Female Supervisor Li looked at the hot burning embers of the charcoal, her mouth open and speechless – she began to feel that this was the rude and uncouth Fourth Young Lady she was familiar with. When she lost her temper last time, she would scold and beat the servants in this manner. But she had never dared do this to her. Could it be that she has become braver after her illness?

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After looking at her for a moment, Yu Cailing sneered, put the hand warmer down and stuck the hairpin back into her hair. She said coldly, “If you’re rude to me again, I’ll jump off the carriage and refuse to return with you, dead or alive.” If she hadn’t been so fierce, little lady who lived with her grandmother without her parents would have been bullied to death by the town folk, and having an uncle wouldn’t have made any difference.

“You, you…..!” Female Supervisor Li was dumbfounded for a good while. Actually, it’s normal for masters to scold their servants, but this Fourth Lady had always tried to curry her favour.

Just as she was about to return the scolding, she recalled the current situation and unconsciously bit her tongue.

In fact, when she heard her say “serious ill and almost died”, she began to feel guilty. It was all her fault. Actually the mistress didn’t ask her to take the Fourth Lady’s life. The mistress had merely meant to let her undergo a few months of rehabilitation, to first let her experience some hardship, then slowly and tenderly coax her for a few months after so that the Fourth Lady would be completely docile and obedient by the time her parents came back. Who would have thought the other party would be so cunning. They had sent a letter to say that they would only be able to return in a few months time, but a messenger suddenly arrived yesterday to say they would arrive in a few days’ time. They had been completely caught off-guard. How should they handle this now? Female Supervisor Li was also a little at a loss.

Looking at Yu Cailing’s obstinate face, Female Supervisor Li could only swallow her words and tell herself that she would let the mistress take care of her when she got back and other such thoughts.

Yu Cailing ignored her and looked for a pillow to take a nap while thinking of a story she heard the other day in the countryside: It was said that someone in the previous dynasty was murdered by a tyrant. Knowing that the man had no children or nephews, and his daughter had already been wedded out and had their own children, the enemy rejoiced inwardly. Who would have thought the married woman would pick up a knife to take revenge, finally hacking him to death in a pavilion in the capital city, after which she went to confess her guilt before the authorities and ask to be punished. As a result, the prefectural and provincial governors came together to submit a petition to court to plead for amnesty for the woman, in view of her righteous and heroic deed. Not only was she pardoned, they even set up a monument to display this to the world.

This was completely different from her impression of ancient times.

Based on her impression, feudal customs and etiquette were restrictive for women, and they often had to give more than they had*. A woman had to be virtuous and carry herself well, her every step should be exactly that few centimeters in stride, when speaking she could only raise her head that much higher. As if every measurement was used to create strict and definite rules and regulations to control and restrict women and squeeze the life out of them, like wooden figurines.
*The term she used here was literally”if someone wanted a spoon, they had to give a bowl; if someone wanted a dustpan, they had to give a basket”, but it wasn’t any idiom I could find an explanation for.

But over here, the people’s thinking and desires seemed to be so vital and natural, with a type of “this can be done, that can be done” kind of outlook; with the world so big, nothing was impossible. Of course, everyone would praise the virtuous and chaste daughter, but they would also brag about the daring and upright one.

For example the Qiu family. The Qiu’s daughter may have gotten married a few times over, but because she was brave, fierce and resolute – whether it was during the time her brothers went to war, or when they returned handicapped and her entire family was bullied as a result – she was the one who scolded the masses and defended them. No wonder both Qiu and his wife especially loved this daughter, and all the children obeyed their remarkable aunt. All those taunting and nasty things the villagers said at the wedding about how a good horse was not worthy of a second saddle and so on, all fell on deaf ears as far as they were concerned.

In conclusion, even though a submissive and gentle woman would make a good marriage, women who were fierce and bold were not condemned like women of later generations….


As if to prove that that Yu Cailing had truly been ill, she developed a low-grade fever again midway. During the bumpy ride, she threw up the lunch she had eaten not long ago, and everything else, until there was nothing left to throw up except bile. The frightened Female Supervisor Li asked the driver to hurry up, and when they finally arrived at the family manor, Yu Cailing’s fever worsened. She had a splitting headache, and in her grogginess, she did not see the manor clearly, having only a vague impression of the carriage entering a courtyard.

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Female Supervisor Li couldn’t wait to get rid of this burden. Without ceremony, she leapt off the carriage and with the help of a servant, she hurriedly pulled and dragged Yu Cailing out of the carriage and into the house. Fortunately, the girl was not fully grown, so it wasn’t too difficult for the servant to carry her on his back.

Yu Cailing’s cheeks burnt red with fever, but in her heard, she laughed grimly: Every time she wanted to go out in the countryside, Ning would wait for the morning cold to disperse before agreeing, and even so, she would make sure that she was well-wrapped up before allowing her out. These people, however, simply dragged a sick child out of a warm carriage into the cold, wearing only her normal clothing, in their eagerness to report that they had fulfilled their orders. As for the so-called love this person’s aunt bore for her, that’s something Yu Cailing will never believe. When there’s an opportunity in future, she’ll give each and every one of these scoundrels a taste of her anger.

After half dragging, half supporting her through the door with some great difficulty, they saw a dozen or so well-dressed women standing on the steps ahead. Yu Cailing’s vision was a little blurry so she couldn’t see very clearly. She guessed that the one with the big white face right in the centre, dressed in purple and wearing a fur coat, was her good aunt. As soon as she saw this “good aunt”, Yu Cailing almost burst out in laughter. If Female Supervisor Li was as thin as a chopstick, then this “good aunt” would be the other chopstick, and if they stood together, you could use both mistress and servant to pick up food.

Seeing the scene before her, Madam Ge quickly asked what happened. Female Supervisor Li replied in a rush, “Mistress, there’s trouble. The Fourth Lady is very ill. I rushed here, exhausted and anxious, afraid that I might delay carrying out your orders!”

Madam Ge looked at Yu Cailing, at the face that was round from being so carefully tended by Ning that was now flushed with fever, yet she still continued to speak slowly and leisurely, in an imperious manner, “Stop pretending. How can a child be ill for so long?” Everyone standing in the courtyard found this lady’s words very strange – the younger the child, the easier it is for them to fall ill.

At that moment, a calloused hand suddenly felt Yu Cailing’s forehead, and an elderly woman could be heard saying, “This is not good. She’s burning up. Madam, this is going create trouble.” Then, raising her voice, she said, “Hurry! Someone quickly send for the doctor!…..Get the one named Zhang from the southern part of the town!”

“Nanny.” Madam Shi seemed to be dissatisfied with what the old woman said, and reached out herself to feel Yu Cailing’s forehead. The heat coiled around her hand, and she immediately said in fright, “Oh, it’s very hot! Quickly, go and get someone!”

Yu Cailing used the last of her strength to look up. She saw an old woman with white hair standing beside Madam Ge before her world turned black.

What followed was the familiar process of boiling soup and steeping medicine. Yu Cailing didn’t know how long she slept, nor did she keep track of how much medicine she took. She only felt that she was being treated very well now that she was back. The beddings she slept on were far softer and more fragrant than those in the small courtyard, and the heat in this room was better distributed and there was better air circulation. There were also more hands helping her undress and wipe her down. It’s just too bad they were not as gentle as Ning.

Since she had no strength, they propped her up again to take the medicine. Yu Cailing detested its bitter and nauseating flavour. To think that she had actually almost recovered, and it was only these crazy idiots who made her fall ill again, forcing her to take medicine and continue suffering for her wrongdoings. She couldn’t help the feelings of resentment that rose within her, and raised her arm to knock over the bowls and cups by her side. They clattered onto the floor, and the brown-coloured medicinal soup spilt all over. This sent Madam Ge into a rage. She wanted to berate Yu Cailing but knew that she needed her to recover as soon as possible, and so, with great difficulty, she bit back her anger.

Unexpectedly, although the doctors came and went, and Yu Cailing consumed the medicine for several days, her fever never went down. She saw with her own eyes as the girl’s face quickly lost its plumpness, and her anger immediately turned into worry. From time to time, Madam Ge would send everyone away and sit by Yu Cailing’s bed, worried that if this suddenly became an emergency, what excuse would she have to evade responsibility. By lucky coincidence, Yu Cailing was semi-conscious after taking her medicine that day and overheard the conversation between the “good aunt” and the old woman she saw that day.

“…..Madam, why do you have to torment such a small child? It’s Madam Xiao whom you can’t stand,” said the old woman.

Madam Ge said resentfully, “Yes, I can’t stand her! Her family’s in decline, she’s married twice and she dares to put on airs in front of me! My Ge family is more reputable and wealthier than hers, and our lineage is more pure than hers, so why should I tolerate her?”

The old woman seemed to sigh as she said, “The Xiao family used to be so illustrious. Who could have foreseen they would face such a big disaster that left their house in ruins, leaving them either refugees or bandits. At the time, she was also a prominent lady in our village, her status far exceeding even that of the Cheng family. When all’s said and done, must you conspire against the First Madam, when there’s no cause for grievance or enmity?”

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Yu Cailing was actually about to fall asleep, but when she heard that, she suddenly became wide awake. Amitabha. She knew that not everyone was as astute as that tight-lipped Ning, and that there would be blabbermouths who would tell her stories about the past. She pretended to sleep while pricking up her ears to listen closely. Even her fever seemed a little better.

“No cause for grievance or enmity?!” Madam Ge unconsciously raised her voice, and immediately heard someone shushing her, probably the old woman signaling her to lower her voice. Lowering her voice, she said, “I was supposed to have married elder brother-in-law, to have the higher status and title!”

“That’s beside the point. I’ve seen you grow up. You’ve never looked up to the Cheng family. But it was different for Madam Xiao. The Master had already started wooing her even after she first got married. The whole village knows this. A few years later, when Madam Xiao had a great falling out with her first husband’s family, before they had even annulled the marriage, the Master had stood by her throughout. You may not like hearing this, but even if the Ge family had actually wanted to propose marriage to him, the Master wouldn’t have agreed.”
*Cheng head of family.

This made Madam Ge even more angry. “It’s all ah fu and ah mu‘s fault for forcing me to marry into the Cheng family!”

Yu Cailing began quickly deduced: Hmm, this family’s surname is Cheng, and there are a few brothers. The heads of the family were this person’s parents, and they weren’t divorced but, rather, seemed to get along well.

Yu Cailing heard what sounded like the old woman patting Madam Ge’s shoulder. “You’re talking nonsense again. Everyone knows how the Xiao family fell. After all, it happened in the next county. First Madam’s father and brothers died at the hands of bandits. At the time, the Xiao family was rich and wealthy. Old Grandfather Xiao was even one of the three elders in their town. He led his family members to resist the bandits who were looting the town, and injured many of them. The head of the bandits greatly resented them for this. They pretended to be defeated and withdrew, then when everyone relaxed their guards, they launched a sneak attack at night and killed all the young and old of the Xiao family. Fortunately, the bandits didn’t know that the rich families at the time had underground cellars. In this way, a few women and children managed to escape, but unfortunately, all the grown men and property didn’t survive.”

The old woman took a sip of water before continuing: “In those riotous times, any ruffian who had enough men could terrorise others as they will. As long as a family was wealthy, they’d kill everyone and plunder the home. The women suffered an even worse fate. Our Ge family was like a pig awaiting slaughter. Though the Cheng family was poor, the head of the family was well-respected in the village. Not only was he good at fighting, he also led a group of men who could fight and kill. At the time, Old Master Ge felt that it was more important to avoid being another Xiao family than to follow in Old Master Lu’s footsteps to marry his daughter to the emperor*. By that time, the Master had already proposed to First Madam, and the third Cheng son was still a child. If you didn’t marry your current husband, who else could you have married?”
*Old Master Lu refers to Empress Lu Zhi’s father, who married her to Liu Bang, the first Emperor and founder of the Han Dynasty before he established the dynasty. You can find an article here: the google translate version isn’t too bad if you’re inclined to read it.

“You’re saying all this only to persuade me to submit to her!” Madam Ge sounded annoyed. “Think about it. I married into the family at about the same time as her. Whether it’s wealth or talent, I far surpass her, yet look at how things have turned out for me! All my dowry has been used to support the Cheng family, while she uses the Cheng’s family to support her maiden family! And yet she still behaves so arrogantly. How can I not be angry!”

“Then let me ask Madam. Has your dowry remained the same over the years?”

Madam Ge did not respond.

The old woman took advantage of this and said, “When Madam first got married, Madam did indeed use your dowry to support the family, but after a few years, when the General started to rise in ranks, he would send back chest after chest of money, valuable cloth and items. Today, there’s no deficit where Madam’s dowry is concerned, rather it has already exceeded what Madam brought with her. Compared to that, the amount of money Madam Xiao used to support her maiden family is nothing.”

Madam Ge laughed coldly, “As long as both parents are alive, there’s no such thing as private property. As the family is still living under one roof, elder brother’s money should be managed by the parents (in-laws). There are three brothers and three families, and each are entitled to equal share!”

The old woman sighed again. “Based on principle, that’s not wrong. But Lord Cheng earned this money because he fought in the wars, and through it all, Madam Xiao has been by his side, so the money would go through her hands first. With all that mess out there and war everywhere, who still cares about these rules? Right now, everywhere, apart from the states and counties that our Emperor rules, is still in total chaos.”

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At that moment, quiet descended on the room. It sounded like the both of them were speechless. Yu Cailing waited patiently. She was aware there was a war out there, but didn’t know what the situation was. In her heart, she was urging them to continue with the gossip, don’t stop.

Then the old woman said, “So does Madam intend to take Fourth Young Lady’s little life to provoke Madam Xiao?”

Madam Ge said, “Actually, I had intended to spare that bitch, but I never expected her to be so cruel as to leave her daughter behind in order to follow her husband! Of course, he took her side though her methods were despicable. She invited a powerful shaman to conduct a divination, making the cold decision to leave her daughter behind, bringing only her sons along with her. You’re right. I intentionally neglected Fourth Young Lady’s upbringing, because I wanted her mother to lose face, but I never intended to take her life!”

Hearing this, Yu Cailing felt grim laughter welling within her. Looks like she had no parental affinity. In her previous life, her parents divorced. In her current life, though her parents didn’t divorce, they still cast her aside.

When her Yu mother was young, she was a young female intellectual in one of the Cultural Revolution countryside brigades. She didn’t lack for suitors who were strong, rich or powerful, but she had her eyes set only on her Yu father. She knew full well that how one live was more important than outer appearances. Those men spent their days gambling, and had nothing saved up for the family, unlike her Yu father, who was shrewd and cunning, while his old mother was kind and warm.

Her Yu mother was not satisfied with being just a bookkeeper in a small town. After completing the college entrance exams, she immediately applied to the university, and after a few years, found a job with high prospects in the city. It was then that she ‘happened to meet’ her childhood sweetheart who was ‘coincidentally’ newly divorced. What happened next was only a matter of course, the only miscalculation being her own birth.

On one side, Yu Cailing’s train of thought were far away, while on the other side, the more Madam Ge thought about the matter, the more wronged she felt, and she said bitterly, “….apart from neglecting her upbringing, there’s nothing much else I can do. Nanny, do you know, everytime they hear sounds of activity here, that old Wan from next door will send servants to see if I’m beating the Fourth Young Lady or punishing her by withholding her meals.”

The old woman sighed. “Madam, listen to me. The Cheng family is no longer what it used to be, but our Ge family is still the same Ge family from before. Times have changed, so don’t stick to your stubborn ways. I’m here to visit you before the new year. In a few days, I will be going to Qingzhou with my children and grandchildren. After His Majesty established the country, he had more or less purged the bandits and rebels from the land. There’s now a lot of empty land that can be cultivated. It’s already been announced that as long as the people are willing, the tax will be low, and the land will belong to the family after a few years of cultivation…..”

Madam Ge was surprised and said, “So early? The winter solstice just ended. Why don’t you leave after the new year?” Although she knew that her nanny’s family was planning to buy property in Qingzhou, but when the time came, she was still reluctant for her nanny to leave.

The old woman smiled as she said, “Your Bao xiong* set up small business a few years ago and has saved up quite a substantial amount since. He was so enthusiastic, he invited a shaman over for a divination. When he the shaman that he would be moving to a distant part of the country to buy some property, the shaman told him that he needed to invite all the ancestors along with him in order to bless the entire family. So, all of us plan to go to Qingzhou for the new year, so that we can offer sacrifices to the ancestors and seek their blessings for prosperous future for the family.”
*xiong = brother, a term loosely used for males unrelated to one’s self. Bao should be the nanny’s son, but probably grew up with Madam Ge

Madam Ge was silent for a moment, then sobbing silently, she said, “Nanny, although you’ve lived in the next county for the past two years, I’ve always been able to meet with you whenever I wanted to. If you go to Qingzhou now, what will I do? Didn’t I say I would ensure a good future for your son?”

The old woman smiled and said, “Going to Qingzhou is a good move. A few of my nephews also want to bring their families along. With so many of us, we’re not afraid of being bullied. What’s more….” She paused awhile, then continued, “Madam, think about it. Though the younger Ge generation had been working hard for a good future, they hadn’t been able to enter the Imperial College. What more someone from my family?”

Madam Ge said bitterly, “It’s all that Xiao bitch’s fault. Brother-in-law does everything according to her wishes.”

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The old woman smiled and stopped talking.

Although Yu Cailing was in a daze as a result of her fever, it didn’t affect her ability to reason. The old woman didn’t need to say more – she could already fill in the gaps: this stupid aunt who only knew how to spend her days finding ways to compete with Madam Xiao expected the woman’s husband to help her own family?!

Yu Cailing felt that at the age of ten, she was already way smarter than this woman. To hit someone on their cheek and expect someone to ask if your hand is ok. It’s not like Madam Xiao is someone who would allow herself to be abused. You really should drink two bottles of toilet cleaners to calm yourself down. Now, the only clear-headed person around you is intending to leave, probably because she despairs for your IQ.
*Actually, the literal translation was: to hit someone on their left cheek, and expect someone else to lick your finger. Too weird. Rephrased to try to keep the meaning.

“How are Madam’s preparations coming along? Looking at the Fourth Young Lady’s illness, it doesn’t look like it has been well taken care of these past couple of days,” said the old woman.

Madam Ge pleaded with her, “Nanny, please help me think of an excuse. The Fourth Young Lady is indeed ill-behaved, but unfortunately it’s mainly due to trivial offences. Picking a quarrel with the young ladies of other families, or getting into a fight with them at a party…..if only she had committed such big offences, that would have been alright. But I was careless too. When she was younger, nothing this serious happened. Now that it has happened, I thought we’d still have a few months to slowly fix it. But instead of the few months that she had communicated earlier, that Xiao bitch is going to arrive in a few days!”

The old woman sighed again. “Let me think. Hmm, how about this. Then let’s redirect it. Didn’t Second Young Lady come back crying the other day, complaining about her mother-in-law? Then you told the girls that they are now all grown up, and will soon have husbands, therefore they should be more dignified and virtuous. But Fourth Young Lady refused to learn and persisted in her unruly manner, so you hardened your heart and punished her. Who expected the servant to be so negligent in disciplining her. If necessary, just blame it on that greedy old servant Li Zhui…..”

Madam Ge responded happily, “That’s a good idea, Nanny. Let’s do it this way. If that Xiao bitch nags at me, I will list all the absurd things that the Fourth Young Lady has done over the years. Let’s see if she agrees her child needs a good teaching.” But her happiness was soon replaced with annoyance. “What’s there to fear. She can’t eat me up!”

Before her words faded away, there was a commotion outside, and a young maidservant ran in screaming, “Mistress, bad news. The Master and his entourage are back! Their carriage is already at the main gate! There are more than a dozen large carriages. Old Madam is asking us to hurry over.” The sounds of panicked footsteps and shouting could be heard from the outside.

These words shocked Madam Ge. “How did they get here so fast?” Then, she paused awhile. “That’s not right. I’ve had someone keep watch over General Wan’s house next door, and there hasn’t been any activity. Isn’t Elder Brother always with General Wan?” Then, raising her voice, she shouted, “Someone, go and fetch my husband!”

The old woman helped Madam Ge up while saying anxiously, “Mistress, you’re confused. How can your husband be at home now? Forget all this for now. Go out and greet them first. Don’t forget your etiquette…, no, perhaps you should go to your mother-in-law first, and then go with her!”

Madam Ge stamped her foot and said furiously, “Look at this ‘good marriage’ my father had arranged for me. My husband reads those classics all day long, but what’s the use. My Uncle Ji who’s years younger than him has already attained a few official ranks, but what does my husband have to show for it! Mother-in-law only acts ignorant, and cares only for her own comfort and well-being….”

The sound of conversation gradually faded away. Yu Cailing stretched her arm and changed her sleeping position with difficulty. She felt her scalding forehead. Her body was hot and aching, and she was perspiring profusely. She couldn’t think of anything else, other than that sleeping seemed like a very good idea, otherwise she really couldn’t do justice to all the DDVP* she had been consuming all these past days.
*modern day insecticide she alluded to in Ch.1

All these damned old women with the Ge surname who dared not confront their enemies directly and instead take it out on unlucky children, they deserve useless husbands. Seeing how her cheeks are sunken and her complexion as green as cauliflower, she must be full of anger at night and irritable in the day*. Couldn’t she find a few obedient lovers, three pretty boys, one to feed her grapes, another to massage her feet, and another to dance to some happy, bouncy music, then her days would be so much happier. Will finding trouble with your sister-in-law and niece improve your endocrine system and make you glow with health?! Really, she must come from thirteen generations of nitwits who didn’t accumulate any merits!
*actually here, the author also adds on “if she has gas, she probably can’t let it go” (like the worse thing you can do when you want to fart is not fart)

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