Chapter Twenty-Six:

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Survival Plan

Shaoshang scurried away while cursing to herself.

Did she still have to do what she said when she was a young girl? Did she think that using gangster movies to learn from was so righteous? At the time, she responded casually in order to get away, just like how a robber would order, ‘don’t move and hand over the money,’ you really don’t move!

What’s more, she was already lacking in quality! After the first wave of reform dividends in her old hometown, a quarter of the townspeople became rich upstarts, and the remaining foreigners also became upstarts. It was okay for the employment rate in Yu Town to rise unprecedentedly. How could anyone mess around when they were all serious about making money? Moreover, grassroots control was in place, and most of the gangsters were the product of their grandparents being unable to control them after their parents’ left town, and their daily activities were hanging around game rooms, billiard rooms, and drinking watered down wine.

Shaoshang no longer was in a depressed mood, and she quickly returned to the banquet. Upon seeing her, Cheng Yang was overjoyed and pulled her down on the seat next to her. “Eldest Aunt just came to visit and I said you went to change clothes,” she murmured. “If you didn’t come back before the banquet started, I would have to let her know and she would scold you…”

Cheng Yang’s forehead was sweating now, she was already afraid of this mother-daughter fight.

Shaoshang took off her fur coat and handed it to a maid. She glanced at the young ladies sitting opposite of them. “They didn’t talk about me?”

Cheng Yang bit her lip and whispered, “How dare they?! I would tell you if they did!”

Sure enough, none of the girls dared to sneer at Shaoshang anymore. The banquet atmosphere was unprecedentedly harmonious, and everyone pretended that the unhappiness before never happened and said some innocent gossip about their friends.

Gu Long once said that it was impossible for a group of men to not talk about women together, just like a group of women couldn’t not talk about men together. She didn’t know who started it first, and the girls did indeed talk about the recently talented ‘Young Master Shanjian.’ The one with blushing cheeks said, “How is the Young Master Shanjian so talented,” and the one with blurred eyes said, “How is the Young Master Shanjian so polite and well-behaved?”

“So, Yuan Shanjian ran to the side hall?” Shaoshang was a bit surprised and couldn’t see how he was so popular with the young ladies.

Cheng Yang curled her lips up. “Listen to their nonsense,” she said. “We haven’t even seen the hem of Young Master Shanjian’s clothes.”

It turned out that after Yuan Shen gave his respects to Old Madam Cheng, he slipped back to the male guest’s room without a second glance. Not to mention the little girls in the side hall, even the middle-aged and elderly women didn’t have a chance to say a word to him. He had a few seven- or eight-year-old boys trailing behind him, holding jars of freshly brewed fruit wine from the Yuan household to pour for the female guests, even those in the side hall.

“Who invited him to come? Does the Cheng family have any old relationships with the Yuan family?” Shaoshang whispered.

“There should be no relationships,” Cheng Yang said, shaking her head. “However, Young Master Yuan said that the official of the elder brother in the lobby and his father once worshipped under the same benevolent sect.”

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The relationship sounded second only to the distance from the Crystal Palace to Guanghan Palace. Shaoshang glanced up and immediately understood.

He had used the excuse of asking the little boy to pour the wine to see where she was, but found out that she had just left the side hall and knew she was heading to the west after a little inquiry. Then, he chased after her and ‘asked for help.’ According to age estimation, he should have been passing messages on behalf of an elder. If she guessed correctly, it was likely a dirty love affair from Third Aunt’s past.

Thinking of this, Shaoshang quickly grabbed Cheng Yang’s sleeve. “Sister, I need to ask you something…” she was a little embarrassed but continued on. “Is there such a Fù, something about an Orchid Terrace or a palace in the south of the city…”

Before she could finish speaking, Cheng Yang smiled. “Isn’t that Master Sima’s famous ‘Chang Men’?” she said. “Niao Niao must have been thinking of a way to make Eldest Aunt happy and that’s why she ran out just now.”

Shaoshang forced a smile and nodded a few times. “This Fù… is it famous?”

Cheng Yang felt a piercing pain in her heart, and suddenly realized how safe and warm she had been living, without looking or asking anything. “It’s not very famous,” she said in a strong and gentle voice. “But many people love it for its rich and graceful language, and it doesn’t involve political affairs, so it’s often read and played with by women in the boudoir.”

Shaoshang nodded, as Cheng Yong had mentioned this before. In the late years of the previous dynasty, Emperor Li was deeply afraid the world would reflect on his evil deeds and used bloody means to prevent them. The repercussions had not disappeared yet. Shen Yuan didn’t know how to laugh at himself.

“…Sister,” Shaoshang smiled. “What do you think of that kind-hearted master?” Compared to the foolishness of the girls in front of her, seeing Cheng Yang’s usual expression, she showed respect.

Cheng Yang smiled bitterly. “From beginning to end, I have never seen this Young Master Yuan. What is there to think of?”

Shaoshang guessed as much. Yes, even love-struck fools had to abide by Basic Law. Cheng Yang had only been in the capital for a few months. Unlike those girls who grew up in the capital, she hadn’t seen that person up close or far away.

However, even if Cheng Yang didn’t have any opinions, it didn’t mean that others didn’t. Madam Xiao was very thoughtful.

Although the background and power of the Yuan family was higher than that of the Cheng family, they hadn’t yet reached an unattainable level, let alone marrying a wife from a lower family, and the gap between the two families was not yet as high as imagined. The next day, she caught Cheng Yong and asked about Yuan Shen carefully. Cheng Yong was very confused.

“The mentor of Master Shangguan is the senior brother of Yan Shenxian. He likes to teach disciples at banquets and hundreds or even thousands of people have listened to his teachings. Perhaps Young Master Yuan also heard of this…?”

Madam Xiao hurriedly asked Yuan Shen’s family whether he was married or not. When she learned that he was unmarried, she was puzzled. “Since she is just a child and he is twenty-one, why is he still not married?”

Cheng Yong’s head was swimming and he said embarrassingly, “I don’t know. I only heard that Madam Yuan is famous for not caring about worldly affairs and has devoted herself to Taoism. Master Yuan is guarding the outside walls, so perhaps there is no one there to take care of the marriage? However…” He remembered something and quickly asked, “Didn’t a group of Confucian scholars gather to discuss scriptures a while ago? There was a great Confucian scholar who appreciated him very much at the banquet and wanted to arrange a marriage with his daughter.”

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“And then what?” Madam Xiao asked.

“Yuan Shanjian said that the elders of his family had already advocated for his marriage, so he couldn’t make any promises without permission,” Cheng Yong said. “The great scholar was unhappy and relied on his high position to pester him about which girl he liked. Yuan Shanjian had a cold face at the time and took three or four fallacies from the great scholar’s book, saying, ‘If Sir had added more thought to his knowledge and less guidance on others’ marriage matters, he wouldn’t have been so negligent.’ The great scholar was so angry, he left the palace and went to his hometown that very same day.”

Upon hearing this, Madam Xiao felt both happy and worried. What pleased her was that Yuan Shen was indeed outstanding, and what worried her was that the marriage might not be easy. She asked her son again, “Do you think Yang Yang is compatible with him? I want to find someone with virtue to make peace.” Her eldest son was tight lipped, and she wasn’t afraid to say anything.

Cheng Yong shook his head and disapproved in his heart. “It’s hard to say,” he said. “Whenever I see Yuan Shen, he has a warm and cold face and an easygoing look, but in fact, he is very independent. Unless he is willing, it’s useless for others to force him. Didn’t the great Confucian boast that his daughter was virtuous? It was like he hit a wall.” When it came to marriage, wasn’t it just that the matchmakers boasted about their excellence.

Madam Xiao hesitated, but she still trusted her eldest son’s judgement in the end. After a pause, she sighed. “It’s unfortunate I didn’t ask Yuan Shen to meet Yang Yang yesterday.” She wasn’t very good at marriage matters either.

Cheng Yong looked at his mother with strange eyes, enduring this feeling, and whispered, “Mother thinks… Yuan Shen would be willing to… once he sees her?” Did his mother think that his cousin’s appearance would make it love at first sight?

Madam Xiao glared at her son. “Don’t say such superficial things. Isn’t marrying a wife based on character?”

Once he saw his mother was ready to make a scene, Cheng Yong immediately shut up.

Sometimes when Cheng Shi would get drunk, he would laugh and tell his sons about the romantic history of him and Madam Xiao. When he first saw Madam Xiao from afar, he followed her for several days as if he had lost his soul. Of course, after they got married, he realized that his wife was exceptionally intelligent and capable. Coupled with decades of living and dying together, he naturally fell in love with her, and became more affectionate.

Cheng Yong was still a man and knew what young men thought in their hearts. Besides, no matter how good your character and talents were, appearance had to have some importance when first meeting. Unless it was a well-known talented woman, it would be possible to sympathize with each other, but Cheng Yang was not at that level.

He felt that it was better for his younger sister to meet Yuan Shen. He didn’t dare boast about the beauty of his sister, but she was unique and unforgettable. Of course, he wouldn’t say this. Anyway, he should worry about Yang Yang’s marriage first before mentioning Niao Niao’s. This was called a matter of respecting one’s elders. Niao Niao was still young so he wasn’t worried.

Madam Xiao couldn’t help but guess her son’s thoughts as she looked at him but she had just spoken harshly. If the man’s mother comes to see her, she still had a lot of confidence in Cheng Yang. According to what she’d just heard, he already secretly supported his own family. The marriage couldn’t be achieved solely by persuading his parents.

But how could Yuan Shen ask for marriage on his own?

She knew how to accumulate food and supplies, how to set up camps, and how to spy on enemy weaknesses and speculate on the situation. But this married woman was really no good at marriage matters. Both of her own marriages had been begged by each other, and Madam Sang fell in love with Cheng Zhi after spending several years together in Bailu Mountain. Ge was ordered by her parents, and Cheng Yang’s didn’t fall into any of these categories.

Madam Xiao couldn’t help but secretly complain about why Madam Ge hadn’t been born more beautiful, but considering that both Old Master Ge and his wife were honest and kind, they couldn’t force anything. She sighed faintly, remembering that her deceased parents were both beautiful in appearance. She looked like her father and had a daughter that resembled Old Madam Xiao.

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Thinking of her daughter Shaoshang, Madam Xiao felt even more inclined to sigh. These days, she completely let her daughter go, and Shaoshang was not flustered at all. She behaved within the rules and regulations.

Every morning when she woke up to greet her elders, regardless of whether Old Madam Cheng looked good or bad, or her words were nice or mean, Shaoshang would sit with the same expression, salute them with the same posture, and then leave at the same time. Next was reading and practicing calligraphy every day, or begging her brothers to take her out.

The places where she went were also very unique, mostly shops, markets, fields, and estates. She would tirelessly inquire about food prices, fabric prices, and daily necessities, and carefully consult with old farmers about things such as marriage and animal husbandry.

Taking advantage of the clear skies, she had learned a set of Five Animal Exercises from Shaogong. A few days ago, she took some vegetable seeds and covered them indoors, using soil and water to nourish them by the stove. Dozens of vegetables seedlings were produced, and the whole family ate them up in one meal.

Okay, even if her mother didn’t like her, life was still colorful.

Madam Xiao admitted that her previous views of her daughter were incorrect, but her husband was also completely wrong. Why was she so conceited? She knew that her daughter was the most conceited person in the whole household, and goes about things her own way.

How many times had her sons advised Shaoshang to serve Old Madam Cheng for a while and say a few flattering words to show filial piety? But her good daughter still would only say what needed to be said, did what needed to be done, and didn’t give the rest an extra look.

Old Madam Cheng’s temper didn’t faze her. Whether she sneered at her coldly or tried to ease the relationship with her granddaughter with gentle words, nothing would elicit a response. She once asked Cheng Shi, “Does Niao Niao resent me?”

Of course, Cheng Shi only had good words for his daughter.

So Old Madam Cheng became depressed. She spent more than ten years listening to Cheng Shi’s defense of, “Mother, you misunderstood Yuan Yi,” but now she wanted to hear, “Mother, you misunderstood Niao Niao.”

However, this time, Madam Xiao inexplicably understood her daughter. Shaoshang’s behavior was not due to arrogance or conceit, she just was refusing to forgive.

Madam Xiao had a faint feeling that her daughter didn’t need a mother at all. Even when she came to the new house a few days ago, she calmly instructed A’Zhu to take care of everything. But how could there be a little girl in this world who didn’t need a mother? Even though she was as tough as Old Madam Xiao herself, she had a deep expectation and dependence on her mother when she was young, although in the end she was only left disappointed.

The feeling was very uncomfortable, and she was even at a loss of what to do.

Shaoshang was also at a loss this time.

In the world, there were only three ways for people to stand on their own: they had to have money, fame, or power. That is to say, one can either engage in business and invention, write about knowledge, or enter the court and become an official.

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Now that it wasn’t such a chaotic world, it was obviously too difficult for her to become an official as a woman (even in a turbulent time, she didn’t have the confidence to be a female general). It seemed not easy to learn, after all, she was a science student for many years and this was suddenly switching to humanities. Without a decade or two of effort, she couldn’t achieve the results of learning. That only left business and invention.

She may be able to invent things, but she was unable to promote them.

For example, she could brew rice wine that’s more mellow and pure than that on the market now. But now that the wars have ended, the emperor encouraged frugality, and only missed the prohibition Order. Where could she make wine with so much food?

Or, the technique of greenhouse planting was not something she couldn’t do, but the quantity was small and expensive, and even the Cheng family couldn’t afford it. Unless there was a mine at home, it was estimated that in the future, she could only make luxury goods.

For another example, she could make soap, perfume, and mouthwash salt, but people who can afford food and clothing would not buy it. There were still some things she could not burn without sufficient heat and heat resistant materials.

Professor Herring once said in class that the greatest value of Edison’s experiment with tungsten filament was not a touching motivational story, but rather a reminder that scientific inventions that could not be industrialized and popularized for civilian use would not be accepted by the times.

Could she only take the niche luxury route? Shaoshang pondered hard. Although she had been able to study in her previous life, she had not yet entered the workplace. She faintly felt that dealing with the top elites was not so easy.

However, taking smaller steps was not without gains.

For improving grain cultivation, Shaoshang had an idea for a slight improvement. If she could improve on the bulky waterwheel and agricultural tools… Then, for the 101st time, she sighed. Why not let her dress up as a man and use Yuan Shen’s impressive demeanor!

Thinking of this, Shaoshang finally had a flash of inspiration. Why did she think Yuan Shen’s voice was familiar, it was because she had heard it before! Yuan Shen was the embroidered ball boy!

However, she still wouldn’t handle the affairs for Bamboo Embroidery Ball Boy.

On this day, Cheng Yang was ordered by Madam Xiao to go to the Cheng’s family warehouse to count stock, and by the way, bring the listless Shaoshang with her. Shaoshang thought it would be better to go shopping, so she took Lian Fang, A’Mei, and a handful of healthy maidservants.

Qing Cong smiled as she reported this. “What do you say about your strength, afraid of this grievance and that domineering person. It really is a waste of time to be this type of person. The little cousins didn’t know how much they got along, and they walked arm in arm when they boarded the carriage.”

Cheng Shi, who was wiping his armor on the side, immediately smiled and wanted to speak. Madam Xiao extended a finger and glared at him. “You shut up!” She turned back to Qing Cong and huffed. “Fine, it’s my fault, enough already!”

Cheng Yong lowkey calling Yang Yang ugly sent me and I don’t know why.

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