

“…Oh, yes.”

The man replied with a bitter look. When Lee Wooyeon first appeared, he thought the talk was going well, but the atmosphere was getting weird.

“Then I believe you will understand.” 

Lee Wooyeon, who said so, handed the coffee in his hand to Inseop. Then he put his hand into the car and took out the camera.

“No, what are you doing now!”

The man shouted urgently. Regardless, Lee Wooyeon took out his memory card, bent it in half in front of the reporter, and hit the camera on the floor. Surprised, Inseop gasped.

“Hey! Do you know how much this costs?”

The man picked up the shattered camera and shouted, staring at Lee Wooyeon.

“You can charge our company for the camera.” 

“What are you doing with me now!” 

The man’s face flushed with anger and grabbed Lee Wooyeon by the collar. Inseop tried to stop the man, but Lee Wooyeon blocked Inseop with his arm.

“The manager should stay still.”

His voice was so cold. His gentle eyes did not have any emotion.

Lee Wooyeon knew early on that a black car followed them, but he didn’t care. Taking a few pictures didn’t change anything. However, he could not pass what the worm-like reporter said to Inseop.

Inseop bowed his head even after hearing the insult that he was a bastard slave who sucks on celebrity assholes.Actually, he was the one who sucked Inseop’s hole.

Lee Wooyeon swallowed an incoming burst of laughter.

“Didn’t I tell you earlier?””

After Lee Wooyeon took back the coffee in Inseop’s hand and took a sip, he continued.

“There’s no mercy.”




“You’re crazy! You’re a jerk,” 

CEO Kim shouted, hitting the desk.

“I heard you soundproofed the office, and it must have gone well.” 

Even though Lee Wooyeon was being criticized right on his face, he answered without any change. Next to him, Choi Inseop was the only one who was restless.

“How many times have I told you not to turn a reporter into an enemy?”

“I don’t know. About six times.”

“But what are you doing?”

CEO Kim shouted, turning the laptop screen in front of Lee Wooyeon. There was an article accusing top star Lee Wooyeon of his arrogant behavior under the title ‘Two Faces’.

“There’s no one in the world who breaks a reporter’s camera for secretly taking pictures before the movie is released! Are you determined for your act to be exposed?”

“It’s not just an act.’ I just did as the CEO said.” 

As soon as he faced Lee Wooyeon, who smiled leisurely, CEO Kim got goosebumps. He was finally crazy enough to be out of control… 

“You said you only see me in entertainment. This isn’t a social experiment.”

“… I want to die.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled lightly and swept his hair up.

“I thought I would break his head, not the camera, but I held it in. Isn’t it worthy of praise?” 

CEO Kim stared at Lee Wooyeon for a long time and groaned.

“Yes.Even if Lee Wooyeon is like that, Inseop, what did you do?” 

Inseop bowed his head with an expression knowing that it was finally his turn.

“I’m sorry, I…”

“What did Inseop do wrong? It’s all my fault.” 

Lee Wooyeon cut off Inseop’s words. Although he claimed it to be his fault, Lee Wooyeon’s gaze towards CEO Kim was brutal itself.

“No, it’s my fault. I’m so sorry. I’ll take any reprimand.”

Inseop put his hands together and apologized. It was all because he overreacted because of Kang Youngmo. There was no excuses.

“Please pay for the camera with my salary. And I will continue to work for free. No, you can cut my pay if you want.”

“You don’t have to cut it.” 

Lee Wooyeon continued while looking at CEO Kim.

“Please report that I reacted sensitively to the trauma caused by the stalker incident. I don’t mind disclosing the hospital records if necessary, saying that I’ve been having a hard time getting counseling since then. I like to stand on the side of the weak and wield a sense of justice, so it will soon turn the tables.” 

Inseop blinked because he was surprised by the first story he heard.

“Did you get counseling about it?”

When Inseop asked in a small voice, Lee Wooyeon smiled.

“I went to get a prescription for sleeping pills because of insomnia.” 

It was also the first time that he heard that Lee Wooyeon had insomnia.

“Inseop, it was when you were in the U.S. Don’t worry. I’m fine now.”

CEO Kim sighed.

“Fine. But even if you say it, what are you going to do with this?” 

CEO Kim lowered his voice and showed him the reporter’s new article from earlier. 

Lee Wooyeon and Chae Yeonseo are dating separately, and they spread false rumors of a romantic relationship to promote their work.

“What am I promoting?”

“Chae Yeonseo is on the list of female main characters in Cho Yoonyoung’s new work.”

‘You’re telling me that important story now?’I knew it since yesterday.'”

“You’re not wrong about what the reporter said. The promotion will go well,” 

Lee Wooyeon said in a tone like it didn’t matter.

“It’s troublesome if you start being attacked by one like this, don’t you know the habits of journalists? It hasn’t been long since we shook off Kim Hae Shin. And you put on a leech like this.”

CEO Kim glanced at Inseop and gestured at Lee Wooyeon with his eyes. Inseop stood shaking, his fingertips turning blue.


When Lee Wooyeon called Choi Inseop, Inseop exhaled and raised his head.

“I left my paper envelope in the car, could you bring it to me? The CEO told me to submit it by today.”

“What do you mean…”

Lee Wooyeon kicked CEO Kim’s shin under the table who opened his mouth.

“Oh, that’s right, that’s right. I told you to bring it by today. Inseop, can you hurry up and find it and bring it to me?”

CEO Kim helped Lee Wooyeon.

“Yes, sir. Did you put it in the back seat?

“I probably did.”

When Choi Inseop left the CEO’s office, CEO Kim rubbed his red shin.

He glared at Lee Wooyeon.

“Son of a bitch, you kicked with emotion.”

“I don’t have any feelings for the CEO. All the emotions I have are with Inseop. Don’t worry.” 

“…That’s why I’m worried. I’m sure this guy posted an article about Chae Yeonseo, but it’s true that you’re dating someone else.

If the truth was revealed, they would be hit several times more than the affair.

“I’m sorry to Inseop, but… Do you want to fire him? I decided to help him for a while anyway, and Inseop will be on vacation, so he can have fun.” 

Lee Wooyeon closed his eyes and swallowed his laughter.

“The CEO is a cold-hearted man.”


When he was criticized by a person who was cold-hearted, as well as a rude person, a tendon stood out on CEO Kim’s forehead.

“Poor Inseop. He offered to help in good faith, but you fired him unfairly even though it wasn’t his fault.”

“Who doesn’t know that! I’m not saying this for you.”

“People who always think about themselves put those words at the beginning. Of course, I’m not saying this to the CEO.”

“Hey, you’re really…!”

“CEO, if you’re really thinking about me, leave Inseop alone.” 

“You’d better be careful now. And Inseop doesn’t look good these days.”

“I know.”

Lee Wooyeon picked up a bottle of water from the table and opened the cap.

As CEO Kim said, Inseop’s face was not good these days. He used to show up even when he couldn’t sleep well. When asked where he was sick, he just shook his head.

But he wanted to see even that blank face. He didn’t have a chance to see Inseop’s face unless it was because of work these days. When he had a break and wanted to eat with him, Inseop often went back home because he had something to do.

He took a sip of water. His thirst hadn’t gone away at all.

“I know… I’m nervous.”

“What’s disturbing you?”

“Inseop, I guess he wants to go back to the U.S. I feel like he’s floating away these days. What can I do? I’m going to make him work and hold him next to me.”

“You’re more…” 


“No. I was going to say desperate, but I think pathetic is right. Lee Wooyeon, you’re a wonder.”

He was someone who didn’t stop a woman coming and a woman who went. It was not easy for CEO Kim to believe that he said he should keep him as a manager because he was afraid that Inseop would not meet him.

“It can’t be helped. I don’t even have a covering wing.” 

CEO Kim glanced at Lee Wooyeon’s face, who was talking to himself in a gloomy manner. The line from the forehead to the nose fell gracefully as if drawn. Throughout his modeling career, he has seen many handsome faces, but he swears he has never seen a face with perfect proportions like Lee Wooyeon. If he was a woodcutter, there would be few fairies who would go up to the sky.

“…If I could, I would have set him on fire.”

“I can’t even make him pregnant, so I’ll have to burn him.”

Right. If he gave him an ax, he would cut down the mountain spirit, take the gold ax first, and then split the deer’s belly and finish it for dinner.

CEO Kim quickly shook off his sympathy, which was a very momentary moment.

“But now, I’m kind of separated from Inseop…” 


Lee Wooyeon quietly called CEO Kim. It was not a day when he was grinning, angry, or cheeky as usual.

“You saw what would happen if I was separated from Inseop,” 

Lee Wooyeon said calmly.

“That’s true.”

CEO Kim replied with a complex look. Lee Wooyeon described it as insomnia earlier, but he never wanted to see it again.

“Then do you want to have another manager? Inseop would also be comfortable and it’ll be killing two birds with one stone…”

“I don’t want to.”

Lee Wooyeon refused at once. The only time he could be alone was when he drove him back and forth. He didn’t want anyone else around during that time.

“I’m getting old because of you, I’m getting old,” 

CEO Kim wrapped his head and made a groaning sound.

“I’ll be careful. Don’t worry.” 

“Wouldn’t you be worried?”

“I’m not the CEO. You renewed your contract with a guy like me. If I were you, I would never have done it.” 

The contract with Lee Wooyeon ended. As soon as rumors circulated that he was on the market, he got calls offering a huge down payment from place to place. Lee Wooyeon didn’t care at all.

“If you want, can I renew my contract?”

At the words thrown by Lee Wooyeon, who sat cross legged, CEO Kim eagerly calculated the money Lee Wooyeon earned last year. Eventually, despite Cha’s dissuasion, CEO Kim visited Lee Wooyeon with a new contract and a bottle of vodka.

“Is the CEO a good person or doesn’t he have the ability to learn? Well, it’s both.”

Lee Wooyeon drank the bottled water and muttered words that he did not know were self-criticism or CEO Kim’s curse. Kim, a Christian, clenched his fist and began to take a look inside.

Then Lee Wooyeon’s cell phone rang.

“Hello? You can’t find it? No. I’ll come down. It’s okay. What are you sorry about?”

CEO Kim watched Lee Wooyeon appease his opponent with a perfect soft voice with a proud look.

‘I’m going to go.’

Lee Wooyeon, mouthed to CEO Kim and  stood up from his seat. CEO Kim waved his hand telling him to get out, as if he were kicking out evil spirits.

Lee Wooyeon suddenly turned around as if he had something in mind. Then, he lifted his laptop and scrolled down the article that CEO Kim showed earlier.

“What are you doing?”

In response to CEO Kim’s question, Lee Wooyeon tapped the laptop screen with his finger. Lee Wooyeon disappeared with a light wave of his hand. CEO Kim got goosebumps when he checked what he saw.

It had the name of the reporter who wrote the article.




“Where do you think you saw it last?”

“I don’t know. Was it at the study?”

At Lee Wooyeon’s words, Inseop searched the desk thoroughly. Lee Wooyeon also pretended to search for documents that did not exist.

“You left it in a paper envelope, didn’t you?”

“Yes. Probably.”

Inseop rummaged through the bookcase next to the desk. Lee Wooyeon stood still and watched Inseop’s back.

“What kind of document is it?” 

“It’s a tax-related document.”

“Then I must find it.”

Inseop took off his jacket and put it on the seat. Lee Wooyeon managed to hold back his laughter.

After enjoying his vacation at the hotel, Inseop quickly went back to his house after his schedule. No matter how much Lee Wooyeon asked him to come up for a while, he didn’t even listen. Lee Wooyeon kept his promise. As a result, he has not been able to touch Inseop for a week.

On his way home from work today, CEO Kim called him to the office, and Lee Wooyeon rejoiced inwardly. It was a calculative move from his part so that he could somehow drag Inseop home because it would take a while there. As Inseop would not be able to sleep for a long time because he would have to drive him from the office then go back to his own home, he was determined to drag him to his house. He didn’t want to let Inseop, who had such a nice smile on his face, to sleep alone.

After pulling up in the parking lot, Lee Wooyeon asked if he could go up with him and find the documents. Inseop hesitated with a nervous look. Lee Wooyeon smiled sadly, saying that he would find it alone. When he turned around and walked about three steps, Inseop called Lee Wooyeon’s name. Eventually, Inseop walked into Lee Wooyeon’s house on his own. As expected, the actor was good at acting.

“It’s not here either. Did the worker put it away?”

“That’s possible,” 

Inseop frowned after checking the time.

“It’s too late to call him now, and, um…” 

Inseop began to search the desk again. Inseop, who was carefully looking at the bookcase, opened the desk drawer this time and looked inside.

“What is this box?”

Inseop pointed to the paper box under the desk.

“It’s probably a box for collecting old documents.” 

“Let’s take a look. Just in case.” 

Inseop leaned under the desk and opened the box. Lee Wooyeon covered his mouth with his hand. It was hard to hold back a smile while looking at the round back. He felt like he saw a rabbit in a cave. He thought he should stop teasing him.


“What? Ack…!”

Unknowingly, Inseop raised his head and banged his head on the desk. Lee Wooyeon quickly lowered his body under the desk.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay. It was just a bump.” 

“Look here. Are you okay?”

Lee Wooyeon reached out and grabbed Inseop’s face and looked around. Lee Wooyeon blocked the desk, and Inseop was suddenly trapped under the desk.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Inseop wanted to get out of the desk as soon as possible. Lee Wooyeon’s breath touched his head and he wanted to turn his head, but he couldn’t. The distance was too close.

“What if you get hurt?”

Lee Wooyeon carefully examined Inseop’s head with serious eyes. Facing Lee Wooyeon under his desk, his shoulders seemed wider.

“I am not hurt. You can stop.”

Inseop’s face turned red as he felt that he was conscious of him for no reason. Lee Wooyeon obediently removed his hand. But he didn’t leave.

Their eyes met. Lee Wooyeon looked straight at Inseop without blinking an eye.

“… I need to find the papers.”

“I can get it issued again.” 

“What? Obviously until today…”

Lee Wooyeon kissed Inseop’s lips. It was a careful, gentle kiss. Like his  first kiss. There was the sound of lips rubbing as their wet lips met and then stopped.

“Do you want to sleep here tonight?”

Lee Wooyeon asked with his eyes half-closed. The tip of their nose barely touched.

“Tomorrow’s schedule starts early…”

“Then go to bed. Why are you going back and forth? It’s a hassle,” 

Inseop shook his head. It seemed that the strange reporter he had seen a few days ago was standing guard in front of the house.

“Is it because you’re worried about the article? That’s not about me, it’s about Chae Yeonseo. You know that.”

As Inseop’s eyes turned dark again, Lee Wooyeon affectionately teased him.

“But there is nothing wrong with being careful.” 

Inseop had recently been feeling how good his imagination was. He was particularly talented at imagining bad scenarios.

“Even if they take a picture, no one will think it’s strange if you say you stayed here because of our morning schedule. It’s a common thing.” 

Lee Wooyeon spread outright lies in a sincere voice. While working as an actor, he never had a manager come to his house except for Inseop. One manager only came to the front door once because he had documents to hand over to Manager Cha.

“Still, just in case.”

Inseop knew a person who would think it strange, so he couldn’t hastily agree with Lee Wooyeon’s words.

“I also have to feed the cat.”

Inseop made another excuse in a crawling voice. Lee Wooyeon, who narrowed his eyes, suddenly smiled at the thought that passed through his head.

“It would be nice to have cats. Mr. Inseop cares about them so much.”

“Oh, no. It’s just giving them food and water occasionally.”

“Maybe the cats would starve to death without Inseop.” 


He said something horrible with that kind of look..

“It is said that  a cat that a human started to feed once is not able find food on its own. You did not know?”

“Yes. I didn’t know. It was too late yesterday so I couldn’t give it to them, so what should I do?”

As if the cat were starving to death right now, Inseop was restless. Lee Wooyeon took Inseop’s hand and raised him up.

“That’s why Inseop should take good care of me until the end. Don’t go anywhere”

“Yes. I will.”

Lee Wooyeon closed his eyes in satisfaction. It was also a good idea to add at least one reason why Inseop would not leave Korea.

“Then hurry up before it’s too late. The cats will be waiting for you.” 

Lee Wooyeon picked up the jacket he had left on the chair and wrapped it on Inseop. Inseop was a little taken aback by his sudden change of attitude and put on his jacket.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Seeing Inseop hesitantly say goodbye, Lee Wooyeon felt a desire he had barely suppressed.

He felt a sudden attack.

It would be nice to just take one bite.

Lee Wooyeon smiled and waved his hand while standing leaning against the door.

“Give my regards to the cats.”

“Yes. I’ll be sure to tell them.”

As if it was an important mission, Inseop disappeared outside the front door with a determined face.

Hearing footsteps receding, Lee Wooyeon unbuttoned his shirt.

It was another night where he could hardly sleep.


“Sir, we’re here.”

Inseop, who was taking a nap, got up in surprise at the taxi driver’s words .

“I’m sorry.” 

“You must have been very tired.”

Inseop took out a 10,000 won bill from his wallet and handed it over. After receiving the change, Inseop thanked the taxi driver.

“Drive safely. Thank you.” 

Inseop got out of the taxi and went up to the house. As soon as  he opened the front door and went inside, his legs gave out. He hasn’t slept well for days.

He used to wake up and search for Lee Wooyeon’s name on his phone to see if there were any articles posted. Even when he confirmed that everything was okay, he was not relieved. The anxiety was only getting worse like an obsessive compulsive patient. The hardest thing was pretending to be calm in front of Lee Wooyeon.

Even today, when CEO Kim showed him an article written maliciously by a reporter, he thought his heart would stop. As he drove to Lee Wooyeon’s house, all he could think about was the driver. Did Kang Youngmo read the article? Maybe he was spreading strange rumors using this article as an excuse. If Lee Wooyeon finds out about it…

Even when Lee Wooyeon suggested that he go to sleep, he was not shaken. He had to drive early in the morning because there was a local schedule the next day.I wanted to sell my soul if I could sleep an extra hour. But he told himself that he should never do that. He never wanted to see people around him get hurt because of his weakness.

“You have to wake up.”

Inseop patted his cheek a couple of times and got up. He endured the temptation to get into bed right away and took cat food and water. Lee Wooyeon’s words came to mind that cats once fed by humans rarely find food on their own. From then on, he climbed the stairs, determined to take care of the cat’s food no matter how late it was.

Halfway up the stairs to the rooftop, he heard something indicating the presence of a person.

Inseop, who did not expect to meet someone at this time, was startled and stiffened his body.

“Oh. Room 501.” 


It was the son of the owner. The man, who looked well over 40, was smoking in a stretched T-shirt and sweatpants every time he saw him. Even now, the smell of cigarettes stung his nose. He thought he shouldn’t judge people by their impressions, but Inseop was particularly difficult and reluctant to see the man in front of him.

“Where are you going at this hour?”

“’On the rooftop for a while….”

Inseop quickly hid the food behind him and answered. It was a relief that the stairs were dark.

“Rooftop? Why there?”

After thinking about it for a while, Inseop boldly said, “I’m going to smoke.” He thought it was a big deal because he kept improving his lying skills. If he keeps deceiving people like this, he thought he might receive a heavy punishment.

“Cigarettes? What kind of cigarette is that small thing? You’re naughtier than you look” 

Inseop asked back, “What?” when the owner’s son said that with a grin. He didn’t really understand the Korean slang that was used.

“Are you the one who hasn’t cleaned up the cigarette butts?” 

“No, I’m not. If I smoke…I cleaned it up right away.”

In fact, even if he didn’t smoke, he cleaned up all the cigarette butts when he saw them. He was concerned that it might be swallowed by cats.

“Hey. By the way, do you have a cat or something?””

“What? Oh, no.”

Inseop shook his head. It wasn’t a lie. Lois stayed on the roof after giving birth in the corner of the rooftop, and Inseop only occasionally took care of them by giving them food. Still, he always cleaned up the mess because he thought it would cause damage to others, but his heart was pounding.

“Okay. Then keep the tailpipe clean in the future.” 

He tapped Inseop on the shoulder and went down the stairs. Inseop ran up to the rooftop quickly. He looked around, but he couldn’t see the cats. Inseop took out the feed bowl and poured the feed.

“Lois. Lois”.

Inseop waved the plastic bag containing the food and called the mother’s name.

Whenever he did that, Lois would show up out of nowhere with the kittens. His heart skipped a beat with anxiety that something might have happened to the cats because of the owner’s son’s comments about the cats.


He heard a cat meowing somewhere. When he looked back, the mother and her kittens had appeared and were hurriedly walking towards him.

“I was worried. Come here quickly”

Inseop filled the bowl with feed. He filled an empty bowl with water and kept it to the side. Inseop, who was happy to see the kittens drinking water with their little tongues, suddenly turned his head.

“Lois, why don’t you eat?”

The mother, who did not even come near, let alone eat, stood far away

“Meow,” he cried softly.

“What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?”

Inseop approached the mother cat and stroked her hair.

The cat cried while avoiding Inseop’s hand. Inseop frowned at her unusual behavior, then checked her hand and held his breath.

“Where are you hurt? What is this blood?”

Inseop picked up the mother cat’s body and looked around. However, no wounds could be found anywhere. Inseop turned around to check the kittens. John was nowhere to be seen. There were times when he joined the meal late, but he couldn’t shake off his anxiety at all.

“Where is John?”

As if the mother cat was giving an answer, she said “Nyaaang” and cried for a long time. Inseop put the cat down. The mother started walking ahead as if asking him to follow her. Inseop followed the mother cat. The cat stopped in front of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner that was spinning with a heavy sound and looked up at Inseop. Striped hairs were visible through the gaps in the outdoor unit.

“John. Why are you in there again?”

John, the weakest and smallest, always fell behind even among the pups. Even when he was eating, he was pushed out so that he had to feed him separately.

Maybe that’s why Inseop cared the most for John.

“John. Let’s eat. Come out.”

Inseop called the baby’s name in a friendly voice so as not to be surprised. But John didn’t budge.

“If you don’t eat quickly, your brothers…”

Inseop, who was talking, paused and shut his mouth. He realized that John’s body, which he thought was curled up in a corner, was stretched out on the floor. Inseop reached out through the gap and grabbed the kitten’s body. Inseop frowned at the warm feeling. He managed to get the cat out.

Even while watching, Inseop didn’t realize for a while what he was looking at. His white, soft fur was all wet and soaked in dark red liquid.


The hand holding the bloody little body trembled. Beside him, the mother cat let out a long, thin cry and rubbed against Inseop. His mind went blank. His stomach groaned and he heard the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. His blood-soaked body rose and fell feebly, letting out shallow breaths. He had to do something. With trembling hands, Inseop rummaged through his pockets and took out his cell phone.

“Call, 911, no 119, at this time the veterinary hospital is…”

Inseop quickly searched for a 24-hour animal hospital. He tried to find the nearest place and called, but for some reason, the call did not go through. He thought he should find another place, so he hung up the phone and tried to search again. However, the cell phone slipped from his hand because of the blood and fell to the floor.

Inseop quickly picked it up and listened. Tears covered his eyes. Inseop hit himself hard on the cheek. It’s not the time to cry. At times like this, he had to be more calm. Any delay could have killed John.

Inseop thought of someone who could help him. He calmly looked up the number and pressed the call button.


A white car roared and stopped on the road. A man came out of the car with a scary face and strode open the door of a lighted store.


At Lee Wooyeon’s voice, Inseop, who was sitting in the corner, raised his head. The moment he saw the blood spattering on his pale face, Lee Wooyeon’s eyes flashed. Lee Wooyeon ran and knelt down in front of Inseop.

“Who’s blood is this, who did it, where and how much are you injured?”

“Oh, no. That’s not it…” 

Inseop blinked his eyes and replied. Blood was clotted not only on the nape of his neck, but also on his eyelashes. Facing Inseop, Lee Wooyeon murmured. It was a tingling feeling.

“Why are you here? We have to go to the hospital!” 

Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s wrist. Inseop urgently grabbed the hem of Lee Wooyeon’s clothes.

“No. I’m not hurt.” 


“Not me, but John…” 

Inseop continued with dry lips.

“I brought John because he was injured. It’s not my blood.” 

“John… a cat?” 


Lee Wooyeon sighed and swallowed a short breath.

He must have had more than enough time to get home when Inseop called.

Lee Wooyeon, who had been waiting for a long time because he did not come, eventually called him first. Normally, it would have been a situation where he could have called several times, but he deliberately acted fine so that Inseop would not be stressed.

After a few beeps, Inseop answered the phone. Contrary to the expectation that he was preparing well, he heard the sound of a car.

<Where are you?>

When asked by Lee Wooyeon, Inseop hung up the phone, saying he would call again later in a trembling voice. Lee Wooyeon called Inseop again, getting dressed and taking out the car key. Before Inseop said something, Lee Wooyeon said, “Please send me the address,” and finished the call. He stepped on it like a madman and drove all the way here, about to cut dozens of speeding tickets.

Only then did Lee Wooyeon see the words Animal Hospital. He was so panicked that he couldn’t see anything around him.

“That’s fortunate.”

Inseop’s hand trembled at Lee Wooyeon’s words. Lee Wooyeon let go of Inseop’s wrist.


Hearing the voice from the side, Lee Wooyeon raised his head. A woman with her hat pressed down smiled awkwardly and said hello.


While answering, Lee Wooyeon’s eyes were on Inseop.

“Reporter Yoon Ahreum. I told you the other day…” 

“It’s been a while. I’m not a reporter right now”

“Yes. Long time no see.”

Even after Lee Wooyeon answered dryly, he still did not take his eyes off Inseop. It was a look in his eyes asking him to explain why he was sitting here.

“The veterinary hospital I searched for did not answer the phone, so I did not know which hospital was open at this time, so I called the phone number I received the other day. It’s close to the house too…”


Lee Wooyeon replied insensitively. Choi Inseop, who froze in tears when faced with a frightening situation, made an ideally rational decision. If he had called him, he would have dissuaded Inseop, saying that no animal hospital was open at this time, not counting the travel time. He never had in mind what time the veterinary clinic was open in the first place.

“..She drove me all the way here.” 

Inseop added the fact that he didn’t want to know.

“Thank you.”

“No. Of course, I have to do it. Although I was surprised to receive a call at this time.”

Yoon Ahreum smiled and humbled herself at Lee Woo-yeon’s thanks.

“Sorry. Yoon Ahreum is the only person I know who raises animals.”

“No. It’s really fine.”

Yoon Ahreum raised her hand. She even had blood on her sweatshirt.

Her kind personality, which never showed her displeasure, irritated Lee Wooyeon.

“I’m worried because Mr. Inseop seems very surprised. His hands keep shaking…”

“I’m o-okay.”

Inseop quickly hid his trembling hand behind his back and answered. Lee Wooyeon scooped water from the water purifier and handed it to Inseop.

“Drink some water. Do you have any medicine?”

Inseop shook his head. Inseop’s face was still covered in blood as he took the cup and said thank you in a small voice. Lee Wooyeon wiped Inseop’s face with the palm of his hand and wiped his blood.

“What’s with this face? At least wash your face…” 

Inseop quickly lowered Lee Wooyeon’s hand.

“I’ll wipe it. Lee Wooyeon’s hands are stained with blood.” 

Lee Wooyeon looked at his hand, which had nowhere to go, and smiled bitterly. Yoon Ahreum quickly took out her handkerchief and handed it to Inseop.

“I received this as a free gift, so you can use it and throw it away.” 

“Thank you.”

“It looks like you received another handkerchief before.” 

Inseop was at a loss what to do with Lee Wooyeon’s sharp criticism. Then, a veterinarian in an operating gown walked out of the operating room.

Inseop jumped up from his seat. Lee Wooyeon first approached the veterinarian and calmly asked about the cat’s condition.

“Did the surgery go well?” 

“Huh? Oh, yes. It went well.”

The veterinarian who recognized Lee Wooyeon replied with his eyes wide open.

“The bleeding from the broken bones was almost dangerous. Maybe even a little late would have been a big deal.”

At the doctor’s explanation, Inseop nodded his head as he turned white.

“He’s in the recovery room now. I think it will have to be hospitalized for about two weeks…You are Lee Wooyeon, right?”

The veterinarian asked with a look of disbelief.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Lee Wooyeon answered while examining the face of Inseop standing next to him. His eyes, which were filled with tears, were barely holding back their tears.

“Can I come pick him up when he leaves the hospital?” The veterinarian nodded at Lee Wooyeon’s question.

“Yes. You’ll probably have to keep taking care of it at home for a while. But looking at the condition of the baby, it doesn’t seem like a house cat.”

“He’s just a cat who I take care of by giving food.” 

Inseop answered in a trembling voice.

“Then it’s a big deal. Even if he leaves the hospital, he won’t be able to survive even for a few days if you leave it outside.”

The veterinarian put on a sad expression.


Before Inseop finished speaking, Lee Wooyeon intercepted his words.

“I will take it.”


Inseop was surprised and asked back.

“You can’t raise animals in Inseop’s home. My house has a lot of playrooms.” 

“No, Mr. Lee Wooyeon has never raised a cat before.” 

“Let’s raise it now.”

“You don’t have to do that because of me. And…” 

Inseop couldn’t bear to say the next word. He knew that Lee Wooyeon did not like animals. Wooyeon smiled with his mouth raised, as if he had read Inseop’s thoughts.

“It’s okay.”

He hated animals. The flying hair and the peculiar smell. What bothered him most was the trouble it caused him. However, for Inseop’s sake, he could endure as much as he could. He could use that as an excuse to lure Inseop into the house.

“You’ve been away, and you’ve been very busy lately.” 

“I can tell the person who works.”


“If it’s okay, can I take him with me?” 

Yoon Ahreum, who was watching from behind, cautiously interjected.

“Yes? No. Of course I’m responsible. I can move. I’ll look for a room as soon as possible.” Inseop lowered his head.

“No. Inseop-ssi is also very busy right now.”


More than anything, it was a problem that bothered Inseop the most. Even if he changed his residence, he did not have enough time to take care of the cat. Still, he couldn’t say it in front of the person he was caring for that he would quit his job because of the cat.

“I love that cat, and I’ve had one before. It’s better to have someone who’s taken care of a sick child.” 

“Yes. This is because it takes a lot of work. It’s good to have someone by his side to take care of him.”

The veterinarian agreed with her. Inseop lowered his head with both hands in his hands.

“Thank you. I will pay for the hospital bills, food expenses, and all other expenses. We will also give you a case fee. Anything you need or want…” 

“It’s okay. What kind of reward is it?”

“I am really sorry and thank you.”

Inseop couldn’t even raise his head. He had only seen Yoon Ahreum three times. Even after receiving her phone number, he couldn’t even contact her. He only sent a short message saying that he would not be able to see Kongi because he was busy for the time being.

In response to what could have been rude contact, Yoon Ahreum kindly replied that he could come see him whenever he had free time. They were not very close to meet each other, but he was very grateful that she came with him to the hospital in the middle of the night. But he didn’t know what to say out of apologies for causing such trouble.

“Don’t do that. I’ll be more sorry.” 

Yoon Ahreum stretched out her hand to lift Inseop up. But Lee Wooyeon first grabbed Inseop by the shoulder and made him stand upright.

“Yes. I’m sorry if that’s so, Miss. Yoon Ahreum. And I’ll pay for the hospital bill.” 

“No, I will…”

“I’ll pay. I’ll have to do this much.” 

Lee Wooyeon’s smiling eyes looked strangely cold. Inseop had no choice but to nod his head countless times. While Lee Wooyeon paid the hospital bill, Inseop thanked Yoon Ahreum again.

“I will do everything I can. Please contact me anytime.” 

“Yes. But we were in such a hurry I forgot to ask. How did the cat get hurt?” 

“I’m not sure either.”

He had a guess, but he wasn’t sure, so he couldn’t tell anyone.

“No matter how you look at it, it looks like someone purposely hit it with something hard. Right, doctor?”

Yoon Ahreum asked the veterinarian with a firm expression.

“Yes. I think so too. There are traces of burns from cigarettes.” 

“Burning with cigarettes? Such crazy… ha, really. The bastard should be punished” 

Yoon Ahreum uttered abusive language angrily. Inseop confirmed that his suspicion was somewhat true with the word cigarette.

“Are there any other kids? If he was that big, he would have been with his mother.”

“There are two more.”

John was the weakest and slowest of them all. Unlike the other brothers who were wary of him, he would be the first to approach Inseop and show off cute charms by pushing his little head. When he thought about why only John had gotten to that point, he felt his heart choke.

“Then I will have to find owners for them too.” 

Yoon Areum expressed her aspirations with her arms folded. Inseop opened his eyes wide and asked how.

“How do I do it? I’ll catch them, wash them clean at home, make them plump, take pictures, and post them for sale. Mr. Inseop pays for the stakes.”

“Yes. Of course I’ll give you everything!”

Inseop nodded his head several times.

“Then can I leave today?” 

Lee Wooyeon asked the veterinarian.

“You can go. You can come tomorrow to check the baby’s condition. Just write down one more emergency contact number in case something happens.”

“I’ll write down my number.”

Lee Wooyeon is expressionless as Yoon Ahreum approaches the reception desk and leaves her contact information.

 He looked up.

“Thank you very much sir. Thank you very much for today.” 

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Inseop said goodbye to the veterinarian and left the hospital.

“I will give you a ride, Mr. Inseop.” 

Lee Wooyeon, who came out, looked back at Yoon Ahreum as she said.

“But you two must be really close. Coming at this time. You’re amazing.”

Yoon Ahreum said in a voice filled with admiration.

“Yes. We are close.”

Lee Wooyeon replied briefly. Inseop quickly bowed his head to Yoon Areum.

“Today, I really caused a lot of trouble. Thank you.”

“It’s okay. I’ll call you back tomorrow.”

“Then be careful going back.”

Yoon Ahreum walked to the parking lot. Lee Wooyeon walked to the car parked randomly on the road. Inseop quickly followed him. Lee Wooyeon opened the passenger door and went to the driver’s seat.

After getting into the car, Inseop greeted Wooyeon.

“I’m sorry. It’s because of me…”

“What did you do?”

After Lee Wooyeon smiled softly, he started the engine.


At Lee Wooweon’s point, Inseop hurriedly pulled the belt and locked the clip. Lee Wooyeon started the engine. All the way home he was silent. Inseop noticed that Wooyeon’s expression was fierce, and he looked for an opportunity to talk to him while fiddling with the seat belt.

When he entered the apartment parking lot, Lee Wooyeon suddenly opened his mouth.

“Who do you think was it?” 


“You said earlier that you didn’t know. Didn’t you mean you knew something, but it wasn’t accurate?”

Inseop was quite surprised inside. He didn’t know if Lee Wooyeon was even thinking about such a thing in his own words.

“Not exactly. Just…” 


“I met the owner’s son before going up to the roof. He smokes too…but that’s just my guess.”


Lee Wooyeon turned his steering wheel to park.

“No. Just drop me off in front.” 

Lee Wooyeon didn’t answer, finished parking, and turned off the car. Silence fell in the car. Lee Wooyeon reached out and wiped the blood from Inseop’s cheek.

“No. I… “

Fearing that Lee Wooyeon’s hands would get blood, Inseop tried to lower his hands. However, Lee Wooyeon did not budge and meticulously wiped Inseop’s face.

“A person who is afraid of blood and can’t see anyone getting hurt. You must have been very surprised.”

His tone and voice were very friendly, but the air around him felt cold and dry. Inseop shrugged his shoulders and replied, “It’s okay.”

“At that time, I’m glad you thought about calling her. Not me.”

As Lee Wooyeon wiped his face, his hand touched Inseop’s lips. He rubbed Inseop’s lips with his thumb.

“Did you not think of me?”

“That is…”

Wooyeon lowered his head. Their lips touched. His tongue slipped between his gaping lips. When Inseop tried to lean back, Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop by the shoulder and pulled him straight.


As if Inseop had a seizure, he pushed Lee Wooyeon away.

“You shouldn’t be like this. If someone sees…” 

“I shouldn’t be seen by anyone. It’ll be a big deal.” 

Lee Wooyeon continued Inseop’s words and stood up. Inseop held onto his sleeve.

“It’s not that I didn’t think of Lee Wooyeon. But if I called you this way, you might end up in the eyes of others, and more than anything…” 

“I know. I’m not fit for this kind of thing.” 

All the way to this place, Lee Wooyeon chewed on his sense of shame. He could only put up with a cat for Inseop’s sake. Even if he tried to decorate it, he couldn’t overcome his innate emotions.

He had never felt sadness or anger at the lack of emotions different from those of ordinary people. It’s just that he was annoyed by having to go to and from the hospital for treatment in his childhood.

But now.

“I don’t mean that. I…” 

Inseop’s eyes were stained with embarrassment and guilt.

Lee Wooyeon bit his lower lip.

Inseop knew his deficiency. That was why he called Yoon Areum. He had no intention of criticizing the right choice. However, he thought that the day might come when Inseop eventually made the right choice in his relationship with him.

If that happens, he will be abandoned.

Shame filled his head. It was the first feeling he felt.

“I never thought so. I mean it.” 

“I know. It’s late.”

 It was well past three in the morning. Because of tomorrow’s schedule, even if he went home now, he won’t be able to sleep for even a couple of hours. Inseop could not open the car door and hesitantly looked at Lee Wooyeon.

“…It’s late. Would you like to come up to sleep?”

Lee Wooyeon knew how courageous Inseop, who did not allow him to hold hands outside because other people were watching, was saying this.

“No. I’ll just go.”

So, Lee Wooyeon couldn’t accept the words all the more. This was the limit of his narrowly grasped reason. It was clear that if he went up in this mood, even if Inseop cried, he would take off his pants and stick his dick in him. He will hold Inseop, who will hate it, and hold him again and again all night long.

He couldn’t even count how many times he had pressed Inseop’s limbs with force and forcibly inserted himself. His mouth went dry from the sudden urge.

He didn’t want to repeat the mistakes he made in Hawaii.

“Then be careful. Thank you so much for today.”

Inseop thanked him as he got out of the car.

Inseop looked back a little nervously.

Lee Wooyeon looked straight at Inseop and said,

“Don’t come out tomorrow.”

There was no smiling face, nor friendly voice.


[All three of them have adjusted.]

Inseop smiled still when he saw the attached picture. This morning, Inseop rescued both Lois and the kittens with the help of Yoon Ahreum. All three were taken to the hospital to check if they were sick and moved to Yoon Ahreum’s house. Giving an empty room to the cats, she sent pictures of the sleeping cats to Inseop.

[I was worried because I thought they would be fussy and hide, but I’m glad. Kong isn’t stressed out?]

A few minutes later, a picture of a dog staring helplessly at a cat over the fence arrived.

[Tell Kong I’m really sorry and grateful. Please contact me right away if anything happens.]

After sending a text message, Inseop slumped on the bed. Tiredness rushed in. He felt several times more tired than usual. Inseop checked his cell phone. Still, there was no text message from Lee Wooyeon. He thought about making a phone call, but he didn’t. Inseop sighed and tossed and turned.

“Don’t come out tomorrow.”

When he heard it from Lee Wooyeon, he was standing there for a long time in the dark. He barely opened his mouth and asked if he was angry. Lee Wooyeon shook his head.

“You’re tired today. I’ll give you a day off, so take a day off?”

Inseop refused, saying it was okay. It was impossible to take a day off suddenly. Lee Wooyeon responded to Inseop, who said he was not tired and could not cause such trouble to Lee Wooyeon.

“It’s not that much trouble for me.”

His voice was several times lower and colder than usual, so Inseop eventually nodded.

Inseop texted Lee Wooyeon in the morning to wish him good luck with his work. He did not receive any reply. He never ignored him. So either he was pretty angry or he was really busy. Probably, the former was more likely.

The event’s from dawn kept bothering him. Should he have contacted Lee Wooyeon first? If he did, maybe John would be dead by now. No matter how many times he thinks about it, yesterday’s choice was the best. But he realized that the best choice doesn’t please everyone.

Inseop lay on his side and put his arm on his head. Then, he habitually entered the portal site on his phone, and woke up when he saw that Lee Wooyeon’s name was on the top of the real-time search word.

Today’s schedule was not a live broadcast, so it won’t be because of the broadcast. Then what the hell was going on? With trembling hands, he managed to type Lee Wooyeon’s name in the search box. The article flashed out.

[Lee Wooyeon, a true handsome man with a warm heart]

[Lee Wooyeon, the story maker of this era, this time to animals!]

[Lee Wooyeon’s warm love for animals.]

Inseop started reading the articles.

[Actor Lee Wooyeon’s quiet story is a big topic. Today morning, employee A, who said he was working at a veterinary hospital in Seoul, posted an article on social media with a picture. A, who identified themself as an employee at a 24-hour animal hospital, revealed the situation, “This morning, two men and women who seemed to be a couple brought a kitten rescued from the street and had an emergency surgery.”

“…a couple.”

Inseop broke down in a cold sweat and lowered the screen.

[A said, “Later, a man who received a phone call from one of the couples ran into the hospital, and surprisingly, he was Lee Wooyeon. Even the veterinarian said he couldn’t believe it at first. Everyone was surprised at how good the real thing looked. What is even more surprising is the fact that Mr. Lee Wooyeon, who came to the hospital at dawn, paid all the hospital bills.”]

The story about Lee Wooyeon’s appearance was narrated without missing a single thing by the eye witness.

[A also said, “Even Lee Wooyeon called separately in the morning and said he would pay all the hospital bills in the future.” The employees argued that each of them would make a phone call to listen to how good the voice on the phone was. Fortunately, the cat’s surgery ended well, and now they’re taking a rest and waiting for a good owner,” they wrote, posting a picture of the recovering cat. Lee Wooyeon’s agency said, “I have not heard anything related to this from him, but I think it is possible if it is his usual mind.” This is why actor Lee Wooyeon, who is as warm-hearted as his face, is expected to move forward.]

Only then did Inseop relax and straighten his shoulders.

There were a lot of comments under the article. It was almost all compliments to Lee Wooyeon. There were also comments that said they wanted to take the cat because it was so pretty. There was also occasional praise for the couple who rescued the injured cat at dawn.

“We’re not a couple…”

Inseop muttered, expressing disapproval. Then he saw a malicious comment that all of this was Lee Wooyeon’s pretense ahead of the movie’s release. The comments below it were also spectacular.

[A bastard who earns a lot of money pays for the hospital bill and shows it off.]

[Go to the army. Fucking asshole.]

[Why do you save a stray cat? If I hear the sound of cats at night, I want to stone it to death.]

[Lee Wooyeon, the guy who doesn’t even donate usually pretends to be kind. It’s disgusting to see these bastards.]

Inseop sighed quietly, logged in, and left a comment.

[Lee Wooyeon is a good person. Really. I’m always rooting for you]

Even though he knew it was useless, he always left comments like a habit whenever Lee Wooyeon was criticized. Inseop laid back on the bed. He checked out Lee Wooyeon’s fan cafe and community. Until yesterday, the bulletin board, which had been noisy due to a dispute with reporters, was animated by cat stories. It was a good thing.

After reading the story about him for a long time, Inseop suddenly missed Lee Wooyeon. It’s only been half a day since he saw him.

“I’m pathetic.”

Inseop muttered to himself and put his arm on his forehead. Lee Wooyeon got better and better. Until he opened his eyes and closed them, he couldn’t get rid of his thoughts about Lee Wooyeon. Like a boy suffering from first love, the fever got worse over time.

Sometimes, Lee Wooyeon would tease him half-jokingly as a stalker. It was clear that half of the jokes would disappear there if he was caught in this state. While determining not to be caught, Inseop suddenly thought that Lee Wooyeon might have read the article. Lee Wooyeon didn’t even bother reading an article about himself unless someone put the article right in front of him.

He thought about it and sent a text message.

[Did you finish your work well today? You worked hard.]

It was time for the schedule to end. He thought he’d get a call or a text message if he waited a little bit. However, even after waiting for a long time, his cell phone was as quiet as death. He took out a book and opened it to wait for Lee Wooyeon to contact him. He closed his eyes before reading a few chapters. How long has it been?

He heard a thumping sound in his sleep. He thought it was a dream. However, Inseop opened his eyes to the sound growing over time.

Thud, thud, thud, thud.

Someone was knocking on the door. Inseop jumped up, ran to the front door, and opened the door. No one knocked on the door like this, but there was only one person who would come to him at this time.

“I told you to check who it was and open the door.” 

Lee Wooyeon raised Inseop in a low voice. He blinked at the smell of alcohol.

“Did you drink?”

Lee Wooyeon did not answer and came straight into the front door. Inseop closed the door quickly. Then he checked his watch, it was 2am

“Are you drunk?” 

“Do I look drunk?”

His eyes were clear and his pronunciation was clear. However, Lee Wooyeon walked in with his shoes on and sat on the bed before Inseop could answer.

He was drunk.

Inseop ran quickly and sat on his knees on the floor, taking off Lee Wooyeon’s shoes. Lee Wooyeon stared down at Inseop.

“How did you get here?”

“I came here by taxi.”

“Who did you drink with?”

“CEO Kim bought it for me. I did a good job.” 

He thought he knew what the good thing was. He just didn’t understand why Lee Wooyeon was drunk. He rarely got drunk and he wasn’t a person who drank until he was drunk.

When Inseop left his shoes at the front door and came back, Lee Wooyeon was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

“Are you sleeping?”

Inseop asked, but the answer did not return. Inseop carefully began to take off Lee Wooyeon’s jacket. Lee Wooyeon, who he thought was sleeping when he was trying to pull out one arm, opened his eyes. Inseop screamed like when he saw a scene where the body was alive in a horror movie he had to watch.

“What are you doing?”

Asked Lee Wooyeon. Grabbing his fluttering heart, Inseop managed to answer.

“Oh, to undress you. You can’t sleep like this.” 

Inseop thought that he would rather take it off quickly when he was conscious, so he tried to raise Lee Wooyeon up. Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s wrist.

“What are you going to do with my clothes off?” 


“Are you going to pounce on me?”

“No, I’ll never do such a thing,” 

Inseop hurriedly denied it. Lee Wooyeon squinted his eyes and smiled.

“What kind of thing is that?”

“Well, Inseop doesn’t have much sexual desire for me.” 

“Wh, what are you talking about?”

“Inseop never begged me to have sex first. You said you don’t sleep while thinking about me.”


Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s wrist and rubbed it on his cheek. Then he murmured in a languid voice.

“Fuck, I want to do something like that.” 

Inseop’s face flushed red at the short sensational gesture, and as he bowed his head, Lee Wooyeon’s low laughter was heard. Inseop looked up at Lee Wooyeon. He was smiling, but it looked distorted.

Inseop tried to ask Lee Wooyeon if he was angry, but his body was pulled forward. Lee Wooyeon laid Inseop on the bed. In the blink of an eye, the positions of the two men changed.

“Inseop, do you know that you look prettier when you look down from the top?””

“I, I don’t know.”

Inseop answered, turning his head to the side. Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s chin and made him look at him. He averted his eyes. Lee Wooyeon looked at Inseop for a long time without saying a word. Then he suddenly asked.

“What happened to the cat?”

“…he’s recovering.”

He took the rest of the kitten and examined John’s condition. Fortunately, he could hear that he was recovering without any problems.

“I thought Inseop was hurt yesterday, so I was going crazy.’” 

“I’m sorry.”

Inseop’s heart throbbed as he remembered the face of the man entering the hospital. He wanted to explain it properly, but the cat in his arms gasped as if it were about to die, so he couldn’t continue the call.

“I have to apologize.”

Lee Wooyeon continued by sweeping Inseop’s hair.

“I’m sorry. I thought it was a good thing the cat got hurt.”


“In fact, I don’t care if the cat is dead or alive at all.I don’t have any sympathy. It’s usually always the case.” 

He already knew that Lee Wooyeon was in that state. It came as no surprise. It was just weird. It seemed that Lee Wooyeon considered his condition as a disgrace unlike usual.

Inseop reached out his hand and stroked Lee Wooyeon’s cheek.

“No, it’s not.”

Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s hand and kissed him.

“…Thank you for noticing.”

The soft lips slipped as if leaving a trajectory on the back of the hand. Inseop called out Lee Wooyeon.

“You have a schedule tomorrow morning.”

“The morning interview was canceled. Don’t worry. I’ll do what Inseop tells me to do. I won’t touch you outside, I’ll work hard, and what else? Oh, yes, be the best actor. Hahaha.”

Lee Wooyeon laughed and put his body on top of Inseop as if collapsing. As soon as he took his weight, Inseop gasped.

“Mr. Wooyeon. Wait, to the side…”

Inseop grabbed Lee Wooyeon and asked, but he didn’t budge.

Only after hearing the even breathing did Inseop realize that he was asleep.

Inseop put Lee Wooyeon down. After barely removing his jacket, he was soaked with sweat. He didn’t dare to take off his shirt and pants. Inseop pondered for a while and hung it on the chair to drag only the belt.

He checked his watch. It was almost two o’clock in the morning. Inseop set the alarm and turned off the light. While dragging the duvet, he covered Lee Wooyeon and laid down.

Maybe someone saw Lee Wooyeon coming here.

His heart throbbed with anxiety. Inseop blinked. He could see the face of Lee Wooyeon, who slept soundly in the dark. His heart leaped so fast that he forgot what expression to make every time he met him, even though he saw him hundreds and thousands of times.

“I like it, too. Such things…” 

Inseop closed his eyes after muttering to himself softly.


Consciousness rose and fell between sleep and wakefulness. The thought that it was time for the alarm to go off at the same time that the accumulated fatigue for several days weighed heavily on his eyelids brought him back to the land of the conscious..

He slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the legs of the bed. Curiosity came first. When did he fall to the floor? While thinking about that, water drops fell on his cheek.


He raised his head and screamed.

“Oh my god!”

Lee Wooyeon, whose eyes he met, smiled. Inseop calmed his jumping heart and breathed deeply.

“Uh, since when have you been doing that?”

“…Well, I don’t know.”

Lee Wooyeon, who was looking down at Inseop from the bed, replied. His hair was wet as he had woken up first and finished showering. Inseop checked the wall clock.

“We still have time left before we start our schedule,” 

Lee Wooyeon, who noticed what Inseop’s behavior meant, replied first.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Inside? Ahh.”

Lee Wooyeon nodded as if he finally understood the intention of the question.

“I think you drank a lot yesterday…” 

Inseop looked up at Lee Wooyeon with a worried face.

“I don’t have a hangover.”

Looking at Lee Wooyeon, who rarely gets drunk no matter how much he drinks, and who appears with a normal face the next day even if he was drunk, CEO Kim once said, “We must do a blood test.” The elixir of immortality must run in his blood. Lee Wooyeon picked up the knife on the table, put it on his wrist, and laughed and said.

‘Do you want to try it?’

After the incident, CEO Kim stopped joking about the immortal ingredients contained in Lee Wooyeon’s blood. Although the harmful treatment of prohibited drugs has begun.

“Well, I’m going to wash up, too.”

It was Lee Wooyeon who fell asleep drunk, but Inseop was the only one who looked disheveled.

He was embarrassed.


Lee Wooyeon rose from his seat. Inseop quickly organized his blanket and packed his change of clothes and went into the bathroom. He felt strange in the shower. There was no significant physical contact with Lee Wooyeon for nearly 10 days.

He asked for a favor, but he didn’t expect him to listen this well, but he even felt somewhat disappointed.

“…Are you crazy?”

Inseop shook his head quickly. He took a quick shower, got dressed, and went outside. The smell of food whiffed past him.

“Sit there. Let’s eat.”

“I should’ve prepared. I’m sorry.” 

“It’s nothing much. There is no food in the refrigerator. I threw away the apple.” 

Lee Wooyeon pointed to the dried apple with his chin as he placed the omelet on a plate. Inseop smiled shyly as he sat down at the narrow kitchen island. Come to think of it, he had a vague memory of shopping recently.

“Aren’t you eating at home?”

“Yes. I just don’t have time…” 

Lee Wooyeon shut his mouth and looked at Inseop before asking.

“Have you lost weight?

“I do not know.”

He had no appetite these days. It was because he couldn’t sleep well, and somehow, his whole mind was focused on the stories that came up on the Internet, so it felt bitter no matter what he ate.

Lee Wooyeon clicked his tongue as if he was not happy.

“Eat a lot.”

Lee Wooyeon sat across from Inseop and poured milk.

“Thank you for the food.”

Inseop raised a spoon and thanked Lee Wooyeon. The two started eating breakfast without a word. Inseop glanced at Lee Wooyeon.



The two opened their mouths at the same time. Lee Wooyeon lightly blinked at Inseop as if to tell him to speak first.

“Did you two drink with the CEO yesterday?”

“Well, I heard that they were having dinner at the office yesterday, so I went to visit them. Later, it was just the two of us.”

Inseop nodded his head.

“Did I say some nonsense yesterday?” 


“I don’t remember.”

“Oh, you just fell asleep right away.” 

Inseop quickly turned around. He was embarrassed to repeat the words that came out of Lee Wooyeon’s mouth yesterday. He couldn’t say that he had sexual desires, and that the object of his sexual desire was him.


Lee Wooyeon answered as he sliced the omelet with a fork. Inseop hesitated for a while, before asking if he read the article.

“What article? Oh, the one that says Inseop and that woman are a couple, right?”

“It’s not like that…” 

“That’s the only thing I saw.”

Lee Wooyeon laughed playfully.

“What did Yoon Ahreum say?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think of that…” 

After replying, Inseop was surprised at himself. To be honest, when he read about them being called a couple, Yoon Ahreum should’ve been the first person he called as she was the one who he called in the middle of the night. However, In-seop was too concerned about Lee Woo-yeon’s feelings and couldn’t even think of Yoon Ahreum. It was embarrassing to say, but lately, his whole mind has been focused only on Lee Woo-yeon.

“I’ll have to call her later and apologize. She must have been offended.”

“If she would’ve been offended, she wouldn’t have come running at dawn.”

At Lee Wooyeon’s words, Inseop quickly raised his head.

“I’m sorry for making you worry about that.”

Inseop apologized honestly to Lee Wooyeon. Even if his staff posted the wrong thing, it could have been misunderstood because two men and a woman showed up at dawn.

“It’s okay. I can ask them to publish a corrected article.” 

When surprised Inseop coughed quietly, Lee Wooyeon gave him water.

“Just joking. I don’t care. Articles appear every day saying that there are other people dating here as well. It’s the same for each other.” 

Unexpectedly, it seemed like it wasn’t a big deal. Even though it was fortunate, Inseop couldn’t shake the feeling of embarrassment. He thought Lee Wooyeon was still honest in front of him, but these days he couldn’t fully understand his intentions. He didn’t know if it was okay or not.

“Aren’t you eating?”

When Lee Wooyeon tapped the bowl containing the omelet with a fork, Inseop bit off the corner of the omelet and ate it. Lee Wooyeon, who was watching the scene, swallowed a small sigh.

“Do you have any worries?” 

Inseop asked without even swallowing the omelet.

“Eat quickly.”

Inseop nodded his head, put the milk-soaked cereal in his mouth and chewed it. But he was worried about Lee Wooyeon who was across from him, so he couldn’t taste anything.

“I had a dog. When I was little,” 

Lee Wooyeon muttered, and Inseop raised his head in surprise. The context of the conversation changed suddenly.

“It was kind of like a family custom, but it was a gift you get when you reach a certain age. They said it was some type of a breed dog that went through strict breeding and management.”

“That must have been nice.”

 “I pretended to like it.” 

Lee Wooyeon’s rough words returned.

“I pretended to be happy and cared for the dog. But that only lasted for a month or two. It got annoying.”

Inseop put down the spoon he was scooping the cereal with. He had to prepare his mind to accept the words that would come out of Lee Wooyeon’s mouth.

“I didn’t kill him.”

Lee Wooyeon smashed Inseop’s false imagination with short words. A faint relief flashed in Inseop’s eyes.

“It’s too big of a burden to ask me, and at that time I was old enough to know that it would be difficult to kill something,” said Lee Wooyeon, tapping his temple.

“Anyway, I didn’t pay attention to the dog since it became a nuisance. No, to be precise, I didn’t pretend to be interested because I wasn’t interested from the start.”

Inseop’s mouth became sullen. Lee Wooyeon was truly amazed at the fact that just by hearing the story of the past, emotions could be so colorful.

“What happened to the dog?”

Inseop asked cautiously.

“Because I didn’t feed them, they refused to eat if anyone else fed him and waited for me. It’s a breed known for being very loyal. They became thinner by the day.”

“Ah… ”

Like a man facing a dog dying of starvation right now, Inseop’s eyes were on fire.

He was trembling.

“Do not worry. A gardener took him in and raised it. Loyalty was gone when he was taken care of by someone with sincerity and love. Happy ending.” 

The story that started abruptly also ended abruptly.

“Is this a happy ending?”

“Yes. I’m not bothered anymore, and the dog meets an owner who loves it enough. Was there anymore to it?” 

“But… wouldn’t it have waited for the original owner?” 

“I don’t know if it was”

Lee Wooyeon scooped up an omelet with a fork and put it in Inseop’s mouth.

“It has nothing to do with me.”

Inseop’s big eyes sank in melancholy. Lee Wooyeon, who was looking at In-seop with his arms wrapped around his table, suddenly called out to Inseop.



Lee Wooyeon stretched out his upper body. Their lips touched lightly, and then they moved away. Inseop looked blankly at Lee Wooyeon. Lee Wooyeon, who looked younger than usual because of his unkempt hair, smiled sweetly. He had the same face as usual. But what followed was completely unexpected.

“Take a break from work for the time being.”


Choi Inseop stopped by the animal hospital in the morning to check John’s condition. After hearing the veterinarian’s explanation that he was improving day by day, he looked at John over the case for a long time and returned.

Today was the day he promised to go see Lois and the kittens. Yoon Ahreum insisted on doing it on her own, but he was receiving a lot of help, so he was on his way to her house with full hands after buying gifts.

While going up the alley, Inseop put down his stuff and took out his cell phone to check. There was still no contact from Lee Wooyeon.

When Lee Wooyeon, who was talking about dogs, suddenly told him to take a break from work, Inseop was scared and shocked. He couldn’t keep up with how the conversation could change from there to there. Inseop, who came to his senses, refused firmly.

‘You can’t accept such an offer?’

It wasn’t just a day or two, it was for a while. Of course it was right to say no. Lee Wooyeon answered Inseop’s words with his eyebrows slightly bent.

‘Suggestion? When did I say that?’

The attitude was that there could be no further negotiations. After eating, Lee Wooyeon stood up from his seat saying he should stop going. Inseop said if he didn’t like the way he worked, he’ll try to fix it as much as he wanted. Lee Wooyeon looked into his eyes. His eyes were as if he was looking at something strange. Lee Wooyeon, who had been looking at him like that for a long time, brushed Inseop’s hair with his hands and said,

‘Such a happy ending will never come to you.’

Lee Wooyeon left the house after something he couldn’t understand. Today was the second day of such a sudden extended vacation.

“I think it’s time for filming”.

Inseop remembered Lee Wooyeon’s schedule, calculated his movements, and sent a text message. It wasn’t time for broadcast, so he could have been contacted by now, but it was silent.

Lee Wooyeon has often been angry before. Whenever Inseop talked with a woman, talked with a man, acted kind to a woman, or acted kind to a man… But it was his first time getting angry like this. Every time, he kept Inseop next to him and made him not go anywhere, but he never kept a distance.

“…Is he very angry?”

While he was thinking about how to relieve his anger, he arrived at the gate of Yoon Ahreum’s house. It was his first time visiting someone else’s house except for Lee Wooyeon after he came to Korea. He checked the time. It was five minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

Inseop took a deep breath. He rested and rang the doorbell. The intercom turned on and the gate opened with a voice saying, “Come in.”

As he pushed the door and entered, the dog lying in the yard saw Inseop and came up, wagging its tail like a propeller.

“How have you been?”

Inseob quickly put down the stuff in his hand  and petted the dog’s head.

Yoon Ahreum opened the front door and poked her head out.

“You can play with Kong later. Come up this way.” 

Inseop went up the stairs, leaving the whining puppy behind. Taking off his shoes at the front door, Inseop said, “Excuse me.”

“You’re early.”

“Is it too early? I’m sorry.” 

He had searched hard on the Internet to figure out what time was appropriate to arrive but he didn’t think about the fact that the standards might be different for different people.

“No, I thought you’d be a little late. You’ve been saying you’ve been busy lately.”

“I have a few days off.”

He didn’t know if it was a vacation, but he couldn’t think of an alternative word, so Inseop hesitated to answer. Then, he remembered the object in his hand and held it out to Yoon Ahreum.

“This is a gift.”

“You brought so many things.”

“This is Kong’s snack, this is Lois’ and the babies’ snack, this is Yoon Ahreum’s gift, this is your mother’s gift, and this is… It’s a gift for your father.”

Inseop, who was putting down the gifts one by one, took out a healthy food made of red ginseng.

He handed it to Yoon Ahreum.

He heard that Yoon Ahreum’s father objected to the temporary protection of the cat. He did it because Kong-i might be stressed. Upon hearing that, Inseop felt very guilty that he said he would look for a place to move into right away. However, Ahreum replied that he just had to wait a few days as if it was not a big deal.

“Is your father at home?”

In order to meet him in person and apologize and thank him, he deliberately said that he would go while Ahreum’s father was at home.

“Yes. Over there. Follow me.” 

Inseop followed her nervously.

“Is your father still very upset?” 

At Inseop’s question, Areum put on a serious expression.

“Mr. Inseop. Just in case you didn’t know, I’m warning you, but don’t ever say that you’re taking the cat. Never” 

Inseop nodded his head.

“Father. A guest has come.”

After she knocked lightly, she twisted the doorknob open. The man who had been waving at the cat with a toy with a solemn expression turned his head.

“Hello. Nice to meet you.” 

Inseop quickly bowed his head and said hello. Lois and the kittens recognized him and came running with crying sounds. .

Inseop, who suddenly had three cats on his body, smiled awkwardly.

Yoon Ahreum’s father looked at Inseop with wary eyes.

He soon opened his mouth.

“Are you the cat owner?” 

“No. Not a cat owner…” 

“Then why do our children follow you?” 

“Yes? Ah..”

Inseop looked back at Yoon Areum. She was covering her mouth to hold back her burst of laughter.

“I think it’s because I gave them food.” 

Inseop quickly came up with a valid reason and replied.

“I take care of their food too.”

Yoon Ahreum’s father grumbled like he was not happy.

“You said you didn’t like it, but you became like that in a day. Not even a day. It didn’t even take half a day. Now who’s kids are those?”

Yoon Ahreum mischievously teased her father with her laughing voice..

“Since they are in our house, they are our children.”

“Dad is too much. We have to find owners for them later.”

At Areum’s words, her father smiled and shook his head.

“How dare you hand over living things to someone who doesn’t even know where they are from. You don’t even know what they will to do to our children.”

“So, you should look into it and sell it.” 

Despite her daughter’s words, the father did not relax his expression. Inseop removed Isaac, who had climbed up to his thighs, and set him down on the floor. Yoon Ahreum’s father, holding the kitten in his arms, glanced up and down at Inseop, then held out a hand to him.

“Yoon Seok-jun. I’m Areum’s father.” 

“My name is Choi Inseop.” 

Inseop took Yoon Seok-jun’s outstretched hand and bowed his head.

“How do you know my child?” 

Inseop hesitated to answer, not knowing exactly who Yoon Seok-jun was talking about when he said, ‘my child’.

“This is someone I knew when I was working.” 

Yoon Ah-reum answered instead.

“Work? You look like a student.”

“I worked for a while before, but now I go to school.”

“High school?

“…a college student.”

Yoon Seok-jun still looked at Inseop with suspicious eyes.

If he had a student ID, he would have shown it. Lee Wooyeon said that his paperwork was delayed, and he seldom returned his ID.

“But why are you here today?”

“Ahh, really. I’m just here to look at the kids.”

“Yes. That’s right. I’m here to say hello to your family because it seems like I’ve caused trouble.”

“You don’t mean to take her?”

Yoon Seok-jun asked again as he hugged the kitten in his arms. Inseop shook his head eagerly. Only then did Yoon Seok-jun let go of his guard and asked with a benevolent smile.

“Hmm. Have you eaten?”


Inseop took off his sweaty clothes, put them in the washing machine, and took a shower.

He was supposed to come back after lunch, but the cat tower Yoon Areum’s father had ordered arrived just as he was about to leave so he stayed to help assemble it. After he finished assembling, it was time for dinner, and eventually he had to eat dinner before he could leave the house.

Inseop wiped his hair with a towel and picked up his phone.

He also had no contact from Lee Wooyeon. While playing with the cat at Yoon Ahreum’s house, he checked from time to time, but he had not responded.

[Call me when you get home. I’ll wait.]

After sending the text, Inseop checked the time. He still had a couple of more hours to finish his schedule.

Inseop searched Lee Wooyeon’s name on his portal site. Articles of new content did not stand out.

“Thank god.”

It seemed that what Kang Youngmo said at that time was just a passing word. Still, it was better to be careful for the time being. It might have been better to be away from Lee Wooyeon for a few days. Even though that’s what his mind said, his heart did not feel the same.

Yoon Ahreum said that she would keep Lois and the kittens for about a month in her home, and then she would find owners for them. After John was discharged from the hospital, he said he would decide after seeing her condition. The situation couldn’t have been better for the cats. However, Inseop could not shake off the regret that he had not contacted Lee Wooyeon first that day.

Suddenly, he remembered what Lee Wooyeon had said to him. Did he say that such a happy ending will never come?

“What happy ending…”

Inseop muttered weakly and laid down on the bed with his phone beside him. It was a strange feeling. Before he went to sleep, he always thought of the faces of his parents and family members, but now all he could think of was Lee Wooyeon. He laughed out loud. He wanted to meet more people who he can go see right away than people from across the sea.

“I’m sorry.”

Inseop closed his eyes after offering a heartfelt apology to his parents.

How long has it been? Inseop suddenly opened his eyes at the sound of the phone ringing. It was dark all around. Inseop fumbled with his hand to find his cell phone. Lee Wooyeon’s name appeared on the phone screen. His fatigue was gone. Inseop quickly answered the phone.


<Were you sleeping?

“Yes. I slept a little.” 

<You must have been sleeping well. I shouldn’t have called.>

“No. It’s okay…I fell asleep while waiting for your call.”

Inseop quickly grabbed the phone and shook his head. Hearing Lee Wooyeon’s voice after two days was so good that it brought him to tears.

“Are you done with your work?”

<I’m in front of my house.>

“Did everything go well today?””

He was worried that something would happen to him because he was not always there.

<Is there anything special? What did Inseop do today?>

Lee Wooyeon asked playfully. Even as he was relieved by his usual tone of voice, his pulse went numb.

“I went to the animal hospital in the morning and went to see the cat in the afternoon.” 

<That would have been nice. You saw dogs and cats. You will have met all the things you like.>


However, when he was unable to say that he hadn’t seen the person he liked the most, Inseop bit his lower lip. He had something to say first.


At Inseop’s call, Lee Wooyeon gave a short laugh.

<Why do you call me like that? You’re making me excited.>

The hand holding the phone started to sweat. Inseop held his heart and slowly conveyed what he wanted to say.

“I’m very clumsy. It’s my first time dating… I don’t know what to do. I’m sorry.”

He apologized to Lee Wooyeon.  It kept bothering him. He couldn’t shake the thought that the best he had chosen excluded Lee Wooyeon.

“I’m really sorry. I know you’re upset. I know I don’t know what to do. If you can ease your mind, I will do whatever Mr. Wooyeon wants. I’ll do it no matter what.” 

Inseop spat out the words of apology that had been on his mind for the past two days.

He didn’t know if these words could solve Lee Wooyeon’s anger, but it was an honest feeling.

He wanted to do something for him.


There was silence.

Inseop anxiously waited for Wooyeon’s answer. Eventually, he spoke up.

<I’m not angry. Sorry for not contacting you yesterday. I was just trying to organize my thoughts.>

Inseop was relieved and his tears welled up.

“I’m glad you’re not angry,” 

Inseop continued as calmly as possible.

“Then, can I go out again tomorrow?” 

<Why would you come out?


<You’re taking a few days off. Don’t be stubborn.>

Inseop nodded his head and replied, “I understand.” Tears trickled down his cheeks. He thought it was good that he was on the phone. He didn’t get caught crying like an idiot.

<How are the cats?>

“Yes. Thanks to you.”

Inseop quickly wiped away his tears and answered.

<What did I do?>

 “You called the hospital. Thank you.” 

Lee Wooyeon said he didn’t care about the cat’s well-being, even as much as his nails, but he deliberately took the time to call.

<How do you even say thank you for that?> 

“No. Thank you. I’m serious.” 

He heard Lee Wooyeon let out a small sigh. Inseop became very nervous, wondering if he had made another mistake.

<Don’t you want to see me?>

To the sudden question, Inseop asked. “What?”

<Don’t you want to see me?> 

“Of course… I miss you.” 

<Then should I go up now?>

Inseop checked his watch. It was well past one o’clock in the morning.

“…No. It’s fine.”

Tomorrow’s schedule started in the morning. Before that, he had to get up at 6 a.m. to stop by the shop. He didn’t want Lee Wooyeon to overdo things.

“It’s late, so hurry up and go to sleep. You must be tired.” 

<I should be. Hurry up and sleep, Inseop. I’ll call you back tomorrow.>

 Inseop was more relieved to hear that he could talk on the phone tomorrow.

“Good night.”

After the call, Inseop laid down again. Then, suddenly a thought ran through his head, he ran to the window and opened the window. He looked outside, but he couldn’t see anyone passing by, let alone a vehicle, in the alley.

He was sure he said he was going home…

Inseop raised his head. It was a useless thought. There was no way that he would come to his house at this time and go back.

Inseop slowly closed the window.


As he turned the steering wheel, Lee Wooyeon spat out a low curse. He almost got out of the car and went up to Inseop’s house.

When he saw Inseop covered in blood at the veterinary hospital, he remembered the time when he had seen him with a knife stab on his stomach. It was a scene that he had barely shoved to the back of his mind. His broken head played the same scene endlessly. A forgotten anxiety ran through his head.

He almost lost Inseop forever. He was well aware of how the anxiety that drew out of a sense of loss engulfed him. He couldn’t sleep or breathe.

It was like that the day he thought Inseop ran away, leaving him behind. He grabbed him and forcibly raped him, who had refused him. He couldn’t control it.

It was then that for the first time he felt the fear of himself losing control.

He didn’t want to treat Choi Inseop that way. No, he didn’t want to show Inseop his broken, raw self anymore. He told Inseop not to come out to cool his head for a while. But it was to no avail. Instead of cooling his head, his thoughts gradually tumbled into a mess. The desire to protect Inseop safely and the violent desire were mixed. Later he got to the point where he didn’t know what he wanted.

Eventually, on that day, he finished his schedule and drank enough to not die. He might have drank until he died if CEO Kim, whom he liked, hadn’t ripped it off of him. He went to Inseop’s house in a drunken state. He couldn’t even remember what he said.

When he woke up at dawn, he was afraid that he might not have overcome his greed and hurt Inseop. Fortunately, Inseop was asleep next to him.

He looked at Inseop, who was sleeping crumpled like a rag with a face that looked like he hadn’t eaten for days. Even in his sleep, Inseop seemed to be having a bad dream, frowning. It was terrible to see himself in heat like a beast for that pitiful face. A cold shower cured the violent heat. After that,heI watched Inseop for a long time after he came out.

He scanned Inseop’s face in every nook and cranny. Long eyelashes, a round nose, slightly parted lips and teeth visible between them, hair under the ears, earlobes, and a small dot on the cheek. Everything was lovely Even the frizzy hair that reached his eyes. There was no corner that was not pretty.

He liked the person who was asleep in front of him. It was so good he couldn’t even describe it. He carefully reached out and touched Inseop’s cheek. His whole body tingled with the heat from his fingertips. Satisfaction and anxiety rose like fire at the same time.

It was confusing. His unknown emotions were entangled from the bottom and rose up to his throat. It felt like he was stepping on thinly frozen ice.

No matter how many times he confirmed Inseop’s safety and existence, the anxiety did not go away. As usual, he tried to deftly capture those black feelings, but he couldn’t control it.

He closed his eyes for a while and opened them.

Does he want him to send him to America?

Or shall he break his leg and take him where no one else can reach and lock him up?

He was standing in the middle of an extreme thought  that a normal person would never understand. It seemed as if one wrong step would drown him in cold, deep water.

‘You’ve been trying to balance yourself between willful intentions, right?’

He remembered the eyes that looked up without any doubt at the other person who hurt him several times.

He prepared breakfast while Inseop woke up and took a shower. He wanted to eat anything. In the meantime, the moment he saw the dried apple in Inseop’s refrigerator, he became angry. It reminded him of Manager Cha’s words that if Inseop is left with the same personality, he will end up becoming skinny.

The dog he raised received normal and proper love from the gardener and became plump and lived a happy life. It was a happy ending. However, such a happy ending will not come to Inseop. Because he will pour out on him only twisted, abnormal, and wrong love, not right and ordinary love. He didn’t know how to continue a normal relationship. Still, for Choi Inseop’s sake, he had to imitate him somehow.

That afternoon, he called CEO Kim and asked him to find a road manager. That was the most humane way he could think of.

He knew where Choi Inseop’s anxiety was coming from. He was terrified that he would damage actor Lee Wooyeon’s life. If he was a proper human being, he would have found a way to nip that anxiety in the bud.

But he never thought of quitting his acting career. Inseop said several times that he likes Lee Wooyeon as an actor.

He was afraid.

When he abandoned his image as an actor and stood naked, he wasn’t sure if he would like him even then.

Only then did Lee Wooyeon realize what the shabby winged robe he was holding onto. That was all.

‘If I can ease your mind, I will do whatever Mr. Wooyeon wants. I’ll do it anyway’

The moment he heard the affectionate apology for the other person, vulgar desire was infested in him. He wanted to shove his cock into Inseop’s candid lips, apologizing for his poor ways, and make him swallow his cum until his stomach swells. That was his own deficiency. A dirty deficiency that wants to fuck even the other person’s pure goodwill and goodwill.


Lee Wooyeon stepped on the accelerator.

A shrill horn beeps behind him.


Inseop neatly arranged the side dishes one by one in the refrigerator. All of them were side dishes received from Yoon Areum’s mother.

He received a request from Yoon Ahreum to come and look at the cat as the family was all gone today. He asked if he could enter the unoccupied house. No matter how many times he’d met them, it didn’t feel good. Then, Yoon Areum answered with a smile.

‘My father asked for it. You know how to look after them, and Inseop is not that kind of person. You seem to be more concerned about Arthur than anything else.’

Arthur had diarrhea yesterday and they took him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with stress. As the environment changed, it seemed that even that small thing was bothering him. Areum said that he eats well and plays well, but she said it would be better to keep an eye on him just in case. Inseop replied that he would.

He spent half a day with the cats like that. He searched and checked Lee Wooyeon’s name in his spare time. He wanted to text him, but stopped because he feared it would interfere with his work. Lee Wooyeon also did not contact him during the day. The time to call him was after he finished his schedule.

It wasn’t until late afternoon that Yoon Ahreum’s father returned. He rushed into the room, looked at Arthur’s condition, and asked Inseop to eat and leave with a blunt expression. He thought it would be rude to refuse an adult’s invitation to eat, so Inseop replied that he would.

At dinner, Inseop happened to tell him that both his parents were in the US and he was living alone in Korea. In the end, when he left the house, he was given a full portion of side dishes. He said it was okay, but Yoon Ahreum’s mother handed Inseop a bag with side dishes, saying it was because she remembered her first son who was working in the province. It somehow reminded him of his mother. She also liked to bake and present her cookies or bread to people around her. Unable to hold back any longer, Inseop accepted the envelope.

“How can I repay this favor?”

Looking at the boxes of side dishes piled up one by one, Inseop muttered. Promising that next time he would buy a better present, Inseop closed the refrigerator door.

He took a shower and read a book in bed. The hot evening air streamed in through the open windows. He checked the time. There were about two hours left before the schedule was over.

Inseop sent a text message to CEO Kim.

[Hello. Thank you for your hard work in this hot weather. Can you tell me who’s currently in charge of Lee Wooyeon.]

Anyone in the office knew the name and face roughly. It was because he was working hard on his behalf, so he thought he should go and say hello after the vacation is over.

Shortly thereafter, a text message came.


A cold sweat ran down his back at the short, thick letter. After hesitating, Inseop texted again.

[Are you okay?]

He regretted sending it and asking a useless question. No matter what, he was dating someone else.

The phone rang. It was CEO Kim.

“Hello. CEO.” 

Inseop’s voice trembled a little.

<I can’t say hello.>

When he heard CEO Kim’s voice sinking with fatigue, he felt guilty.

“Sorry. CEO”

<What do you have to be sorry for? All of this… haa. No, it’s my fault for renewing the contract with him. Who is to blame?]

CEO Kim continued with a tone of resignation.

<You say you’re not feeling well? I forgot to contact you because I was distracted. Are you okay now?>

He seemed to have told him why he was taking a break. Inseop would rather lie, as Lee Wooyeon would be put in an awkward position if he said no.

“It has improved a lot. Thank you for your concern.” 

Lying was something he was still not used to. Seeing as to how his heart aches every time he tells a lie.

<Anyway, the last time I saw you, I was worried because your face looked weary. Then, Lee Wooyeon said that you are taking a break for the time being,>

Inseop still didn’t know why Lee Woo-yeon asked him to take a break from work for the time being. If it was because he was concerned about her health, he would have let it go altogether.

<I’m trying my best to find a road manager, but Lee Wooyeon doesn’t have a decent personality.> 

“A road manager?” 

Inseop was surprised and asked back.

<Uh. Didn’t Lee Wooyeon tell you? He asked me to find a suitable person, so I am diligently looking for him.>

It was the first time he heard about it.

“Am I no longer able to work?” 

<What do you mean? He even told me to find someone who seems to be able to communicate well with you, and I’m running into trouble.> 

Inseop blinked his eyes. He did not understand why such conditions were applied to finding a manager.

<So, what kind of person would you like?>

“I’m pretty much fine with anyone.”

<I guess so. It’s you and Lee Woo-yeon… Ha ha ha, there’s a mosquito here.>

He heard the sound of skin slapping on the other side of the phone.

“Be careful. If you get bitten by a mosquito these days, it lasts for a long time.” 

<Yes. Haha, anyway, what kind of person would you like to work with?>

“I hope it’s someone who matches well with Lee Wooyeon.”

<What the hell is a good match?>

Inseop thought for a moment and then continued.

“It’s okay if they’re a good driver, but don’t show off their skills, and prefer quiet music. I think it would be nice to have someone who doesn’t eat food in the car, meticulously manages his schedule, and can give a proper review of Lee Wooyeon’s work. And it would be nice if it’’s someone who doesn’t boast about knowing Lee Wooyeon anywhere and isn’t interested in talking about other celebrities. and…”

<… There’s more?>

“A person who doesn’t talk much.” 

Lee Wooyeon especially disliked noisy people.

<Have you finished introducing yourself?>

“Oh, no. It’s not like that…” 

Inseop stuttered, his face flushing.

<Yes. I will refer to what you said. I don’t know if I can find it.>

“I’m sorry for bothering you even more. By the way, CEO…”

<Yes? What is it?>

“Do you have a reason to temporarily hire a road manager?” 

He couldn’t understand Lee Wooyeon’s intentions. If he was getting on his nerves and letting him quit his job, he’d be done if he cuts him off completely. It was heartbreaking, but he was going to quit his job if that’s what he wanted.

<That’s what I’m saying. I want to take this opportunity to make you quit and find another good person and hire him permanently, but Lee Wooyeon said he didn’t like it. That’s why I don’t have many options. What’s this crazy guy saying? Oh, and don’t misunderstand. I’m doing this because I’m thinking about you.>

“I didn’t misunderstand. Rather, I am more sorry. I said I would help, but it seems like I only caused trouble.” 

He was ashamed. It was something he started out of concern in the first place.

<Ugh. You’re such a nice guy. If Lee Wooyeon was even half of you, I wouldn’t be so upset. Where in this world is a bastard that uses the company’s boss as a manager?>

“Thank you for your hard work.”

<Compared to the hardships you and the Manager Cha went through, it’s nothing. We should treat Hyeon-gyu well. Even if it’s a beef bone, I’ll have to go and give it to him. Quickly.>

The words sounded out of the ordinary.

<Thankfully, Lee Wooyeon is working very hard these days, so I put up with it. Ugh, a tiger will appear if we talk about it. I’m going to hang up.> 

“Okay. Goodbye.”

The call was immediately disconnected. Inseop picked up the book again after reading it, but couldn’t understand a single word, so he ended up closing the book.

He can’t fire him because he doesn’t have much… What does it mean?

As he was thinking hard about it, the words he heard earlier flashed through his mind. Inseop got up and ran to the bathroom to check the mirror.

“Is it that bad?”

Inseop touched his cheek with his hand. He looked even more gaunt than usual.

Was it because of his hair? Come to think of it, he hasn’t even thought about getting his hair trimmed because he’d been out of his mind lately.

Inseop put water on his hair and turned it over. The impression did not improve at all. When he was young, he believed that he would look mature when he turned 20, but now he didn’t know how vain that belief was.

He just realized that day by day.

Inseop stared at his pale face in the mirror.

It would be nice to be a manly and mature person who someone can lean on. If they have any concerns, he can give advice.

Then the phone rang. Inseop, who was running out of the room thinking that he should answer the phone quickly, slipped and fell at the entrance of the bathroom.


Inseop, who fell down, grabbed his waist. A groan came out automatically. He ran back up and grabbed his cell phone in case it got cut off.


<What are you doing? You’re out of breath and answering the phone.>

“Well, I got it late because I was doing something. I’m sorry.” 

Inseop lifted up his clothes. The red swelling seemed to be bruising.

<Were you doing something bad?>

 “What do you mean bad?”

Inseop quickly lowered his clothes and asked back. Lee Wooyeon smiled softly.

<If you answer like that, it’s embarrassing to ask.> 

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I didn’t do anything bad. I was just checking to see if I fell and got bruises near my stomach.”

<You did something bad.>


<It’s a bad thing to scratch other people’s things.> 

He had to take it as a silly joke, but Inseop swept down his hot stomach and apologized.

<Have you eaten yet?> 

“Yes, I did.” 

<What did you eat?>

Lee Wooyeon always asked for Inseop’s diet when he talked on the phone, perhaps because he had a habit these days. If he glossed over it, he asked again persistently until he heard the exact answer.

“I had cereal and fruits for breakfast, and for lunch…”

At lunch, he skipped a meal to see the cats at Yoon Ahreum’s house.

He bought food for someone else’s house, but he also opened the refrigerator in the house and took out something to eat.

<I told you to eat well.>

Lee Wooyeon’s voice had a note of displeasure.

“I ate a lot for dinner! I ate a lot. I’m not fully digested yet.”

<Really? With whom, where, and what did you eat so much?>

“I went to Yoon Ahreum’s house. Arthur’s a little sick, but she said she didn’t have anyone to look after him. I was alone. We just had dinner together.” 

<You were alone in the house?>

Lee Wooyeon asked back in a tone of disbelief.


<You seem to have become very close.>

“Not much, but they seem like good people. And they trust in someone like me.”

Inseop added quickly.

“And I told them that I am dating someone. Don’t worry.” 

A similar topic came up at a dinner party earlier, so Inseop quickly said that he is dating someone.

<That’s good. Did you say that you were close?> 

“I’ll tell them later!”

Lee Wooyeon burst into laughter at Inseop’s words as if he had made a promise.

<Ha ha ha ha ha.>

Inseop listened quietly to the ringing over the phone. It was the laugh he hadn’t heard in a long time. He felt better.

<What can I do? Mr. Inseop is in big trouble.>

“Me? What’s the matter?” 

<You are getting better.>

At the sudden confession, Inseop’s face grew hot. When the sound of Lee Wooyeon’s breathing reached his ears, his stomach rumbled.

“…Isn’t that a good thing?” 

Inseop barely answered.

<Good. It looks like you’ll end up ruining your life after being caught by someone like me.> 

“You can catch me as much as you like.” 

Lee Wooyeon burst into laughter again. He didn’t know why he laughed, but Inseop was fortunate that he had the talent to make Lee Wooyeon laugh. Then he suddenly missed Lee Wooyeon.

“When can I go back to work?”

<I don’t know.>

When talking on the phone, Lee Wooyeon was friendly as usual. But when he was asked when he could go to work again, he always answered like it was someone else’s business.

“I… . Are you not happy with me driving?” 

<It can’t be. I get annoyed when I get into someone else’s car after riding Inseop’s car.>

“Then I will drive.”

<You must have talked to the CEO.> 

That’s exactly what Lee Wooyeon said as if he knew Inseop’s intentions.

“Yes. I spoke on the phone earlier. You don’t need a road manager. You’ll have to pay twice as much, and the CEO cares about it for nothing. I will pay more attention to driving and do well.”

<I’ll take care of that.>


It was frustrating not knowing Lee Wooyeon’s intentions. As he was about to ask why, a phone call rang.

<Who is it? In the middle of the night.> 

Lee Wooyeon’s voice quickly sharpened.

“America. My mother must have called.” 

Inseop quickly checked the number and answered. Come to think of it, today was the day he usually spoke to his parents.

<Accept it.>

“Should I call you back when the call is over?”

<It’s okay. You don’t know when it will end. Just call me tomorrow night.>

“Oh, that…”

It was a shame He still had things he wanted to say, and he wanted to hear more of his voice. However, it was as Lee Wooyeon said. He couldn’t ask someone who came home from work late tonight to wait for an unexpected call. Inseop realized for the first time today that he had such a selfish side.

“Good night. Have a nice dream.” 

He wanted to say that he missed him, but he was afraid that he would put pressure on him.

<Sleep well.>

The call was disconnected. At the same time, the call waiting sound also ended. Inseop let out a sigh.

“… I’m such an insolent guy.”

Inseop mulled over several curses towards himself and went through the call list.

He found his mother’s number and called.


While taking out tickets, Inseop looked around. It was a weekend evening, so the cinema hall was crowded with people. It’s been a long time since he went to see a movie alone. Moreover, the movie in which Lee Wooyeon appeared. He’d seen the same movie dozens of times before, but the feeling was new.

It’s been a week since he hasn’t seen Lee Wooyeon’s face. These days, almost all of Lee Wooyeon’s schedule ended after midnight. He couldn’t contact him during the day and only made one phone call at night. He couldn’t tell such a person that he would go see him, and he couldn’t even ask him to come.

So the only method he came up with was to watch his movie. He felt ashamed for some reason, so he couldn’t tell Lee Wooyeon. He didn’t want to see how much he would tease him.

Inseop put the ticket in his pocket and sat down on a chair in the hall waiting for him to enter.

“Lee Wooyeon, the evaluation of this movie is good.” 

At the name Lee Wooyeon, Inseop’s ears perked up.

“They said Lee Wooyeon was no joke here. My friend said she didn’t like Lee Woo-yeon, but she became a huge fan after watching the movie, so it must be really good.” 

Inseop felt better when the women sitting next to him praised him.

“What do you do when you become a fan? He’s dating Chae Yeonseo anyway. There were even rumors that the two were getting married.”

“Ah, please. How old is Lee Wooeon, it’s crazy to marry at his age. The road ahead is bright for both of them.”

“Don’t tell this to anyone. A friend of mine told me that a friend of her sister’s second cousin…”

The woman in white whispered to her friend, lowering her voice.

“Chae Yeonseo is three months pregnant. The two of them also picked out a dress at a dress shop in Cheongdam-dong.”


Inseop almost screamed no as he jumped up from his seat.

“Ah, wow. No wonder. This is the first time Lee Wooyeon has admitted to dating rumors.”

A friend of hers, a close friend of her sister’s second cousin. In the middle of the rumor creation scene, Inseop felt dizzy. He wanted to tell them that it was absolutely not like that, but he couldn’t hastily intervene, so the frustration doubled.

“The entrance to Hall 2 begins.”

People began to line up at the cry of the cinema staff. The two women next to him quickly entered the theater as well. Inseop held his coffee and walked weakly to stand in line.

When he entered the theater, the front row was sold out. The news that his box office performance was getting better by word of mouth seemed to be true. Thanks to that, he felt a little better. Inseop found the third seat from the end and sat down. Soon after, the light went out. He had seen it at a press preview, but this was the first time he had a proper appreciation of it in a theater. Inseop adjusted his posture and watched the movie.

The commercials ended and the movie started. In the dark theater, Lee Wooyeon’s voice began to resonate. He forgot to drink the coffee he had brought with him and immersed himself in the movie. The movie ended without knowing how the two hours had passed.


Inseop took a deep breath.

It was a good movie. The script was great and the directing was sensuous. Most of all, he liked the way Lee Wooyeon moved on the screen. It was a movie worth seeing several times. Later, without Lee Wooyeon’s knowledge, he promised to come back and see it again.

As the ending credits rolled, the lights in the theater turned on. People stood up from their seats one by one, but the front door opened and a movie theater employee came in.

“After a while, there will be a surprise stage greeting from the actors and the director. I would appreciate it if the audience would wait and not go out.” 

The surroundings began to stir. It was also done to promote publicity.

Of course, Lee Wooyeon was not the type to take care of that, so Inseop was quite shocked by this sudden stage greeting. CEO Kim’s words that Lee Wooyeon is working very hard these days seemed to be true.

“…What should I do?”

He didn’t want to be found out that he came to see Lee Wooyeon’s movie alone. Even if he tried to leave, the staff were already coming in, so he couldn’t leave either. Reluctantly, Inseop put on his hat on and leaned back against his chair.

One or two actors slowly began to enter. The audience screamed in excitement. Finally, when Lee Wooyeon came in, the screams reached their peak. The spectators seated each took out their mobile phones and took pictures and videos.

“Hello. I’m Yoo Taehyeon, the director of <Lovers>. Thank you very much.”

After the director’s greeting, people clapped. The microphone passed to Lee Wooyeon, who stood next to him.


Even just saying hello, a huge shout burst out. Women screamed and took pictures.

Inseop blankly looked at Lee Wooyeon. It was only a week apart. There were times when they couldn’t see each other for a long time due to each other’s circumstances. However, he was strangely happy and excited. Every time he blinked, feelings for him overflowed.

Ah. He really likes that person a lot.

He realized the obvious fact by chance.

“I am Lee Wooyeon, who played the role of Kwon Hyungjoo in <Lovers>.”

“Oppa! You’re so handsome!”

Everyone burst into laughter at the female student’s shout from the corner.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Lee Wooyeon replied with a polite smile. The microphone was passed to the other actors in turn. Inseop sat in the corner and stared blankly at Lee Wooyeon on the stage. He felt his position again.

“I think the director has a lot to say about this work. Please say something.” 

The mike was handed over to the director.

“First of all, I sincerely thank actor Lee Wooyeon, who believed in me and chose this work just by reading the script. My wife told me to bow in the direction of Lee Wooyeon every New Year’s Day and Chuseok from now on.” 

Everyone laughed at the director’s comment. Inseop looked at Lee Wooyeon blankly.

“I think it was possible because of the efforts of not only Lee Wooyeon, but also all the great actors and production staff. I would appreciate it if everyone would spread by word of mouth to your friends.” 

Applause continued. Lee Wooyeon was handed the microphone.

“It was an honor to work with great actors and directors. Watching this movie twice or thrice is more fun than watching it for the first time, so please watch it again next time.”

After Lee Wooyeon’s comment, the girl from before started screaming again.

She said,

“Oppa! Don’t get married! Live alone for the rest of your life!”

It was a statement that was conscious of the dating rumor with Chae Yeonseo. Lee Woo-yeon, who was about to pass the microphone aside, stopped and turned his gaze to the female student. Seeing his stare as sharp as the tip of a spear, Inseop involuntarily swallowed his breath.


Lee Wooyeon replied with an expressionless face. The sound of laughter that resounded in the theater died down with his short and low word. Even the schoolgirl’s face, who was jokingly screaming, hardened at the sharp words.

“The fans who always said that were the first to fall in love with me.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled softly and continued. The theater was again filled with laughter. The mic went over and Lee Wooyeon kept smiling. Everyone thought it was a mischievous sentence. However, Choi Inseop watched Lee Wooyeon closely with a nervous feeling.

Was he in a bad mood?

Even if no one else knew, Inseop knew that Lee Wooyeon was not in a good mood. Even though he was smiling, his eyes didn’t smile. It was rare.

While he was working, he rarely showed his feelings to such an extent.

Inseop watched Lee Wooyeon with worried eyes. After the greetings of the other actors, the director and actors exited. Inseop jumped up from his seat.

“Oh my god. Lee Woo-yeon is really handsome. Why does his voice sound so cool? “

“Awesome. Lee Wooyeon is so handsome.”

“Why is his voice so cool?” 

“Chae Yeonseo is lucky. She must have been hugged by those broad shoulders. He’s good at acting and has a good personality. How nice it would be to marry someone like that.” 

Words about Lee Wooyeon came from all over the place, but now he didn’t hear any of that.

“Sorry. I’ll go through first. I’m sorry.” 

Inseop ran forward through the crowd. Because he had previously held a preview at this movie theater, the public could figure out where Lee Wooyeon would go to the parking lot. The problem was that the elevator Lee Wooyeon would use was for emergencies, so it was not allowed for the audience to use it.

The elevator in the hall was crowded with people leaving because the movie was over. After thinking about it, Inseop turned to the emergency stairs. He ran down the stairs. Lee Wooyeon was worried. It was the first time he had made such a face. He wanted to look at his face for a second, a very short time, to ask if he was okay or if something was wrong. That was the only thought.

Inseop jumped down to the first basement floor where the VIP parking lot was.


His heart was beating fast. Even though he knew he shouldn’t overdo it, his body moved first every time he thought about Wooyeon. He quickly pulled out his phone, wiping his sweaty hair. It was only then that he started thinking about what to do if the road diverges. Then, the back of a familiar man came into view.


The moment he was about to call his name, the woman who had been hidden by Lee Wooyeon appeared. Inseop said, “Uh,” and opened his eyes wide. If his memory was not wrong, that person was definitely…

Chae Yeonseo smiled at Lee Wooyeon and spoke to him. Lee Wooyeon listened to her with his head slightly bowed. After standing and talking for a while, the two got into a white car. Inseop blankly watched as the car pulled away from the parking lot.

What the hell did he see?

Standing in a dark underground parking lot, Inseop tried to think properly with a confused head. The light on the cell phone in his hand flickered.

Inseop looked down at his cellphone’s LCD screen with his blank eyes. It was a text from CEO Kim.

“Go to work tomorrow. In front of the office, 6 in the morning!”

Inseop read that short sentence over and over again. Only then did the fear hidden behind the message stick out its head.

There must be another reason.

Inseop made up his mind and moved his steps. It was rude to the other person to doubt blindly. Lee Wooyeon didn’t even tell him why, and he obviously had a good reason for letting him rest, and it must have been the same yesterday.

“Because I’m not that kind of person.”

Inseop nodded his head. However, no matter how many times he opened himself up like this, he couldn’t help the gloom and fear creeping in.

If it wasn’t for that yesterday, the steps on the way to the office would have wings.

It should have been light, but now the steps he took were heavy.

At first, he thought it was a meeting to show off their relationship. He was sure the article would come out this morning. However, there was no article published anywhere with photos of Lee Wooyeon and Chae Yeonseo.

‘Shall I ask you directly?’

He know that was the best. However, he was afraid that Lee Wooyeon would deceive him or he would have to listen to his harsh words, so he kept his mouth closed.

Hee also called Lee Wooyeon last night. He was no different than usual.

After checking Inseop’s diet and telling him some kind words, he told him to go to bed as it was late. With the words see you tomorrow. In the end, Inseop couldn’t say a word about it.


Inseop let out a long sigh.

“Why are you sighing so much? Do you hate going to work so much?” 

Hearing the voice from behind, Inseop was startled and turned around. Lee Wooyeon, wearing a white shirt and navy blue slacks, was standing there smiling.

“Oh, hello.”

Inseop quickly bowed his head and greeted him.

“Long time no see.”


He looked up but couldn’t meet his eyes. Perhaps because of his mood, the white shirt Lee Wooyeon was wearing seemed more dazzling than usual.

“Did you have breakfast?”


He had no appetite. He couldn’t sleep much because he was thinking about it yesterday.

“What did you eat?”

Inseop hesitated for a moment, but did not answer.

“I knew it.”

Lee Wooyeon handed over the bag in his hand.

“Sandwich and juice. Eat it later.”

“Thank you. I should have taken care of it…” 

Inseop thanked him while accepting the bag.

“Follow me.”

Inseop had the feeling that something had come up. He was even more scared because he didn’t know what to say.

Lee Wooyeon took Inseop down the stairs to the underground parking lot of his agency building. The bag in his hand rustled every time he walked. His heart trembled at the same time.

Lee Wooyeon, who had been walking ahead, stood on the landing. Inseop came down the stairs and stopped in place. Without even having time to ask why, Lee Wooyeon reached out and wrapped his hand around Inseop’s waist. After that, he hugged Inseop a few more times.

“What, what are you doing?”

Inseop was surprised and asked.

“I’m going to weigh you.”

Lee Woo-yeon replied, as if he was stating the obvious. Hee then carries on with his words, frowning his brow as if he was disapproving.

Hehe said, “I think it’s almost the same as a week ago. Did you eat well?”

“It’s because it’s morning… Please let me go.” 

“Then let’s have dinner and check it out.”

Inseop thought he should drink as much water as possible. Lee Wooyeon set Inseop back down the stairs.

“How are the cats?”

In addition to his diet questions, Lee Wooyeon was constantly asking questions. This was bad. He said that the day he came home drunk, he wasn’t interested in the cat.

“Everyone is doing well. John has improved a lot too. He should be able to leave the hospital in a week.”

“I’m glad.”

The voice that answered like that was more affectionate. To the extent that someone would mistakenly believe that he is a person who genuinely cares about cats.

“I cut myhair.”

Inseop raised his head and looked at Lee Wooyeon. Come to think of it, he noticed that his hair was a bit shorter than he had seen before.

“I polisstyled it a bit yesterday. It’s the day Mr. Inseop comes.”

When did he go yesterday? Did he go after meeting Chae Yeonseo? The question he wanted to ask came up to the throat.

“Doesn’t it suit me?”

When Inseop didn’t respond, Lee Wooyeon playfully pointed to his head and asked.

“It suits you well.”

Inseop replied with a smile on his face. Lee Wooyeon’s eyes met his. The heat rose. It felt several times hotter than the moment he hugged him. Inseop quickly turned his head to the side.

Lee Wooyeon took one step. The distance between the two became even closer.

Inseop held his breath. His tension made his head dizzy.

“Shall we go?”

Lee Wooyeon, who passed by Inseop before he knew it, asked.

“What? Oh, yes”

Inseop hurriedly followed Wooyeon up the stairs. As Inseop followed him, his face burned with embarrassment. He thought that Lee Wooyeon would definitely kiss him.

“Oh, Inseop”

CEO Kim, who was standing at the entrance of the building, greeted him and shook his hand.

“Hello, CEO.”

“Why are you two there… ha ha ha. It’s been a long time. Have you been doing well?”

CEO Kim quickly changed his words.

“Thanks to you, I rested well.” 

“…Yes, it’s good that you rested too.” 

CEO Kim, who had been in very bad condition during the past few days, muttered and saw the man standing next to him.

He pointed and spoke.

“Right. This is Kim Kangwoo, who will work as a road manager for the time being. Hey Kangwoo, you would know this even if I didn’t say it, but this is Lee Wooyeon, and this is his manager Choi Inseop”

“Hello. My name is Kim Kangwoo. Thank you.” 

A tall, sad-faced man greeted him with a wide smile.

“Hello. I’m Lee Wooyeon.” 

“Nice to meet you. I am Choi Inseop.” 

The two greeted in turn.

“He is a former driver, so he drives well and has a good sense of humor.

CEO Kim looked at Lee Wooyeon’s eyes and then said “Hmm” and cleared his voice.

“Lee Wooyeon. Kangwoo is my ex-wife’s brother. So please take good care of him.” 

“Which one?”

Lee Wooyeon threw a dagger at CEO Kim in a non-trivial manner.

“… second”

“Ah, then he is also the brother-in-law of Manager Cha. I should do better.”

The words that he had to do better had some hidden meanings. CEO Kim glared at Lee Wooyeon with his teeth clenched.

“I’ve heard a lot about you from my brother-in-law.” 

Kim Kangwoo said with a smile.

“Which brother-in-law?”

“Me! I’m the brother-in-law!”

CEOKim screamed at Lee Wooyeon’s clever question. Inseop didn’t know what to do and looked at the two of them.

“I was joking. Mr. Kangwoo, please take good care of me from now on.”

Wooyeon held out his hand. Kim Kangwoo wiped his hand on his pants, and he quickly grabbed it with an embarrassed face. Inseop rubbed his hand on his shirt, wondering if it was his turn to shake hands.

“Then, since the greetings are over, let’s go to the car.” 

At Lee Wooyeon’s words, Kim Kangwoo nodded and followed CEO Kim.

Inseop looked down at his hand in embarrassment and then let it hang down again. A faint smile appeared on Lee Wooyeon’s lips as he watched the scene.

“Do you have a driver’s license?”

In front of the van, CEO Kim handed over his car keys and asked Kim Kangwoo.

“Of course, brother-in-law. I was a driver.” 

Kim Kangwoo took the key and climbed into the driver’s seat. CEO Kim looked at Kim Kangwoo with anxious eyes, like a parent who had left a child at the water’s edge. When Kim Kangwoo closed the car door, Lee Wooyeon came up behind CEO Kim.

“Why did you bring something that would make you so anxious?” 

“Because I can keep his mouth shut.” 

If something happened, it seemed like he was going to cover it up with friendship.

“Haha. The CEO is so funny.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled and opened the back door of his car. Inseop said to CEO Kim in a small voice, “I’ll help you well.”

“I believe in you. Inseop.”

CEO Kim tapped Inseop on the shoulder. 

Inseop nodded his head eagerly and opened the passenger-side door.

“Why are you riding there?”

Lee Wooyeon, who was sitting in the back, asked.

“…Should I not get on?”

Inseop asked back, feeling dejected. Lee Wooyeon frowned as if it was absurd.

“I telling you to sit in the back.” 

“The manager should ride in the front.” 

After saying that, Inseop looked at CEO Kim asking for help.

“Of course, in front…”

Lee Wooyeon’s eyes shone brightly. CEO Kim muttered, avoiding his gaze, saying, “You can ride in the front or in the back.”

“Did you hear that?”

Lee Wooyeon pointed to the wide open back door. Inseop hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

“I’ll ride in the front.”

Lee Wooyeon stared blankly at Inseop. Thinking he was going to say something, he said whatever and got into the car. Inseop also immediately climbed into the passenger seat. Not long after, the car pulled out of the parking lot.

“I can’t understand what he’s thinking.” 

He couldn’t understand why Lee Wooyeon, who had firmly refused to use a road manager, suddenly changed his mind within a few days.

There’s no way that non-existent humanity will spring up again.

CEO Kim patted his lips and sighed at his rough day.

He quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

“Yes. Please make a reservation for 10:00 am today. Full body course.” 

After making an aesthetic appointment, CEO Kim put his cell phone in his pocket. He quickly put his thoughts about Lee Wooyeon out of his head. The troubles that could not be resolved were poison to the skin. He began to walk faster while humming his song.


“But the manager looks really young. I was surprised to hear how old he was. He said you were three years older than me.” 

Turning the steering wheel, Kim Kangwoo spoke to Inseop. Inseop laughed awkwardly and muttered, “Is that so?” After coming to Korea, it was a pity that he couldn’t say he looked young because I was an Asian anymore.

“Do you hear that a lot?” 

“I hear it very, very occasionally.”

“Won’t you be checked for ID when you go to a bar?” 

Lee Wooyeon, who was reading a book behind him, laughed briefly. The two of them had had similar experiences several times when they went out for drinks. Hearing Lee Wooyeon’s laughter, Inseop’s face turned red. Lee Wooyeon, who saw the nape of his neck getting red, closed the book.

“How long do we have left?”

“About two hours left.”

In response to Lee Wooyeon’s question, Kim Kangwoo checked the navigation screen and responded quickly.

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“Aren’t you hungry?

“Yes. I think I’m slowly getting hungry. Shall we stop at the rest stop next time?”

“No. Go a little further and move toward Chungju.” 

“Are you talking about the national highway?”

“I’ll show you the way. If you go off the national highway and go a little, there’s a good restaurant.”

Inseop, who was next to him, cautiously intervened. There was a Korean restaurant nearby that the two of them went to several times. It was a date course that the two often used when going for a drive to the countryside.

“Do we have enough time?” 


Inseop calculated the time and answered. Lee Wooyeon, who was behind, laughed softly.

“There’s nothing the manager doesn’t know.” 

Kim Kangwoo muttered admiringly. Inseop timidly denied saying it was nothing and blushed. It was embarrassing to bring personal information between the two and be praised as competent by someone.

“You probably know me better than I do.” 

Lee Wooyeon agreed, and Inseop couldn’t bear to raise his head.

“The CEO said he was doing really well, so he told me to watch closely and learn from the side. I hope to get along well.”

“I really appreciate you.”

Inseop said as if he was embarrassed.

After the car went off the highway, Inseop pointed out the direction. Soon after, they arrived in front of a Korean restaurant in a secluded location.

“I will guide you to your seat.” 

Upon entering the store, the owner recognized Lee Wooyeon and responded with a friendly face. As usual, the owner gave them a seat in the innermost room. While Inseop was organizing his shoes neatly, Kim Kangwoo scratched his head and said.

“I’m going to stop by the bathroom. Please order. I can eat anything.”

“Yes. Take your time,” Lee Wooyeon nodded with a smile.

“Three people, please.”

Since the side dishes were made with the ingredients that come in that day, there was no need for a separate order. The owner who brought them water asked them to wait and then closed the door. Only two people remained.

“It’s been a while, so you must be tired.”

Lee Wooyeon said while pouring water into a cup.

“No. it’s okay. Mr. Kangwoo is good at driving.” 

CEO Kim’s praise that he was good at driving because he was a former driver was not in vain.

“Have a drink.”

Lee Wooyeon passed the cup to Inseop. It was Sicklepod tea.

Inseop looked at Lee Wooyeon as he slowly drank the bitter-tasting water. Even in the car, he kept thinking about when he could bring yesterday’s events.


Lee Wooyeon stretched out his hand. Inseop flinched involuntarily and threw his body back. Wooyeon paused for a moment before removing a piece of hair from the nape of Inseop’s neck.

“…thank you.”

Inseop lowered his eyes slightly and answered. Lee Wooyeon stared at Inseop’s long eyelashes as he moved anxiously. It was a relaxed yet tenacious gaze. Inseop felt his flesh tingle wherever their eyes met. Nothing was said. Inseop picked up the cup.

The inside of his mouth was dry. He glanced at his door, hoping that Kim Kangwoo would come back soon.

“Mr. Inseop”

Like sweet ice cream that disappears without a trace on the tongue, Lee Wooyeon called Inseop.

“Do you sleep well these days?”

“Yes. I sleep well.” 

“But what’s wrong with your face?” 

Inseop was a little taken aback by the question.

Then the door opened and the clerk brought out the basic side dishes and began to place them on the table. Kim Kangwoo, who went to the bathroom, also returned and sat next to Inseop.

“I think it’s because I had only a bit of sleep yesterday. I was thinking about going to work after a long time. Haha”

Inseop smiled awkwardly and answered like an ordinary office worker’s agony.

“I also had a hard time sleeping last night. I was nervous,” 

Kim Kangwoo interrupted, wiping his hands with a wet towel.


Lee Wooyeon said it in a tone that asked him to shut up because he was not interested in his sleeping habits.

But instead, he responded,

“Yes. Because you are such a great actor. In fact, I still don’t believe it. You’re so handsome that even when you’re in front of me, it doesn’t feel realistic.”

Inseop picked up the greens with chopsticks and put them in his mouth, then nodded his head eagerly, agreeing with Kim Kangwoo’s words.

“When you see other celebrities, I’ll look normal.” 

Lee Wooyeon answered with a modest smile.

“No, my brother-in-law was also a celebrity. No, CEO.” 

Kim Kangwoo quickly changed his words.

“He’s handsome, too. He still looks like a model.”

Inseop quickly praised CEO Kim.

“You should praise me at times like this. Manager.”

When Lee Wooyeon hardened his expression, Inseop was flustered and changed the object of his praise to him.

“Of course, Lee Wooyeon is very handsome.” 

“What makes me so handsome?” 

Lee Wooyeon questioned without changing his expression.


Inseop answered with all his heart.

CEO Kim had once said in annoyance that the bastard Lee Wooyeon even had pretty nails. Inseop, who knew every corner of Lee Wooyeon’s body better than anyone else, also agreed. Lee Wooyeon burst into laughter.

“Thank you for thinking so.”

“But don’t you know that you’re handsome when you look in the mirror? There’s no way you don’t know. I wish I could look like that just for one day.”

Kim Kangwoo honestly expressed envy. Inseop quickly praised his opponent, saying that he was also handsome.

Lee Wooyeon who was drinking water, stared his love, who was disgustingly praising other men in front of the person he was dating.

The clerk put the food on the table one by one.

“Wow, this place is really good. It’s the best food I’ve ever eaten in my life.”

Kim Kangwoo, who tasted the cold dish, said.

“I’m glad you like it.”

It was a Korean restaurant that Lee Wooyeon found for Inseop. Whether Kim Kangwoo liked it or not was not as important for Lee Wooyeon.

“Manager, don’t you like it?” 

Kim Kangwoo asked while looking at Inseop.

“No, I do.”

“But why are you eating like that? Have some of this.” 

Kim Kangwoo handed the spicy braised short ribs to Inseop.

“…Thank you.”

Inseop didn’t like meat very much. More so, spicy food. However, he couldn’t refuse the food that someone else gave his. Lee Wooyeon held out his chopsticks while preparing to eat a cup full of water.

“Can I eat it?”

While Inseop was about to eat, Lee Wooyeon took the braised short ribs. Lee Wooyeon had a very neat personality. He didn’t even go to this kind of restaurant because he didn’t like the Korean culture of sharing hot pot or stew. Inseop had never imagined him taking other people’s side dishes and eating them.

Kim Kangwoo pushed the braised short ribs in front of him to Lee Wooyeon.

“There’s a lot here. Eat them all.”

“No, Kangwoo, you should eat a lot.”

Lee Wooyeon pushed the side dish to Kim Kangwoo. Then, Inseop picked his favorite side dishes and ate them in front of him.

“Eat a lot.”

“Yes, I’m eating a lot.'”

Lee Wooyeon could not take his eyes off Inseop even after hearing Inseop’s answer.

He usually did eat less, but he seemed to be eating even lesser these days.

“Oh, that’s right. I was told that the manager was from the United States. Then you must not like Korean food. You must be having a hard time.” 

Kim Kangwoo looked sorry as he had roughly spoken to CEO Kim.

“No, I’m used to it now.”

Inseop seemed to smile at the words that worried about him. Lee Wooyeon moved his chopsticks without saying a word.

“If I go to the U.S. later, can I go to the manager’s house?” 

Kim Kangwoo’s unrelenting personality reminded him of CEO Kim. He looked like he was his own brother, not his brother-in-law.

“Oh, I…”

Inseop could not answer readily. He didn’t know when he would return to the United States. He may not go back at all. Lee Wooyeon intervened as Inseop could not find anything to answer and hesitated.

“Your brother-in-law has a lot of money. Ask him to pay for the hotel.”

“Hey, no matter how close we were, we’re now strangers.” 

Lee Wooyeon drank water, thinking that he was talking well, asking someone he saw for the first time today to let him stay at his home.

While eating the watermelon served as dessert, Kim Kangwoo told a lame story. Inseop listened to his story with the most serious face. Lee Wooyeon, who was staring at Inseop’s slightly opened lips, took out the cigarette he had put in his jacket pocket.

“Do you smoke?”

To Kim Kangwoo’s question, Lee Wooyeon answered, “Sometimes,” holding a cigarette in his mouth.

“You haven’t smoked recently.”

Choi Inseop frowned and said.

Lee Wooyeon smiled with his head tilted. There was something else he wanted to suck on, but there was no way because the owner won’t let him suck him. He didn’t think Inseop will eat his semen for the time being.

“Don’t you like me smoking?” 

Lee Wooyeon asked another question affectionately instead of what he wanted to say.

“It’s not that I don’t like it…It’s not good for your health.” 

He looked genuinely worried. Lee Wooyeon put the cigarette back in.

“I’ll do as the manager says.”

Kim Kangwoo looked at Inseop with astonishedment. It was not common for an actor of Lee Wooyeon’s level to put down the cigarette he was about to smoke in response to the young-looking manager’s words.

“Actually, the manager is the hidden influential figure of this company.” 

“You saw it well.”

Lee Wooyeon added to Kim Kangwoo’s joke.

“Inseop, you’re a really scary person when you get to know him.”

“No, it’s not…”

Inseop immediately refuted it, but Kim Kangwoo had already passed on to Lee Wooyeon’s words.

“There has been a quarrel at a drinking party before. When Inseop stepped up, it was organized at once. Since then, I never go against what Inseop says.”

“Is it a martial arts master or something like that? Like a hidden master?”

Kim Kangwoo looked like a boy reading an exciting martial arts book.

“I don’t know. He doesn’t say that.”

“No! Lee Wooyeon is joking. Hurry up and tell him no.”

Inseop asked Lee Wooyeon in cold sweat, but it was useless.

“Kangwoo, you should be careful, too.”

“Yes, sir.”

Kim Kangwoo answered with a posture like a private with close military discipline. Inseop cried and refuted that he was not, but the talk of Choi Inseop’s master skill had already been lodged in Kim Kangwoo’s mind.

“Where did you learn? Oh, is this a secret?” 

“I’ve never learned it.”

“You didn’t learn it, but did you learn it yourself?” 

“No, really…”

Inseop looked back at Lee Wooyeon. He was drinking water with his eyes half closed. With a sly smile

Inseop sighed. It was no use trying to stop Lee Wooyeon at that time.

“Shall we head out?” 

Lee Wooyeon said, putting down the cup.

“..I’ll quickly go to the bathroom.” 

Inseop muttered in a small voice.

“I’ll wait with the car started,” 

Kim Kangwoo replied, standing up from his seat. Inseop sighed and walked to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. He took the mouth wash out of his pocket, rinsed his mouth, and washed his hands. Then he checked his face reflected in the mirror.

A hidden master?

He didn’t understand how he could believe such a thing even after seeing his pale face. Rather, if he had a superpower with a hidden ability, he will be warned that he will be in big trouble if he visit Kang Youngmo and made fun of him.

“That would be great…“

“What’s good?”

Inseop was surprised by the voice that came after muttering to himself.

Lee Wooyeon went inside, closing the bathroom door.

“I was going to leave right away.”

Is it like that, Lee Wooyeon answered and locked the bathroom door. The clicking and ringing metallic sound made the muscles of the whole body tense at once.

“Did you enjoy your meal?”

“Thanks to you, I ate well.” 

“I think you don’t eat as much as usual. You don’t have an appetite?” 

Inseop pondered for a while and nodded. Lee Wooyeon sighed.

“You don’t have to worry too much. I think it’s because it’s summer.”

“Then shall we come back after summer?” 

Inseop hesitated for a while and asked at Lee Wooyeon’s words.

“Did you leave early on purpose to come here?”

It was an earlier departure time than usual. Although he was curious, Inseop obediently followed his words, saying there must be a reason.


Lee Wooyeon took a step closer and continued to talk.

“I wanted to see Inseop a little early, so I asked to meet him early.” 

The atmosphere was gradually getting weird because it was just the two of them in a small enclosed space. Inseop moved to the side of Lee Wooyeon. However, Lee Wooyeon smiled and stood in front of Inseop.

“Kim Kangwoo, do you like him?”

Inseop thought for a moment and answered.

“I don’t know because we just met, but he seems like a good person.”

 “I’m glad you like him, Inseop.” 

“You should like him, not me.”

“There’s already one manager I like.” 

“Thank you. I’ll go out,” 

Inseop said in a crawling voice. The distance from Lee Wooyeon was too close. Even if he tried not to, he was conscious enough to be on edge. He was embarrassed that he would be conscious of himself and drink kimchi soup like before.


Lee Wooyeon stepped back. Inseop passed by, trying not to reach him. As soon as he reached out to open the locked door, Lee Wooyeon grabbed the door handle first.

“Wait a minute.”

A low voice called up to Inseop. He couldn’t move, like he was shackled to the ground.

“Is there something stuck in my hair again?”

 Inseop asked, trying to pretend to be calm and grope around his neck.

“Let me ask you something.”

Lee Wooyeon’s voice stuck close to the back. Inseop did not dare to look back and nodded a few times.

“How was it in America?”


Inseop turned his head unknowingly to a question that he did not understand.

Lee Wooyeon’s face, standing within a narrow distance, caught his eye.

“I’m suddenly curious about how you’ve been in America. Maybe it’s the diet.”

What Kim Kangwoo said earlier seemed to be bothering him.

“Since my father was Korean, I often ate Korean food. Spicy food is still a little hard, but it’s okay. I got used to it a lot.” 

“Isn’t everything else uncomfortable?” 

Inseop shook his head.

“There’s nothing uncomfortable. It’s all right.” 

“But why…”

Lee Wooyeon clicked his tongue as if he had something in mind. Then, he continued to talk with a cool smile.

“Yes. If you have any concerns or problems, let me know anytime. I’ll take care of everything.”

It was a sweet tone, but the word that he would solve it came in a particular cold way. It was as if there was such a thing, he would get rid of it all. Inseop also vowed not to talk about Kang Youngmo.

“Then I’ll go out first.” 

Lee Wooyeon opened the door himself. Inseop went out, and the smile on Lee Wooyeon’s face collapsed without a trace.


“Thank you for your hard work.”

When he arrived at the parking lot, Kim Kangwoo greeted them as he looked back.

“Kim Kangwoo, you did a great job. It’s your first day at work. You must be tired.”

 Today alone, they went to 10 stage greetings.

“No, I have really good stamina.” 

As if to prove that, Kim Kangwoo didn’t look tired. 

Kim Kangwoo was a person with good conditions to assist Inseop in many ways.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow. Inseop will tell you the schedule.” 

“Yes, he sent me all the schedules for this week on his phone earlier. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Kim Kangwoo greeted with a friendly voice.

“See you tomorrow.”

Choi Inseop also tried to get out of the car by loosening his belt.

“Where do you live, hyung? I’ll take you there with this car.”

Kim Kangwoo has been calling Inseop hyung since earlier, as if he thought of Inseop as a master of martial arts.

“You don’t have to call me that.”

“Then what should I call you? I don’t think hyung is too formal.” 

Inseop, who was weak at this, looked at Lee Wooyeon with his eyes asking for help.

“Just call him manager like before,” replied Lee Wooyeon.

“It also feels too distant. We need to get close quickly. I’ll just call you hyungnim. And talk to me comfortably. I’m three years younger.”

“Yes, I’ll be going then.” 

Inseop replied, smiling awkwardly.

“I’ll drive you there. Can I do that?” 

Kim Kangwoo asked while looking at Lee Wooyeon.

“It’s not my car, the company paid for it. You can use it however you want.”

After hearing Lee Wooyeon’s answer, Inseop shook his head quickly.

“It’s a company car, so you should never use it for personal things. Lee Wooyeon, it’s better to return it to the company as soon as your schedule is over. It’s a big car, so there’s no place to park it.” 

Kim Kangwoo closed his mouth tightly and nodded at Inseop’s serious advice. Lee Wooyeon tilted his head as he looked at the two who were in perfect harmony.

“I can walk from here. Kangwoo, return the car and go back.”

It wasn’t a walking distance. The kind-hearted Inseop was deliberately considering Kim Kangwoo. Knowing this, Lee Wooyeon did not say a word.

“All right. Then see you tomorrow.”

Kangwoo bowed his head. Lee Wooyeon got out of the car and Choi Inseop followed suit. After the car started, Lee Wooyeon patted Inseop on the shoulder.

“Would you like to come up? I have something for you.” 


“You can just leave if you don’t want to. I’m not forcing you to.”

“Oh, no. It’s not like that.” 

Inseop had no choice but to follow him. Even as he rode the elevator up, Inseop was nervous, not knowing what words would come out of Lee Wooyeon’s mouth. What would he say if he tells him to sleep over? Kim Kangwoo will bring the car tomorrow, but he won’t know how to handle it. Above all, he still couldn’t figure out how to bring up the topic of Chae Yeonseo.


Just as he was about to speak, the elevator door opened. Lee Wooyeon, who came out first, flicked his finger at Inseop to follow him. Inseop followed Wooyeon in a panic.

Lee Wooyeon pressed the password on his front door. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Inseop clenched his fingertips.

“Please stay here for a while.”

Lee Wooyeon lowered the stopper on the front door and went inside. In an unexpected situation, Inseop stood there. Lee Wooyeon held a brown paper bag and he came out right away.

“This is an audio book I recorded the other day. It’s a rough edit, but I asked for it as soon as possible, and I got it yesterday.” 

Lee Wooyeon held out the envelope. Inseop received the envelope with both hands.

“Inseop fell asleep right after I read the book to him. You said you couldn’t sleep. I was wondering if it would help.” 

“Ah, yes… thank you…”

Choi Inseop’s face turned red. He felt full because he drank too much kimchi soup.

“Well then, I’ll go now.” 

Inseop bowed his head.

Lee Wooyeon leaned against the front door and called him. Inseop looked back while holding the envelope.

“Is there anything you want me to do?”


“Tell me if you want anything.”

Lee Wooyeon was affectionate. At least he didn’t feign his affection for him. But now it was a little different than usual. Inseop blinked his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. Eating something too sweet made his stomach upset and dizzy, and Lee Wooyeon in front of him was like that. He was too sweet.

“…there’s nothing.”

Inseop turned his head and replied. Even though he tried not to think too much of Lee Wooyeon’s attitude, which was different from usual, bad thoughts kept entering his head.

“Tell me if you remember. It doesn’t matter.” 

“Thank you. See you tomorrow.” 

Inseop bowed his head. He opened the envelope in the elevator. As Lee Wooyeon said, his CD was in it. It was a messy feeling. It’s a gift he thought, so he should be happy, but he was sorry he didn’t feel that way.

Needless to say, the day after he saw that scene…


Inseop shook his head. It was a cowardly act to mislead people’s goodwill in such a way. On the way to the bus stop after getting off the elevator, Inseop texted Lee Woo-yeon.

[Thank you for the gift. I’ll listen carefully. If there is anything you want, Wooyeon, please let me know anytime!]

Shortly thereafter, a text message came.

]Dream of me, then.]

Inseop stood there and read the text from Lee Wooyeon. A sharp pain spread around his chest every time he read the last word.


“Is this your first visit to a broadcasting station?”

At Inseop’s question, Kim Kangwoo, who had been looking around until just now, showed an embarrassed expression.

“When I was young, I came with my brother-in-law, no, the CEO, but this is the first time since I’ve grown up. It’s also my first time at the new office building. It’s gotten a lot better.” 

Today was the day of the broadcasting station studio shooting. Usually the manager waited in the waiting room or in the car. But today, he was on a tour of the broadcasting station specially for Kim Kangwoo.

“I can see a lot of celebrities.” 

Inseop smiled and nodded.

“Can I see idols too?”


“Wow, cool. Hyung-nim sees it so often, so it doesn’t matter, right?” 

Actually, Inseop didn’t know much about other celebrities. He didn’t know who was popular, who was pretty, or who was trending these days.

“I guess so.”

Inseop looked around. It was perfect to be seen as a stalker manager after telling the truth.

“Still, don’t you feel good when you see your favorite actors or idols?”

“…Yes. That’s right.”

He was watching every day. He wasn’t just watching, he was currently in a relationship.

“What do you do when you see a celebrity you like?” 

“I like them from the inside.” 

“I will do that too. Uh! Look, there!” 

As soon as he answered, Kim Kangwoo pointed to the idol walking across the lobby, making a fuss. Inseop quickly lowered Kim Kangwoo’s hand and smiled awkwardly.

“Sorry. I did it unknowingly.” 

Kim Kangwoo smiled broadly and apologized. He had an honest and bright personality.

“Aren’t you thirsty, hyung? I’ll buy you coffee.” 

Inseo held out his card.

“You can pay with this. You can bill the company.”

“Yes. I understand. What would you like to have?

“All I need is an iced Americano. There is a bench over there. You can come over there.”

Inseop pointed to a bench in the outdoor garden. Kim Kangwoo took his card and disappeared while humming his song.

In-seop went outside and sat down with his back on the bench. Fatigue set in.

Lee Wooyeon was several times more friendly and affectionate than usual. In addition, he even went with Kim Kangwoo, so he didn’t have to worry about getting weird pictures taken. Even though it was an objectively peaceful situation, he felt uneasy.

Why did he meet Chae Yeonseo? Is there something he didn’t know about?

Why won’t he tell him… Why is he suddenly being so friendly?

The things he wanted to ask piled up. However, when he saw Lee Wooyeon, his mouth did not open. Hee thought that liking someone makes a person brave, but it was the exact opposite. Having what he thought he couldn’t have, his fear grew as his greed did.

Inseop sighed and grabbed his hand.

“…Let’s ask.”

No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn’t find an answer. Inseop took out his cell phone and texted Lee Wooyeon before his decision wavered.

“Can you give me a moment after today’s schedule?”

He turned off his cell phone during the studio shoot, so he might not check the text until later. He was afraid he didn’t know what kind of answer Lee Wooyeon would give, but it will still be better than now.

Inseop, who was fiddling with his cell phone, suddenly felt someone watching him and looked up.


He made eye contact with the person who was far away. Inseop quickly avoided eye contact, but he had already been noticed.

“Who is this?”

Kang Youngmo raised his hand as if he was glad. Maybe he came out to smoke as he had a cigarette case in one hand.


Inseop quickly got up from his seat and bowed his head politely. Kang Youngmo walked to Inseop with the script on his hand.

“I guess you have a show, right? 


“Wasn’t it forbidden to appear here?” 

Kang Youngmo said, slapping the spinning script on his palm.

“I haven’t heard anything about it.” 

“Then what did you hear?”

Kang Youngmo was sly even though he knew Inseop couldn’t say anything.

He tormented Inseop.

“Then do you want me to tell you an interesting story I heard? There are a few journalists I know.”

Inseop wanted to leave his seat right away. But there was something he had to end with this person.

“What are you talking about?”

When Inseop asked calmly without being nervous, Kang Youngmo bent his eyebrows unexpectedly.

“I heard that Lee Wooyeon met so many women before.”

“Is that so?”

It’s a fact that he knew. The tag attached to actor Lee Wooyeon, who was known to be flawless and perfect, was a woman.

“I heard he’s cut them off recently.”

“I see.”

Inseop knows how long it has been, but he did not show any signs.


Kang Youngmo tapped Inseop’s shoulder with the script and laughed.

“If you ask me why, I can’t answer it. It’s a company policy, but I really don’t know.”

“Why won’t you know? You know.”

Inseop took a deep breath inside. Until now, he had simulated countless things in his head that he would say to Kang Youngmo when he met him again.

“How can I know?” 

Kang Young-mo asked back, 


“It is very rude of you to guess like this. The same goes for the person he’s dating right now.” 

“Chae Yeonseo? Who Chae Yeonseo is actually dating…” 

After saying that, Kang Youngmo also looked around. No even Kang Youngmo had the guts to turn the head of a TV station’s drama headquarters into an enemy, even the next president.

“I know everyone who knows”.

Kang Youngmo lowered his voice as if he was conscious of his surroundings.

“Yes, everyone knows.” 

Inseop went on calmly.

“She’s dating Lee Wooyeon.”

“Oh, my. The baby that was shaking like a dog that ate something bad grew up a lot. Do you think you’ve become something because Lee Wooyeon is doing well?” 

Kang Youngmo poked Inseop’s forehead with the script. Coincidentally, after the incident, Kang Youngmo didn’t get very good results for every work he appeared in. It had begun to take a downward trend. It hasn’t been long since he started to be called a Gukbap* actor, who used to be a box office guarantee check, and says that every movie he appears in is ruined.

There has never been such a dangerous feeling as arrogance that has turned into an inferiority complex. Although he hates Kang Youngmo, Inseop thought that he should never touch that part.

“I’m just a nobody.”

Inseop tried not to offend his opponent as much as he could.

“What is Lee Wooyeon lacking to do with someone like me, and with a man?”

It was strange. He felt like I was telling the truth even though he lied. Inseop held his trembling hands together.


Inseop slowly raised his head.

“There is someone I’m dating seriously, too,” 

Inseop’s words made Kang Youngmo sneer. He took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and lit it.

“Did I almost black out for a second? But because of that word, your credibility has just come to an end. Are you dating someone seriously? Okay. Do you have a picture? Show me a picture.”

When Inseop couldn’t say anything, Kang Youngmo let out a laugh as if he knew that.

“Fuck. You know who’s an idiot? A very simple person…” 

Kang Youngmo held up the script. For a moment, a thought flashed through Inseop’s head.

“Yes. Proof.” 


“There was an article recently. Lee Wooyeon paid for the injured cat’s hospital bill.”

“That lousy PR article? How much do journalists these days get paid to write such high-class, old-fashioned novels?”

Inseop lowered his head.

“This article was written based on the articles posted by the staff at the veterinary hospital. You can still find that article. This is the article.” 

Inseop quickly found the article and held it out to Kang Youngmo. Kang Youngmo skimmed through the article with his eyes furrowed.

“What is this about?”

“I am one of the people who took the cat. The other is the person I am seeing. As stated in the article.”

‘Sorry. Yoon Ahreum, I’m really sorry. I will definitely pay the price for this sin, and I will definitely repay the favor as well.’

Inseop repeated the words of apology to himself.

“And this is a picture of that cat.” 

Inseop went to the animal hospital not long ago and showed him a picture he and John had taken together. The smile disappeared from Kang Youngmo’s face. Inseop flipped through the picture and showed another picture of the cat that Yoon Areum was hugging. He didn’t show her face, but anyone could see that the hand holding the cat was a woman’s.

“I hope you clear up any misunderstandings now.” 

Inseop looked at Kang Youngmo with big eyes. When their eyes met, Kang Youngmo’s mouth twisted.


He slapped Inseop in the face with all his might with the script in his hand. Over and over again he swung the script. Inseop accepted his anger without avoiding it.

“This stupid manager! Are you trying to teach me?” 

The pain in front of his eyes was sore, but Inseop bit his lip and held it in. Thank god. To be angry like this means that he couldn’t find any evidence.

“Do you know how long Lee Wooyeon will do well? Falling to the floor is an instant. Do you think that bastard will be the lead actor for a thousand years and ten thousand years!” 

The script hit the face straight down. His nose started to bleed.

Kang Youngmo threw his blood-stained script into the trash can nearby.

“Let’s see.”

Kang Youngmo sighed and disappeared.

Inseop took his handkerchief out of his pocket and covered his nose. With this, he would be happy if Kang Youngmo could dispel his doubts even a little bit.

When that happened, he was happy, but not he was not in a very good mood. Hee felt sorry for Yoon Areum. He didn’t say her name or show her face, but he seemed to be taking advantage of her. More than anything, he felt sorry for Lee Wooyeon, who almost got into something bad because of him.

The words “Isn’t it strange with someone like me?” ran through his head. Unconsciously, he uttered his inner thoughts. When he stands next to Lee Wooyeon, let alone get along with him, wasn’t he a nuisance to him? One day, if Lee Wooyeon asked him to break up with him, he would rather convince himself that he was like that rather than ask why. He didn’t want anyone to find out about these shabby feelings.

A stream of blood flowed from his nose between his fingers. Inseop quickly raised his head and met his eyes with Kangwoo, who was making a puzzled expression on the other side.

“… !”

It felt like all the blood in his body was draining from under his feet.

Since when had he been there?

“I’m sorry. I tried to stop it, but the CEO repeatedly asked me not to intervene if something happened…” 

Kim Kangwoo, with a sullen face, stuttered, as if he was quite taken aback. When Inseop remained firm and didn’t respond at all, Kim Kangwoo asked cautiously if he was okay.

“… it’s okay. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

Inseop, tired, barely answered.

“No. I’m sorry hyung. Kang Youngmo, why is he doing that? Why is he doing that when hyung said he has a girlfriend? Isn’t he crazy?”

Fortunately, it seemed that he hadn’t heard the previous story. Inseop, exhausted by the overwhelming sense of relief, collapsed into his seat. Kim Kangwoo put down his coffee and came and quickly stood up next to Inseop.

“Aren’t you supposed to go to the hospital? Shall we call 911?” 

Kim Kangwoo asked in surprise as if he had heard about Inseop’s health condition in advance. Inseop shook his head.

“No… I’m okay.”

As the tension eased, his tears welled up. Inseop buried his head in his lap and bit his lower lip. It reminded him of Lee Wooyeon’s words never to cry in front of other people. And he didn’t want to cry in front of Kim Kangwoo, who was younger than him.

“Are you really okay? Isn’t it wrong to hit like that? If I had known it would be like this, I would have recorded a video.” 

In case no one sees, Inseop quickly wiped away his tears and stood up.

“I’m sorry hyung. I should have intervened… “

“No. You did well.”

It was clear that if someone had intervened in Kang Youngmo’s personality, things would have gotten bigger.

It’s better to take out his anger once and move on.


To Inseop’s earnest voice, Kim Kangwoo replied “Yes” with a nervous face.

“As you see, Mr. Kang Youngmo and Mr. Lee Wooyeon has a bad relationship. There was some incident while filming the drama last time. The company also cares a lot.“

No matter how much he tries, he can’t help but encounter things like today at the broadcasting station. Inseop thought that it was fortunate that it was not Lee Wooyeon who met Kang Yeongmo, but him.

“Even if it’s not, the CEO said that too. Kang Youngmo, be especially careful with that person,” 

Kim Kangwoo added, scratching his head.

“If he bumps into Lee Wooyeon, he told me not to intervene and to call him. Sorry. I did it because he asked me to trust him, but I feel really bad too.” 

“No, I just…”

The bloody nose that had stopped flowing began bleeding again. Inseop quickly tilted his head back.

“Aren’t you seriously hurt?”

“You don’t have to worry. It’s really fine.” Inseop smiled, and Kangwoo wiped Inseop’s face with a tissue.

“Now you’ll believe what Lee Wooyeon said was all a joke.” 

At Inseop’s words, Kim Kangwoo said, “Ohhh,” and frowned.

“Now there is such a thing. And I know that hyung lost on purpose. If Kang Youngmo is a celebrity, he should pay the price.” 

Kim Kangwoo sighed and took Inseop’s side. He was an honest and good-natured young man.

“Can I ask you one favor?” Inseop opened his mouth as he looked at Kim Kangwoo.

“Yes. Just say anything.”

“Please keep what happened with Kang Youngmo a secret from Lee Wooyeon. The same goes for the CEO.”

If he tells the CEO, there is a high probability that Lee Wooyeon will also know.


“It’s really no big deal. Mr. Kang Youngmo, even with the original staff, he often quarrels. I don’t want to make them worry about this.” 

Inseop hung on desperately with big eyes. When Kangwoo couldn’t answer, Inseop lowered his head.


“Hyung, don’t do this.” 

Kim Kangwoo quickly raised Inseop up.

“If you do this, I’ll think I’ve become such a bad guy. I’m sorry I just watched you earlier.” 

Kim Kangwoo sighed and continued.

“All right. I will do as you say. Although it pricks my conscience not to tell my brother-in-law. If I had known this was going to happen, I would have just rushed in and stopped it.”

“Thank you.”

“Instead, you should also listen to my request.” 

“A request?”

Inseop covered his nose with his handkerchief and wiped his eyes. Kim Kangwoo nodded his head and continued.

“Well, it’s not difficult.” 

There was a cool smile in Kangwoo’s eyes..

Inseop, who was pushing the chair, asked, looking at manager Cha’s expression.

“I’m okay. It’s only a broken leg, not a fatal disease. Everything is fine except for the leg. Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Manager Cha answered in a cheerful tone. As if to prove his own words, his skin was shiny like a boiled egg.

“I’m glad you look good.”

“Well then. My digestion is good and my headache is better. Ah, this world is worth living.”

Manager Cha muttered with his eyes closed like he was savoring the sunlight. Then, as if he had suddenly remembered, he looked back at Inseop and asked.

“But what happened? So suddenly.”

“I’m sorry I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Ha ha ha. It’s nice to see your face once on this occasion. Okay, is everything okay?”

“Yeah. It’s nothing special.”

Inseop’s voice that answered like that was weak. Lee Wooyeon’s dating rumor was heard through CEO Kim, and he was well aware of it. Scandals for hiding something else were common in this field. But compared to contractual marriages, a dating scandal was nothing.

However, Inseop was in a relationship with the person who was the center of the scandal. The only people who knew about it were CEO Kim and himself. No matter how showy the scandal was, it was different for Lee Wooyeon, whose nerves were made of steel. It was clear that Inseop was suffering from heartache.

“That’s… No, is Lee Wooyeon very upset?”

“No. It’s not like that. Rather, I’m only causing trouble.” 

Inseop hurriedly shook his head.

How kind and beautiful his heart was! 

Manager Cha quickly wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his hospital gown. Other people didn’t know, but he knew. Lee Wooyeon, who revealed his true nature, behaves like a dog to his manager.

“What trouble? Talk to CEO Kim and get a lot of salary. If you’re trying to hold your words just because it’s a temporary job, tell me. I’ll scold him.”

“No. I’m sorry for giving you so much trouble.”

Inseop smiled and replied.

“Is your body okay? Come to think of it, your face looks a bit damaged.” 

Manger Cha felt remorse when he saw Inseop, whose complexion was paler than that of the patient with a broken leg.

“I’m just a little tired because I couldn’t sleep last night. It’s okay.”

“Yesterday? You couldn’t sleep because you were doing something. Ah ha ha ha yeah you couldn’t sleep. It could be because it’s hot.”

A text message sent by CEO Kim yesterday flashed through Manager Cha’s head. It was a message full of swears aimed at Lee Wooyeon, who took his credit card and reserved a hotel suite. Who did he share the hotel suite with? It was obvious who he would have used it with.

“A movie is coming out.” 

Manager Cha quickly changed the subject.

“Yes. The movie promotion will start the day after tomorrow, so I will be busy.” 

“They say that this movie is good.”

“I think it came out really well. I hope it will be opened soon and many people will see it.”

The excitement in Inseop’s voice as he said that was evident.

“Inseop seems to be really a fan of Lee Wooyeon. How come he expects more than Lee Wooyeon himself?”

“Yes. Of course I look forward to it… Because I am a fan.” 

Inseop felt sorry for deceiving Manager Cha by saying that he was a fan of Lee Wooyeon.

“Hmmmm, don’t go there. Inseop” 

Manager Cha cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

“As I said before, if you have any concerns, you can tell me. Think of me as a hyung.”

When Inseop opened his eyes wide, Manager Cha scratched his cheek as if embarrassed.

“Sorry. Am I too old for a hyung?”

 “No. It’s just… it’s a bit strange because I don’t have a hyung.”

“Are you an only child?” 

“I’m the oldest.”

Inseop murmured softly. It was embarrassing, because he’d always heard that they were not similar at all. He had a weak body and a timid personality, so he doesn’t look like the eldest at all.

“Do you have any younger siblings? How many?” 

“Three of us.”

“Wow. It’s a big family. I think you’ll get along well with your younger siblings. Do you have any pictures?” 

Inseop found a family photo in his cell phone photo album and showed it to Manager Cha. Cha opened his eyes wide and alternately looked at Inseop and the phone screen.

“Cute, right?”

“Hahahahaha… he’s big.”

Among the brothers, Inseop looked the youngest. The expression “cute” suited Inseop, not his younger siblings.

“They grew up, but they are all kids. You don’t know how noisy it is when we get together.” Inseop’s eyes were full of affection as he looked at the photos on his phone. 

“You don’t want to see your family?

“…I miss them.”

Inseop put the cell phone back in his pocket.

“Isn’t America more comfortable than Korea?”

“Yes. Maybe. But I’ve adapted a lot.”

“Are you going back to America after you graduate?

“No, that’s not it… Nothing has been decided yet.”

He just told his parents that he wants to study in Korea. No concrete plans have been made since then. To stay here with Lee Wooyeon, he had to find a proper job.

“I’m thinking about this and that. I’m worried.”

The last words were mixed with a sigh. Manager Cha tried to tell him that he was worried about useless things with so many men next to him that even if he played and ate all his life, his money would rot and disappear. But he had a very plausible feeling that Lee Wooyeon would stick out his back to insert a straw, make him take a sip of his own bone marrow, and then make him pay a very high price.

“Why don’t you go to the States or something before the vacation is over?” 

“I’ll decide after seeing the situation. I’m busy now.” 

Inseop quickly smiled.

“Then take a vacation and go somewhere to get some fresh air with your friends. I’ll tell the representative. You’ll be fine for a few days.” 

Inseop smiled silently. Manager Cha carefully asked.

“Are there any friends you keep in touch with in Korea?” 

Inseop shook his head slightly.

“Not even one?”

“…I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, goodness. This friend.”

Manager Cha put on a look of genuine regret.

“I’m kind of bad at things like that. You don’t even know how to hang out with people.”

“If you can get along with Lee Wooyeon, you can get along with anyone.” 

Inseop laughed at Manager Cha’s sincere joke.

“I’m serious. If you  put your mind to it, you’ll make a hundred friends.”

“That would be nice.” 

Inseop slowly pushed the wheelchair.

“Then is Lee Wooyeon your only friend?” 

“Ah, yes… he is.” 

Inseop lowered his eyes and answered.

“You know, Mr. Inseop. I’m not saying this because I hate Lee Wooyeon a lot, I’m saying this because I think of Inseop….Can you communicate with Lee Wooyeon?”


Inseop missed the timing to reply. Manager Cha let out a sigh as if he knew that would happen.

“It feels like you’re talking to a wall, right?”

“It doesn’t happen often.”

Lee Wooyeon’s ability to empathize has declined. He adequately compensated for that with acting in front of people, but he didn’t even bother to act with someone who knew his personality. There was a particular lack of empathy for very trivial and small parts. He felt very sorry for Lee Wooyeon, but Inseop felt lonely every time. He thought that he would never be able to get sympathy from this person for this kind of problem.

“Aren’t you lonely?”

It was a question that ran through his head.


Inseop revealed his true heart without even realizing it.

“you should have met someone else before you got your nose pierced…“ 


Inseop was surprised and asked back.

“Ah, no, I mean… make other friends. A tree needs many small roots to be strong. It’s the same with human relationships…” 

Inseop nodded his head with a serious expression.

“Have I been too arrogant?”

“No. Not at all. You’re the only one who tells me this. I really appreciate it.”

“Think of me as a hyung. A very older hyung.” 

“Thank you.”

Inseop felt very happy, even the nape of his neck turned red.

“Yeah. Don’t you have anything to talk about with your hyung?”

He thought the answer would come back, but Inseop hesitated and wiggled his hand. Manager Cha urged Inseop, saying, “Tell me.”

“Mr. Kang Youngmo.”

“Kang Youngmo?”

The only people who knew the truth of that day were CEO Kim, Manager Cha, and Choi Inseop. And Kang Youngmo’s name was a taboo word among the three.

“Why about Kang Youngmo? What’s the matter? Did Lee Wooyeon cause trouble again?” 

Manager Cha asked, breathing hard. For the first time since he was admitted to the hospital, he had a sick day.

“No, it’s not like that at all. Just… Is he a big influence in the entertainment industry?”

“Yes. He’s good at acting, but the head of the agency is from Kang Youngmo’s wife’s family. The agency is very big.”

While answering, Manger Cha couldn’t hide his anxiety.

“Does Kang Youngmo often run into Lee Wooyeon?”

“I can’t say no, but I’m trying my best not to run into each other…Is there really nothing going on?”

Inseop hesitated for a moment. If he said what Kang Youngmo said to him, it’ll unintentionally result in Lee Wooyeon being outed. No matter how trustworthy Mr. Cha and Mr. Kim were, this was a completely different matter.

“Yeah. It’s nothing. I was just asking because I was worried.” 

Inseop thought it was fortunate that he was pushing the wheelchair. Looking at Manager Cha’s face, he had no confidence to lie calmly.

Manager Cha sighed for a moment, then continued,

“Just in case. If Kang Youngmo and Lee Wooyeon run into each other, Mr. Inseop will stop them. First of all, drag him somewhere else. If it’s from Inseop, Wooyeon listens well.”

Inseop thought about asking CEO Kim to use another manager. However, he thought that if he did that, there would be a misunderstanding, and he was the only person who could stop Lee Wooyeon in the event of an emergency, as Manger Cha said.

“I will do that,”

Inseop nodded as if he were determined to himself and said,

“But it’s really fortunate. There is someone like Inseop next to Lee Wooyeon.” 

Inseop couldn’t raise his head at Manager Cha’s words.

When he woke up this morning, Inseop initially thought he was dreaming. It was only after looking at it for a while that he realized it wasn’t a dream. It was amazing. It was the first time he had woken up before him. Lee Wooyeon’s hair was messy and disheveled. He had taken a shower and slept without properly grooming his hair.

He looked younger than usual. Lee Wooyeon smiled like a boy sometimes. He didn’t know if he was aware of it, but especially when he played a practical joke on Inseop or said a joke. And he really liked that look. Every time Lee Wooyeon smiled at him like that, he felt like he had become an idiot. He was dizzy and his heart was pounding.

It would be nice if he always smiled

Inseop stared blankly at Lee Wooyeon and swallowed the fleeting feeling. And at that moment, like a dream, Lee Wooyeon opened his eyes and smiled like a boy.

Perhaps he was asleep, Lee Wooyeon immediately closed his eyes again. His heart beat like crazy. He was afraid that the sound would wake Lee Wooyeon. He knew the meaning of Lee Wooyeon’s defenseless appearance. How much he cares for him, and how much he cares for him, too.

‘Whether it’s a settlement hospital or a prison, I don’t want to be locked up in either.’

The blood splattered pale face and Lee Wooyeon’s smiling like a boy overlapped. He was worried that something else might happen to him because of him. The happier he was next to him, the greater his anxiety grew.

“Of course, from Inseop’s point of view, a friend like Lee Wooyeon… would not be good.” 

“Oh, no, it’s not like that.” 

“If Lee Wooyeon behaves badly, just throw him away. Because you can make as many friends as you want. Understand?

“Thank you for your concern.”

As Manager Cha was about to say a few more relationship advice, his cell phone which was tucked into the patient’s gown began to ring.

“Wait a minute. Hello?” 

Manger Cha started talking on the phone. Choi Inseop took out his cell phone. Before leaving the hotel, he asked CEO Kim to hold Lee Wooyeon for an hour. The answer came back saying, “I will, so don’t worry and take care of yourself.” He left a text message to Lee Wooyeon asking if he had left the office. Fortunately, there was no contact yet.

Lee Wooyeon called him in the middle, but he didn’t answer. No, he couldn’t. It was obvious that he would be caught sneaking out if he answered the phone. When he sent a text message apologizing for not answering the phone, Lee Wooyeon replied that he would come later because things would be a little late. It was fortunate that things turned out better than expected.

“That’s weird. The hospital staff wants you to come quickly”. 

Manager Cha finished the call with a questionable face.

“Hospital administration?”

“Yes. It’s urgent, so a guardian was asked to come as soon as possible. It’s strange. There’s nothing urgent.”

“Then I’ll go there.”

It took some time to push the wheelchair and move.

“I’m sorry. You’ll have to go a bit, but it’ll be next to the information desk on the first floor of the department of staff.”

“Okay. Shall I get a drink while you’re coming?””

“Buy me a bottle of bottled water. I’ll give you the money when I go up to the hospital room.”

“That’s all right. Then I’ll be right back.

As soon as Inseop left, Manger Cha took out a cigarette from his pocket and asked if he could smoke. Smoking was inconvenient in front of non-smokers. Then, a hand extended from behind lit a lighter and handed it over.



The cigarette dropped from Manager Cha’s mouth.

“Can the patient smoke?”


Lee Wooyeon picked up the cigarette that had fallen on the floor, broke it, and threw it into a nearby trash can.

“…why are you here?” 

“Wow, the weather is nice.”

Lee Wooyeon grabbed the wheelchair handle and started pushing.

“Why are you here? Just answer the question.”

“I came to see you in the hospital, Manager.”

It was a soft voice like melted chocolate. Manager Cha got goosebumps.

“What tricks are you playing?”

“What do you mean a trick? I’m upset.”

Manger Cha had a lot of people around him thanks to his cheerful personality. After being hospitalized, not only company employees but also quite a number of celebrities he knew came to visit him. As for Lee Wooyeon, he didn’t even send a text asking if he was okay, let alone visiting him in the hospital. Of course, he knew he was that kind of guy, so Manger Cha didn’t worry about it and ignored it. Rather, this situation, which appeared to be a visit to the hospital, was very scary.

“Are you the one who made the staff call me?” 

Cha frowned at the thought, brushing off his hair.

“Yes. I asked them to hold off Inseop as long as they could. Thanks to that, I don’t know how many times I took pictures.

Lee Wooyeon smiled as he lowered his sunglasses with his fingers. The ulterior motive behind putting Inseop away from him with so much effort was sinister.

“What are you curious about?”

“As expected, it’s good that the manager communicates well.” 

Lee Wooyeon continued as he slowly pushed the wheelchair.

“Inseop suddenly got a little weird.”

“Where are you going?”     

“I think he’s afraid of something. Originally, he was timid, but he’s strangely scared these days. He tries not to make eye contact.”

“It’s not strange that he’s afraid of you.”

Although it was an attractive point that highlighted his neat appearance, Cha feared that Lee Wooyeon would show his teeth and bite him.

Lee Wooyeon smiled briefly at the curt scolding of the manager. 

“What is he afraid of? Say something that makes sense.”

“First of all, he’s afraid of your laughter.” 

Manager Cha trembled like a person facing a ghost.

“Inseop-ssi likes the sound of my laughter.” 

Every time he laughed, he would stare at him in awe. Lee Wooyeon, liking Inseop’s blushing cheeks and slightly parted lips, sometimes deliberately laughed out loud.



“Well, I’m sure.” 

Manager Cha made a very strong hypothesis and convinced himself.

“Have you seen me being mean? Oh, you heard me.”


Manager Cha’s face turned pale as he recalled the nightmare of Jeju Island. As if trying to shake off the memory, he shuddered. Then, he gathered up his courage and spoke out the words he had stored in his heart..

“You won’t last long if you keep being like this.” 

Lee Wooyeon opened his eyes.

“As expected, couples are said to be one in heart.”

“What nonsense is that?”

Cha’s expression was distorted.

“The CEO said something similar today. You didn’t talk to each other on the phone in advance and kiss each other, did you?”

“People’s thoughts are the same. Isn’t it obvious?” 

Lee Wooyeon smiled and gripped the wheelchair handle.

“Then tell me what Inseop said. I’ve heard enough of the obvious.”

“He didn’t say much. Just that he’s  busy with work these days.”

Manager Cha said vaguely. Inseop brought up the story of Kang Youngmo, but he couldn’t say it in front of Lee Wooyeon. If he does that, Lee Wooyeon may disappear by picking up a pretty brick and humming, saying he will ease Inseop’s worries.

 “Anything else?”


Manager Cha responded sternly.

“I’ve been watching you for a while…”

The park next to the hospital was across an eight-lane road. In the direction of the overpass that crosses the road, Lee Wooyeon slowly pushed the wheelchair.

“Why did you talk about being busy for so long?”

“It could be. Hey hey hey. Why go up the overpass?” 

Lee Wooyeon hummed lightly. It was an early summer with a lot of greenery. However, Manager Cha felt a chill at the moment.

“Why are you taking a walk on the overpass?

“It’s nice to see.” 

“There is nothing to see on the 8-lane road!”

There were no people around. There was a cold sweat behind Cha’s back. Not long after the leg surgery, he could not move a step without crutches or wheelchairs.

“Manager, even if you can’t see it, I’m really trying. So I hope you can help me.”

“I, what can I help you with?”

Instead of answering, Lee Wooyeon smiled, revealing his straight teeth. It was rare in the entertainment world to have such neat and pretty teeth without braces or dental work. Although it was an attractive point that highlighted his neat appearance, Cha felt fear that Lee Wooyeon would show his teeth and bite him.

“What did you talk about with Mr. Inseop?”

Manager Cha swallowed and looked back. A bright smile flashed in Lee Wooyeon’s eyes. The hot sun was hitting the top of his head, and it seemed like a refreshing wind was blowing around Lee Wooyeon.

”That he’s just busy these days.. Ugh.” 

The wheel of the wheelchair got caught on the edge of the stairs. Manager Cha tried to get up, but he collapsed

“It’s dangerous. What are you going to do if you get hurt?” 

The way he said it was to the point where anyone would mistakenly think that he was the person who was most concerned about the safety of Manager Cha.

“Because you’re like this, Inseop is…!” 

“Inseop what?”

Lee Wooyeon’s eyes flashed. He stepped on a landmine. It was hard to get out of it any more. Manager Cha sighed and said with a half-give-up.

“He said he couldn’t live here.”

He actually said the U.S. was more comfortable, but he said with a mixture of exaggeration.

“He can’t live?”

Lee Wooyeon asked back as if he had heard something strange.

“Of course he doesn’t want to live here. He’s far away from his family, he doesn’t have any friends, his lover is…, tsk” 

Manager Cha turned his head as if he had seen something he would not see.

“Mr. Inseop said that? He doesn’t want to live here?” 

Lee Wooyeon repeated the same question.

“Yes. He says it’s lonely and difficult. It’s obvious. You won’t let him make friends and he only sees you. Yes, will the relationship last? A person who is affectionate and likes people will wither away and die.” 

Lee Wooyeon already knew Inseop’s lonely personality. Also the fact that he missed his family. A subtle admiration for a group of friends or peers. But I never thought he’d hate it.

“It’s hard to be in a relationship.”

Wooyeon muttered with his eyes down. Then, with an expressionless face, he tapped the handle of the wheelchair.

Manager Cha became elated at the thought that his attack had worked, and fired at it excitedly.

“It must be a hundred times more difficult for Inseop. Above all else, you are the opponent. I’m worried about him.  He’s a human being who doesn’t even know what he’s thinking, and your job is a celebrity. Worst combination ever. Just imagining it..” 

Manager Cha said horribly.

“Don’t imagine it. Unless I get shot in the head, the day I go out with Mr. Cha won’t come. No, even if I get shot, I won’t go out with you.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled and teased  Manager Cha.

“Lend me that gun too. I’ll shoot myself in the head.”

“Haha. It’s fortunate. We don’t like each other, so we won’t be hurt for the rest of our lives.”

“Ugh. Poor Inseop. How did you meet someone like that?” 

Manager Cha clicked his tongue and shook his head. Lee Wooyeon looked at Manager Cha, who was not mistaken and said the same thing as CEO Kim, with an expression of interest.

“Manager .”

“What? Again.”

“Isn’t what you just said a lie?” 

Manager Cha was so confused, and asked back  “What kind of lie?”

“There hasn’t been any problem lately. But he suddenly doesn’t want to live in Korea. It’s weird.”

“Don’t you know that it’s a critical point? The last drop has fallen and it’s over the limit. Aah. It’s scary when a kid like Inseop makes a sudden turn around. One day, he could get on a plane and go away.The beginning of emotion may be weak, but the end…”

The wheelchair creaked forward.

“What is the end?” 

“…will return in peace.”

Manager Cha pointed to the hospital. No matter how hard he tried to stay calm, his fingertips trembled. If it was Lee Wooyeon, he would have been able to push people down the stairs with a nonchalant face.


Lee Wooyeon announced the wrong answer in a clear voice. The center of gravity of the wheelchair was shifted forward. Dead. Manager Cha closed his eyes tightly while swearing at CEO Kim, who caused this by taking in one wrong person. However, the body that he thought would roll down remained the same. Looking back, Lee Wooyeon was holding on to his shoulder.

“You didn’t really believe that I would push you down the stairs, did you?”

“… ” 

He firmly believed it.

“How do you look at people?”

“How do I look at people? I just look at you… haha.” 

Lee Wooyeon straightened the wheelchair with a perfectly good-natured smile. He pushed the wheelchair and began to go down the overpass and saw a small figure resembling Inseop approaching.

“I’ll go first. Don’t ever say that I was here. If you tell…”

Lee Wooyeon gently grabbed the manager’s shoulders.

“I will visit you again.”


Manager Cha only nodded with a bewildered expression. Lee Wooyeon, as if getting a satisfactory answer, tapped Manager Cha’s shoulder lightly.

“Be well.”

The sound of footsteps disappeared. When he looked back, he couldn’t find Lee Wooyeon. It was only then that Manager Cha noticed that his  patient’s uniform was wet from his sweat.


[At the hotel lobby. I’ll come up soon!]

After sending a text message, the reply arrived right away.

“Yes! Okay!”

It seemed that Inseop’s urgent voice could be heard in the text message. Lee Wooyeon had arrived at the hotel early. He sent a text message shortly after confirming that Inseop had entered the elevator.

Lee Wooyeon got into the elevator and pressed the floor of the room with his card.

He doesn’t want to live here.

If he’s homesick, it was okay for him to take a few flights to the United States, but this was a completely different matter. It was also something he hadn’t even thought about.

Lee Wooyeon crossed his arms and tapped the other arm with his fingers. It reminded him of what Manager Cha said about how anxious he would be if the other person was him. That wasn’t entirely wrong. If he thinks about it, even he would not believe himself.

Would you rather stay together in the US for a while?

Lee Wooyeon clicked his tongue.

It was a good way to overcome Inseop’s anxiety, but it was also the most dangerous way. Filled with love, Inseop’s family was useless to the point of being wonderful. Inseop, a childish and lonely person, had to limit himself to the only person he could rely on. In this situation, if he lets him meet his family, it could be an opportunity for him to settle down in the United States.

Then what should he do?

Suddenly, the elevator arrived at the floor. Even as he walked down the hallway, Lee Wooyeon kept trying to figure out the thoughts in his head, but no answer came. He felt shitty. When he opened the door with the card key and went in, he was startled and saw Inseop sitting on the sofa from the back.

“I’m here.”

Lee Wooyeon deliberately announced his presence out loud.

“Ah. You came?”

Inseop’s clothes were neatly folded on the table.

“They brought me the laundry earlier.” 

When Lee Wooyeon gazed at the clothes, Choi Inseop muttered something like an excuse. He had told them not to bring in the laundry until he asked for it. He didn’t know that Inseop, who always hid even when he ordered a meal through room service, would call and ask for laundry.

Sometimes he’s uselessly good at acting. It’s annoying.

Lee Wooyeon tilted his head and looked at Inseop, then stretched out his hand.


“Why are you dressed like this? You’ll catch a cold.” 

Inseop hadn’t even properly adjusted the hem of his bathrobe, as if he had changed his clothes in a hurry when he heard Lee Wooyeon was coming.

“I’m sorry.”

When Lee Wooyeon meticulously tied the laces of his gown, Inseop was nervous and did not know what to do.

“What is that?” 

“What is it?”

Wooyeon pointed at his feet. It was only then that Inseop realized that he hadn’t taken off his socks.

“Ah, I, I put on my socks because my feet were cold…” 

If he entered a lying contest, he would be eliminated without even reaching the threshold of the preliminary round. Lee Wooyeon looked at Inseop blankly and then hugged him.

“We-We have to leave now. It’s almost time to check-out.” 

“It’s okay. We can do a late check-out.”

Lee Wooyeon held Inseop in his arms and took him to bed. Then, without saying a word, he hugged Inseop and buried his face in his chest. Acting uncharacteristically for Lee Wooyeon, Inseop said,

“Hey, what’s wrong?” 


Inseop hesitantly stroked Lee Wooyeon’s hair

Having watched and experienced Lee Wooyeon’s stamina from the side, the person who knew the best was Choi Inseop. Even so, Inseop worried about Lee Wooyeon without a doubt when he said that it was difficult.

He doesn’t even remember hearing his mother ask him where it hurts. Even though he knew what a terrible monster Lee Wooyeon was, Inseop hugged him without hesitation every time.

“I  must be a bit tired.”

“Shouldn’t you take some medicine? Shall we go to the hospital?”

“I think I’ll be okay if I do this.” 

Lee Wooyeon held Inseop’s arm tighter. Inseop looked at Lee Wooyeon’s face and looked worried. Lee Wooyeon called him in a low voice, “Inseop.” Inseop patted Lee Wooyeon’s head with a careful touch, as if dealing with a fragile artifact.

“Let me know if it hurts a lot. I’ll take you to the hospital.” 

Lee Wooyeon nodded.

At that time, Inseop’s socks, which were worn unevenly, caught his eye. The irritation, which had been so intense, was all at once relieved. There was a laugh.

“Shall we continue what we were talking about?” 

“What are you talking about?”

“We decided to finish talking about how much I like Inseop.”

“Uhm, did we?”

“Actually, I hate it when someone touches my hair.” 

Inseop’s hand, which was stroking his head, paused. Lee Wooyeon put his head in Inseop’s hand as if asking him to continue.

“…you said you didn’t like it.

“I don’t like anyone else. So keep… touching me.” 

Inseop moved his hand back and swept Lee Wooyeon’s hair.

Lee Wooyeon closed his eyes while hugging Inseop’s waist. He was not sure if his feelings were the love that ordinary people felt. No one can guarantee that this feeling will last forever.

But one thing was for sure.


Inseop answered yes to Lee Wooyeon’s call.

“Where did you put your passport?””

He can never let someone else touch his hair.



“Did you bring your passport?” 

“Yes, I did.” 

Inseop took out the brown envelope and held it out.

“What about your ID?”

“I put it all in there.”

Lee Woo-yeon asked for his passport and ID card under the pretext that he might go to overseas photo shoots soon.

“Let me know if you need any other documents. I’ll get it ready.” 

Lee Wooyeon smiled softly, facing his clear eyes. Inseop was a person who would give up his heart if Lee Wooyeon said he needed it. No, he’d add that he should be careful not to fall down while giving his heart.

“If you need any documents, I’ll tell you then.” 

Lee Wooyeon thought that he should keep the document envelope handed over by Inseop in the safe for the time being.

“Then I’ll start.”

Inseop turned the steering wheel. Today was not an official schedule, so he drove Lee Wooyeon’s car without using the bus. Sitting in the passenger seat, Lee Wooyeon leaned by the window and stared at Inseop.

“Is something wrong?”

“I’m looking at you. Can’t I do that?”

“Don’t say that outside…”

“It’s not outside. It’s just in the car. Who’s watching?”

“You should always be careful. Just in case.” 

Inseop closed his lips and made a serious look. Lee Wooyeon thought that the scandal with him seemed to play a role in Inseop’s anxiety and stress.

“Okay. I’ll do as Inseop says.” 

Inseop glanced curiously at Lee Wooyeon, who answered calmly unlike usual.


This time, Lee Wooyeon asked.

“No. Are you still tired?” 

Lee Wooyeon burst into laughter.

Shit. He’s so cute.

“I’m not tired.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled happily as he immediately stopped the car and swallowed his desire to put his cock between Inseop’s crotch.

“I’m glad. I was worried a lot,” 

Inseop changed lanes by checking the rearview mirror.

“Oh, I’m so happy when Inseop worries about me.” 

Lee Wooyeon leaned his head on the passenger seat and said.

“It’s better not to worry.”

He pretended to be serious, but Inseop’s red neck was seen through his shirt. He put his finger between his shirt and neck and asked if it was hot.

“It’s all right. It’s dangerous while driving, so don’t mess around,” 

Inseop said, quickly adjusting his shirt collar. Lee Wooyeon withdrew his hand while he was trying to tell him that he was joking. He folded his arms and closed his eyes.

“Do you want me to wake you up when I arrive?”

“I’m not sleeping”.

Lee Wooyeon answered with his eyes open.

“Go to sleep. What if you’re tired again? You have two schedules today.”

If an actor did not have work, there was no schedule enough to call it a break period. However, when he entered a production or a movie was shown, he would be very busy.

“It’s like having two interviews

“Have you read the expected question I sent you yesterday?”

Inseop e-mailed Lee Wooyeon with an interpretation of the movie and an explanation of the character in detail enough to write a thesis. Lee Wooyeon smiled silently at the manager’s sincerity.

It was surprising to see Inseop believing that the interviewers would be genuinely curious about it. The question to be asked today was obvious. ‘How did you meet Chae Yeon-seo, how did you go out with her, and a word to her.’

“Yes, I’ve read it. It’ll help you a lot.”

“I hope so. Take a nap. I’ll wake you up in 20 minutes.” 

He couldn’t sleep, but when Inseop told him to, Lee Wooyeon closed his eyes again. Twenty minutes later, when he arrived at a cafe in Pangyo, Inseop stopped the car.

“We’ve arrived.”

Lee Wooyeon deliberately didn’t open his eyes because he liked the way he gently shook him.

“We’re here, Mr. Wooyeon.… Are you sleeping?”

“Yes, I’m sleeping.”

Lee Wooyeon answered with his eyes closed. Lee Wooyeon opened his eyes while Inseop was thinking about how to respond to his pranks.

“Don’t you know how to wake up Sleeping Beauty?””

“… If you’re awake, hurry up and go.”

Although Beauty was a noun referring to women, Inseop thought that it was not unreasonable to attach it to Lee Wooyeon. Lee Wooyeon laughed and removed his safety belt. As he was leaving the car, he turned his head when Inseop did not move.

“Don’t you want to go with me?”

“I’ll wait in the car.”

“Wait inside the cafe. Why wait in the car? It’s difficult.” 

“It’s all right. Hurry up and come back.”


Even though he knew Inseop drew a subtle line, Lee Wooyeon doesn’t say anything.

He nodded.

“Call me if you have something to do.”


Lee Wooyeon closed the car door and disappeared.


Inseop, who was left alone, sighed and leaned on the seat. He pretended nothing was wrong, but because he was conscious of Lee Wooyeon, his shoulders felt sore. He asked him not to touch him outside, but he was very nervous because he didn’t know when he would suddenly reach out. Still, Lee Wooyeon kept his promise and joked, but he was not as aggressive as before.

Inseop suddenly took his cell phone out of his pocket and started searching. Starting with the portal site, he went around fan cafes, communities, etc. in turn to search all the posts that appeared by typing Lee Wooyeon’s name.

“Thank god… “

He did not see any strange story. Inseop found Lee Wooyeon’s article on the portal site with confidence and expressed sympathy for the good comments. The malicious comments caught his eye. It was true that CEO Kim said that antis had increased. Inseop worked hard to suppress his disagreement one by one.

After some time doing that, his shoulders were stiff, so he looked up and checked the time.

About half an hour had passed. Interviews usually end in an hour. It takes an hour and a half to take a picture, so there’s still 40 minutes left before it’s over. Inseop took off his seat belt and went out of the car thinking of looking around the cafe.

The cafe was quiet because it was a weekday. The interview was in progress at a cafe annex, so there was no one nearby. Inseop, who was looking around, narrowed his eyes to see a black car parked next to the cafe parking lot. The license plate looked familiar. It was definitely the car that was parked next to him when he left the company gate… No, he saw it at the intersection before entering here. Right behind him

Inseop approached the black car without hesitation. He took a deep breath and tapped the glass of the driver’s seat. The glass of the car went down, and the bearded man put on an irritated face. A large camera next to the driver’s seat caught Inseop’s eyes.

“I know you’re following me.”


“I don’t know for what purpose you’re following me, but you shouldn’t do this. It’s against the law. Please delete the picture you took.”

“Ha, what are you really saying? Do you know who I am?” 

The man laughed as if he was saying something ridiculous. Choi Inseop did not know where he got the courage from, but he replied calmly. The man got out of the car.

“Are you Lee Wooyeon’s manager?” 

“Yes, I am.”

“There’s nothing good in behaving like this to me. I’m going to die of annoyance because I got nothing all day.” 

Inseop breathed a sigh of relief inwardly at the word nothing.

“Please. Please ask for an official interview and take a picture.”

The man put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. Cigarette smoke came over Inseop’s head. Inseop coughed quietly and frowned.

“Hey, manager. That’s so frustrating. It hasn’t been long since you started working, has it? You really don’t know anything.”

Under the man’s short-sleeves, an old tattooed blue dye was seen. His tone and appearance seemed to be of no ordinary reporter. To be honest, he was scared. But he couldn’t back down. Even more so if this man was from Kang Youngmo.

“Please request an official interview through the company. Otherwise, I don’t allow you to take pictures and publish articles.” 

The man tapped Inseop on the shoulder, saying, “Look at me.”

“I think you’re mistaken, but you’re not the one who gives permission to film. If we take it, we take it, and if we don’t, we don’t. The company knows all this and moves on, so don’t be too up-tight. Can’t you understand the situation as the manager?”

“I’m telling you that nothing can’t be done.” 

The man’s expression turned ugly when Inseop, who looked gentle, did not bend to his will.

“Do you think you’re something because your actor is popular? Yes, you bastard slave who sucks on celebrity assholes.” 

“I hope you don’t chase him like this again. Please.” 

Inseop politely asked in a trembling voice, but the man threw the cigarette butts at Inseop’s feet and began to grumble.

“I shouldn’t follow him around when he’s popular, but when he loses popularity, he’ll be left with nothing. Then later, they’ll grovel on the floor, pay me, and beg me to take their picture..”

“Then I’ll ask you to do that at that time.” 

Not only Inseop but also the man turned around in surprise at the voice heard from behind. Lee Wooyeon handed the iced coffee to Inseop.

“If I knew the reporter was here, I would have bought another drink,” 

Lee Wooyeon said while drinking the coffee in his hand. The way he spoke was friendly, but Inseop noticed the cold stare that passed through Lee Wooyeon’s eyes.

“… Are you done already?”

“Break time.”

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During the interview, Lee Wooyeon looked through the window and did not take his eyes off Inseop. As soon as Inseop knocked on the door of a black car, he stopped the interview and came out right away.

“You may go in. I’ll take care of it.” 

Lee Wooyeon did not budge and turned to the man even after listening to Inseop.

“What were you two talking about?”

“The manager seems to have some misunderstanding,” the man replied with a sly smile.

“No, I’m sure…”

Inseop was about to talk, but Lee Wooyeon raised his hand to stop him.

“If my manager made a mistake, I’ll apologize for him.”

“Don’t mention it. He’s very uptight but he doesn’t look like that.” 

“My manager is kind of strict when it comes to work.”

Lee Wooyeon’s words made the man’s face happy. He thought they could communicate now.

In fact, it was clearly against the law to sneak around and take pictures like this. However, the public wanted to know the celebrities’ private lives, and celebrities gained public attention through that. Among them, the paparazzi acted like bastards. There was even a saying that the amount of photos released was a measure of popularity. So, it was a fact that the agency also turned a blind eye to it to some extent.

“But you know the case of Jinsu-mi, who was my stalker, right?” 

“Of course I do.”

Lee Wooyeon’s stalker case also raised alarm in the entertainment industry. There was even a movement to propose a bill on illegitimate fans. Although it was a criminal complaint because it was an injury case where she stabbed a person with a knife, Lee Wooyeon also sued Jinsu-mi for invasion of privacy and intimidation and even appointed a large law firm to claim compensation for mental damage. This should never happen again, he announced that he would not agree to any leniency.

The incident was also common, but Lee Wooyeon’s handling was so severe that it was unusual in the industry that it was stuck in the minds of reporters.

“You know, after that incident, our company is in a position that we don’t take any good care of stalkers.”

“…Oh, yes.”

The man replied with a bitter look. When Lee Wooyeon first appeared, he thought the talk was going well, but the atmosphere was getting weird.

“Then I believe you will understand.” 

Lee Wooyeon, who said so, handed the coffee in his hand to Inseop. Then he put his hand into the car and took out the camera.

“No, what are you doing now!”

The man shouted urgently. Regardless, Lee Wooyeon took out his memory card, bent it in half in front of the reporter, and hit the camera on the floor. Surprised, Inseop gasped.

“Hey! Do you know how much this costs?”

The man picked up the shattered camera and shouted, staring at Lee Wooyeon.

“You can charge our company for the camera.” 

“What are you doing with me now!” 

The man’s face flushed with anger and grabbed Lee Wooyeon by the collar. Inseop tried to stop the man, but Lee Wooyeon blocked Inseop with his arm.

“The manager should stay still.”

His voice was so cold. His gentle eyes did not have any emotion.

Lee Wooyeon knew early on that a black car followed them, but he didn’t care. Taking a few pictures didn’t change anything. However, he could not pass what the worm-like reporter said to Inseop.

Inseop bowed his head even after hearing the insult that he was a bastard slave who sucks on celebrity assholes.Actually, he was the one who sucked Inseop’s hole.

Lee Wooyeon swallowed an incoming burst of laughter.

“Didn’t I tell you earlier?””

After Lee Wooyeon took back the coffee in Inseop’s hand and took a sip, he continued.

“There’s no mercy.”




“You’re crazy! You’re a jerk,” 

CEO Kim shouted, hitting the desk.

“I heard you soundproofed the office, and it must have gone well.” 

Even though Lee Wooyeon was being criticized right on his face, he answered without any change. Next to him, Choi Inseop was the only one who was restless.

“How many times have I told you not to turn a reporter into an enemy?”

“I don’t know. About six times.”

“But what are you doing?”

CEO Kim shouted, turning the laptop screen in front of Lee Wooyeon. There was an article accusing top star Lee Wooyeon of his arrogant behavior under the title ‘Two Faces’.

“There’s no one in the world who breaks a reporter’s camera for secretly taking pictures before the movie is released! Are you determined for your act to be exposed?”

“It’s not just an act.’ I just did as the CEO said.” 

As soon as he faced Lee Wooyeon, who smiled leisurely, CEO Kim got goosebumps. He was finally crazy enough to be out of control… 

“You said you only see me in entertainment. This isn’t a social experiment.”

“… I want to die.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled lightly and swept his hair up.

“I thought I would break his head, not the camera, but I held it in. Isn’t it worthy of praise?” 

CEO Kim stared at Lee Wooyeon for a long time and groaned.

“Yes.Even if Lee Wooyeon is like that, Inseop, what did you do?” 

Inseop bowed his head with an expression knowing that it was finally his turn.

“I’m sorry, I…”

“What did Inseop do wrong? It’s all my fault.” 

Lee Wooyeon cut off Inseop’s words. Although he claimed it to be his fault, Lee Wooyeon’s gaze towards CEO Kim was brutal itself.

“No, it’s my fault. I’m so sorry. I’ll take any reprimand.”

Inseop put his hands together and apologized. It was all because he overreacted because of Kang Youngmo. There was no excuses.

“Please pay for the camera with my salary. And I will continue to work for free. No, you can cut my pay if you want.”

“You don’t have to cut it.” 

Lee Wooyeon continued while looking at CEO Kim.

“Please report that I reacted sensitively to the trauma caused by the stalker incident. I don’t mind disclosing the hospital records if necessary, saying that I’ve been having a hard time getting counseling since then. I like to stand on the side of the weak and wield a sense of justice, so it will soon turn the tables.” 

Inseop blinked because he was surprised by the first story he heard.

“Did you get counseling about it?”

When Inseop asked in a small voice, Lee Wooyeon smiled.

“I went to get a prescription for sleeping pills because of insomnia.” 

It was also the first time that he heard that Lee Wooyeon had insomnia.

“Inseop, it was when you were in the U.S. Don’t worry. I’m fine now.”

CEO Kim sighed.

“Fine. But even if you say it, what are you going to do with this?” 

CEO Kim lowered his voice and showed him the reporter’s new article from earlier. 

Lee Wooyeon and Chae Yeonseo are dating separately, and they spread false rumors of a romantic relationship to promote their work.

“What am I promoting?”

“Chae Yeonseo is on the list of female main characters in Cho Yoonyoung’s new work.”

‘You’re telling me that important story now?’I knew it since yesterday.'”

“You’re not wrong about what the reporter said. The promotion will go well,” 

Lee Wooyeon said in a tone like it didn’t matter.

“It’s troublesome if you start being attacked by one like this, don’t you know the habits of journalists? It hasn’t been long since we shook off Kim Hae Shin. And you put on a leech like this.”

CEO Kim glanced at Inseop and gestured at Lee Wooyeon with his eyes. Inseop stood shaking, his fingertips turning blue.


When Lee Wooyeon called Choi Inseop, Inseop exhaled and raised his head.

“I left my paper envelope in the car, could you bring it to me? The CEO told me to submit it by today.”

“What do you mean…”

Lee Wooyeon kicked CEO Kim’s shin under the table who opened his mouth.

“Oh, that’s right, that’s right. I told you to bring it by today. Inseop, can you hurry up and find it and bring it to me?”

CEO Kim helped Lee Wooyeon.

“Yes, sir. Did you put it in the back seat?

“I probably did.”

When Choi Inseop left the CEO’s office, CEO Kim rubbed his red shin.

He glared at Lee Wooyeon.

“Son of a bitch, you kicked with emotion.”

“I don’t have any feelings for the CEO. All the emotions I have are with Inseop. Don’t worry.” 

“…That’s why I’m worried. I’m sure this guy posted an article about Chae Yeonseo, but it’s true that you’re dating someone else.

If the truth was revealed, they would be hit several times more than the affair.

“I’m sorry to Inseop, but… Do you want to fire him? I decided to help him for a while anyway, and Inseop will be on vacation, so he can have fun.” 

Lee Wooyeon closed his eyes and swallowed his laughter.

“The CEO is a cold-hearted man.”


When he was criticized by a person who was cold-hearted, as well as a rude person, a tendon stood out on CEO Kim’s forehead.

“Poor Inseop. He offered to help in good faith, but you fired him unfairly even though it wasn’t his fault.”

“Who doesn’t know that! I’m not saying this for you.”

“People who always think about themselves put those words at the beginning. Of course, I’m not saying this to the CEO.”

“Hey, you’re really…!”

“CEO, if you’re really thinking about me, leave Inseop alone.” 

“You’d better be careful now. And Inseop doesn’t look good these days.”

“I know.”

Lee Wooyeon picked up a bottle of water from the table and opened the cap.

As CEO Kim said, Inseop’s face was not good these days. He used to show up even when he couldn’t sleep well. When asked where he was sick, he just shook his head.

But he wanted to see even that blank face. He didn’t have a chance to see Inseop’s face unless it was because of work these days. When he had a break and wanted to eat with him, Inseop often went back home because he had something to do.

He took a sip of water. His thirst hadn’t gone away at all.

“I know… I’m nervous.”

“What’s disturbing you?”

“Inseop, I guess he wants to go back to the U.S. I feel like he’s floating away these days. What can I do? I’m going to make him work and hold him next to me.”

“You’re more…” 


“No. I was going to say desperate, but I think pathetic is right. Lee Wooyeon, you’re a wonder.”

He was someone who didn’t stop a woman coming and a woman who went. It was not easy for CEO Kim to believe that he said he should keep him as a manager because he was afraid that Inseop would not meet him.

“It can’t be helped. I don’t even have a covering wing.” 

CEO Kim glanced at Lee Wooyeon’s face, who was talking to himself in a gloomy manner. The line from the forehead to the nose fell gracefully as if drawn. Throughout his modeling career, he has seen many handsome faces, but he swears he has never seen a face with perfect proportions like Lee Wooyeon. If he was a woodcutter, there would be few fairies who would go up to the sky.

“…If I could, I would have set him on fire.”

“I can’t even make him pregnant, so I’ll have to burn him.”

Right. If he gave him an ax, he would cut down the mountain spirit, take the gold ax first, and then split the deer’s belly and finish it for dinner.

CEO Kim quickly shook off his sympathy, which was a very momentary moment.

“But now, I’m kind of separated from Inseop…” 


Lee Wooyeon quietly called CEO Kim. It was not a day when he was grinning, angry, or cheeky as usual.

“You saw what would happen if I was separated from Inseop,” 

Lee Wooyeon said calmly.

“That’s true.”

CEO Kim replied with a complex look. Lee Wooyeon described it as insomnia earlier, but he never wanted to see it again.

“Then do you want to have another manager? Inseop would also be comfortable and it’ll be killing two birds with one stone…”

“I don’t want to.”

Lee Wooyeon refused at once. The only time he could be alone was when he drove him back and forth. He didn’t want anyone else around during that time.

“I’m getting old because of you, I’m getting old,” 

CEO Kim wrapped his head and made a groaning sound.

“I’ll be careful. Don’t worry.” 

“Wouldn’t you be worried?”

“I’m not the CEO. You renewed your contract with a guy like me. If I were you, I would never have done it.” 

The contract with Lee Wooyeon ended. As soon as rumors circulated that he was on the market, he got calls offering a huge down payment from place to place. Lee Wooyeon didn’t care at all.

“If you want, can I renew my contract?”

At the words thrown by Lee Wooyeon, who sat cross legged, CEO Kim eagerly calculated the money Lee Wooyeon earned last year. Eventually, despite Cha’s dissuasion, CEO Kim visited Lee Wooyeon with a new contract and a bottle of vodka.

“Is the CEO a good person or doesn’t he have the ability to learn? Well, it’s both.”

Lee Wooyeon drank the bottled water and muttered words that he did not know were self-criticism or CEO Kim’s curse. Kim, a Christian, clenched his fist and began to take a look inside.

Then Lee Wooyeon’s cell phone rang.

“Hello? You can’t find it? No. I’ll come down. It’s okay. What are you sorry about?”

CEO Kim watched Lee Wooyeon appease his opponent with a perfect soft voice with a proud look.

‘I’m going to go.’

Lee Wooyeon, mouthed to CEO Kim and  stood up from his seat. CEO Kim waved his hand telling him to get out, as if he were kicking out evil spirits.

Lee Wooyeon suddenly turned around as if he had something in mind. Then, he lifted his laptop and scrolled down the article that CEO Kim showed earlier.

“What are you doing?”

In response to CEO Kim’s question, Lee Wooyeon tapped the laptop screen with his finger. Lee Wooyeon disappeared with a light wave of his hand. CEO Kim got goosebumps when he checked what he saw.

It had the name of the reporter who wrote the article.




“Where do you think you saw it last?”

“I don’t know. Was it at the study?”

At Lee Wooyeon’s words, Inseop searched the desk thoroughly. Lee Wooyeon also pretended to search for documents that did not exist.

“You left it in a paper envelope, didn’t you?”

“Yes. Probably.”

Inseop rummaged through the bookcase next to the desk. Lee Wooyeon stood still and watched Inseop’s back.

“What kind of document is it?” 

“It’s a tax-related document.”

“Then I must find it.”

Inseop took off his jacket and put it on the seat. Lee Wooyeon managed to hold back his laughter.

After enjoying his vacation at the hotel, Inseop quickly went back to his house after his schedule. No matter how much Lee Wooyeon asked him to come up for a while, he didn’t even listen. Lee Wooyeon kept his promise. As a result, he has not been able to touch Inseop for a week.

On his way home from work today, CEO Kim called him to the office, and Lee Wooyeon rejoiced inwardly. It was a calculative move from his part so that he could somehow drag Inseop home because it would take a while there. As Inseop would not be able to sleep for a long time because he would have to drive him from the office then go back to his own home, he was determined to drag him to his house. He didn’t want to let Inseop, who had such a nice smile on his face, to sleep alone.

After pulling up in the parking lot, Lee Wooyeon asked if he could go up with him and find the documents. Inseop hesitated with a nervous look. Lee Wooyeon smiled sadly, saying that he would find it alone. When he turned around and walked about three steps, Inseop called Lee Wooyeon’s name. Eventually, Inseop walked into Lee Wooyeon’s house on his own. As expected, the actor was good at acting.

“It’s not here either. Did the worker put it away?”

“That’s possible,” 

Inseop frowned after checking the time.

“It’s too late to call him now, and, um…” 

Inseop began to search the desk again. Inseop, who was carefully looking at the bookcase, opened the desk drawer this time and looked inside.

“What is this box?”

Inseop pointed to the paper box under the desk.

“It’s probably a box for collecting old documents.” 

“Let’s take a look. Just in case.” 

Inseop leaned under the desk and opened the box. Lee Wooyeon covered his mouth with his hand. It was hard to hold back a smile while looking at the round back. He felt like he saw a rabbit in a cave. He thought he should stop teasing him.


“What? Ack…!”

Unknowingly, Inseop raised his head and banged his head on the desk. Lee Wooyeon quickly lowered his body under the desk.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay. It was just a bump.” 

“Look here. Are you okay?”

Lee Wooyeon reached out and grabbed Inseop’s face and looked around. Lee Wooyeon blocked the desk, and Inseop was suddenly trapped under the desk.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Inseop wanted to get out of the desk as soon as possible. Lee Wooyeon’s breath touched his head and he wanted to turn his head, but he couldn’t. The distance was too close.

“What if you get hurt?”

Lee Wooyeon carefully examined Inseop’s head with serious eyes. Facing Lee Wooyeon under his desk, his shoulders seemed wider.

“I am not hurt. You can stop.”

Inseop’s face turned red as he felt that he was conscious of him for no reason. Lee Wooyeon obediently removed his hand. But he didn’t leave.

Their eyes met. Lee Wooyeon looked straight at Inseop without blinking an eye.

“… I need to find the papers.”

“I can get it issued again.” 

“What? Obviously until today…”

Lee Wooyeon kissed Inseop’s lips. It was a careful, gentle kiss. Like his  first kiss. There was the sound of lips rubbing as their wet lips met and then stopped.

“Do you want to sleep here tonight?”

Lee Wooyeon asked with his eyes half-closed. The tip of their nose barely touched.

“Tomorrow’s schedule starts early…”

“Then go to bed. Why are you going back and forth? It’s a hassle,” 

Inseop shook his head. It seemed that the strange reporter he had seen a few days ago was standing guard in front of the house.

“Is it because you’re worried about the article? That’s not about me, it’s about Chae Yeonseo. You know that.”

As Inseop’s eyes turned dark again, Lee Wooyeon affectionately teased him.

“But there is nothing wrong with being careful.” 

Inseop had recently been feeling how good his imagination was. He was particularly talented at imagining bad scenarios.

“Even if they take a picture, no one will think it’s strange if you say you stayed here because of our morning schedule. It’s a common thing.” 

Lee Wooyeon spread outright lies in a sincere voice. While working as an actor, he never had a manager come to his house except for Inseop. One manager only came to the front door once because he had documents to hand over to Manager Cha.

“Still, just in case.”

Inseop knew a person who would think it strange, so he couldn’t hastily agree with Lee Wooyeon’s words.

“I also have to feed the cat.”

Inseop made another excuse in a crawling voice. Lee Wooyeon, who narrowed his eyes, suddenly smiled at the thought that passed through his head.

“It would be nice to have cats. Mr. Inseop cares about them so much.”

“Oh, no. It’s just giving them food and water occasionally.”

“Maybe the cats would starve to death without Inseop.” 


He said something horrible with that kind of look..

“It is said that  a cat that a human started to feed once is not able find food on its own. You did not know?”

“Yes. I didn’t know. It was too late yesterday so I couldn’t give it to them, so what should I do?”

As if the cat were starving to death right now, Inseop was restless. Lee Wooyeon took Inseop’s hand and raised him up.

“That’s why Inseop should take good care of me until the end. Don’t go anywhere”

“Yes. I will.”

Lee Wooyeon closed his eyes in satisfaction. It was also a good idea to add at least one reason why Inseop would not leave Korea.

“Then hurry up before it’s too late. The cats will be waiting for you.” 

Lee Wooyeon picked up the jacket he had left on the chair and wrapped it on Inseop. Inseop was a little taken aback by his sudden change of attitude and put on his jacket.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Seeing Inseop hesitantly say goodbye, Lee Wooyeon felt a desire he had barely suppressed.

He felt a sudden attack.

It would be nice to just take one bite.

Lee Wooyeon smiled and waved his hand while standing leaning against the door.

“Give my regards to the cats.”

“Yes. I’ll be sure to tell them.”

As if it was an important mission, Inseop disappeared outside the front door with a determined face.

Hearing footsteps receding, Lee Wooyeon unbuttoned his shirt.

It was another night where he could hardly sleep.


“Sir, we’re here.”

Inseop, who was taking a nap, got up in surprise at the taxi driver’s words .

“I’m sorry.” 

“You must have been very tired.”

Inseop took out a 10,000 won bill from his wallet and handed it over. After receiving the change, Inseop thanked the taxi driver.

“Drive safely. Thank you.” 

Inseop got out of the taxi and went up to the house. As soon as  he opened the front door and went inside, his legs gave out. He hasn’t slept well for days.

He used to wake up and search for Lee Wooyeon’s name on his phone to see if there were any articles posted. Even when he confirmed that everything was okay, he was not relieved. The anxiety was only getting worse like an obsessive compulsive patient. The hardest thing was pretending to be calm in front of Lee Wooyeon.

Even today, when CEO Kim showed him an article written maliciously by a reporter, he thought his heart would stop. As he drove to Lee Wooyeon’s house, all he could think about was the driver. Did Kang Youngmo read the article? Maybe he was spreading strange rumors using this article as an excuse. If Lee Wooyeon finds out about it…

Even when Lee Wooyeon suggested that he go to sleep, he was not shaken. He had to drive early in the morning because there was a local schedule the next day.I wanted to sell my soul if I could sleep an extra hour. But he told himself that he should never do that. He never wanted to see people around him get hurt because of his weakness.

“You have to wake up.”

Inseop patted his cheek a couple of times and got up. He endured the temptation to get into bed right away and took cat food and water. Lee Wooyeon’s words came to mind that cats once fed by humans rarely find food on their own. From then on, he climbed the stairs, determined to take care of the cat’s food no matter how late it was.

Halfway up the stairs to the rooftop, he heard something indicating the presence of a person.

Inseop, who did not expect to meet someone at this time, was startled and stiffened his body.

“Oh. Room 501.” 


It was the son of the owner. The man, who looked well over 40, was smoking in a stretched T-shirt and sweatpants every time he saw him. Even now, the smell of cigarettes stung his nose. He thought he shouldn’t judge people by their impressions, but Inseop was particularly difficult and reluctant to see the man in front of him.

“Where are you going at this hour?”

“’On the rooftop for a while….”

Inseop quickly hid the food behind him and answered. It was a relief that the stairs were dark.

“Rooftop? Why there?”

After thinking about it for a while, Inseop boldly said, “I’m going to smoke.” He thought it was a big deal because he kept improving his lying skills. If he keeps deceiving people like this, he thought he might receive a heavy punishment.

“Cigarettes? What kind of cigarette is that small thing? You’re naughtier than you look” 

Inseop asked back, “What?” when the owner’s son said that with a grin. He didn’t really understand the Korean slang that was used.

“Are you the one who hasn’t cleaned up the cigarette butts?” 

“No, I’m not. If I smoke…I cleaned it up right away.”

In fact, even if he didn’t smoke, he cleaned up all the cigarette butts when he saw them. He was concerned that it might be swallowed by cats.

“Hey. By the way, do you have a cat or something?””

“What? Oh, no.”

Inseop shook his head. It wasn’t a lie. Lois stayed on the roof after giving birth in the corner of the rooftop, and Inseop only occasionally took care of them by giving them food. Still, he always cleaned up the mess because he thought it would cause damage to others, but his heart was pounding.

“Okay. Then keep the tailpipe clean in the future.” 

He tapped Inseop on the shoulder and went down the stairs. Inseop ran up to the rooftop quickly. He looked around, but he couldn’t see the cats. Inseop took out the feed bowl and poured the feed.

“Lois. Lois”.

Inseop waved the plastic bag containing the food and called the mother’s name.

Whenever he did that, Lois would show up out of nowhere with the kittens. His heart skipped a beat with anxiety that something might have happened to the cats because of the owner’s son’s comments about the cats.


He heard a cat meowing somewhere. When he looked back, the mother and her kittens had appeared and were hurriedly walking towards him.

“I was worried. Come here quickly”

Inseop filled the bowl with feed. He filled an empty bowl with water and kept it to the side. Inseop, who was happy to see the kittens drinking water with their little tongues, suddenly turned his head.

“Lois, why don’t you eat?”

The mother, who did not even come near, let alone eat, stood far away

“Meow,” he cried softly.

“What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?”

Inseop approached the mother cat and stroked her hair.

The cat cried while avoiding Inseop’s hand. Inseop frowned at her unusual behavior, then checked her hand and held his breath.

“Where are you hurt? What is this blood?”

Inseop picked up the mother cat’s body and looked around. However, no wounds could be found anywhere. Inseop turned around to check the kittens. John was nowhere to be seen. There were times when he joined the meal late, but he couldn’t shake off his anxiety at all.

“Where is John?”

As if the mother cat was giving an answer, she said “Nyaaang” and cried for a long time. Inseop put the cat down. The mother started walking ahead as if asking him to follow her. Inseop followed the mother cat. The cat stopped in front of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner that was spinning with a heavy sound and looked up at Inseop. Striped hairs were visible through the gaps in the outdoor unit.

“John. Why are you in there again?”

John, the weakest and smallest, always fell behind even among the pups. Even when he was eating, he was pushed out so that he had to feed him separately.

Maybe that’s why Inseop cared the most for John.

“John. Let’s eat. Come out.”

Inseop called the baby’s name in a friendly voice so as not to be surprised. But John didn’t budge.

“If you don’t eat quickly, your brothers…”

Inseop, who was talking, paused and shut his mouth. He realized that John’s body, which he thought was curled up in a corner, was stretched out on the floor. Inseop reached out through the gap and grabbed the kitten’s body. Inseop frowned at the warm feeling. He managed to get the cat out.

Even while watching, Inseop didn’t realize for a while what he was looking at. His white, soft fur was all wet and soaked in dark red liquid.


The hand holding the bloody little body trembled. Beside him, the mother cat let out a long, thin cry and rubbed against Inseop. His mind went blank. His stomach groaned and he heard the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. His blood-soaked body rose and fell feebly, letting out shallow breaths. He had to do something. With trembling hands, Inseop rummaged through his pockets and took out his cell phone.

“Call, 911, no 119, at this time the veterinary hospital is…”

Inseop quickly searched for a 24-hour animal hospital. He tried to find the nearest place and called, but for some reason, the call did not go through. He thought he should find another place, so he hung up the phone and tried to search again. However, the cell phone slipped from his hand because of the blood and fell to the floor.

Inseop quickly picked it up and listened. Tears covered his eyes. Inseop hit himself hard on the cheek. It’s not the time to cry. At times like this, he had to be more calm. Any delay could have killed John.

Inseop thought of someone who could help him. He calmly looked up the number and pressed the call button.


A white car roared and stopped on the road. A man came out of the car with a scary face and strode open the door of a lighted store.


At Lee Wooyeon’s voice, Inseop, who was sitting in the corner, raised his head. The moment he saw the blood spattering on his pale face, Lee Wooyeon’s eyes flashed. Lee Wooyeon ran and knelt down in front of Inseop.

“Who’s blood is this, who did it, where and how much are you injured?”

“Oh, no. That’s not it…” 

Inseop blinked his eyes and replied. Blood was clotted not only on the nape of his neck, but also on his eyelashes. Facing Inseop, Lee Wooyeon murmured. It was a tingling feeling.

“Why are you here? We have to go to the hospital!” 

Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s wrist. Inseop urgently grabbed the hem of Lee Wooyeon’s clothes.

“No. I’m not hurt.” 


“Not me, but John…” 

Inseop continued with dry lips.

“I brought John because he was injured. It’s not my blood.” 

“John… a cat?” 


Lee Wooyeon sighed and swallowed a short breath.

He must have had more than enough time to get home when Inseop called.

Lee Wooyeon, who had been waiting for a long time because he did not come, eventually called him first. Normally, it would have been a situation where he could have called several times, but he deliberately acted fine so that Inseop would not be stressed.

After a few beeps, Inseop answered the phone. Contrary to the expectation that he was preparing well, he heard the sound of a car.

<Where are you?>

When asked by Lee Wooyeon, Inseop hung up the phone, saying he would call again later in a trembling voice. Lee Wooyeon called Inseop again, getting dressed and taking out the car key. Before Inseop said something, Lee Wooyeon said, “Please send me the address,” and finished the call. He stepped on it like a madman and drove all the way here, about to cut dozens of speeding tickets.

Only then did Lee Wooyeon see the words Animal Hospital. He was so panicked that he couldn’t see anything around him.

“That’s fortunate.”

Inseop’s hand trembled at Lee Wooyeon’s words. Lee Wooyeon let go of Inseop’s wrist.


Hearing the voice from the side, Lee Wooyeon raised his head. A woman with her hat pressed down smiled awkwardly and said hello.


While answering, Lee Wooyeon’s eyes were on Inseop.

“Reporter Yoon Ahreum. I told you the other day…” 

“It’s been a while. I’m not a reporter right now”

“Yes. Long time no see.”

Even after Lee Wooyeon answered dryly, he still did not take his eyes off Inseop. It was a look in his eyes asking him to explain why he was sitting here.

“The veterinary hospital I searched for did not answer the phone, so I did not know which hospital was open at this time, so I called the phone number I received the other day. It’s close to the house too…”


Lee Wooyeon replied insensitively. Choi Inseop, who froze in tears when faced with a frightening situation, made an ideally rational decision. If he had called him, he would have dissuaded Inseop, saying that no animal hospital was open at this time, not counting the travel time. He never had in mind what time the veterinary clinic was open in the first place.

“..She drove me all the way here.” 

Inseop added the fact that he didn’t want to know.

“Thank you.”

“No. Of course, I have to do it. Although I was surprised to receive a call at this time.”

Yoon Ahreum smiled and humbled herself at Lee Woo-yeon’s thanks.

“Sorry. Yoon Ahreum is the only person I know who raises animals.”

“No. It’s really fine.”

Yoon Ahreum raised her hand. She even had blood on her sweatshirt.

Her kind personality, which never showed her displeasure, irritated Lee Wooyeon.

“I’m worried because Mr. Inseop seems very surprised. His hands keep shaking…”

“I’m o-okay.”

Inseop quickly hid his trembling hand behind his back and answered. Lee Wooyeon scooped water from the water purifier and handed it to Inseop.

“Drink some water. Do you have any medicine?”

Inseop shook his head. Inseop’s face was still covered in blood as he took the cup and said thank you in a small voice. Lee Wooyeon wiped Inseop’s face with the palm of his hand and wiped his blood.

“What’s with this face? At least wash your face…” 

Inseop quickly lowered Lee Wooyeon’s hand.

“I’ll wipe it. Lee Wooyeon’s hands are stained with blood.” 

Lee Wooyeon looked at his hand, which had nowhere to go, and smiled bitterly. Yoon Ahreum quickly took out her handkerchief and handed it to Inseop.

“I received this as a free gift, so you can use it and throw it away.” 

“Thank you.”

“It looks like you received another handkerchief before.” 

Inseop was at a loss what to do with Lee Wooyeon’s sharp criticism. Then, a veterinarian in an operating gown walked out of the operating room.

Inseop jumped up from his seat. Lee Wooyeon first approached the veterinarian and calmly asked about the cat’s condition.

“Did the surgery go well?” 

“Huh? Oh, yes. It went well.”

The veterinarian who recognized Lee Wooyeon replied with his eyes wide open.

“The bleeding from the broken bones was almost dangerous. Maybe even a little late would have been a big deal.”

At the doctor’s explanation, Inseop nodded his head as he turned white.

“He’s in the recovery room now. I think it will have to be hospitalized for about two weeks…You are Lee Wooyeon, right?”

The veterinarian asked with a look of disbelief.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Lee Wooyeon answered while examining the face of Inseop standing next to him. His eyes, which were filled with tears, were barely holding back their tears.

“Can I come pick him up when he leaves the hospital?” The veterinarian nodded at Lee Wooyeon’s question.

“Yes. You’ll probably have to keep taking care of it at home for a while. But looking at the condition of the baby, it doesn’t seem like a house cat.”

“He’s just a cat who I take care of by giving food.” 

Inseop answered in a trembling voice.

“Then it’s a big deal. Even if he leaves the hospital, he won’t be able to survive even for a few days if you leave it outside.”

The veterinarian put on a sad expression.


Before Inseop finished speaking, Lee Wooyeon intercepted his words.

“I will take it.”


Inseop was surprised and asked back.

“You can’t raise animals in Inseop’s home. My house has a lot of playrooms.” 

“No, Mr. Lee Wooyeon has never raised a cat before.” 

“Let’s raise it now.”

“You don’t have to do that because of me. And…” 

Inseop couldn’t bear to say the next word. He knew that Lee Wooyeon did not like animals. Wooyeon smiled with his mouth raised, as if he had read Inseop’s thoughts.

“It’s okay.”

He hated animals. The flying hair and the peculiar smell. What bothered him most was the trouble it caused him. However, for Inseop’s sake, he could endure as much as he could. He could use that as an excuse to lure Inseop into the house.

“You’ve been away, and you’ve been very busy lately.” 

“I can tell the person who works.”


“If it’s okay, can I take him with me?” 

Yoon Ahreum, who was watching from behind, cautiously interjected.

“Yes? No. Of course I’m responsible. I can move. I’ll look for a room as soon as possible.” Inseop lowered his head.

“No. Inseop-ssi is also very busy right now.”


More than anything, it was a problem that bothered Inseop the most. Even if he changed his residence, he did not have enough time to take care of the cat. Still, he couldn’t say it in front of the person he was caring for that he would quit his job because of the cat.

“I love that cat, and I’ve had one before. It’s better to have someone who’s taken care of a sick child.” 

“Yes. This is because it takes a lot of work. It’s good to have someone by his side to take care of him.”

The veterinarian agreed with her. Inseop lowered his head with both hands in his hands.

“Thank you. I will pay for the hospital bills, food expenses, and all other expenses. We will also give you a case fee. Anything you need or want…” 

“It’s okay. What kind of reward is it?”

“I am really sorry and thank you.”

Inseop couldn’t even raise his head. He had only seen Yoon Ahreum three times. Even after receiving her phone number, he couldn’t even contact her. He only sent a short message saying that he would not be able to see Kongi because he was busy for the time being.

In response to what could have been rude contact, Yoon Ahreum kindly replied that he could come see him whenever he had free time. They were not very close to meet each other, but he was very grateful that she came with him to the hospital in the middle of the night. But he didn’t know what to say out of apologies for causing such trouble.

“Don’t do that. I’ll be more sorry.” 

Yoon Ahreum stretched out her hand to lift Inseop up. But Lee Wooyeon first grabbed Inseop by the shoulder and made him stand upright.

“Yes. I’m sorry if that’s so, Miss. Yoon Ahreum. And I’ll pay for the hospital bill.” 

“No, I will…”

“I’ll pay. I’ll have to do this much.” 

Lee Wooyeon’s smiling eyes looked strangely cold. Inseop had no choice but to nod his head countless times. While Lee Wooyeon paid the hospital bill, Inseop thanked Yoon Ahreum again.

“I will do everything I can. Please contact me anytime.” 

“Yes. But we were in such a hurry I forgot to ask. How did the cat get hurt?” 

“I’m not sure either.”

He had a guess, but he wasn’t sure, so he couldn’t tell anyone.

“No matter how you look at it, it looks like someone purposely hit it with something hard. Right, doctor?”

Yoon Ahreum asked the veterinarian with a firm expression.

“Yes. I think so too. There are traces of burns from cigarettes.” 

“Burning with cigarettes? Such crazy… ha, really. The bastard should be punished” 

Yoon Ahreum uttered abusive language angrily. Inseop confirmed that his suspicion was somewhat true with the word cigarette.

“Are there any other kids? If he was that big, he would have been with his mother.”

“There are two more.”

John was the weakest and slowest of them all. Unlike the other brothers who were wary of him, he would be the first to approach Inseop and show off cute charms by pushing his little head. When he thought about why only John had gotten to that point, he felt his heart choke.

“Then I will have to find owners for them too.” 

Yoon Areum expressed her aspirations with her arms folded. Inseop opened his eyes wide and asked how.

“How do I do it? I’ll catch them, wash them clean at home, make them plump, take pictures, and post them for sale. Mr. Inseop pays for the stakes.”

“Yes. Of course I’ll give you everything!”

Inseop nodded his head several times.

“Then can I leave today?” 

Lee Wooyeon asked the veterinarian.

“You can go. You can come tomorrow to check the baby’s condition. Just write down one more emergency contact number in case something happens.”

“I’ll write down my number.”

Lee Wooyeon is expressionless as Yoon Ahreum approaches the reception desk and leaves her contact information.

 He looked up.

“Thank you very much sir. Thank you very much for today.” 

Inseop said goodbye to the veterinarian and left the hospital.

“I will give you a ride, Mr. Inseop.” 

Lee Wooyeon, who came out, looked back at Yoon Ahreum as she said.

“But you two must be really close. Coming at this time. You’re amazing.”

Yoon Ahreum said in a voice filled with admiration.

“Yes. We are close.”

Lee Wooyeon replied briefly. Inseop quickly bowed his head to Yoon Areum.

“Today, I really caused a lot of trouble. Thank you.”

“It’s okay. I’ll call you back tomorrow.”

“Then be careful going back.”

Yoon Ahreum walked to the parking lot. Lee Wooyeon walked to the car parked randomly on the road. Inseop quickly followed him. Lee Wooyeon opened the passenger door and went to the driver’s seat.

After getting into the car, Inseop greeted Wooyeon.

“I’m sorry. It’s because of me…”

“What did you do?”

After Lee Wooyeon smiled softly, he started the engine.


At Lee Wooweon’s point, Inseop hurriedly pulled the belt and locked the clip. Lee Wooyeon started the engine. All the way home he was silent. Inseop noticed that Wooyeon’s expression was fierce, and he looked for an opportunity to talk to him while fiddling with the seat belt.

When he entered the apartment parking lot, Lee Wooyeon suddenly opened his mouth.

“Who do you think was it?” 


“You said earlier that you didn’t know. Didn’t you mean you knew something, but it wasn’t accurate?”

Inseop was quite surprised inside. He didn’t know if Lee Wooyeon was even thinking about such a thing in his own words.

“Not exactly. Just…” 


“I met the owner’s son before going up to the roof. He smokes too…but that’s just my guess.”


Lee Wooyeon turned his steering wheel to park.

“No. Just drop me off in front.” 

Lee Wooyeon didn’t answer, finished parking, and turned off the car. Silence fell in the car. Lee Wooyeon reached out and wiped the blood from Inseop’s cheek.

“No. I… “

Fearing that Lee Wooyeon’s hands would get blood, Inseop tried to lower his hands. However, Lee Wooyeon did not budge and meticulously wiped Inseop’s face.

“A person who is afraid of blood and can’t see anyone getting hurt. You must have been very surprised.”

His tone and voice were very friendly, but the air around him felt cold and dry. Inseop shrugged his shoulders and replied, “It’s okay.”

“At that time, I’m glad you thought about calling her. Not me.”

As Lee Wooyeon wiped his face, his hand touched Inseop’s lips. He rubbed Inseop’s lips with his thumb.

“Did you not think of me?”

“That is…”

Wooyeon lowered his head. Their lips touched. His tongue slipped between his gaping lips. When Inseop tried to lean back, Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop by the shoulder and pulled him straight.


As if Inseop had a seizure, he pushed Lee Wooyeon away.

“You shouldn’t be like this. If someone sees…” 

“I shouldn’t be seen by anyone. It’ll be a big deal.” 

Lee Wooyeon continued Inseop’s words and stood up. Inseop held onto his sleeve.

“It’s not that I didn’t think of Lee Wooyeon. But if I called you this way, you might end up in the eyes of others, and more than anything…” 

“I know. I’m not fit for this kind of thing.” 

All the way to this place, Lee Wooyeon chewed on his sense of shame. He could only put up with a cat for Inseop’s sake. Even if he tried to decorate it, he couldn’t overcome his innate emotions.

He had never felt sadness or anger at the lack of emotions different from those of ordinary people. It’s just that he was annoyed by having to go to and from the hospital for treatment in his childhood.

But now.

“I don’t mean that. I…” 

Inseop’s eyes were stained with embarrassment and guilt.

Lee Wooyeon bit his lower lip.

Inseop knew his deficiency. That was why he called Yoon Areum. He had no intention of criticizing the right choice. However, he thought that the day might come when Inseop eventually made the right choice in his relationship with him.

If that happens, he will be abandoned.

Shame filled his head. It was the first feeling he felt.

“I never thought so. I mean it.” 

“I know. It’s late.”

 It was well past three in the morning. Because of tomorrow’s schedule, even if he went home now, he won’t be able to sleep for even a couple of hours. Inseop could not open the car door and hesitantly looked at Lee Wooyeon.

“…It’s late. Would you like to come up to sleep?”

Lee Wooyeon knew how courageous Inseop, who did not allow him to hold hands outside because other people were watching, was saying this.

“No. I’ll just go.”

So, Lee Wooyeon couldn’t accept the words all the more. This was the limit of his narrowly grasped reason. It was clear that if he went up in this mood, even if Inseop cried, he would take off his pants and stick his dick in him. He will hold Inseop, who will hate it, and hold him again and again all night long.

He couldn’t even count how many times he had pressed Inseop’s limbs with force and forcibly inserted himself. His mouth went dry from the sudden urge.

He didn’t want to repeat the mistakes he made in Hawaii.

“Then be careful. Thank you so much for today.”

Inseop thanked him as he got out of the car.

Inseop looked back a little nervously.

Lee Wooyeon looked straight at Inseop and said,

“Don’t come out tomorrow.”

There was no smiling face, nor friendly voice.


[All three of them have adjusted.]

Inseop smiled still when he saw the attached picture. This morning, Inseop rescued both Lois and the kittens with the help of Yoon Ahreum. All three were taken to the hospital to check if they were sick and moved to Yoon Ahreum’s house. Giving an empty room to the cats, she sent pictures of the sleeping cats to Inseop.

[I was worried because I thought they would be fussy and hide, but I’m glad. Kong isn’t stressed out?]

A few minutes later, a picture of a dog staring helplessly at a cat over the fence arrived.

[Tell Kong I’m really sorry and grateful. Please contact me right away if anything happens.]

After sending a text message, Inseop slumped on the bed. Tiredness rushed in. He felt several times more tired than usual. Inseop checked his cell phone. Still, there was no text message from Lee Wooyeon. He thought about making a phone call, but he didn’t. Inseop sighed and tossed and turned.

“Don’t come out tomorrow.”

When he heard it from Lee Wooyeon, he was standing there for a long time in the dark. He barely opened his mouth and asked if he was angry. Lee Wooyeon shook his head.

“You’re tired today. I’ll give you a day off, so take a day off?”

Inseop refused, saying it was okay. It was impossible to take a day off suddenly. Lee Wooyeon responded to Inseop, who said he was not tired and could not cause such trouble to Lee Wooyeon.

“It’s not that much trouble for me.”

His voice was several times lower and colder than usual, so Inseop eventually nodded.

Inseop texted Lee Wooyeon in the morning to wish him good luck with his work. He did not receive any reply. He never ignored him. So either he was pretty angry or he was really busy. Probably, the former was more likely.

The event’s from dawn kept bothering him. Should he have contacted Lee Wooyeon first? If he did, maybe John would be dead by now. No matter how many times he thinks about it, yesterday’s choice was the best. But he realized that the best choice doesn’t please everyone.

Inseop lay on his side and put his arm on his head. Then, he habitually entered the portal site on his phone, and woke up when he saw that Lee Wooyeon’s name was on the top of the real-time search word.

Today’s schedule was not a live broadcast, so it won’t be because of the broadcast. Then what the hell was going on? With trembling hands, he managed to type Lee Wooyeon’s name in the search box. The article flashed out.

[Lee Wooyeon, a true handsome man with a warm heart]

[Lee Wooyeon, the story maker of this era, this time to animals!]

[Lee Wooyeon’s warm love for animals.]

Inseop started reading the articles.

[Actor Lee Wooyeon’s quiet story is a big topic. Today morning, employee A, who said he was working at a veterinary hospital in Seoul, posted an article on social media with a picture. A, who identified themself as an employee at a 24-hour animal hospital, revealed the situation, “This morning, two men and women who seemed to be a couple brought a kitten rescued from the street and had an emergency surgery.”

“…a couple.”

Inseop broke down in a cold sweat and lowered the screen.

[A said, “Later, a man who received a phone call from one of the couples ran into the hospital, and surprisingly, he was Lee Wooyeon. Even the veterinarian said he couldn’t believe it at first. Everyone was surprised at how good the real thing looked. What is even more surprising is the fact that Mr. Lee Wooyeon, who came to the hospital at dawn, paid all the hospital bills.”]

The story about Lee Wooyeon’s appearance was narrated without missing a single thing by the eye witness.

[A also said, “Even Lee Wooyeon called separately in the morning and said he would pay all the hospital bills in the future.” The employees argued that each of them would make a phone call to listen to how good the voice on the phone was. Fortunately, the cat’s surgery ended well, and now they’re taking a rest and waiting for a good owner,” they wrote, posting a picture of the recovering cat. Lee Wooyeon’s agency said, “I have not heard anything related to this from him, but I think it is possible if it is his usual mind.” This is why actor Lee Wooyeon, who is as warm-hearted as his face, is expected to move forward.]

Only then did Inseop relax and straighten his shoulders.

There were a lot of comments under the article. It was almost all compliments to Lee Wooyeon. There were also comments that said they wanted to take the cat because it was so pretty. There was also occasional praise for the couple who rescued the injured cat at dawn.

“We’re not a couple…”

Inseop muttered, expressing disapproval. Then he saw a malicious comment that all of this was Lee Wooyeon’s pretense ahead of the movie’s release. The comments below it were also spectacular.

[A bastard who earns a lot of money pays for the hospital bill and shows it off.]

[Go to the army. Fucking asshole.]

[Why do you save a stray cat? If I hear the sound of cats at night, I want to stone it to death.]

[Lee Wooyeon, the guy who doesn’t even donate usually pretends to be kind. It’s disgusting to see these bastards.]

Inseop sighed quietly, logged in, and left a comment.

[Lee Wooyeon is a good person. Really. I’m always rooting for you]

Even though he knew it was useless, he always left comments like a habit whenever Lee Wooyeon was criticized. Inseop laid back on the bed. He checked out Lee Wooyeon’s fan cafe and community. Until yesterday, the bulletin board, which had been noisy due to a dispute with reporters, was animated by cat stories. It was a good thing.

After reading the story about him for a long time, Inseop suddenly missed Lee Wooyeon. It’s only been half a day since he saw him.

“I’m pathetic.”

Inseop muttered to himself and put his arm on his forehead. Lee Wooyeon got better and better. Until he opened his eyes and closed them, he couldn’t get rid of his thoughts about Lee Wooyeon. Like a boy suffering from first love, the fever got worse over time.

Sometimes, Lee Wooyeon would tease him half-jokingly as a stalker. It was clear that half of the jokes would disappear there if he was caught in this state. While determining not to be caught, Inseop suddenly thought that Lee Wooyeon might have read the article. Lee Wooyeon didn’t even bother reading an article about himself unless someone put the article right in front of him.

He thought about it and sent a text message.

[Did you finish your work well today? You worked hard.]

It was time for the schedule to end. He thought he’d get a call or a text message if he waited a little bit. However, even after waiting for a long time, his cell phone was as quiet as death. He took out a book and opened it to wait for Lee Wooyeon to contact him. He closed his eyes before reading a few chapters. How long has it been?

He heard a thumping sound in his sleep. He thought it was a dream. However, Inseop opened his eyes to the sound growing over time.

Thud, thud, thud, thud.

Someone was knocking on the door. Inseop jumped up, ran to the front door, and opened the door. No one knocked on the door like this, but there was only one person who would come to him at this time.

“I told you to check who it was and open the door.” 

Lee Wooyeon raised Inseop in a low voice. He blinked at the smell of alcohol.

“Did you drink?”

Lee Wooyeon did not answer and came straight into the front door. Inseop closed the door quickly. Then he checked his watch, it was 2am

“Are you drunk?” 

“Do I look drunk?”

His eyes were clear and his pronunciation was clear. However, Lee Wooyeon walked in with his shoes on and sat on the bed before Inseop could answer.

He was drunk.

Inseop ran quickly and sat on his knees on the floor, taking off Lee Wooyeon’s shoes. Lee Wooyeon stared down at Inseop.

“How did you get here?”

“I came here by taxi.”

“Who did you drink with?”

“CEO Kim bought it for me. I did a good job.” 

He thought he knew what the good thing was. He just didn’t understand why Lee Wooyeon was drunk. He rarely got drunk and he wasn’t a person who drank until he was drunk.

When Inseop left his shoes at the front door and came back, Lee Wooyeon was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

“Are you sleeping?”

Inseop asked, but the answer did not return. Inseop carefully began to take off Lee Wooyeon’s jacket. Lee Wooyeon, who he thought was sleeping when he was trying to pull out one arm, opened his eyes. Inseop screamed like when he saw a scene where the body was alive in a horror movie he had to watch.

“What are you doing?”

Asked Lee Wooyeon. Grabbing his fluttering heart, Inseop managed to answer.

“Oh, to undress you. You can’t sleep like this.” 

Inseop thought that he would rather take it off quickly when he was conscious, so he tried to raise Lee Wooyeon up. Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s wrist.

“What are you going to do with my clothes off?” 


“Are you going to pounce on me?”

“No, I’ll never do such a thing,” 

Inseop hurriedly denied it. Lee Wooyeon squinted his eyes and smiled.

“What kind of thing is that?”

“Well, Inseop doesn’t have much sexual desire for me.” 

“Wh, what are you talking about?”

“Inseop never begged me to have sex first. You said you don’t sleep while thinking about me.”


Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s wrist and rubbed it on his cheek. Then he murmured in a languid voice.

“Fuck, I want to do something like that.” 

Inseop’s face flushed red at the short sensational gesture, and as he bowed his head, Lee Wooyeon’s low laughter was heard. Inseop looked up at Lee Wooyeon. He was smiling, but it looked distorted.

Inseop tried to ask Lee Wooyeon if he was angry, but his body was pulled forward. Lee Wooyeon laid Inseop on the bed. In the blink of an eye, the positions of the two men changed.

“Inseop, do you know that you look prettier when you look down from the top?””

“I, I don’t know.”

Inseop answered, turning his head to the side. Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s chin and made him look at him. He averted his eyes. Lee Wooyeon looked at Inseop for a long time without saying a word. Then he suddenly asked.

“What happened to the cat?”

“…he’s recovering.”

He took the rest of the kitten and examined John’s condition. Fortunately, he could hear that he was recovering without any problems.

“I thought Inseop was hurt yesterday, so I was going crazy.’” 

“I’m sorry.”

Inseop’s heart throbbed as he remembered the face of the man entering the hospital. He wanted to explain it properly, but the cat in his arms gasped as if it were about to die, so he couldn’t continue the call.

“I have to apologize.”

Lee Wooyeon continued by sweeping Inseop’s hair.

“I’m sorry. I thought it was a good thing the cat got hurt.”


“In fact, I don’t care if the cat is dead or alive at all.I don’t have any sympathy. It’s usually always the case.” 

He already knew that Lee Wooyeon was in that state. It came as no surprise. It was just weird. It seemed that Lee Wooyeon considered his condition as a disgrace unlike usual.

Inseop reached out his hand and stroked Lee Wooyeon’s cheek.

“No, it’s not.”

Lee Wooyeon grabbed Inseop’s hand and kissed him.

“…Thank you for noticing.”

The soft lips slipped as if leaving a trajectory on the back of the hand. Inseop called out Lee Wooyeon.

“You have a schedule tomorrow morning.”

“The morning interview was canceled. Don’t worry. I’ll do what Inseop tells me to do. I won’t touch you outside, I’ll work hard, and what else? Oh, yes, be the best actor. Hahaha.”

Lee Wooyeon laughed and put his body on top of Inseop as if collapsing. As soon as he took his weight, Inseop gasped.

“Mr. Wooyeon. Wait, to the side…”

Inseop grabbed Lee Wooyeon and asked, but he didn’t budge.

Only after hearing the even breathing did Inseop realize that he was asleep.

Inseop put Lee Wooyeon down. After barely removing his jacket, he was soaked with sweat. He didn’t dare to take off his shirt and pants. Inseop pondered for a while and hung it on the chair to drag only the belt.

He checked his watch. It was almost two o’clock in the morning. Inseop set the alarm and turned off the light. While dragging the duvet, he covered Lee Wooyeon and laid down.

Maybe someone saw Lee Wooyeon coming here.

His heart throbbed with anxiety. Inseop blinked. He could see the face of Lee Wooyeon, who slept soundly in the dark. His heart leaped so fast that he forgot what expression to make every time he met him, even though he saw him hundreds and thousands of times.

“I like it, too. Such things…” 

Inseop closed his eyes after muttering to himself softly.


Consciousness rose and fell between sleep and wakefulness. The thought that it was time for the alarm to go off at the same time that the accumulated fatigue for several days weighed heavily on his eyelids brought him back to the land of the conscious..

He slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the legs of the bed. Curiosity came first. When did he fall to the floor? While thinking about that, water drops fell on his cheek.


He raised his head and screamed.

“Oh my god!”

Lee Wooyeon, whose eyes he met, smiled. Inseop calmed his jumping heart and breathed deeply.

“Uh, since when have you been doing that?”

“…Well, I don’t know.”

Lee Wooyeon, who was looking down at Inseop from the bed, replied. His hair was wet as he had woken up first and finished showering. Inseop checked the wall clock.

“We still have time left before we start our schedule,” 

Lee Wooyeon, who noticed what Inseop’s behavior meant, replied first.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Inside? Ahh.”

Lee Wooyeon nodded as if he finally understood the intention of the question.

“I think you drank a lot yesterday…” 

Inseop looked up at Lee Wooyeon with a worried face.

“I don’t have a hangover.”

Looking at Lee Wooyeon, who rarely gets drunk no matter how much he drinks, and who appears with a normal face the next day even if he was drunk, CEO Kim once said, “We must do a blood test.” The elixir of immortality must run in his blood. Lee Wooyeon picked up the knife on the table, put it on his wrist, and laughed and said.

‘Do you want to try it?’

After the incident, CEO Kim stopped joking about the immortal ingredients contained in Lee Wooyeon’s blood. Although the harmful treatment of prohibited drugs has begun.

“Well, I’m going to wash up, too.”

It was Lee Wooyeon who fell asleep drunk, but Inseop was the only one who looked disheveled.

He was embarrassed.


Lee Wooyeon rose from his seat. Inseop quickly organized his blanket and packed his change of clothes and went into the bathroom. He felt strange in the shower. There was no significant physical contact with Lee Wooyeon for nearly 10 days.

He asked for a favor, but he didn’t expect him to listen this well, but he even felt somewhat disappointed.

“…Are you crazy?”

Inseop shook his head quickly. He took a quick shower, got dressed, and went outside. The smell of food whiffed past him.

“Sit there. Let’s eat.”

“I should’ve prepared. I’m sorry.” 

“It’s nothing much. There is no food in the refrigerator. I threw away the apple.” 

Lee Wooyeon pointed to the dried apple with his chin as he placed the omelet on a plate. Inseop smiled shyly as he sat down at the narrow kitchen island. Come to think of it, he had a vague memory of shopping recently.

“Aren’t you eating at home?”

“Yes. I just don’t have time…” 

Lee Wooyeon shut his mouth and looked at Inseop before asking.

“Have you lost weight?

“I do not know.”

He had no appetite these days. It was because he couldn’t sleep well, and somehow, his whole mind was focused on the stories that came up on the Internet, so it felt bitter no matter what he ate.

Lee Wooyeon clicked his tongue as if he was not happy.

“Eat a lot.”

Lee Wooyeon sat across from Inseop and poured milk.

“Thank you for the food.”

Inseop raised a spoon and thanked Lee Wooyeon. The two started eating breakfast without a word. Inseop glanced at Lee Wooyeon.



The two opened their mouths at the same time. Lee Wooyeon lightly blinked at Inseop as if to tell him to speak first.

“Did you two drink with the CEO yesterday?”

“Well, I heard that they were having dinner at the office yesterday, so I went to visit them. Later, it was just the two of us.”

Inseop nodded his head.

“Did I say some nonsense yesterday?” 


“I don’t remember.”

“Oh, you just fell asleep right away.” 

Inseop quickly turned around. He was embarrassed to repeat the words that came out of Lee Wooyeon’s mouth yesterday. He couldn’t say that he had sexual desires, and that the object of his sexual desire was him.


Lee Wooyeon answered as he sliced the omelet with a fork. Inseop hesitated for a while, before asking if he read the article.

“What article? Oh, the one that says Inseop and that woman are a couple, right?”

“It’s not like that…” 

“That’s the only thing I saw.”

Lee Wooyeon laughed playfully.

“What did Yoon Ahreum say?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think of that…” 

After replying, Inseop was surprised at himself. To be honest, when he read about them being called a couple, Yoon Ahreum should’ve been the first person he called as she was the one who he called in the middle of the night. However, In-seop was too concerned about Lee Woo-yeon’s feelings and couldn’t even think of Yoon Ahreum. It was embarrassing to say, but lately, his whole mind has been focused only on Lee Woo-yeon.

“I’ll have to call her later and apologize. She must have been offended.”

“If she would’ve been offended, she wouldn’t have come running at dawn.”

At Lee Wooyeon’s words, Inseop quickly raised his head.

“I’m sorry for making you worry about that.”

Inseop apologized honestly to Lee Wooyeon. Even if his staff posted the wrong thing, it could have been misunderstood because two men and a woman showed up at dawn.

“It’s okay. I can ask them to publish a corrected article.” 

When surprised Inseop coughed quietly, Lee Wooyeon gave him water.

“Just joking. I don’t care. Articles appear every day saying that there are other people dating here as well. It’s the same for each other.” 

Unexpectedly, it seemed like it wasn’t a big deal. Even though it was fortunate, Inseop couldn’t shake the feeling of embarrassment. He thought Lee Wooyeon was still honest in front of him, but these days he couldn’t fully understand his intentions. He didn’t know if it was okay or not.

“Aren’t you eating?”

When Lee Wooyeon tapped the bowl containing the omelet with a fork, Inseop bit off the corner of the omelet and ate it. Lee Wooyeon, who was watching the scene, swallowed a small sigh.

“Do you have any worries?” 

Inseop asked without even swallowing the omelet.

“Eat quickly.”

Inseop nodded his head, put the milk-soaked cereal in his mouth and chewed it. But he was worried about Lee Wooyeon who was across from him, so he couldn’t taste anything.

“I had a dog. When I was little,” 

Lee Wooyeon muttered, and Inseop raised his head in surprise. The context of the conversation changed suddenly.

“It was kind of like a family custom, but it was a gift you get when you reach a certain age. They said it was some type of a breed dog that went through strict breeding and management.”

“That must have been nice.”

 “I pretended to like it.” 

Lee Wooyeon’s rough words returned.

“I pretended to be happy and cared for the dog. But that only lasted for a month or two. It got annoying.”

Inseop put down the spoon he was scooping the cereal with. He had to prepare his mind to accept the words that would come out of Lee Wooyeon’s mouth.

“I didn’t kill him.”

Lee Wooyeon smashed Inseop’s false imagination with short words. A faint relief flashed in Inseop’s eyes.

“It’s too big of a burden to ask me, and at that time I was old enough to know that it would be difficult to kill something,” said Lee Wooyeon, tapping his temple.

“Anyway, I didn’t pay attention to the dog since it became a nuisance. No, to be precise, I didn’t pretend to be interested because I wasn’t interested from the start.”

Inseop’s mouth became sullen. Lee Wooyeon was truly amazed at the fact that just by hearing the story of the past, emotions could be so colorful.

“What happened to the dog?”

Inseop asked cautiously.

“Because I didn’t feed them, they refused to eat if anyone else fed him and waited for me. It’s a breed known for being very loyal. They became thinner by the day.”

“Ah… ”

Like a man facing a dog dying of starvation right now, Inseop’s eyes were on fire.

He was trembling.

“Do not worry. A gardener took him in and raised it. Loyalty was gone when he was taken care of by someone with sincerity and love. Happy ending.” 

The story that started abruptly also ended abruptly.

“Is this a happy ending?”

“Yes. I’m not bothered anymore, and the dog meets an owner who loves it enough. Was there anymore to it?” 

“But… wouldn’t it have waited for the original owner?” 

“I don’t know if it was”

Lee Wooyeon scooped up an omelet with a fork and put it in Inseop’s mouth.

“It has nothing to do with me.”

Inseop’s big eyes sank in melancholy. Lee Wooyeon, who was looking at In-seop with his arms wrapped around his table, suddenly called out to Inseop.



Lee Wooyeon stretched out his upper body. Their lips touched lightly, and then they moved away. Inseop looked blankly at Lee Wooyeon. Lee Wooyeon, who looked younger than usual because of his unkempt hair, smiled sweetly. He had the same face as usual. But what followed was completely unexpected.

“Take a break from work for the time being.”


Choi Inseop stopped by the animal hospital in the morning to check John’s condition. After hearing the veterinarian’s explanation that he was improving day by day, he looked at John over the case for a long time and returned.

Today was the day he promised to go see Lois and the kittens. Yoon Ahreum insisted on doing it on her own, but he was receiving a lot of help, so he was on his way to her house with full hands after buying gifts.

While going up the alley, Inseop put down his stuff and took out his cell phone to check. There was still no contact from Lee Wooyeon.

When Lee Wooyeon, who was talking about dogs, suddenly told him to take a break from work, Inseop was scared and shocked. He couldn’t keep up with how the conversation could change from there to there. Inseop, who came to his senses, refused firmly.

‘You can’t accept such an offer?’

It wasn’t just a day or two, it was for a while. Of course it was right to say no. Lee Wooyeon answered Inseop’s words with his eyebrows slightly bent.

‘Suggestion? When did I say that?’

The attitude was that there could be no further negotiations. After eating, Lee Wooyeon stood up from his seat saying he should stop going. Inseop said if he didn’t like the way he worked, he’ll try to fix it as much as he wanted. Lee Wooyeon looked into his eyes. His eyes were as if he was looking at something strange. Lee Wooyeon, who had been looking at him like that for a long time, brushed Inseop’s hair with his hands and said,

‘Such a happy ending will never come to you.’

Lee Wooyeon left the house after something he couldn’t understand. Today was the second day of such a sudden extended vacation.

“I think it’s time for filming”.

Inseop remembered Lee Wooyeon’s schedule, calculated his movements, and sent a text message. It wasn’t time for broadcast, so he could have been contacted by now, but it was silent.

Lee Wooyeon has often been angry before. Whenever Inseop talked with a woman, talked with a man, acted kind to a woman, or acted kind to a man… But it was his first time getting angry like this. Every time, he kept Inseop next to him and made him not go anywhere, but he never kept a distance.

“…Is he very angry?”

While he was thinking about how to relieve his anger, he arrived at the gate of Yoon Ahreum’s house. It was his first time visiting someone else’s house except for Lee Wooyeon after he came to Korea. He checked the time. It was five minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

Inseop took a deep breath. He rested and rang the doorbell. The intercom turned on and the gate opened with a voice saying, “Come in.”

As he pushed the door and entered, the dog lying in the yard saw Inseop and came up, wagging its tail like a propeller.

“How have you been?”

Inseob quickly put down the stuff in his hand  and petted the dog’s head.

Yoon Ahreum opened the front door and poked her head out.

“You can play with Kong later. Come up this way.” 

Inseop went up the stairs, leaving the whining puppy behind. Taking off his shoes at the front door, Inseop said, “Excuse me.”

“You’re early.”

“Is it too early? I’m sorry.” 

He had searched hard on the Internet to figure out what time was appropriate to arrive but he didn’t think about the fact that the standards might be different for different people.

“No, I thought you’d be a little late. You’ve been saying you’ve been busy lately.”

“I have a few days off.”

He didn’t know if it was a vacation, but he couldn’t think of an alternative word, so Inseop hesitated to answer. Then, he remembered the object in his hand and held it out to Yoon Ahreum.

“This is a gift.”

“You brought so many things.”

“This is Kong’s snack, this is Lois’ and the babies’ snack, this is Yoon Ahreum’s gift, this is your mother’s gift, and this is… It’s a gift for your father.”

Inseop, who was putting down the gifts one by one, took out a healthy food made of red ginseng.

He handed it to Yoon Ahreum.

He heard that Yoon Ahreum’s father objected to the temporary protection of the cat. He did it because Kong-i might be stressed. Upon hearing that, Inseop felt very guilty that he said he would look for a place to move into right away. However, Ahreum replied that he just had to wait a few days as if it was not a big deal.

“Is your father at home?”

In order to meet him in person and apologize and thank him, he deliberately said that he would go while Ahreum’s father was at home.

“Yes. Over there. Follow me.” 

Inseop followed her nervously.

“Is your father still very upset?” 

At Inseop’s question, Areum put on a serious expression.

“Mr. Inseop. Just in case you didn’t know, I’m warning you, but don’t ever say that you’re taking the cat. Never” 

Inseop nodded his head.

“Father. A guest has come.”

After she knocked lightly, she twisted the doorknob open. The man who had been waving at the cat with a toy with a solemn expression turned his head.

“Hello. Nice to meet you.” 

Inseop quickly bowed his head and said hello. Lois and the kittens recognized him and came running with crying sounds. .

Inseop, who suddenly had three cats on his body, smiled awkwardly.

Yoon Ahreum’s father looked at Inseop with wary eyes.

He soon opened his mouth.

“Are you the cat owner?” 

“No. Not a cat owner…” 

“Then why do our children follow you?” 

“Yes? Ah..”

Inseop looked back at Yoon Areum. She was covering her mouth to hold back her burst of laughter.

“I think it’s because I gave them food.” 

Inseop quickly came up with a valid reason and replied.

“I take care of their food too.”

Yoon Ahreum’s father grumbled like he was not happy.

“You said you didn’t like it, but you became like that in a day. Not even a day. It didn’t even take half a day. Now who’s kids are those?”

Yoon Ahreum mischievously teased her father with her laughing voice..

“Since they are in our house, they are our children.”

“Dad is too much. We have to find owners for them later.”

At Areum’s words, her father smiled and shook his head.

“How dare you hand over living things to someone who doesn’t even know where they are from. You don’t even know what they will to do to our children.”

“So, you should look into it and sell it.” 

Despite her daughter’s words, the father did not relax his expression. Inseop removed Isaac, who had climbed up to his thighs, and set him down on the floor. Yoon Ahreum’s father, holding the kitten in his arms, glanced up and down at Inseop, then held out a hand to him.

“Yoon Seok-jun. I’m Areum’s father.” 

“My name is Choi Inseop.” 

Inseop took Yoon Seok-jun’s outstretched hand and bowed his head.

“How do you know my child?” 

Inseop hesitated to answer, not knowing exactly who Yoon Seok-jun was talking about when he said, ‘my child’.

“This is someone I knew when I was working.” 

Yoon Ah-reum answered instead.

“Work? You look like a student.”

“I worked for a while before, but now I go to school.”

“High school?

“…a college student.”

Yoon Seok-jun still looked at Inseop with suspicious eyes.

If he had a student ID, he would have shown it. Lee Wooyeon said that his paperwork was delayed, and he seldom returned his ID.

“But why are you here today?”

“Ahh, really. I’m just here to look at the kids.”

“Yes. That’s right. I’m here to say hello to your family because it seems like I’ve caused trouble.”

“You don’t mean to take her?”

Yoon Seok-jun asked again as he hugged the kitten in his arms. Inseop shook his head eagerly. Only then did Yoon Seok-jun let go of his guard and asked with a benevolent smile.

“Hmm. Have you eaten?”


Inseop took off his sweaty clothes, put them in the washing machine, and took a shower.

He was supposed to come back after lunch, but the cat tower Yoon Areum’s father had ordered arrived just as he was about to leave so he stayed to help assemble it. After he finished assembling, it was time for dinner, and eventually he had to eat dinner before he could leave the house.

Inseop wiped his hair with a towel and picked up his phone.

He also had no contact from Lee Wooyeon. While playing with the cat at Yoon Ahreum’s house, he checked from time to time, but he had not responded.

[Call me when you get home. I’ll wait.]

After sending the text, Inseop checked the time. He still had a couple of more hours to finish his schedule.

Inseop searched Lee Wooyeon’s name on his portal site. Articles of new content did not stand out.

“Thank god.”

It seemed that what Kang Youngmo said at that time was just a passing word. Still, it was better to be careful for the time being. It might have been better to be away from Lee Wooyeon for a few days. Even though that’s what his mind said, his heart did not feel the same.

Yoon Ahreum said that she would keep Lois and the kittens for about a month in her home, and then she would find owners for them. After John was discharged from the hospital, he said he would decide after seeing her condition. The situation couldn’t have been better for the cats. However, Inseop could not shake off the regret that he had not contacted Lee Wooyeon first that day.

Suddenly, he remembered what Lee Wooyeon had said to him. Did he say that such a happy ending will never come?

“What happy ending…”

Inseop muttered weakly and laid down on the bed with his phone beside him. It was a strange feeling. Before he went to sleep, he always thought of the faces of his parents and family members, but now all he could think of was Lee Wooyeon. He laughed out loud. He wanted to meet more people who he can go see right away than people from across the sea.

“I’m sorry.”

Inseop closed his eyes after offering a heartfelt apology to his parents.

How long has it been? Inseop suddenly opened his eyes at the sound of the phone ringing. It was dark all around. Inseop fumbled with his hand to find his cell phone. Lee Wooyeon’s name appeared on the phone screen. His fatigue was gone. Inseop quickly answered the phone.


<Were you sleeping?

“Yes. I slept a little.” 

<You must have been sleeping well. I shouldn’t have called.>

“No. It’s okay…I fell asleep while waiting for your call.”

Inseop quickly grabbed the phone and shook his head. Hearing Lee Wooyeon’s voice after two days was so good that it brought him to tears.

“Are you done with your work?”

<I’m in front of my house.>

“Did everything go well today?””

He was worried that something would happen to him because he was not always there.

<Is there anything special? What did Inseop do today?>

Lee Wooyeon asked playfully. Even as he was relieved by his usual tone of voice, his pulse went numb.

“I went to the animal hospital in the morning and went to see the cat in the afternoon.” 

<That would have been nice. You saw dogs and cats. You will have met all the things you like.>


However, when he was unable to say that he hadn’t seen the person he liked the most, Inseop bit his lower lip. He had something to say first.


At Inseop’s call, Lee Wooyeon gave a short laugh.

<Why do you call me like that? You’re making me excited.>

The hand holding the phone started to sweat. Inseop held his heart and slowly conveyed what he wanted to say.

“I’m very clumsy. It’s my first time dating… I don’t know what to do. I’m sorry.”

He apologized to Lee Wooyeon.  It kept bothering him. He couldn’t shake the thought that the best he had chosen excluded Lee Wooyeon.

“I’m really sorry. I know you’re upset. I know I don’t know what to do. If you can ease your mind, I will do whatever Mr. Wooyeon wants. I’ll do it no matter what.” 

Inseop spat out the words of apology that had been on his mind for the past two days.

He didn’t know if these words could solve Lee Wooyeon’s anger, but it was an honest feeling.

He wanted to do something for him.


There was silence.

Inseop anxiously waited for Wooyeon’s answer. Eventually, he spoke up.

<I’m not angry. Sorry for not contacting you yesterday. I was just trying to organize my thoughts.>

Inseop was relieved and his tears welled up.

“I’m glad you’re not angry,” 

Inseop continued as calmly as possible.

“Then, can I go out again tomorrow?” 

<Why would you come out?


<You’re taking a few days off. Don’t be stubborn.>

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Inseop nodded his head and replied, “I understand.” Tears trickled down his cheeks. He thought it was good that he was on the phone. He didn’t get caught crying like an idiot.

<How are the cats?>

“Yes. Thanks to you.”

Inseop quickly wiped away his tears and answered.

<What did I do?>

 “You called the hospital. Thank you.” 

Lee Wooyeon said he didn’t care about the cat’s well-being, even as much as his nails, but he deliberately took the time to call.

<How do you even say thank you for that?> 

“No. Thank you. I’m serious.” 

He heard Lee Wooyeon let out a small sigh. Inseop became very nervous, wondering if he had made another mistake.

<Don’t you want to see me?>

To the sudden question, Inseop asked. “What?”

<Don’t you want to see me?> 

“Of course… I miss you.” 

<Then should I go up now?>

Inseop checked his watch. It was well past one o’clock in the morning.

“…No. It’s fine.”

Tomorrow’s schedule started in the morning. Before that, he had to get up at 6 a.m. to stop by the shop. He didn’t want Lee Wooyeon to overdo things.

“It’s late, so hurry up and go to sleep. You must be tired.” 

<I should be. Hurry up and sleep, Inseop. I’ll call you back tomorrow.>

 Inseop was more relieved to hear that he could talk on the phone tomorrow.

“Good night.”

After the call, Inseop laid down again. Then, suddenly a thought ran through his head, he ran to the window and opened the window. He looked outside, but he couldn’t see anyone passing by, let alone a vehicle, in the alley.

He was sure he said he was going home…

Inseop raised his head. It was a useless thought. There was no way that he would come to his house at this time and go back.

Inseop slowly closed the window.


As he turned the steering wheel, Lee Wooyeon spat out a low curse. He almost got out of the car and went up to Inseop’s house.

When he saw Inseop covered in blood at the veterinary hospital, he remembered the time when he had seen him with a knife stab on his stomach. It was a scene that he had barely shoved to the back of his mind. His broken head played the same scene endlessly. A forgotten anxiety ran through his head.

He almost lost Inseop forever. He was well aware of how the anxiety that drew out of a sense of loss engulfed him. He couldn’t sleep or breathe.

It was like that the day he thought Inseop ran away, leaving him behind. He grabbed him and forcibly raped him, who had refused him. He couldn’t control it.

It was then that for the first time he felt the fear of himself losing control.

He didn’t want to treat Choi Inseop that way. No, he didn’t want to show Inseop his broken, raw self anymore. He told Inseop not to come out to cool his head for a while. But it was to no avail. Instead of cooling his head, his thoughts gradually tumbled into a mess. The desire to protect Inseop safely and the violent desire were mixed. Later he got to the point where he didn’t know what he wanted.

Eventually, on that day, he finished his schedule and drank enough to not die. He might have drank until he died if CEO Kim, whom he liked, hadn’t ripped it off of him. He went to Inseop’s house in a drunken state. He couldn’t even remember what he said.

When he woke up at dawn, he was afraid that he might not have overcome his greed and hurt Inseop. Fortunately, Inseop was asleep next to him.

He looked at Inseop, who was sleeping crumpled like a rag with a face that looked like he hadn’t eaten for days. Even in his sleep, Inseop seemed to be having a bad dream, frowning. It was terrible to see himself in heat like a beast for that pitiful face. A cold shower cured the violent heat. After that,heI watched Inseop for a long time after he came out.

He scanned Inseop’s face in every nook and cranny. Long eyelashes, a round nose, slightly parted lips and teeth visible between them, hair under the ears, earlobes, and a small dot on the cheek. Everything was lovely Even the frizzy hair that reached his eyes. There was no corner that was not pretty.

He liked the person who was asleep in front of him. It was so good he couldn’t even describe it. He carefully reached out and touched Inseop’s cheek. His whole body tingled with the heat from his fingertips. Satisfaction and anxiety rose like fire at the same time.

It was confusing. His unknown emotions were entangled from the bottom and rose up to his throat. It felt like he was stepping on thinly frozen ice.

No matter how many times he confirmed Inseop’s safety and existence, the anxiety did not go away. As usual, he tried to deftly capture those black feelings, but he couldn’t control it.

He closed his eyes for a while and opened them.

Does he want him to send him to America?

Or shall he break his leg and take him where no one else can reach and lock him up?

He was standing in the middle of an extreme thought  that a normal person would never understand. It seemed as if one wrong step would drown him in cold, deep water.

‘You’ve been trying to balance yourself between willful intentions, right?’

He remembered the eyes that looked up without any doubt at the other person who hurt him several times.

He prepared breakfast while Inseop woke up and took a shower. He wanted to eat anything. In the meantime, the moment he saw the dried apple in Inseop’s refrigerator, he became angry. It reminded him of Manager Cha’s words that if Inseop is left with the same personality, he will end up becoming skinny.

The dog he raised received normal and proper love from the gardener and became plump and lived a happy life. It was a happy ending. However, such a happy ending will not come to Inseop. Because he will pour out on him only twisted, abnormal, and wrong love, not right and ordinary love. He didn’t know how to continue a normal relationship. Still, for Choi Inseop’s sake, he had to imitate him somehow.

That afternoon, he called CEO Kim and asked him to find a road manager. That was the most humane way he could think of.

He knew where Choi Inseop’s anxiety was coming from. He was terrified that he would damage actor Lee Wooyeon’s life. If he was a proper human being, he would have found a way to nip that anxiety in the bud.

But he never thought of quitting his acting career. Inseop said several times that he likes Lee Wooyeon as an actor.

He was afraid.

When he abandoned his image as an actor and stood naked, he wasn’t sure if he would like him even then.

Only then did Lee Wooyeon realize what the shabby winged robe he was holding onto. That was all.

‘If I can ease your mind, I will do whatever Mr. Wooyeon wants. I’ll do it anyway’

The moment he heard the affectionate apology for the other person, vulgar desire was infested in him. He wanted to shove his cock into Inseop’s candid lips, apologizing for his poor ways, and make him swallow his cum until his stomach swells. That was his own deficiency. A dirty deficiency that wants to fuck even the other person’s pure goodwill and goodwill.


Lee Wooyeon stepped on the accelerator.

A shrill horn beeps behind him.


Inseop neatly arranged the side dishes one by one in the refrigerator. All of them were side dishes received from Yoon Areum’s mother.

He received a request from Yoon Ahreum to come and look at the cat as the family was all gone today. He asked if he could enter the unoccupied house. No matter how many times he’d met them, it didn’t feel good. Then, Yoon Areum answered with a smile.

‘My father asked for it. You know how to look after them, and Inseop is not that kind of person. You seem to be more concerned about Arthur than anything else.’

Arthur had diarrhea yesterday and they took him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with stress. As the environment changed, it seemed that even that small thing was bothering him. Areum said that he eats well and plays well, but she said it would be better to keep an eye on him just in case. Inseop replied that he would.

He spent half a day with the cats like that. He searched and checked Lee Wooyeon’s name in his spare time. He wanted to text him, but stopped because he feared it would interfere with his work. Lee Wooyeon also did not contact him during the day. The time to call him was after he finished his schedule.

It wasn’t until late afternoon that Yoon Ahreum’s father returned. He rushed into the room, looked at Arthur’s condition, and asked Inseop to eat and leave with a blunt expression. He thought it would be rude to refuse an adult’s invitation to eat, so Inseop replied that he would.

At dinner, Inseop happened to tell him that both his parents were in the US and he was living alone in Korea. In the end, when he left the house, he was given a full portion of side dishes. He said it was okay, but Yoon Ahreum’s mother handed Inseop a bag with side dishes, saying it was because she remembered her first son who was working in the province. It somehow reminded him of his mother. She also liked to bake and present her cookies or bread to people around her. Unable to hold back any longer, Inseop accepted the envelope.

“How can I repay this favor?”

Looking at the boxes of side dishes piled up one by one, Inseop muttered. Promising that next time he would buy a better present, Inseop closed the refrigerator door.

He took a shower and read a book in bed. The hot evening air streamed in through the open windows. He checked the time. There were about two hours left before the schedule was over.

Inseop sent a text message to CEO Kim.

[Hello. Thank you for your hard work in this hot weather. Can you tell me who’s currently in charge of Lee Wooyeon.]

Anyone in the office knew the name and face roughly. It was because he was working hard on his behalf, so he thought he should go and say hello after the vacation is over.

Shortly thereafter, a text message came.


A cold sweat ran down his back at the short, thick letter. After hesitating, Inseop texted again.

[Are you okay?]

He regretted sending it and asking a useless question. No matter what, he was dating someone else.

The phone rang. It was CEO Kim.

“Hello. CEO.” 

Inseop’s voice trembled a little.

<I can’t say hello.>

When he heard CEO Kim’s voice sinking with fatigue, he felt guilty.

“Sorry. CEO”

<What do you have to be sorry for? All of this… haa. No, it’s my fault for renewing the contract with him. Who is to blame?]

CEO Kim continued with a tone of resignation.

<You say you’re not feeling well? I forgot to contact you because I was distracted. Are you okay now?>

He seemed to have told him why he was taking a break. Inseop would rather lie, as Lee Wooyeon would be put in an awkward position if he said no.

“It has improved a lot. Thank you for your concern.” 

Lying was something he was still not used to. Seeing as to how his heart aches every time he tells a lie.

<Anyway, the last time I saw you, I was worried because your face looked weary. Then, Lee Wooyeon said that you are taking a break for the time being,>

Inseop still didn’t know why Lee Woo-yeon asked him to take a break from work for the time being. If it was because he was concerned about her health, he would have let it go altogether.

<I’m trying my best to find a road manager, but Lee Wooyeon doesn’t have a decent personality.> 

“A road manager?” 

Inseop was surprised and asked back.

<Uh. Didn’t Lee Wooyeon tell you? He asked me to find a suitable person, so I am diligently looking for him.>

It was the first time he heard about it.

“Am I no longer able to work?” 

<What do you mean? He even told me to find someone who seems to be able to communicate well with you, and I’m running into trouble.> 

Inseop blinked his eyes. He did not understand why such conditions were applied to finding a manager.

<So, what kind of person would you like?>

“I’m pretty much fine with anyone.”

<I guess so. It’s you and Lee Woo-yeon… Ha ha ha, there’s a mosquito here.>

He heard the sound of skin slapping on the other side of the phone.

“Be careful. If you get bitten by a mosquito these days, it lasts for a long time.” 

<Yes. Haha, anyway, what kind of person would you like to work with?>

“I hope it’s someone who matches well with Lee Wooyeon.”

<What the hell is a good match?>

Inseop thought for a moment and then continued.

“It’s okay if they’re a good driver, but don’t show off their skills, and prefer quiet music. I think it would be nice to have someone who doesn’t eat food in the car, meticulously manages his schedule, and can give a proper review of Lee Wooyeon’s work. And it would be nice if it’’s someone who doesn’t boast about knowing Lee Wooyeon anywhere and isn’t interested in talking about other celebrities. and…”

<… There’s more?>

“A person who doesn’t talk much.” 

Lee Wooyeon especially disliked noisy people.

<Have you finished introducing yourself?>

“Oh, no. It’s not like that…” 

Inseop stuttered, his face flushing.

<Yes. I will refer to what you said. I don’t know if I can find it.>

“I’m sorry for bothering you even more. By the way, CEO…”

<Yes? What is it?>

“Do you have a reason to temporarily hire a road manager?” 

He couldn’t understand Lee Wooyeon’s intentions. If he was getting on his nerves and letting him quit his job, he’d be done if he cuts him off completely. It was heartbreaking, but he was going to quit his job if that’s what he wanted.

<That’s what I’m saying. I want to take this opportunity to make you quit and find another good person and hire him permanently, but Lee Wooyeon said he didn’t like it. That’s why I don’t have many options. What’s this crazy guy saying? Oh, and don’t misunderstand. I’m doing this because I’m thinking about you.>

“I didn’t misunderstand. Rather, I am more sorry. I said I would help, but it seems like I only caused trouble.” 

He was ashamed. It was something he started out of concern in the first place.

<Ugh. You’re such a nice guy. If Lee Wooyeon was even half of you, I wouldn’t be so upset. Where in this world is a bastard that uses the company’s boss as a manager?>

“Thank you for your hard work.”

<Compared to the hardships you and the Manager Cha went through, it’s nothing. We should treat Hyeon-gyu well. Even if it’s a beef bone, I’ll have to go and give it to him. Quickly.>

The words sounded out of the ordinary.

<Thankfully, Lee Wooyeon is working very hard these days, so I put up with it. Ugh, a tiger will appear if we talk about it. I’m going to hang up.> 

“Okay. Goodbye.”

The call was immediately disconnected. Inseop picked up the book again after reading it, but couldn’t understand a single word, so he ended up closing the book.

He can’t fire him because he doesn’t have much… What does it mean?

As he was thinking hard about it, the words he heard earlier flashed through his mind. Inseop got up and ran to the bathroom to check the mirror.

“Is it that bad?”

Inseop touched his cheek with his hand. He looked even more gaunt than usual.

Was it because of his hair? Come to think of it, he hasn’t even thought about getting his hair trimmed because he’d been out of his mind lately.

Inseop put water on his hair and turned it over. The impression did not improve at all. When he was young, he believed that he would look mature when he turned 20, but now he didn’t know how vain that belief was.

He just realized that day by day.

Inseop stared at his pale face in the mirror.

It would be nice to be a manly and mature person who someone can lean on. If they have any concerns, he can give advice.

Then the phone rang. Inseop, who was running out of the room thinking that he should answer the phone quickly, slipped and fell at the entrance of the bathroom.


Inseop, who fell down, grabbed his waist. A groan came out automatically. He ran back up and grabbed his cell phone in case it got cut off.


<What are you doing? You’re out of breath and answering the phone.>

“Well, I got it late because I was doing something. I’m sorry.” 

Inseop lifted up his clothes. The red swelling seemed to be bruising.

<Were you doing something bad?>

 “What do you mean bad?”

Inseop quickly lowered his clothes and asked back. Lee Wooyeon smiled softly.

<If you answer like that, it’s embarrassing to ask.> 

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I didn’t do anything bad. I was just checking to see if I fell and got bruises near my stomach.”

<You did something bad.>


<It’s a bad thing to scratch other people’s things.> 

He had to take it as a silly joke, but Inseop swept down his hot stomach and apologized.

<Have you eaten yet?> 

“Yes, I did.” 

<What did you eat?>

Lee Wooyeon always asked for Inseop’s diet when he talked on the phone, perhaps because he had a habit these days. If he glossed over it, he asked again persistently until he heard the exact answer.

“I had cereal and fruits for breakfast, and for lunch…”

At lunch, he skipped a meal to see the cats at Yoon Ahreum’s house.

He bought food for someone else’s house, but he also opened the refrigerator in the house and took out something to eat.

<I told you to eat well.>

Lee Wooyeon’s voice had a note of displeasure.

“I ate a lot for dinner! I ate a lot. I’m not fully digested yet.”

<Really? With whom, where, and what did you eat so much?>

“I went to Yoon Ahreum’s house. Arthur’s a little sick, but she said she didn’t have anyone to look after him. I was alone. We just had dinner together.” 

<You were alone in the house?>

Lee Wooyeon asked back in a tone of disbelief.


<You seem to have become very close.>

“Not much, but they seem like good people. And they trust in someone like me.”

Inseop added quickly.

“And I told them that I am dating someone. Don’t worry.” 

A similar topic came up at a dinner party earlier, so Inseop quickly said that he is dating someone.

<That’s good. Did you say that you were close?> 

“I’ll tell them later!”

Lee Wooyeon burst into laughter at Inseop’s words as if he had made a promise.

<Ha ha ha ha ha.>

Inseop listened quietly to the ringing over the phone. It was the laugh he hadn’t heard in a long time. He felt better.

<What can I do? Mr. Inseop is in big trouble.>

“Me? What’s the matter?” 

<You are getting better.>

At the sudden confession, Inseop’s face grew hot. When the sound of Lee Wooyeon’s breathing reached his ears, his stomach rumbled.

“…Isn’t that a good thing?” 

Inseop barely answered.

<Good. It looks like you’ll end up ruining your life after being caught by someone like me.> 

“You can catch me as much as you like.” 

Lee Wooyeon burst into laughter again. He didn’t know why he laughed, but Inseop was fortunate that he had the talent to make Lee Wooyeon laugh. Then he suddenly missed Lee Wooyeon.

“When can I go back to work?”

<I don’t know.>

When talking on the phone, Lee Wooyeon was friendly as usual. But when he was asked when he could go to work again, he always answered like it was someone else’s business.

“I… . Are you not happy with me driving?” 

<It can’t be. I get annoyed when I get into someone else’s car after riding Inseop’s car.>

“Then I will drive.”

<You must have talked to the CEO.> 

That’s exactly what Lee Wooyeon said as if he knew Inseop’s intentions.

“Yes. I spoke on the phone earlier. You don’t need a road manager. You’ll have to pay twice as much, and the CEO cares about it for nothing. I will pay more attention to driving and do well.”

<I’ll take care of that.>


It was frustrating not knowing Lee Wooyeon’s intentions. As he was about to ask why, a phone call rang.

<Who is it? In the middle of the night.> 

Lee Wooyeon’s voice quickly sharpened.

“America. My mother must have called.” 

Inseop quickly checked the number and answered. Come to think of it, today was the day he usually spoke to his parents.

<Accept it.>

“Should I call you back when the call is over?”

<It’s okay. You don’t know when it will end. Just call me tomorrow night.>

“Oh, that…”

It was a shame He still had things he wanted to say, and he wanted to hear more of his voice. However, it was as Lee Wooyeon said. He couldn’t ask someone who came home from work late tonight to wait for an unexpected call. Inseop realized for the first time today that he had such a selfish side.

“Good night. Have a nice dream.” 

He wanted to say that he missed him, but he was afraid that he would put pressure on him.

<Sleep well.>

The call was disconnected. At the same time, the call waiting sound also ended. Inseop let out a sigh.

“… I’m such an insolent guy.”

Inseop mulled over several curses towards himself and went through the call list.

He found his mother’s number and called.


While taking out tickets, Inseop looked around. It was a weekend evening, so the cinema hall was crowded with people. It’s been a long time since he went to see a movie alone. Moreover, the movie in which Lee Wooyeon appeared. He’d seen the same movie dozens of times before, but the feeling was new.

It’s been a week since he hasn’t seen Lee Wooyeon’s face. These days, almost all of Lee Wooyeon’s schedule ended after midnight. He couldn’t contact him during the day and only made one phone call at night. He couldn’t tell such a person that he would go see him, and he couldn’t even ask him to come.

So the only method he came up with was to watch his movie. He felt ashamed for some reason, so he couldn’t tell Lee Wooyeon. He didn’t want to see how much he would tease him.

Inseop put the ticket in his pocket and sat down on a chair in the hall waiting for him to enter.

“Lee Wooyeon, the evaluation of this movie is good.” 

At the name Lee Wooyeon, Inseop’s ears perked up.

“They said Lee Wooyeon was no joke here. My friend said she didn’t like Lee Woo-yeon, but she became a huge fan after watching the movie, so it must be really good.” 

Inseop felt better when the women sitting next to him praised him.

“What do you do when you become a fan? He’s dating Chae Yeonseo anyway. There were even rumors that the two were getting married.”

“Ah, please. How old is Lee Wooeon, it’s crazy to marry at his age. The road ahead is bright for both of them.”

“Don’t tell this to anyone. A friend of mine told me that a friend of her sister’s second cousin…”

The woman in white whispered to her friend, lowering her voice.

“Chae Yeonseo is three months pregnant. The two of them also picked out a dress at a dress shop in Cheongdam-dong.”


Inseop almost screamed no as he jumped up from his seat.

“Ah, wow. No wonder. This is the first time Lee Wooyeon has admitted to dating rumors.”

A friend of hers, a close friend of her sister’s second cousin. In the middle of the rumor creation scene, Inseop felt dizzy. He wanted to tell them that it was absolutely not like that, but he couldn’t hastily intervene, so the frustration doubled.

“The entrance to Hall 2 begins.”

People began to line up at the cry of the cinema staff. The two women next to him quickly entered the theater as well. Inseop held his coffee and walked weakly to stand in line.

When he entered the theater, the front row was sold out. The news that his box office performance was getting better by word of mouth seemed to be true. Thanks to that, he felt a little better. Inseop found the third seat from the end and sat down. Soon after, the light went out. He had seen it at a press preview, but this was the first time he had a proper appreciation of it in a theater. Inseop adjusted his posture and watched the movie.

The commercials ended and the movie started. In the dark theater, Lee Wooyeon’s voice began to resonate. He forgot to drink the coffee he had brought with him and immersed himself in the movie. The movie ended without knowing how the two hours had passed.


Inseop took a deep breath.

It was a good movie. The script was great and the directing was sensuous. Most of all, he liked the way Lee Wooyeon moved on the screen. It was a movie worth seeing several times. Later, without Lee Wooyeon’s knowledge, he promised to come back and see it again.

As the ending credits rolled, the lights in the theater turned on. People stood up from their seats one by one, but the front door opened and a movie theater employee came in.

“After a while, there will be a surprise stage greeting from the actors and the director. I would appreciate it if the audience would wait and not go out.” 

The surroundings began to stir. It was also done to promote publicity.

Of course, Lee Wooyeon was not the type to take care of that, so Inseop was quite shocked by this sudden stage greeting. CEO Kim’s words that Lee Wooyeon is working very hard these days seemed to be true.

“…What should I do?”

He didn’t want to be found out that he came to see Lee Wooyeon’s movie alone. Even if he tried to leave, the staff were already coming in, so he couldn’t leave either. Reluctantly, Inseop put on his hat on and leaned back against his chair.

One or two actors slowly began to enter. The audience screamed in excitement. Finally, when Lee Wooyeon came in, the screams reached their peak. The spectators seated each took out their mobile phones and took pictures and videos.

“Hello. I’m Yoo Taehyeon, the director of <Lovers>. Thank you very much.”

After the director’s greeting, people clapped. The microphone passed to Lee Wooyeon, who stood next to him.


Even just saying hello, a huge shout burst out. Women screamed and took pictures.

Inseop blankly looked at Lee Wooyeon. It was only a week apart. There were times when they couldn’t see each other for a long time due to each other’s circumstances. However, he was strangely happy and excited. Every time he blinked, feelings for him overflowed.

Ah. He really likes that person a lot.

He realized the obvious fact by chance.

“I am Lee Wooyeon, who played the role of Kwon Hyungjoo in <Lovers>.”

“Oppa! You’re so handsome!”

Everyone burst into laughter at the female student’s shout from the corner.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Lee Wooyeon replied with a polite smile. The microphone was passed to the other actors in turn. Inseop sat in the corner and stared blankly at Lee Wooyeon on the stage. He felt his position again.

“I think the director has a lot to say about this work. Please say something.” 

The mike was handed over to the director.

“First of all, I sincerely thank actor Lee Wooyeon, who believed in me and chose this work just by reading the script. My wife told me to bow in the direction of Lee Wooyeon every New Year’s Day and Chuseok from now on.” 

Everyone laughed at the director’s comment. Inseop looked at Lee Wooyeon blankly.

“I think it was possible because of the efforts of not only Lee Wooyeon, but also all the great actors and production staff. I would appreciate it if everyone would spread by word of mouth to your friends.” 

Applause continued. Lee Wooyeon was handed the microphone.

“It was an honor to work with great actors and directors. Watching this movie twice or thrice is more fun than watching it for the first time, so please watch it again next time.”

After Lee Wooyeon’s comment, the girl from before started screaming again.

She said,

“Oppa! Don’t get married! Live alone for the rest of your life!”

It was a statement that was conscious of the dating rumor with Chae Yeonseo. Lee Woo-yeon, who was about to pass the microphone aside, stopped and turned his gaze to the female student. Seeing his stare as sharp as the tip of a spear, Inseop involuntarily swallowed his breath.


Lee Wooyeon replied with an expressionless face. The sound of laughter that resounded in the theater died down with his short and low word. Even the schoolgirl’s face, who was jokingly screaming, hardened at the sharp words.

“The fans who always said that were the first to fall in love with me.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled softly and continued. The theater was again filled with laughter. The mic went over and Lee Wooyeon kept smiling. Everyone thought it was a mischievous sentence. However, Choi Inseop watched Lee Wooyeon closely with a nervous feeling.

Was he in a bad mood?

Even if no one else knew, Inseop knew that Lee Wooyeon was not in a good mood. Even though he was smiling, his eyes didn’t smile. It was rare.

While he was working, he rarely showed his feelings to such an extent.

Inseop watched Lee Wooyeon with worried eyes. After the greetings of the other actors, the director and actors exited. Inseop jumped up from his seat.

“Oh my god. Lee Woo-yeon is really handsome. Why does his voice sound so cool? “

“Awesome. Lee Wooyeon is so handsome.”

“Why is his voice so cool?” 

“Chae Yeonseo is lucky. She must have been hugged by those broad shoulders. He’s good at acting and has a good personality. How nice it would be to marry someone like that.” 

Words about Lee Wooyeon came from all over the place, but now he didn’t hear any of that.

“Sorry. I’ll go through first. I’m sorry.” 

Inseop ran forward through the crowd. Because he had previously held a preview at this movie theater, the public could figure out where Lee Wooyeon would go to the parking lot. The problem was that the elevator Lee Wooyeon would use was for emergencies, so it was not allowed for the audience to use it.

The elevator in the hall was crowded with people leaving because the movie was over. After thinking about it, Inseop turned to the emergency stairs. He ran down the stairs. Lee Wooyeon was worried. It was the first time he had made such a face. He wanted to look at his face for a second, a very short time, to ask if he was okay or if something was wrong. That was the only thought.

Inseop jumped down to the first basement floor where the VIP parking lot was.


His heart was beating fast. Even though he knew he shouldn’t overdo it, his body moved first every time he thought about Wooyeon. He quickly pulled out his phone, wiping his sweaty hair. It was only then that he started thinking about what to do if the road diverges. Then, the back of a familiar man came into view.


The moment he was about to call his name, the woman who had been hidden by Lee Wooyeon appeared. Inseop said, “Uh,” and opened his eyes wide. If his memory was not wrong, that person was definitely…

Chae Yeonseo smiled at Lee Wooyeon and spoke to him. Lee Wooyeon listened to her with his head slightly bowed. After standing and talking for a while, the two got into a white car. Inseop blankly watched as the car pulled away from the parking lot.

What the hell did he see?

Standing in a dark underground parking lot, Inseop tried to think properly with a confused head. The light on the cell phone in his hand flickered.

Inseop looked down at his cellphone’s LCD screen with his blank eyes. It was a text from CEO Kim.

“Go to work tomorrow. In front of the office, 6 in the morning!”

Inseop read that short sentence over and over again. Only then did the fear hidden behind the message stick out its head.

There must be another reason.

Inseop made up his mind and moved his steps. It was rude to the other person to doubt blindly. Lee Wooyeon didn’t even tell him why, and he obviously had a good reason for letting him rest, and it must have been the same yesterday.

“Because I’m not that kind of person.”

Inseop nodded his head. However, no matter how many times he opened himself up like this, he couldn’t help the gloom and fear creeping in.

If it wasn’t for that yesterday, the steps on the way to the office would have wings.

It should have been light, but now the steps he took were heavy.

At first, he thought it was a meeting to show off their relationship. He was sure the article would come out this morning. However, there was no article published anywhere with photos of Lee Wooyeon and Chae Yeonseo.

‘Shall I ask you directly?’

He know that was the best. However, he was afraid that Lee Wooyeon would deceive him or he would have to listen to his harsh words, so he kept his mouth closed.

Hee also called Lee Wooyeon last night. He was no different than usual.

After checking Inseop’s diet and telling him some kind words, he told him to go to bed as it was late. With the words see you tomorrow. In the end, Inseop couldn’t say a word about it.


Inseop let out a long sigh.

“Why are you sighing so much? Do you hate going to work so much?” 

Hearing the voice from behind, Inseop was startled and turned around. Lee Wooyeon, wearing a white shirt and navy blue slacks, was standing there smiling.

“Oh, hello.”

Inseop quickly bowed his head and greeted him.

“Long time no see.”


He looked up but couldn’t meet his eyes. Perhaps because of his mood, the white shirt Lee Wooyeon was wearing seemed more dazzling than usual.

“Did you have breakfast?”


He had no appetite. He couldn’t sleep much because he was thinking about it yesterday.

“What did you eat?”

Inseop hesitated for a moment, but did not answer.

“I knew it.”

Lee Wooyeon handed over the bag in his hand.

“Sandwich and juice. Eat it later.”

“Thank you. I should have taken care of it…” 

Inseop thanked him while accepting the bag.

“Follow me.”

Inseop had the feeling that something had come up. He was even more scared because he didn’t know what to say.

Lee Wooyeon took Inseop down the stairs to the underground parking lot of his agency building. The bag in his hand rustled every time he walked. His heart trembled at the same time.

Lee Wooyeon, who had been walking ahead, stood on the landing. Inseop came down the stairs and stopped in place. Without even having time to ask why, Lee Wooyeon reached out and wrapped his hand around Inseop’s waist. After that, he hugged Inseop a few more times.

“What, what are you doing?”

Inseop was surprised and asked.

“I’m going to weigh you.”

Lee Woo-yeon replied, as if he was stating the obvious. Hee then carries on with his words, frowning his brow as if he was disapproving.

Hehe said, “I think it’s almost the same as a week ago. Did you eat well?”

“It’s because it’s morning… Please let me go.” 

“Then let’s have dinner and check it out.”

Inseop thought he should drink as much water as possible. Lee Wooyeon set Inseop back down the stairs.

“How are the cats?”

In addition to his diet questions, Lee Wooyeon was constantly asking questions. This was bad. He said that the day he came home drunk, he wasn’t interested in the cat.

“Everyone is doing well. John has improved a lot too. He should be able to leave the hospital in a week.”

“I’m glad.”

The voice that answered like that was more affectionate. To the extent that someone would mistakenly believe that he is a person who genuinely cares about cats.

“I cut myhair.”

Inseop raised his head and looked at Lee Wooyeon. Come to think of it, he noticed that his hair was a bit shorter than he had seen before.

“I polisstyled it a bit yesterday. It’s the day Mr. Inseop comes.”

When did he go yesterday? Did he go after meeting Chae Yeonseo? The question he wanted to ask came up to the throat.

“Doesn’t it suit me?”

When Inseop didn’t respond, Lee Wooyeon playfully pointed to his head and asked.

“It suits you well.”

Inseop replied with a smile on his face. Lee Wooyeon’s eyes met his. The heat rose. It felt several times hotter than the moment he hugged him. Inseop quickly turned his head to the side.

Lee Wooyeon took one step. The distance between the two became even closer.

Inseop held his breath. His tension made his head dizzy.

“Shall we go?”

Lee Wooyeon, who passed by Inseop before he knew it, asked.

“What? Oh, yes”

Inseop hurriedly followed Wooyeon up the stairs. As Inseop followed him, his face burned with embarrassment. He thought that Lee Wooyeon would definitely kiss him.

“Oh, Inseop”

CEO Kim, who was standing at the entrance of the building, greeted him and shook his hand.

“Hello, CEO.”

“Why are you two there… ha ha ha. It’s been a long time. Have you been doing well?”

CEO Kim quickly changed his words.

“Thanks to you, I rested well.” 

“…Yes, it’s good that you rested too.” 

CEO Kim, who had been in very bad condition during the past few days, muttered and saw the man standing next to him.

He pointed and spoke.

“Right. This is Kim Kangwoo, who will work as a road manager for the time being. Hey Kangwoo, you would know this even if I didn’t say it, but this is Lee Wooyeon, and this is his manager Choi Inseop”

“Hello. My name is Kim Kangwoo. Thank you.” 

A tall, sad-faced man greeted him with a wide smile.

“Hello. I’m Lee Wooyeon.” 

“Nice to meet you. I am Choi Inseop.” 

The two greeted in turn.

“He is a former driver, so he drives well and has a good sense of humor.

CEO Kim looked at Lee Wooyeon’s eyes and then said “Hmm” and cleared his voice.

“Lee Wooyeon. Kangwoo is my ex-wife’s brother. So please take good care of him.” 

“Which one?”

Lee Wooyeon threw a dagger at CEO Kim in a non-trivial manner.

“… second”

“Ah, then he is also the brother-in-law of Manager Cha. I should do better.”

The words that he had to do better had some hidden meanings. CEO Kim glared at Lee Wooyeon with his teeth clenched.

“I’ve heard a lot about you from my brother-in-law.” 

Kim Kangwoo said with a smile.

“Which brother-in-law?”

“Me! I’m the brother-in-law!”

CEOKim screamed at Lee Wooyeon’s clever question. Inseop didn’t know what to do and looked at the two of them.

“I was joking. Mr. Kangwoo, please take good care of me from now on.”

Wooyeon held out his hand. Kim Kangwoo wiped his hand on his pants, and he quickly grabbed it with an embarrassed face. Inseop rubbed his hand on his shirt, wondering if it was his turn to shake hands.

“Then, since the greetings are over, let’s go to the car.” 

At Lee Wooyeon’s words, Kim Kangwoo nodded and followed CEO Kim.

Inseop looked down at his hand in embarrassment and then let it hang down again. A faint smile appeared on Lee Wooyeon’s lips as he watched the scene.

“Do you have a driver’s license?”

In front of the van, CEO Kim handed over his car keys and asked Kim Kangwoo.

“Of course, brother-in-law. I was a driver.” 

Kim Kangwoo took the key and climbed into the driver’s seat. CEO Kim looked at Kim Kangwoo with anxious eyes, like a parent who had left a child at the water’s edge. When Kim Kangwoo closed the car door, Lee Wooyeon came up behind CEO Kim.

“Why did you bring something that would make you so anxious?” 

“Because I can keep his mouth shut.” 

If something happened, it seemed like he was going to cover it up with friendship.

“Haha. The CEO is so funny.”

Lee Wooyeon smiled and opened the back door of his car. Inseop said to CEO Kim in a small voice, “I’ll help you well.”

“I believe in you. Inseop.”

CEO Kim tapped Inseop on the shoulder. 

Inseop nodded his head eagerly and opened the passenger-side door.

“Why are you riding there?”

Lee Wooyeon, who was sitting in the back, asked.

“…Should I not get on?”

Inseop asked back, feeling dejected. Lee Wooyeon frowned as if it was absurd.

“I telling you to sit in the back.” 

“The manager should ride in the front.” 

After saying that, Inseop looked at CEO Kim asking for help.

“Of course, in front…”

Lee Wooyeon’s eyes shone brightly. CEO Kim muttered, avoiding his gaze, saying, “You can ride in the front or in the back.”

“Did you hear that?”

Lee Wooyeon pointed to the wide open back door. Inseop hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

“I’ll ride in the front.”

Lee Wooyeon stared blankly at Inseop. Thinking he was going to say something, he said whatever and got into the car. Inseop also immediately climbed into the passenger seat. Not long after, the car pulled out of the parking lot.

“I can’t understand what he’s thinking.” 

He couldn’t understand why Lee Wooyeon, who had firmly refused to use a road manager, suddenly changed his mind within a few days.

There’s no way that non-existent humanity will spring up again.

CEO Kim patted his lips and sighed at his rough day.

He quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

“Yes. Please make a reservation for 10:00 am today. Full body course.” 

After making an aesthetic appointment, CEO Kim put his cell phone in his pocket. He quickly put his thoughts about Lee Wooyeon out of his head. The troubles that could not be resolved were poison to the skin. He began to walk faster while humming his song.


“But the manager looks really young. I was surprised to hear how old he was. He said you were three years older than me.” 

Turning the steering wheel, Kim Kangwoo spoke to Inseop. Inseop laughed awkwardly and muttered, “Is that so?” After coming to Korea, it was a pity that he couldn’t say he looked young because I was an Asian anymore.

“Do you hear that a lot?” 

“I hear it very, very occasionally.”

“Won’t you be checked for ID when you go to a bar?” 

Lee Wooyeon, who was reading a book behind him, laughed briefly. The two of them had had similar experiences several times when they went out for drinks. Hearing Lee Wooyeon’s laughter, Inseop’s face turned red. Lee Wooyeon, who saw the nape of his neck getting red, closed the book.

“How long do we have left?”

“About two hours left.”

In response to Lee Wooyeon’s question, Kim Kangwoo checked the navigation screen and responded quickly.

“Aren’t you hungry?

“Yes. I think I’m slowly getting hungry. Shall we stop at the rest stop next time?”

“No. Go a little further and move toward Chungju.” 

“Are you talking about the national highway?”

“I’ll show you the way. If you go off the national highway and go a little, there’s a good restaurant.”

Inseop, who was next to him, cautiously intervened. There was a Korean restaurant nearby that the two of them went to several times. It was a date course that the two often used when going for a drive to the countryside.

“Do we have enough time?” 


Inseop calculated the time and answered. Lee Wooyeon, who was behind, laughed softly.

“There’s nothing the manager doesn’t know.” 

Kim Kangwoo muttered admiringly. Inseop timidly denied saying it was nothing and blushed. It was embarrassing to bring personal information between the two and be praised as competent by someone.

“You probably know me better than I do.” 

Lee Wooyeon agreed, and Inseop couldn’t bear to raise his head.

“The CEO said he was doing really well, so he told me to watch closely and learn from the side. I hope to get along well.”

“I really appreciate you.”

Inseop said as if he was embarrassed.

After the car went off the highway, Inseop pointed out the direction. Soon after, they arrived in front of a Korean restaurant in a secluded location.

“I will guide you to your seat.” 

Upon entering the store, the owner recognized Lee Wooyeon and responded with a friendly face. As usual, the owner gave them a seat in the innermost room. While Inseop was organizing his shoes neatly, Kim Kangwoo scratched his head and said.

“I’m going to stop by the bathroom. Please order. I can eat anything.”

“Yes. Take your time,” Lee Wooyeon nodded with a smile.

“Three people, please.”

Since the side dishes were made with the ingredients that come in that day, there was no need for a separate order. The owner who brought them water asked them to wait and then closed the door. Only two people remained.

“It’s been a while, so you must be tired.”

Lee Wooyeon said while pouring water into a cup.

“No. it’s okay. Mr. Kangwoo is good at driving.” 

CEO Kim’s praise that he was good at driving because he was a former driver was not in vain.

“Have a drink.”

Lee Wooyeon passed the cup to Inseop. It was Sicklepod tea.

Inseop looked at Lee Wooyeon as he slowly drank the bitter-tasting water. Even in the car, he kept thinking about when he could bring yesterday’s events.


Lee Wooyeon stretched out his hand. Inseop flinched involuntarily and threw his body back. Wooyeon paused for a moment before removing a piece of hair from the nape of Inseop’s neck.

“…thank you.”

Inseop lowered his eyes slightly and answered. Lee Wooyeon stared at Inseop’s long eyelashes as he moved anxiously. It was a relaxed yet tenacious gaze. Inseop felt his flesh tingle wherever their eyes met. Nothing was said. Inseop picked up the cup.

The inside of his mouth was dry. He glanced at his door, hoping that Kim Kangwoo would come back soon.

“Mr. Inseop”

Like sweet ice cream that disappears without a trace on the tongue, Lee Wooyeon called Inseop.

“Do you sleep well these days?”

“Yes. I sleep well.” 

“But what’s wrong with your face?” 

Inseop was a little taken aback by the question.

Then the door opened and the clerk brought out the basic side dishes and began to place them on the table. Kim Kangwoo, who went to the bathroom, also returned and sat next to Inseop.

“I think it’s because I had only a bit of sleep yesterday. I was thinking about going to work after a long time. Haha”

Inseop smiled awkwardly and answered like an ordinary office worker’s agony.

“I also had a hard time sleeping last night. I was nervous,” 

Kim Kangwoo interrupted, wiping his hands with a wet towel.


Lee Wooyeon said it in a tone that asked him to shut up because he was not interested in his sleeping habits.

But instead, he responded,

“Yes. Because you are such a great actor. In fact, I still don’t believe it. You’re so handsome that even when you’re in front of me, it doesn’t feel realistic.”

Inseop picked up the greens with chopsticks and put them in his mouth, then nodded his head eagerly, agreeing with Kim Kangwoo’s words.

“When you see other celebrities, I’ll look normal.” 

Lee Wooyeon answered with a modest smile.

“No, my brother-in-law was also a celebrity. No, CEO.” 

Kim Kangwoo quickly changed his words.

“He’s handsome, too. He still looks like a model.”

Inseop quickly praised CEO Kim.

“You should praise me at times like this. Manager.”

When Lee Wooyeon hardened his expression, Inseop was flustered and changed the object of his praise to him.

“Of course, Lee Wooyeon is very handsome.” 

“What makes me so handsome?” 

Lee Wooyeon questioned without changing his expression.


Inseop answered with all his heart.

CEO Kim had once said in annoyance that the bastard Lee Wooyeon even had pretty nails. Inseop, who knew every corner of Lee Wooyeon’s body better than anyone else, also agreed. Lee Wooyeon burst into laughter.

“Thank you for thinking so.”

“But don’t you know that you’re handsome when you look in the mirror? There’s no way you don’t know. I wish I could look like that just for one day.”

Kim Kangwoo honestly expressed envy. Inseop quickly praised his opponent, saying that he was also handsome.

Lee Wooyeon who was drinking water, stared his love, who was disgustingly praising other men in front of the person he was dating.

The clerk put the food on the table one by one.

“Wow, this place is really good. It’s the best food I’ve ever eaten in my life.”

Kim Kangwoo, who tasted the cold dish, said.

“I’m glad you like it.”

It was a Korean restaurant that Lee Wooyeon found for Inseop. Whether Kim Kangwoo liked it or not was not as important for Lee Wooyeon.

“Manager, don’t you like it?” 

Kim Kangwoo asked while looking at Inseop.

“No, I do.”

“But why are you eating like that? Have some of this.” 

Kim Kangwoo handed the spicy braised short ribs to Inseop.

“…Thank you.”

Inseop didn’t like meat very much. More so, spicy food. However, he couldn’t refuse the food that someone else gave his. Lee Wooyeon held out his chopsticks while preparing to eat a cup full of water.

“Can I eat it?”

While Inseop was about to eat, Lee Wooyeon took the braised short ribs. Lee Wooyeon had a very neat personality. He didn’t even go to this kind of restaurant because he didn’t like the Korean culture of sharing hot pot or stew. Inseop had never imagined him taking other people’s side dishes and eating them.

Kim Kangwoo pushed the braised short ribs in front of him to Lee Wooyeon.

“There’s a lot here. Eat them all.”

“No, Kangwoo, you should eat a lot.”

Lee Wooyeon pushed the side dish to Kim Kangwoo. Then, Inseop picked his favorite side dishes and ate them in front of him.

“Eat a lot.”

“Yes, I’m eating a lot.'”

Lee Wooyeon could not take his eyes off Inseop even after hearing Inseop’s answer.

He usually did eat less, but he seemed to be eating even lesser these days.

“Oh, that’s right. I was told that the manager was from the United States. Then you must not like Korean food. You must be having a hard time.” 

Kim Kangwoo looked sorry as he had roughly spoken to CEO Kim.

“No, I’m used to it now.”

Inseop seemed to smile at the words that worried about him. Lee Wooyeon moved his chopsticks without saying a word.

“If I go to the U.S. later, can I go to the manager’s house?” 

Kim Kangwoo’s unrelenting personality reminded him of CEO Kim. He looked like he was his own brother, not his brother-in-law.

“Oh, I…”

Inseop could not answer readily. He didn’t know when he would return to the United States. He may not go back at all. Lee Wooyeon intervened as Inseop could not find anything to answer and hesitated.

“Your brother-in-law has a lot of money. Ask him to pay for the hotel.”

“Hey, no matter how close we were, we’re now strangers.” 

Lee Wooyeon drank water, thinking that he was talking well, asking someone he saw for the first time today to let him stay at his home.

While eating the watermelon served as dessert, Kim Kangwoo told a lame story. Inseop listened to his story with the most serious face. Lee Wooyeon, who was staring at Inseop’s slightly opened lips, took out the cigarette he had put in his jacket pocket.

“Do you smoke?”

To Kim Kangwoo’s question, Lee Wooyeon answered, “Sometimes,” holding a cigarette in his mouth.

“You haven’t smoked recently.”

Choi Inseop frowned and said.

Lee Wooyeon smiled with his head tilted. There was something else he wanted to suck on, but there was no way because the owner won’t let him suck him. He didn’t think Inseop will eat his semen for the time being.

“Don’t you like me smoking?” 

Lee Wooyeon asked another question affectionately instead of what he wanted to say.

“It’s not that I don’t like it…It’s not good for your health.” 

He looked genuinely worried. Lee Wooyeon put the cigarette back in.

“I’ll do as the manager says.”

Kim Kangwoo looked at Inseop with astonishedment. It was not common for an actor of Lee Wooyeon’s level to put down the cigarette he was about to smoke in response to the young-looking manager’s words.

“Actually, the manager is the hidden influential figure of this company.” 

“You saw it well.”

Lee Wooyeon added to Kim Kangwoo’s joke.

“Inseop, you’re a really scary person when you get to know him.”

“No, it’s not…”

Inseop immediately refuted it, but Kim Kangwoo had already passed on to Lee Wooyeon’s words.

“There has been a quarrel at a drinking party before. When Inseop stepped up, it was organized at once. Since then, I never go against what Inseop says.”

“Is it a martial arts master or something like that? Like a hidden master?”

Kim Kangwoo looked like a boy reading an exciting martial arts book.

“I don’t know. He doesn’t say that.”

“No! Lee Wooyeon is joking. Hurry up and tell him no.”

Inseop asked Lee Wooyeon in cold sweat, but it was useless.

“Kangwoo, you should be careful, too.”

“Yes, sir.”

Kim Kangwoo answered with a posture like a private with close military discipline. Inseop cried and refuted that he was not, but the talk of Choi Inseop’s master skill had already been lodged in Kim Kangwoo’s mind.

“Where did you learn? Oh, is this a secret?” 

“I’ve never learned it.”

“You didn’t learn it, but did you learn it yourself?” 

“No, really…”

Inseop looked back at Lee Wooyeon. He was drinking water with his eyes half closed. With a sly smile

Inseop sighed. It was no use trying to stop Lee Wooyeon at that time.

“Shall we head out?” 

Lee Wooyeon said, putting down the cup.

“..I’ll quickly go to the bathroom.” 

Inseop muttered in a small voice.

“I’ll wait with the car started,” 

Kim Kangwoo replied, standing up from his seat. Inseop sighed and walked to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. He took the mouth wash out of his pocket, rinsed his mouth, and washed his hands. Then he checked his face reflected in the mirror.

A hidden master?

He didn’t understand how he could believe such a thing even after seeing his pale face. Rather, if he had a superpower with a hidden ability, he will be warned that he will be in big trouble if he visit Kang Youngmo and made fun of him.

“That would be great…“

“What’s good?”

Inseop was surprised by the voice that came after muttering to himself.

Lee Wooyeon went inside, closing the bathroom door.

“I was going to leave right away.”

Is it like that, Lee Wooyeon answered and locked the bathroom door. The clicking and ringing metallic sound made the muscles of the whole body tense at once.

“Did you enjoy your meal?”

“Thanks to you, I ate well.” 

“I think you don’t eat as much as usual. You don’t have an appetite?” 

Inseop pondered for a while and nodded. Lee Wooyeon sighed.

“You don’t have to worry too much. I think it’s because it’s summer.”

“Then shall we come back after summer?” 

Inseop hesitated for a while and asked at Lee Wooyeon’s words.

“Did you leave early on purpose to come here?”

It was an earlier departure time than usual. Although he was curious, Inseop obediently followed his words, saying there must be a reason.


Lee Wooyeon took a step closer and continued to talk.

“I wanted to see Inseop a little early, so I asked to meet him early.” 

The atmosphere was gradually getting weird because it was just the two of them in a small enclosed space. Inseop moved to the side of Lee Wooyeon. However, Lee Wooyeon smiled and stood in front of Inseop.

“Kim Kangwoo, do you like him?”

Inseop thought for a moment and answered.

“I don’t know because we just met, but he seems like a good person.”

 “I’m glad you like him, Inseop.” 

“You should like him, not me.”

“There’s already one manager I like.” 

“Thank you. I’ll go out,” 

Inseop said in a crawling voice. The distance from Lee Wooyeon was too close. Even if he tried not to, he was conscious enough to be on edge. He was embarrassed that he would be conscious of himself and drink kimchi soup like before.


Lee Wooyeon stepped back. Inseop passed by, trying not to reach him. As soon as he reached out to open the locked door, Lee Wooyeon grabbed the door handle first.

“Wait a minute.”

A low voice called up to Inseop. He couldn’t move, like he was shackled to the ground.

“Is there something stuck in my hair again?”

 Inseop asked, trying to pretend to be calm and grope around his neck.

“Let me ask you something.”

Lee Wooyeon’s voice stuck close to the back. Inseop did not dare to look back and nodded a few times.

“How was it in America?”


Inseop turned his head unknowingly to a question that he did not understand.

Lee Wooyeon’s face, standing within a narrow distance, caught his eye.

“I’m suddenly curious about how you’ve been in America. Maybe it’s the diet.”

What Kim Kangwoo said earlier seemed to be bothering him.

“Since my father was Korean, I often ate Korean food. Spicy food is still a little hard, but it’s okay. I got used to it a lot.” 

“Isn’t everything else uncomfortable?” 

Inseop shook his head.

“There’s nothing uncomfortable. It’s all right.” 

“But why…”

Lee Wooyeon clicked his tongue as if he had something in mind. Then, he continued to talk with a cool smile.

“Yes. If you have any concerns or problems, let me know anytime. I’ll take care of everything.”

It was a sweet tone, but the word that he would solve it came in a particular cold way. It was as if there was such a thing, he would get rid of it all. Inseop also vowed not to talk about Kang Youngmo.

“Then I’ll go out first.” 

Lee Wooyeon opened the door himself. Inseop went out, and the smile on Lee Wooyeon’s face collapsed without a trace.


“Thank you for your hard work.”

When he arrived at the parking lot, Kim Kangwoo greeted them as he looked back.

“Kim Kangwoo, you did a great job. It’s your first day at work. You must be tired.”

 Today alone, they went to 10 stage greetings.

“No, I have really good stamina.” 

As if to prove that, Kim Kangwoo didn’t look tired. 

Kim Kangwoo was a person with good conditions to assist Inseop in many ways.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow. Inseop will tell you the schedule.” 

“Yes, he sent me all the schedules for this week on his phone earlier. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Kim Kangwoo greeted with a friendly voice.

“See you tomorrow.”

Choi Inseop also tried to get out of the car by loosening his belt.

“Where do you live, hyung? I’ll take you there with this car.”

Kim Kangwoo has been calling Inseop hyung since earlier, as if he thought of Inseop as a master of martial arts.

“You don’t have to call me that.”

“Then what should I call you? I don’t think hyung is too formal.” 

Inseop, who was weak at this, looked at Lee Wooyeon with his eyes asking for help.

“Just call him manager like before,” replied Lee Wooyeon.

“It also feels too distant. We need to get close quickly. I’ll just call you hyungnim. And talk to me comfortably. I’m three years younger.”

“Yes, I’ll be going then.” 

Inseop replied, smiling awkwardly.

“I’ll drive you there. Can I do that?” 

Kim Kangwoo asked while looking at Lee Wooyeon.

“It’s not my car, the company paid for it. You can use it however you want.”

After hearing Lee Wooyeon’s answer, Inseop shook his head quickly.

“It’s a company car, so you should never use it for personal things. Lee Wooyeon, it’s better to return it to the company as soon as your schedule is over. It’s a big car, so there’s no place to park it.” 

Kim Kangwoo closed his mouth tightly and nodded at Inseop’s serious advice. Lee Wooyeon tilted his head as he looked at the two who were in perfect harmony.

“I can walk from here. Kangwoo, return the car and go back.”

It wasn’t a walking distance. The kind-hearted Inseop was deliberately considering Kim Kangwoo. Knowing this, Lee Wooyeon did not say a word.

“All right. Then see you tomorrow.”

Kangwoo bowed his head. Lee Wooyeon got out of the car and Choi Inseop followed suit. After the car started, Lee Wooyeon patted Inseop on the shoulder.

“Would you like to come up? I have something for you.” 


“You can just leave if you don’t want to. I’m not forcing you to.”

“Oh, no. It’s not like that.” 

Inseop had no choice but to follow him. Even as he rode the elevator up, Inseop was nervous, not knowing what words would come out of Lee Wooyeon’s mouth. What would he say if he tells him to sleep over? Kim Kangwoo will bring the car tomorrow, but he won’t know how to handle it. Above all, he still couldn’t figure out how to bring up the topic of Chae Yeonseo.


Just as he was about to speak, the elevator door opened. Lee Wooyeon, who came out first, flicked his finger at Inseop to follow him. Inseop followed Wooyeon in a panic.

Lee Wooyeon pressed the password on his front door. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Inseop clenched his fingertips.

“Please stay here for a while.”

Lee Wooyeon lowered the stopper on the front door and went inside. In an unexpected situation, Inseop stood there. Lee Wooyeon held a brown paper bag and he came out right away.

“This is an audio book I recorded the other day. It’s a rough edit, but I asked for it as soon as possible, and I got it yesterday.” 

Lee Wooyeon held out the envelope. Inseop received the envelope with both hands.

“Inseop fell asleep right after I read the book to him. You said you couldn’t sleep. I was wondering if it would help.” 

“Ah, yes… thank you…”

Choi Inseop’s face turned red. He felt full because he drank too much kimchi soup.

“Well then, I’ll go now.” 

Inseop bowed his head.

Lee Wooyeon leaned against the front door and called him. Inseop looked back while holding the envelope.

“Is there anything you want me to do?”


“Tell me if you want anything.”

Lee Wooyeon was affectionate. At least he didn’t feign his affection for him. But now it was a little different than usual. Inseop blinked his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. Eating something too sweet made his stomach upset and dizzy, and Lee Wooyeon in front of him was like that. He was too sweet.

“…there’s nothing.”

Inseop turned his head and replied. Even though he tried not to think too much of Lee Wooyeon’s attitude, which was different from usual, bad thoughts kept entering his head.

“Tell me if you remember. It doesn’t matter.” 

“Thank you. See you tomorrow.” 

Inseop bowed his head. He opened the envelope in the elevator. As Lee Wooyeon said, his CD was in it. It was a messy feeling. It’s a gift he thought, so he should be happy, but he was sorry he didn’t feel that way.

Needless to say, the day after he saw that scene…


Inseop shook his head. It was a cowardly act to mislead people’s goodwill in such a way. On the way to the bus stop after getting off the elevator, Inseop texted Lee Woo-yeon.

[Thank you for the gift. I’ll listen carefully. If there is anything you want, Wooyeon, please let me know anytime!]

Shortly thereafter, a text message came.

]Dream of me, then.]

Inseop stood there and read the text from Lee Wooyeon. A sharp pain spread around his chest every time he read the last word.


“Is this your first visit to a broadcasting station?”

At Inseop’s question, Kim Kangwoo, who had been looking around until just now, showed an embarrassed expression.

“When I was young, I came with my brother-in-law, no, the CEO, but this is the first time since I’ve grown up. It’s also my first time at the new office building. It’s gotten a lot better.” 

Today was the day of the broadcasting station studio shooting. Usually the manager waited in the waiting room or in the car. But today, he was on a tour of the broadcasting station specially for Kim Kangwoo.

“I can see a lot of celebrities.” 

Inseop smiled and nodded.

“Can I see idols too?”


“Wow, cool. Hyung-nim sees it so often, so it doesn’t matter, right?” 

Actually, Inseop didn’t know much about other celebrities. He didn’t know who was popular, who was pretty, or who was trending these days.

“I guess so.”

Inseop looked around. It was perfect to be seen as a stalker manager after telling the truth.

“Still, don’t you feel good when you see your favorite actors or idols?”

“…Yes. That’s right.”

He was watching every day. He wasn’t just watching, he was currently in a relationship.

“What do you do when you see a celebrity you like?” 

“I like them from the inside.” 

“I will do that too. Uh! Look, there!” 

As soon as he answered, Kim Kangwoo pointed to the idol walking across the lobby, making a fuss. Inseop quickly lowered Kim Kangwoo’s hand and smiled awkwardly.

“Sorry. I did it unknowingly.” 

Kim Kangwoo smiled broadly and apologized. He had an honest and bright personality.

“Aren’t you thirsty, hyung? I’ll buy you coffee.” 

Inseo held out his card.

“You can pay with this. You can bill the company.”

“Yes. I understand. What would you like to have?

“All I need is an iced Americano. There is a bench over there. You can come over there.”

Inseop pointed to a bench in the outdoor garden. Kim Kangwoo took his card and disappeared while humming his song.

In-seop went outside and sat down with his back on the bench. Fatigue set in.

Lee Wooyeon was several times more friendly and affectionate than usual. In addition, he even went with Kim Kangwoo, so he didn’t have to worry about getting weird pictures taken. Even though it was an objectively peaceful situation, he felt uneasy.

Why did he meet Chae Yeonseo? Is there something he didn’t know about?

Why won’t he tell him… Why is he suddenly being so friendly?

The things he wanted to ask piled up. However, when he saw Lee Wooyeon, his mouth did not open. Hee thought that liking someone makes a person brave, but it was the exact opposite. Having what he thought he couldn’t have, his fear grew as his greed did.

Inseop sighed and grabbed his hand.

“…Let’s ask.”

No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn’t find an answer. Inseop took out his cell phone and texted Lee Wooyeon before his decision wavered.

“Can you give me a moment after today’s schedule?”

He turned off his cell phone during the studio shoot, so he might not check the text until later. He was afraid he didn’t know what kind of answer Lee Wooyeon would give, but it will still be better than now.

Inseop, who was fiddling with his cell phone, suddenly felt someone watching him and looked up.


He made eye contact with the person who was far away. Inseop quickly avoided eye contact, but he had already been noticed.

“Who is this?”

Kang Youngmo raised his hand as if he was glad. Maybe he came out to smoke as he had a cigarette case in one hand.


Inseop quickly got up from his seat and bowed his head politely. Kang Youngmo walked to Inseop with the script on his hand.

“I guess you have a show, right? 


“Wasn’t it forbidden to appear here?” 

Kang Youngmo said, slapping the spinning script on his palm.

“I haven’t heard anything about it.” 

“Then what did you hear?”

Kang Youngmo was sly even though he knew Inseop couldn’t say anything.

He tormented Inseop.

“Then do you want me to tell you an interesting story I heard? There are a few journalists I know.”

Inseop wanted to leave his seat right away. But there was something he had to end with this person.

“What are you talking about?”

When Inseop asked calmly without being nervous, Kang Youngmo bent his eyebrows unexpectedly.

“I heard that Lee Wooyeon met so many women before.”

“Is that so?”

It’s a fact that he knew. The tag attached to actor Lee Wooyeon, who was known to be flawless and perfect, was a woman.

“I heard he’s cut them off recently.”

“I see.”

Inseop knows how long it has been, but he did not show any signs.


Kang Youngmo tapped Inseop’s shoulder with the script and laughed.

“If you ask me why, I can’t answer it. It’s a company policy, but I really don’t know.”

“Why won’t you know? You know.”

Inseop took a deep breath inside. Until now, he had simulated countless things in his head that he would say to Kang Youngmo when he met him again.

“How can I know?” 

Kang Young-mo asked back, 


“It is very rude of you to guess like this. The same goes for the person he’s dating right now.” 

“Chae Yeonseo? Who Chae Yeonseo is actually dating…” 

After saying that, Kang Youngmo also looked around. No even Kang Youngmo had the guts to turn the head of a TV station’s drama headquarters into an enemy, even the next president.

“I know everyone who knows”.

Kang Youngmo lowered his voice as if he was conscious of his surroundings.

“Yes, everyone knows.” 

Inseop went on calmly.

“She’s dating Lee Wooyeon.”

“Oh, my. The baby that was shaking like a dog that ate something bad grew up a lot. Do you think you’ve become something because Lee Wooyeon is doing well?” 

Kang Youngmo poked Inseop’s forehead with the script. Coincidentally, after the incident, Kang Youngmo didn’t get very good results for every work he appeared in. It had begun to take a downward trend. It hasn’t been long since he started to be called a Gukbap* actor, who used to be a box office guarantee check, and says that every movie he appears in is ruined.

There has never been such a dangerous feeling as arrogance that has turned into an inferiority complex. Although he hates Kang Youngmo, Inseop thought that he should never touch that part.

“I’m just a nobody.”

Inseop tried not to offend his opponent as much as he could.

“What is Lee Wooyeon lacking to do with someone like me, and with a man?”

It was strange. He felt like I was telling the truth even though he lied. Inseop held his trembling hands together.


Inseop slowly raised his head.

“There is someone I’m dating seriously, too,” 

Inseop’s words made Kang Youngmo sneer. He took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and lit it.

“Did I almost black out for a second? But because of that word, your credibility has just come to an end. Are you dating someone seriously? Okay. Do you have a picture? Show me a picture.”

When Inseop couldn’t say anything, Kang Youngmo let out a laugh as if he knew that.

“Fuck. You know who’s an idiot? A very simple person…” 

Kang Youngmo held up the script. For a moment, a thought flashed through Inseop’s head.

“Yes. Proof.” 


“There was an article recently. Lee Wooyeon paid for the injured cat’s hospital bill.”

“That lousy PR article? How much do journalists these days get paid to write such high-class, old-fashioned novels?”

Inseop lowered his head.

“This article was written based on the articles posted by the staff at the veterinary hospital. You can still find that article. This is the article.” 

Inseop quickly found the article and held it out to Kang Youngmo. Kang Youngmo skimmed through the article with his eyes furrowed.

“What is this about?”

“I am one of the people who took the cat. The other is the person I am seeing. As stated in the article.”

‘Sorry. Yoon Ahreum, I’m really sorry. I will definitely pay the price for this sin, and I will definitely repay the favor as well.’

Inseop repeated the words of apology to himself.

“And this is a picture of that cat.” 

Inseop went to the animal hospital not long ago and showed him a picture he and John had taken together. The smile disappeared from Kang Youngmo’s face. Inseop flipped through the picture and showed another picture of the cat that Yoon Areum was hugging. He didn’t show her face, but anyone could see that the hand holding the cat was a woman’s.

“I hope you clear up any misunderstandings now.” 

Inseop looked at Kang Youngmo with big eyes. When their eyes met, Kang Youngmo’s mouth twisted.


He slapped Inseop in the face with all his might with the script in his hand. Over and over again he swung the script. Inseop accepted his anger without avoiding it.

“This stupid manager! Are you trying to teach me?” 

The pain in front of his eyes was sore, but Inseop bit his lip and held it in. Thank god. To be angry like this means that he couldn’t find any evidence.

“Do you know how long Lee Wooyeon will do well? Falling to the floor is an instant. Do you think that bastard will be the lead actor for a thousand years and ten thousand years!” 

The script hit the face straight down. His nose started to bleed.

Kang Youngmo threw his blood-stained script into the trash can nearby.

“Let’s see.”

Kang Youngmo sighed and disappeared.

Inseop took his handkerchief out of his pocket and covered his nose. With this, he would be happy if Kang Youngmo could dispel his doubts even a little bit.

When that happened, he was happy, but not he was not in a very good mood. Hee felt sorry for Yoon Areum. He didn’t say her name or show her face, but he seemed to be taking advantage of her. More than anything, he felt sorry for Lee Wooyeon, who almost got into something bad because of him.

The words “Isn’t it strange with someone like me?” ran through his head. Unconsciously, he uttered his inner thoughts. When he stands next to Lee Wooyeon, let alone get along with him, wasn’t he a nuisance to him? One day, if Lee Wooyeon asked him to break up with him, he would rather convince himself that he was like that rather than ask why. He didn’t want anyone to find out about these shabby feelings.

A stream of blood flowed from his nose between his fingers. Inseop quickly raised his head and met his eyes with Kangwoo, who was making a puzzled expression on the other side.

“… !”

It felt like all the blood in his body was draining from under his feet.

Since when had he been there?

“I’m sorry. I tried to stop it, but the CEO repeatedly asked me not to intervene if something happened…” 

Kim Kangwoo, with a sullen face, stuttered, as if he was quite taken aback. When Inseop remained firm and didn’t respond at all, Kim Kangwoo asked cautiously if he was okay.

“… it’s okay. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

Inseop, tired, barely answered.

“No. I’m sorry hyung. Kang Youngmo, why is he doing that? Why is he doing that when hyung said he has a girlfriend? Isn’t he crazy?”

Fortunately, it seemed that he hadn’t heard the previous story. Inseop, exhausted by the overwhelming sense of relief, collapsed into his seat. Kim Kangwoo put down his coffee and came and quickly stood up next to Inseop.

“Aren’t you supposed to go to the hospital? Shall we call 911?” 

Kim Kangwoo asked in surprise as if he had heard about Inseop’s health condition in advance. Inseop shook his head.

“No… I’m okay.”

As the tension eased, his tears welled up. Inseop buried his head in his lap and bit his lower lip. It reminded him of Lee Wooyeon’s words never to cry in front of other people. And he didn’t want to cry in front of Kim Kangwoo, who was younger than him.

“Are you really okay? Isn’t it wrong to hit like that? If I had known it would be like this, I would have recorded a video.” 

In case no one sees, Inseop quickly wiped away his tears and stood up.

“I’m sorry hyung. I should have intervened… “

“No. You did well.”

It was clear that if someone had intervened in Kang Youngmo’s personality, things would have gotten bigger.

It’s better to take out his anger once and move on.


To Inseop’s earnest voice, Kim Kangwoo replied “Yes” with a nervous face.

“As you see, Mr. Kang Youngmo and Mr. Lee Wooyeon has a bad relationship. There was some incident while filming the drama last time. The company also cares a lot.“

No matter how much he tries, he can’t help but encounter things like today at the broadcasting station. Inseop thought that it was fortunate that it was not Lee Wooyeon who met Kang Yeongmo, but him.

“Even if it’s not, the CEO said that too. Kang Youngmo, be especially careful with that person,” 

Kim Kangwoo added, scratching his head.

“If he bumps into Lee Wooyeon, he told me not to intervene and to call him. Sorry. I did it because he asked me to trust him, but I feel really bad too.” 

“No, I just…”

The bloody nose that had stopped flowing began bleeding again. Inseop quickly tilted his head back.

“Aren’t you seriously hurt?”

“You don’t have to worry. It’s really fine.” Inseop smiled, and Kangwoo wiped Inseop’s face with a tissue.

“Now you’ll believe what Lee Wooyeon said was all a joke.” 

At Inseop’s words, Kim Kangwoo said, “Ohhh,” and frowned.

“Now there is such a thing. And I know that hyung lost on purpose. If Kang Youngmo is a celebrity, he should pay the price.” 

Kim Kangwoo sighed and took Inseop’s side. He was an honest and good-natured young man.

“Can I ask you one favor?” Inseop opened his mouth as he looked at Kim Kangwoo.

“Yes. Just say anything.”

“Please keep what happened with Kang Youngmo a secret from Lee Wooyeon. The same goes for the CEO.”

If he tells the CEO, there is a high probability that Lee Wooyeon will also know.


“It’s really no big deal. Mr. Kang Youngmo, even with the original staff, he often quarrels. I don’t want to make them worry about this.” 

Inseop hung on desperately with big eyes. When Kangwoo couldn’t answer, Inseop lowered his head.


“Hyung, don’t do this.” 

Kim Kangwoo quickly raised Inseop up.

“If you do this, I’ll think I’ve become such a bad guy. I’m sorry I just watched you earlier.” 

Kim Kangwoo sighed and continued.

“All right. I will do as you say. Although it pricks my conscience not to tell my brother-in-law. If I had known this was going to happen, I would have just rushed in and stopped it.”

“Thank you.”

“Instead, you should also listen to my request.” 

“A request?”

Inseop covered his nose with his handkerchief and wiped his eyes. Kim Kangwoo nodded his head and continued.

“Well, it’s not difficult.” 

There was a cool smile in Kangwoo’s eyes..

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