Chapter Seventeen:

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Zhèng dàn (the starring female lead in a Chinese opera)

The night was short, and the next day the Ge family was about to return to their hometown. It was about New Year’s Day that they would arrive. Old Madam Cheng couldn’t bear it, so she tried to persuade them to let her stay, but Old Master Ge said, “We cannot leave this wicked girl behind to ruin the auspicious atmosphere of the Cheng family’s ancestor worship.”

Everyone in the Cheng family couldn’t stay, so they had to go out with their families to see them off. Looking around, Cheng Shaoshang couldn’t see Madam Ge anywhere; she didn’t know if she stayed in the carriage obediently, or if she had been tied up and thrown in with the rice and dumplings.

The breakup scene was very touching. On one side, Cheng Yang held her uncle and aunt in her arms and tearfully said goodbye. On the other side, Old Master Ge spoke kindly to Cheng Cheng while patting his shoulder – this was Cheng Shaoshang’s second time experiencing such a peaceful divorce.

When Yu Cai Ling’s parents divorced, they didn’t argue at all. They even had three tables in the only restaurant in town and explained the breakup details in front of the two families. Apart from the dark faced mayor uncle and the dull looking scholar uncle, everyone was comfortable, laughing and talking with each other. The receptionist in the restaurant thought this was a wedding event and, when they were leaving, almost wished them a happy future. The townspeople spoke of this as a joke, and little Yu Cai Ling was also part of that joke.

Cheng Shaoshang shook her head, shaking off her lingering past. She heard Old Master Ge saying to Cheng Cheng, “Don’t be discouraged. You have loved reading since you were a child. My master teaches at the Tian Shu school, and you have to attend for half a day every day to mow and heard cows. In the scorching summer and rainy days, you never stop. The heavens do not disappoint those who work hard, and you will definitely achieve something in your studies in the future.”

Looking at Old Master Ge’s kind face, Cheng Cheng began to sour his nose again.
[He means hold back tears.]

“Don’t feel that you are inferior to others. You have inferior limbs and old age which wears away your ambition,” Old Master Ge said. “Yi Yin was originally a slave and assisted the four generations of kings of Shang Tan. Sun Bin was punished by removing his bones, and he was able to write books and fight. As for the ancient sages, how many of them became renowned at a young age? If you read a lot, you won’t show off your old age.”
[Yi Yin (d. 1549 BCE) was a minister of the early Shang dynasty and helped the Tang of Shang (founder of the Shang dynasty) defeat King Jie of Xia.
Sun Bin (d. 316 BCE) was a general, military strategist and writer who lived during the Warring States period. He was accused of treason, had his face branded and kneecaps removed. It’s said he was a descendant of Sun Tsu, and wrote his own ‘Sun Bin’s Art of War.’]

“But they are ancient sages…” Cheng Cheng said, embarrassed.

“Yes, and you don’t have to rely on a cane. You are not old and you have brothers who are powerful. Wouldn’t you be stronger than them? Let’s not compare the achievements of the sages, let’s compare their strength.”

This made Cheng Cheng laugh. Old Master Ge gently stroked his back. “I know your intentions,” he sighed. “When you have achieved success in your future studies, you will return to our village and open a school to teach. Regardless of status or wealth, even those who are still herding cows and mowing grass, as long as they are willing to study, you will teach. We will not waste our lives.”

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The words went deep into Cheng Cheng’s heart, and he smiled with tears in his eyes. “I will live up to Grandfather’s expectations!” he said. The voice was categorical, loud and firm.

Hearing his submissive Second Brother finally find his courage and ambition, Cheng Shi was both relieved and disgruntled.

Cheng Zhi came up beside him to whisper in his ear. “Eldest Brother, you have been persuading Second Brother for so many days and nothing has worked. Look at Second Brother’s face after just a few words from Grandfather Ge…”

“Go away!” Cheng Shi couldn’t help but say. “If I asked you to persuade him, you will only say nonsense that is beyond the pale. After reading so many books, it’s useless!”

Cheng Zhi smiled. “If Eldest Brother couldn’t do it, how could I?”

Cheng Shaoshang stood behind them and pondered the situation; this was a very typical case of character analysis.

Musician Old Master Cheng only focused on his own beauty and neglected upbringing while Old Madam Cheng did not have the great wisdom to replace her father. Therefore, the three brothers flew in different directions according to their respective personalities.

Cheng Shi was born with a charismatic temperament, precocious and powerful, shrewd and capable. He took on the heavy family responsibilities early on and even led a group of men to establish an army. Even if there was no major battle in the world, he would run horses, take water transportation, and start workshops. It was estimated that his future development wouldn’t be bad. However, when the dynasty changed, it directly achieved a change in class. Cheng Zhi was about ten years younger than his eldest brother, so it was natural that Cheng Shi was more like a father. They had more of a friendship-like father-son relationship in that respect, with more affection than respect for each other.

Cheng Cheng was the most miserable. Although he admired his eldest brother, who had a bold and outgoing personality, he had a reserved and introverted personality. It was hard for him to form relationships. He was only two years younger and couldn’t emotionally be like a father like Cheng Shi could. On the contrary, he had a faintly competitive relationship since he was a child, and was defeated at an early age. He was constantly compared to others by his neighbors and family members, so he felt that he was more and more inferior to others. Old Master Ge was the image of the ideal father in his mind. It was a pity that Ge’s family was too backward, otherwise it wouldn’t have been impossible for his character to develop in a different direction when he married the Ge daughter.

The carriage of the Ge family and their party gradually moved away. The Cheng brothers – Yong, Song, and Shaogong – were ordered by their father to ride horses and send people to the front pass, so that the Ge family could leave more easily.

Cheng Shi breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ushered his family to climb back to their carriage. Old Madam Cheng asked Old Lady Hu to stir the fire inside the carriage, firmly grasping Cheng Zhi in her hand and dragging him into the carriage. “My son is freezing, come to Mother’s place to warm up.”

She ignored Cheng Cheng, who was already thin and shivering with cold.

Cheng Shi couldn’t take it and said in a rough voice, “Mother, don’t stir the fire too much. Be careful not to let the carriage burn, I won’t come to put the fire out then!” The then threw the whip to Cheng Shun, abandoning the horse and pulling Cheng Cheng by the arm into another carriage. He pulled out a small animal skin wine bag from his waist and told his brother to drink.

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The four females naturally stayed in one carriage.

Cheng Yang leaned against the wall of the carriage, sobbing. “I don’t know if it’s safe to go on the road for such a long time at Grandfather’s age.” Madam Xiao and Madam Sang couldn’t help but gently comfort her.

Cheng Shaoshang was the most impatient with this type of grinding personality. After a quarter of an hour, she finally said, “Don’t worry, Cousin. Your Grandfather is so powerful, everything has been arranged properly and the trip home will surely be successful.”

Madam Xiao glanced over. “Are you criticizing elders again?” she asked. “So inappropriate.”

“… Well, then I’ll say something happy.” Cheng Shaoshang said, exasperated. “Cousin, your grandfather is driving the wind and snow like this, and he has to bring Second Aunt back as New Year’s Day is approaching. Don’t be distressed. In the future, if Second Uncle and Second Aunt are reborn, it will definitely be because of today’s meritorious deeds!”

“Really?” Cheng Yang’s face was still glistening with tears. Although Madam Ge was not a nice person, she still hoped that her parents wouldn’t divorce.

Madam Xiao shot up and stared at her daughter. “You mustn’t talk nonsense about this.” After thinking about it for a while, she said, “Especially don’t tell your father!” Her daughter’s wisdom was too sharp.

Cheng Shaoshang fanned herself with her sleeve, driving away her charcoal anger. “Hey, yesterday Mother also said that children should know everything about their parents and not hide it,” she said coolly. “Why am I not allowed to tell Father now?”

Madam Xiao glared angrily and remained silent.

Madam Sang laughed out with a huff, stretched out her hand to pinch Cheng Shaoshang’s ear, playfully scolding, “You restless little creature, listen to your mother!”

Except for the ignorant Cheng Yang, all three people in the carriage were well aware of what Cheng Shaoshang meant. If Cheng Shi had heard what she had said just now, he would know there was still a possibility that Cheng Cheng and Madam Ge would get back together, and try and find him a new bride immediately.

Madam Xiao felt that this matter should not be concluded so hastily. Cheng Cheng had been living for everyone but himself for half his life, and never thought about his future independently. Now he had time to think about it for himself. Whether it was a division or union, or whether he meets his beloved and marries another, it should be decided by Cheng Cheng himself, not Cheng Shi. It was time for Cheng Cheng to grow up.

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Cheng Shaoshang knew what Madam Xiao was thinking, but she didn’t think much of it in her heart. There were all types of people in the world; some people had their own opinions from a young age. For example, she herself decided before graduating from elementary school that she would be a delinquent and it was no use crying for her grandmother all day. Before she received her first visit from Aunt Flo, she decided she would step away from hanging out with the wrong crowd and study hard. A person was useless if they couldn’t make up their mind. Some people just didn’t have an opinion and needed someone else to give them a push.

Second Uncle Cheng was a soft-hearted person. He had visions that in the future, when Old Master Ge was on his deathbed, he would be recruited to his bedside while the old man would cry and entrust his family to him. Looking at Madam Ge’s pitiful appearance, he might agree to get back together with her. Then, he would never be able to get rid of her for the rest of his life. Cheng Shi’s approach was to straightforwardly find a gentle and virtuous woman for Cheng Cheng. If she was considerate and loving, wouldn’t he do his best for her?

Seeing the mother and daughter’s respective concerns, Madam Sang smiled and refused to comment. She took out her kit bag, looked through it, then stuffed the last piece of caramel candy into Cheng Shaoshang’s mouth to stop her from talking.

It was a matter of trust and loyalty that Madam Xiao took Cheng Yang with her when she dealt with household chores the next day. In order to prepare for the New Year’s Eve worship of the ancestors and gods, Madam Xiao taught Cheng Yang hand in hand, from setting up altar tribute tables, adding offerings and fruits, inquiring about crops returned by the village leader and their plans for the coming year, to handing down New Year’s money to the clan and families of the lonely and widows, and even how to speak to the clan’s women.

As for Cheng Shaoshang, she continued to read, write, endorse, and stay at home – even though she was burning to know what the world outside was like.

Finally, two happy things happened.

First, Cheng Shaoshang had grown taller. When compared to A’Zhu, she was at least two to three inches taller, had a thin waist and soft limbs, and had a slight graceful look when she walked around. She no longer looked like the clumsy and childish girl she used to be. A’Zhu smiled and opened the corners of Cheng Shaoshang’s robe and pants, releasing the excess fabric. She felt that all of her hard work was paying off these days. She allowed Cheng Shaoshang to walk around the courtyard more; even if she ran and jumped around, she wouldn’t dissuade her.

Second, after receiving her pre-job training, A’Mei had arrived. With this lively and agile little girl chattering around her, Cheng Shaoshang felt that her life was no longer so dull.

Along with A’Mei, there were more than a dozen new maidservants. Qing Cong pointed them out to Cheng Shaoshang one by one, ranging in age from eleven to fourteen years old. They were tall, short, fat and thin, and could be equipped with everything from being skilled in embroidery to incense and insect repellent to being as strong as mountains and rivers. At this point, Fourth Young Lady Cheng’s team was considered complete.

This was exactly the opposite of the era Cheng Shaoshang came from. In that time, materials were unprecedentedly abundant, but manpower had become increasingly expensive. Ordinary middle-class families could only hire a nanny for at most an hour’s work. But here… looking at the nearly twenty employees who were ‘serving’ her, Cheng Shaoshang didn’t know what to think. She welcomed her first New Year in this era in confusion.

On New Year’s Day, before dawn, Cheng Shi and Cheng Zhi went to attend the Great Court Meeting. When they returned, both brothers were nearly purple with cold. It turned out that only officials with two thousand stones in rank and above could enter the hall to congratulate the emperor. Only a thousand stones like Cheng Shi could stand on the steps of the hall and Cheng Zhi, who only had a few hundred stones, could only stand in the atrium. Old Madam Cheng was so distressed about this and nearly asked her young son to resign.

Cheng Shi deliberately joked to comfort the women. “Thanks to Third Brother’s low official rank, he was sent away after the ceremony. Brother Wan is still waiting to give the emperor food and wine at the moment.” He turned his head to look at Madam Sang. “I saw your brother. I heard that His Majesty has accepted Teacher Huangfu’s advice and, in the future, he will call people to discuss Buddhist scriptures after the annual New Year’s Day celebration of the Hundred Bureaucrats. I think Brother Zihuai is leading a group of Confucian students, and I don’t know if he has time to come to the house to get together before returning to Bailu Mountain.”

“Huangfu Yi? He, he’s not still…” Cheng Zhi reacted, and before he could say anything, Madam Sang quickly pinched him and said to Cheng Shi with a smile, “I’m sure he’ll come. I was planning to have my brother live at home but, unexpectedly, His Majesty wouldn’t let anyone go, and his mind is all tied up in the discussion platform.”

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Cheng Zhi glared at his wife, but decided to shut up.

At this moment, Madam Xiao called everyone in to begin the New Year’s ceremony.

New Year’s in ancient times was more of a ceremonial activity, praying to the gods for blessings, paying homage to the ancestors and continuing to ask for blessings, and then watching the exorcism dance, listening to loud gongs and drums drive away evil spirits, and then slaughtering some animals to engage in superstitious activities and, finally, the inevitable family feast. The members of the Cheng family, regardless of gender, were seated according to age, offered pepper and cypress wine to Old Madam Cheng in turn, then raised their glasses together to wish the old woman a long life and good health.

The three brothers of the Cheng family thought that they would be separated from each other soon, going their separate ways, so they gathered in front of Old Madam Cheng’s seat to toast, making her laugh. Madam Xiao had worked hard for many days, and was persuaded by Madam Sang to drink more, and she was happy in her heart. She pointed here and said, ‘This was arranged by Cheng Yang,’ and pointed there and said, ‘That was arranged by Cheng Yang.’ At the family banquet, everyone praised Cheng Yang for her virtuousness and intelligence.

Cheng Yong, who had always been observant, noticed this. After the banquet, he rushed to his mother and asked, “Why does Mother only teach these things to Yang Yang but not Niao Niao?”

Madam Xiao’s expression was calm as usual. “Niao Niao doesn’t even know a few words,” she said with a smile. “Can she understand the genealogy or read the flower book aloud? Besides, before doing anything, she should understand the reason first, and at least read a few books of the sages first. Everything cannot be done overnight; it must be done step by step.”

Cheng Yong was extremely filial and, although he felt this was vaguely inappropriate, he didn’t ask much. However, he felt even more pity for his younger sister’s childhood difficulties and being unable to have the proper upbringing as a young lady from an ordinary official family should have.

After thinking about it for a long time, he unpacked the writing table with four red sandalwood lacquer patterns of Qilin that he had used for many years. This was given to him by his scholar Master Cheng, when he was eleven years old. He instructed his attendants to clean and tidy it up, and send it to Cheng Shaoshang tomorrow. It would be regarded as a New Year’s gift for his younger sister, encouraging her to study and read well. She could use it for now until he found someone to create a new one for her.
[Qilin is a mythical Chinese beast that looks like a unicorn.]

The brotherly affection was so strong that even a cold-hearted person like Cheng Shaoshang was moved. She knew that ancient scholars, not to mention the writing desk they’d been using for many years, even a pen, an inkstone and a book slip were not something they allowed others to touch easily.

Cheng Shaoshang never expected that her first large-scale verbal altercation with Madam Xiao would actually be due to this writing desk.

Next Chapter: The Writing Desk Disturbance (Part 1)

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