Chapter Twenty-Nine:

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The Yin Family Banquet (Part 1)

Regardless of whether Madam Xiao was biased or not, Shaoshang had to admit that her professional qualities were beyond doubt. Since their first meeting at the banquet that day, she had soon established a friendship with Madam Yin, and there was a frequent exchange of letters and gifts. So, on the day after Second Uncle Cheng Cheng left home for his studies, Cheng Yang’s crying eyes were not well, and the old servant of the Yin family sent them an invitation.

Cheng Shi was deeply regretful and muttered that if he had known he would have let Cheng Cheng set off a few days later. It would have been great for him to go to the Yin family’s banquet and meet a few civil servants and Confucian scholars. He almost wanted to have Cheng Zhi chase Cheng Cheng to bring him back, but Old Madam Cheng refused to accept that. Madams Xiao and Sang pressed Cheng Yang and Shaoshang to dress up fiercely. This time, the sisters-in-law finally agreed and dressed the two girls in a dignified and simple manner.

On the way, they stopped at the Wan family’s new house to meet with General Wan, his wife, and his youngest daughter, Qiqi. The two families then headed towards the Yin household together.

“I have been to the Yin house before, and there are so many people. I still can’t tell how many rooms and people there are in that household,” Wan Qiqi spoke brightly. “My mother said, ‘Master Yin was not the head of the Yin family, but unfortunately, his previous brothers were all killed. It was only during the ups and downs of the Yin family that he succeeded as the clan head.’” She was quite proud of her words because her father was eagerly awaited and immediately became the next leader of the Wan family.

The youngest Wan daughter was born plump and beautiful, with high phoenix eyes and eyebrows that resembled her father, and her mouth and chin that resembled her mother, both of which were beautiful. Today, she was wearing the freshest and brightest pink curved train dress that Shaoshang had ever seen, with lush Qiongzhi flowers woven on top, gold and silver threads set around the cuffs and hem of the skirt, and a heavy red-gold collar on her neck. Within the allowable weight range, she was adorned with a pile of colorful gemstones and jade, which made her neck clang with excitement.

Shaoshang was dazzled by it all and thought to herself, ‘They certainly are father and daughter.’

“Qiqi, you’re showing off again. If you know three points, you have to show off five…”

Cheng Song was riding on a horse beside the carriage, leaning his head towards the side window while he laughed and chatted with the three girls inside. Cheng Yong, who was on the other side, frowned and said, “Niao Niao, put the curtain down and stay inside.” Although he knew that Wan Qiqi had deliberately told his two sisters about the Yin family, she couldn’t be too bold.

Wan Qiqi glared. “Brother, that’s really great. Okay.” She waved her hand at Cheng Song and then pulled the thick curtain down, isolating the sound outside. She turned and smiled at Cheng Yang. “I am older than both of you. I am the thirteenth in my family, and our two families are equal to each other. You can call me Thirteenth Sister. If you have any problems in the future, feel free to come to me!”

Cheng Yang quickly agreed, but Shaoshang smiled without speaking. Wan Qiqi asked why. Shaoshang smiled. “Second Brother told me earlier that you are the youngest under Uncle Wan’s knees, but you will act as a big sister in front of us today.”

“Cheng Song is despicable,” Wan Qiqi said, suppressing a smile. “He loves to speak ill of me, don’t listen to him.”

Cheng Yang was afraid this would upset someone and quickly changed the subject. “Thirteenth Sister, have you recovered from your cold?”

“I was fine,” Wan Qiqi complained. “My grandmother insisted on keeping me for three more days, otherwise I would have come to your house for the banquet.”

Shaoshang sighed. If Wan Qiqi had come that day, she might not have been angry and wandered around, nor would she have encountered that Debt Collector named Yuan.

The Yin residence was also located in Jinyang Square, which was about the same size as the Cheng family. However, it was decorated with clusters of flowers, golden beams, and colorful buildings and was bustling with people. The line of Yin children greeting the guests as they arrived made Old Madam Cheng envious.

The Yin family had a lot of prestige. Master Yin had his two eldest sons personally greet the Cheng family and their entourage as they arrived. Cheng Shi also came with the family and with a few words of greeting, he rose from ‘My Lord,’ to ‘Brother.’ The two of them clasped arms and, as they spoke, became more in agreement. Those who didn’t know would think they were old friends who had been separated for a long time. Wan Songbai, who was watching from off to the side, was sour.

Master Yin Zhi was about the same age and rank as Uncle Wan. However, he was born thin and gentle. He now resided as the Left Qing of Dahonglu Temple and was in charge of daily etiquette. He was in charge of matters such as the marriage and funerals of various princes, kings, nobles, as well as the appearance of foreign envoys in court.

Wan Songbai couldn’t help but curl his lips.

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When it came to talent and courage, this Yin Zhi couldn’t compare to Wan Songbai, Cheng Shi, and Cheng Shi’s brothers. The Yin family in Fengxian County was originally just a prestigious local family similar to the Wan family, but they were born in a good place and were close to the emperor’s hometown. Most of the ancestors of the Yin family started with the emperor, and the Yin family followed suit. Even in the most difficult times of the emperor, he never gave up. He followed him honestly and suffered a lot. He did not make any contributions, he was mediocre and his knowledge was also just average. However, after the establishment of the new dynasty, he was still able to get a big cup of soup.

With their parents walking ahead, Cheng Yong and the others chatted with the sons of the Yin family, and soon accompanied them to the youth crowd. The three girls were followed by servants, and Cheng Yang turned her head to whisper, “It seems that the Yin family is very kind.”

Wan Qiqi curled her lips. “You haven’t seen any discord.”

After the three of them were led to the inner hall and saw the girl who was surrounded by other girls, Shaoshang immediately understood what Wan Qiqi was referring to.

Wan Qiqi didn’t smile, but still followed proper etiquette and made introductions. “Yang Yang, Niao Niao, this is Xu’e of the Yin family who is only three days older than me. Sister Xu’e, these are the two younger sisters of Uncle Cheng’s family.”

Yin Xu’e had a gentle and dignified demeanor, with a delicate and reserved expression. She was wearing a long skirt with a golden red brocade and satin three winding train, sitting upright in the center of the hall, surrounded by a group of little girls who were flattering and talking.

Upon hearing this, she first looked critically at Wan Qiqi’s attire, then glanced at Cheng Yang and Shaoshang and said coquettishly, “I listened to you bragging for a long time that these two sisters have a celestial beauty. Today, I see they’re ordinary.”

Wan Qiqi’s eyes turned white. “When was I bragging?” she asked. “Today is also the first time I’ve seen them. Are you talking about the same people? … Would you tell us to sit down?”

Cheng Yang’s face was full of fear, but Shaoshang lowered her head and said to herself that this was a little girl who deserved to be beaten.

“My three sisters, please sit,” Yin Xu’e said.

Wan Qiqi stared blankly.

Master Yin had six sons and two daughters under his knee, half of whom were from Madam Yin; General Wan had thirteen daughters, all of whom were born by Madam Wan. Both girls were born years after their oldest sibling and they inevitably became spoiled by their daily lives.

After the Wan family returned to the capital, Madam Yin couldn’t wait to find her childhood sister to catch up. Who knew that the two girls would immediately dislike each other on sight. One considered herself to be as precious as gold and jade, growing up in the wealthy and noble nest at the feet of the emperor and knew all the nobility in the city. The other thought they had a wide range of knowledge from all over the world and was much stronger than the other.

The servants served some light refreshments and Yin Xu’e invited the girls to have a taste. “This is called the golden bird’s nest date. It took more than ten processes to make it, which can be considered luxurious. Please taste it… Qiqi, you and the Cheng sisters have never had it…”

The girls sitting around either covered their sleeves and laughed, or whispered, occasionally making sarcastic noises.

For this time, the higher the status of the banquet guests, the later they arrived. The Wan family came early to help because Madams Wan and Yin had a deep sisterly relationship, so they included the Cheng family. Therefore, apart from the three daughters of the Wan-Cheng families, most of the young ladies present were from guest families who were dependent on the Yin family.

Wan Qiqi, who was unwilling to suffer a loss, loudly exclaimed, “I have cut a leopard in my own hands and personally dissected the heart and bones to brew wine for my father. During the banquet in front of the palace, my father took it as a gift, and His Majesty called me ‘General Tiger Girl.’”

As soon as the words were spoken, all the girls turned pale, whether they were afraid of the bloody scene or envious that Wan Qiqi was praised by the emperor himself. Yin Xu’e reluctantly said, “Well, stop talking. Let’s eat.”

Wan Qiqi was too angry to eat. Shaoshang was also angry and thought, ‘I have eaten tiramisu Häagen-Dazs. Have you ever had that?!’

She was unhappy and refused to eat that damn golden date, holding only a bowl of corn soup to warm her hands. Only Cheng Yang was willing to try. She picked up one of the dishes and, using a silver prong, popped one into her mouth. She whispered to Shaoshang, “This golden bird’s nest date is really delicious.”

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Unexpectedly, a girl sitting next to them suddenly burst out laughing. “Oh, oh!” she said. “The Cheng daughter made a mistake! The one you’re trying is not a golden bird’s nest date, it’s a lamb’s milk sweet date!”

Everyone rushed to take a look, and it turned out that the golden bird’s nest date was made by steaming and frying them with honey wrapped in butter and fine noodles. Each one was small and delicate, as white as jade, and there were also strands of golden orange candy under the skin, resembling honey dates. Cheng Yang didn’t know, and she took the wrong one.

Below Yin Xu’e, a group of girls were all laughing and bent over, unable to stop. Only Wan Qiqi and Shaoshang were ghostly pale, and Cheng Yang looked ashamed and ready to cry.

Wan Qiqi trembled with anger. “What kind of golden silk bird’s nest date?” she exclaimed. “I’ve not eaten it before coming to the capital! What’s so special about it?!”

“Nothing really,” Yin Xu’e said slowly. “However, it seems there’s nothing remarkable about slaughtering animals and gouging out their hearts. I don’t know if I’ve seen it before.”

Wan Qiqi stood up and took a deep breath. “Okay. Now that the military disaster has subsided, there are many hungry and disgruntled people outside. Walking further away, it’s not difficult to see white bones and fields, and women and children crying. His Majesty has not been pacifying the world for a few days yet, and he often advocates frugality. Now you’re starting to praise others with extravagance?”

Shaoshang raised her eyebrows, admiring the tactic of using politics to gain the upper hand. However, using this way of arguing had its limitations. First, you should not have any shortcomings in this area, otherwise the outcome will be funny. For example, corrupt officials who talk about integrity, gluttonous talking about temperance, sweet on the left, elegant on the right, and then talk about social views on marriage and love.

Sure enough, when Wan Qiqi stood up in anger, her golden jewelry swayed all over, especially the clattering gold beads and jade around her collar. It was difficult for others to pay attention. The girls thought to themselves that it was okay for her to dress up like that, but become so worried for the people.

Yin Xu’e didn’t buy her words and sneered. “You don’t talk so grandly, open your mouth and keep your mouth shut, and don’t look at your own clothes or your family’s food.” Although she had been spoiled since she was a child, it wasn’t that she didn’t know about the world. Madam Yin taught everything she had to teach, so how could she be repelled by such few words of truth?

“Sister Wan has traveled extensively and has great insights. Those of us who have never seen the world before have been in the capital for more than a decade. We heard numerous good news, and we have seen heroes who dominate the world kneel down in front of the emperor, bowing down to pay homage. Although we are small women, we are still proud of ourselves. Now that things are getting better, why do we still have to eat chaff and swallow vegetables?! Today I just showed off a little bit, and I just smashed my head and ate you like this. It’s just to boast that you are loyal to the monarch and love the country. We don’t know the suffering of the world!”

Yin Xu’e spoke eloquently, and the little group of lackies beside her immediately joined in with a series of attacks ­–

“Such a crude woman, she gives savages a good name!”

“Where do they think the capital is? If they were to see refreshments of the really rich and powerful, wouldn’t their eyes fall out?!”

“She hasn’t eaten good food herself and can’t stand to see anyone else enjoying good food. She’s jealous!”

“Why don’t you put on tattered clothes and go to the fields to cultivate and eat rice husks and vegetables while observing the suffering of people? I don’t know if you’re willing to give up that whole body of gold, silver, and precious jade!”

Shaoshang sighed. Although those brats may be sarcastic, what they were saying was not all false. Yin Zhi was cautious and did not boast about his wealth in daily life. Real wealthy families are like those of Marquis Yu, and every meal cost tens of thousands of yuan. The washing water, fat, and powder poured out by female relatives could fumigate the entire river. That was what made banquets like water and waste like rain. Where was the Yin family?

Although Wan Qiqi had high fighting spirit, she clearly chose the wrong tactic. When dealing with such a cheap mouthed person, what kind of detour should she make? She should strike straight into her heart with a knife and end the battle.

“Young Mistress Yin,” Shaoshang suddenly exclaimed, “I’m young and quiet. I don’t know if I can say a word.”

Yin Xu’e and Wan Qiqi were staring at each other like it was a cockfight. Upon hearing this, she casually said, “Sister Cheng, please speak.” She thought that among the young ladies present, Cheng Shaoshang was the youngest and could say anything.

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“Today, the Yin family hosted a banquet. Our Cheng family received the invitation, which was sent by your family, right?”

Yin Xu’e didn’t expect Shaoshang to come up with a sentence like that and began to feel a bit uneasy. She made two noises of confirmation.

“Our Cheng family is well behaved and has been invited by your father and mother to come as a guest. We did not come to the Yan mansion because we are short of food and water, right?” Shaoshang’s attitude remained very friendly.

Yin Xu’e knew in her heart that letting this girl speak was not good anymore. “Sister Cheng’s words are powerful,” she said, trying to squeeze a smile out. “What you’re saying makes it seem like we have been unkind to you…”

“My cousin grew up in the countryside when she was young, and several neighboring counties suffered the effects of the war. It’s only been a few years since the fields gradually recovered. Even large households do their best to be frugal. It isn’t because they can’t afford to eat, but they don’t want to spend the money for snacks that take a dozen processes to make. Is that a sin?” Shaoshang stared at Yin Xu’e, her face cold.

Yin Xu’e couldn’t smile anymore, and the girls around her calmed down.

“I was raised in the capital, but my parents fought in the blood and fire of war. Do you want us to eat and drink in this safe capital?! Therefore, I have never seen this golden bird’s nest date, is that a mistake!” Shaoshang gradually raised her voice as she spoke.

Yin Xu’e hid her trembling fingers under her sleeves. The maid next to her quickly sneaked out the door as she looked down at Shaoshang.

“Sister Qiqi’s family is not inferior to the Yin family, but she has never seen this type of snack. Is it because the Wan family can’t afford it? No, it’s because she had been following her father in war for more than ten years. Every day, she followed Aunt Wan to comfort the families of the wounded and dead soldiers, and to help settle down the refugees. Where is there leisure time to spend more than a dozen processes to make golden bird’s nest dates?”

Shaoshang’s words were sonorous, and her gaze wandered around her. The little girl who had spoken up to her side avoided her gaze and dared not look at her.

“The three of us don’t know about this golden bird’s nest snack. Is it shameful enough to make all the sisters here laugh?” Shaoshang pushed forward step by step. No one could say a word, and some even began to show shame.

Shaoshang pushed aside her food table, with a hint of anger in her voice. “Sisters, who can enjoy these delicacies, rely on the protection of heaven, and rely on His Majesty’s food and clothing? The whole court is devoted to civil and martial arts. Then, you use this fortune to mock us?! Today, the Cheng family was invited as a guest, and it’s hard to say that they came to suffer this humiliation!”

Yin Xu’e’s face turned green when she was criticized. She secretly cursed Shaoshang for her fierce scheming, which was unreasonable. Now, she could no longer maintain her elegant posture and quickly straightened up to make amends. “Younger Sister Cheng is too serious,” she said. “We didn’t mock you… it was just a small joke! A joke!”

Wan Qiqi finally caught up with the pace of the argument. “Today,” she sneered, “the two younger sisters of the Cheng family came to your house for the first time. They don’t know anyone except for me. Are you so familiar with them? It’s easy to joke like this. Do you always joke like this with the guests who arrive at your house first? I’ll have to ask Aunt Yin.”

Yin Xu’e’s face turned red. “Who is mocking you?” she exclaimed. “Don’t talk nonsense! Don’t slander people! You said…” She nervously pointed around. “You said, where did we laugh just now. Right? Right?”

The girls around all rushed to answer, one after another showing no signs of ridicule.

When Wan Qiqi saw them playing tricks, she was so angry that she wanted to fight back. However, Shaoshang pulled on her sleeve to stop her. She looked back and saw Shaoshang smiling, saying word by word, “It seems that the sisters just now didn’t really mock me?”

The girls were busy saying, ‘no, no.’

Shaoshang looked straight at Yin Xu’e. “But we don’t know anything, not even golden bird’s nest dates!” Her voice was gentle, as if playing with prey in her hand.

Yin Xu’e’s mouth was bitter and she had to reluctantly say, “If you don’t know it, you don’t know it. What’s so amazing?” The other girls quickly agreed.

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Shaoshang smiled and pulled Wan Qiqi to sit back down. She turned her head to smile at Cheng Yang. “Sister, please continue eating. No one mocks you at all, everyone just loves to laugh too much. But if you laugh again in the future, just make sure that there is no chance to misunderstand…”

Now, far from being ridiculed, the girls dared not even laugh.

Wan Qiqi was extremely happy in her heart.

If there was wine in front of her at that moment, she would drink three large bowls in a row. If she were at the racetrack, she would ride her horse, whip her whip, and run a whole circle around the city! She now finally understood the feeling of her father when he and Uncle Cheng bowed to each other. She wished she could have someone set up an incense table, burn yellow paper, chop off the head of a chicken, and invite Shaoshang to swear a blood oath to become sworn sisters.

Ah! That was a great idea. She had to report it to her mother and father later.

Wan Qiqi couldn’t conceal her joy and turned her head. “When I was outside, I heard a saying,” she said loudly. “It was ‘if you dare to do it or not, it’s better than being a bastard! Haha… haha…!”

She burst out laughing and Yin Xu’e’s face became extremely ugly. Her arrogance was no less than that of Wan Qiqi. Just now, it was already a helpless move to slap her. Now, how could she endure that blatant ridicule?!

As the two girls were about to fight again, a well-dressed young woman entered the hall. Yin Xu’e’s eyes lit up when she saw her. “Older Sister…”

Madam Yin looked around and saw that all the girls’ faces were not good, and the atmosphere in the hall was tense.

She glared at Yin Xu’e and feigned anger, “You run the household like this? You’re lazy yourself, so you’re holding onto all your sisters to sit with you. It’s still early to leave the banquet, so why don’t you ask your sisters to take a stroll in the garden? Are you a bunch of women incubating bean sprouts indoors?”

Yin Xu’e felt aggrieved. Wan Qiqi wanted to file a complaint, and both girls had to open their mouths. Madam Yin smiled. “Qiqi, Mother-in-law is looking for you… Xu’e, don’t be fooled, she also asked you to come over.” Then she smiled at everyone. “Although my hometown is small, I have recently moved a few fresh winter bamboo plants, which are winding around and very strange in appearance. Let me lead you to see them. How about it?”

The girls all cheered. Shaoshang couldn’t help but hold onto her hands. Cheng Yang held back her anger and didn’t say a word.

Then, before the two girls could begin to argue again, Madam Yin told the servants to take Wan Qiqi and Yin Xu’e away, urging them to not say a word like prisoners being escorted.

Madam Yin herself pulled Cheng Yang and Shaoshang one by one, walking outside and smiling. “This is the first time the two Cheng sisters have come to our house and they should be treated well,” she said. “My younger sister has always been straightforward and she has no ill intentions. The two elders want to befriend each other, and the two young sisters are both generous and blessed people, so if there’s any disagreement, let it go…”

Cheng Yang thought that it was better to resolve the enemy than to settle it, so she responded in a low voice.

Shaoshang remained silent and sneered in her heart, ‘After slapping, sweet dates arrived.’ What was the amount of great fortune, was it that if you continue to argue about this matter, you will have no stamina and no blessing?

Walking all the way to the garden, Shaoshang was suddenly hit with the cold winter wind.

What could they do if the matter didn’t pass? If Wan Qiqi was here, she would inevitably be ordered by her mother to not promote this matter, just like other young women. Besides, would it be because of the quarrel between his young children that Father Cheng would become an enemy for nothing? Father loved himself so much.

She thought gloomily, ‘It’s not good to have concerns. It’s not easy to have no heart or lungs to be carefree. It’s not easy to be someone with a cold and thin nature.’

We’re getting so close to the start of romance! Can’t wait!

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