Chapter Thirty-One:

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When Shaoshang was pulled away, her head and face had already been slapped several times. She felt a burning pain in her cheeks, the corners of her eyes seemed to be swollen, and a small cut seemed to have been made on her chin. Squinting her eyes to look at Yin Xu’e, she couldn’t help but secretly praise herself; she hadn’t lost her former life’s skills yet!

In the chaos, she vaguely saw Yuan Shen with a worried face. The young man named Lou Yao looked as if he had been struck by lightning, as if he had completely broadened his horizons in life. Madam Yin, who rushed in, was both angry and eager to jump. Then, in a hurry, Shaoshang and the crying Yin Xu’e were taken together to a side room in the back hall of the Yin Mansion, where Madam Xiao and the Wan family’s mother and daughter had just arrived.

Upon hearing this, Old Madam Yin almost stumbled off the steps and hastily entrusted her sister-in-law with the responsibility of hospitality. Madam Xiao looked calm, but her breathing was slightly faster. Although Madam Wan was not part of the involved party, she couldn’t stay out of the matter and was embarrassed not knowing which side to stand on. Wan Qiqi had made up her mind to uphold righteousness!

Madam Yin quickly reported the urgent situation to her mother-in-law, who breathed a sigh of relief.

Not many people saw it; the two maidservants were Yin Xu’e’s, who could completely control them. Yuan Shen and Lou Yao were men in the end, and they had good reputations. They were kindly asked to not gossip about the fight between the two girls.

But what was strange was that Yuan Shanjian seemed inexplicably enthusiastic about this matter. If it weren’t for the Yin Eldest Daughter’s clever words to resist, he would have followed them. After being persuaded to leave, he hesitated and repeatedly inquired about the injury. Although he was young and ambitious, he often served His Majesty, but he was cautious in words and deeds, and took care of himself. But everyone had eccentricities. Yuan Shanjian’s was to watch young ladies fight?

As a mother who also had daughters of the right age, Old Madam Yin had not coveted Yuan Shanjian as her son-in-law, but her husband was not optimistic. She said that Yuan Shanjian ‘appeared indifferent, but actually had profound implications,’ and the future wife and family would inevitably have big plans. Perhaps they would marry a totalitarian family, or even choose a daughter of a prestigious Confucian scholar who was far from the court, which wasn’t impossible.

Old Madam Yin had already cooled her heart towards Yuan Shen. After today’s incident, she saw her own daughter beating her younger sister’s daughter, it completely silenced her thoughts.
[She’s referring to Madam Xiao.]

“Don’t worry, little sister. No one saw it and it won’t spread.” Old Madam Yin wiped her sweat, comforted Madam Xiao, then turned to scold her daughter. “You evil creature! You are both old and the head of the family, and you actually beat the Cheng family’s Young Mistress! You read all those books for nothing! All the etiquette for nothing! I’ll tell your father to go see how to punish you!”

Shaoshang’s heart filled with joy. It turned out that at this time, parents were angry and scolded their children with ‘evil creature.’

After cursing her daughter, Old Madam Yin spoke softly to Shaoshang. “Shaoshang, my child, you have been wronged! Don’t worry, Aunt will give you justice. After today’s banquet is over, this evil creature will have a taste of family law!”

Both girls were in a disheveled state, but Shaoshang was noticeably more miserable, with a bruised nose and swollen face like a pig’s head, blood dripping on her clothes from a nosebleed. Compared to Yin Xu’e, except for her messy hair and messed makeup, her face and hands were fine. Plus, one person was thin and tall, while the other was young and slender. The situation was self-evident.

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Only Madam Xiao knew her daughter’s temperament and abilities, and there were not many people in the world who could make her suffer. Perhaps the true situation was not like that, but if she could fool her like that, it wouldn’t be bad. She pretended to be lenient and comforted Old Madam Yin, while instructing her accompanying martial servant to go and check Shaoshang’s injuries.

Listening to the criticism, how could Yin Xu’e admit her guilt? She cried with tears and a runny nose, and even claimed that she had been wronged, but couldn’t bring personal evidence. She was really wronged!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Shaoshang said, “I hit Sister Xu’e first.”

Yin Xu’e stared blankly at Shaoshang.

The words startled everyone in the room.

Old Madam Yin felt relieved and thought to herself that although the little girl had a bad temper, she was still upright and willing to talk about it.

Madam Xiao’s heart thumped as she looked at her daughter’s face covered in wounds, yet she was so indifferent and her mood was extremely complex.

Wan Qiqi, who was off to the side, became anxious and tried to open Madam Wan’s tightly grasped arm. She exclaimed in a loud voice, “Sister Shaoshang is the most reasonable. She would never hit anyone casually, there must be a reason. Shaoshang, tell me, tell me!”

That was what Shaoshang had been waiting for. She thought, ‘This sister is wonderful,’ then put on a stubborn expression. “She said I have no Father or Mother, no upbringing, and I don’t even know how to read a few words. It was really vulgar!”

Madam Yin glanced sideways and saw Madam Xiao’s already darkened face, giving her a headache. Whether she had beaten the guests or uttered malicious words, she didn’t know which one had done less harm to her sister’s reputation. She looked at her mother-in-law again, but found Old Madam Yin standing there, with a hint of tears in her eyes.

This time Yin Xu’e couldn’t cry out because she had said those things. But she really wanted to say that it wasn’t a fact! To be honest, there were still mistakes! But facing the ugly faces of the elders above, she knew that if she said anything it would make things worse.

Madam Yin came out to make amends. “My sister just can’t speak. I don’t know how many people she has offended. Even if she said the wrong thing this time…”

“Sister Xu’e didn’t say anything wrong; she was right with every word.” Shaoshang’s voice had a mournful tone to it. “It was because she was right that I couldn’t argue and only fight…”

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Wan Qiqi’s anger was uncontrollable, and her blood rushed to the top.

She pushed aside Madam Wan with all her might and jumped out, pointing to Yin Xu’e. “Don’t beat people, don’t expose people, don’t expose faults! Is it because Sister Shaoshang is lazy and foolish that she didn’t study and learn etiquette well? You always show off the good upbringing of the capital’s boudoir. If you know someone has hidden pain, you still have to pay attention to them, is that your upbringing?!”

Yin Xu’e was tongue-tied, and this time Wan Qiqi’s mouth was full of grandeur, which she could not refute. She could only continue to shout in her heart that what she said was the truth!

Shaoshang observed her expression with a hint of pity; the most unspeakable thing in this world was often not lies or slander, but the truth.

At that moment, everyone except for Madam Xiao glanced at each other and felt that the matter was clear – it should be Yin Xu’e who spoke rudely first. Cheng Shaoshang was young and when she was provoked, she punched the other girl. Unfortunately, her strength was weak, and she was beaten down by Yin Xu’e. How to calculate, it’s all because Shaoshang suffered losses.

Wan Qiqi ignored her mother’s gaze and added a hint of anger. She quickly confessed the recent incident of the golden silk bird’s nest dates and then said, “Aunt Yin, it wasn’t me who provoked her, but Sister Cheng Yang was also bullied!”

Old Madam Yin looked sad and said in a daze, “That Cheng Yang was raised in her grandfather’s family, and she didn’t have her parents by her side.”

Wan Qiqi couldn’t resist Old Madam Yin’s reaction and was stunned before saying, “That’s right!”

Seeing this situation, Madam Xiao turned her head and covered her sleeves, crying, “It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t left Shaoshang, it wouldn’t have been like this…” Shaoshang secretly praised Director Xiao for her excellent acting skills, such as being able to be soft and hard, being able to bend and stretch, being able to go up to the general stage and down to the theatrical stage.

Old Madam Yin calmed down and gave Madam Xiao a dignified bow. “This is because my daughter was not taught well. Don’t worry, I will definitely explain it to the two children. Our two families are friends today, and we are kind-hearted. The future is long, and my younger sister is not good enough to leave at this moment. After making a joke, it’s better to send Shaoshang home to recuperate.”

Madam Xiao was so alert that she immediately noticed Old Madam Yin had a strange expression. She must have some secret information, but when it came to family matters, she didn’t bother much. She immediately took her daughter and went out.

Wan Qiqi was worried that Shaoshang would lose her appearance in the future, so she left her mother behind and went out of the room, muttering to herself, “I have a good Jinchuang medicine at home, I’ll ask someone to get it.”

As they left, Old Madam Yin stumbled and fell to the ground, tears rolling down her face and her expression desolate and indescribable.

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Madam Yin was shocked and turned pale. She had a very good relationship with her mother-in-law and quickly knelt down in front of her. “Mother, what’s wrong?”

Old Madam Yin covered her handkerchief and wept silently.

Only Madam Wan knew about her past and softly said, “A’Ji, it’s over, it’s all over. Your… your family is now happy and you’re also a grandmother. Uncle and Aunt Quanxia know, definitely… definitely…” As she spoke, she also covered her sleeves and wept lightly.

Old Madam Yin wiped her tears away and walked up to her stunned daughter, slapping her face with a heavy smack. Yin Xu’e’s face quickly turned red, indicating how hard her mother exerted herself.



Madam Yin and Madam Wan exclaimed at the same time.

Yin Xu’e had been slapped silly. Since her birth, she had been pampered by her parents and loved by her siblings. Not to mention scolding, she had not even had a harsh word said to her. This was the first time in her life that she had been slapped in the face and she could not even cry.

Old Madam Yin glared at her daughter. “Since I was young, I never had a mother or father,” she said coldly. “I read a few books before the age of twelve and didn’t know many words. I am also crude and unworthy of being your mother! Don’t call me that anymore, I dare not!”

In her tearful eyes, Old Madam Yin remembered she had once been born into a happy family like her daughter, but was unexpectedly framed and her family was ruined. She watched helplessly as her father and brother were beheaded in Wanshi, and her mother worked hard to hide her with the Wan family and soon passed away.

Due to being greatly spoiled at a young age, she was foolish for several years. Fortunately, Madam Wan took care of her like a sister and finally came to her senses at the age of ten. Later, the situation changed, and the enemy’s family also suffered retribution. Only then did Madam Wan’s father dare to take her out and send her to her uncle’s house in the distance.

Both uncle and aunt were kind-hearted people, treating her as if she were their own. Even so, in the middle of the night, she was still desolate and confused, missing her parents, not to mention how many times the girls who bullied and mocked her for having ‘no father, no mother, no upbringing.’

Madam Yin and Yin Xu’e had never heard about this and were momentarily stunned.

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On the other side, Master Yin was having the banquet in front of him. He heard the servant preach that his wife was crying uncontrollably and couldn’t get up from her bed. He quickly went back to her room to see what had happened, and without saying a word, he gave his youngest daughter a loud slap in the face. He first cursed at the saying ‘I don’t know the height and thickness of the earth,’ followed by another reprimand, slap, and punishment… it was almost like kneeling in the temple.

The little girl Yin Xu’e, who had lived along the wind and water for fifteen years, took the punishment in one breath.

Compared to the bleak and rainy Yin Xu’e, Shaoshang’s place was simply windy and drizzly.

After returning to the Cheng mansion, A’Zhu saw her face and, heartbroken, silently shed a basin of tears. Unexpectedly, when she changed Shaoshang’s dirty and torn clothes, she found there were few injuries under her clothes, and her delicate skin was almost flawless.

“I told you earlier, these injuries are not too bad.” Shaoshang smiled and patted A’Zhu’s shoulder.

Technique! The key was technique! At first glance, the young Yin girl’s injuries may not have seemed serious, but Shaoshang knew she had taken a hard hit. Even if her body was not strong, she would have to make Yin Xu’e uncomfortable sitting and eating.

In particular, she kicked Yin Xu’e’s leg and pinched her waist. The former followed the rich and harmonious path of the Shaolin Sect, while the latter followed the essence of the Wudang Sect’s gentle breeze, and her technical content was absolutely outrageous. The skin of the Yin girl was painful for at least three days.

Shaoshang knew that there was still a tough battle waiting for her after Madam Xiao returned. After she finished grooming and added a delicious lunch of vegetables and meat, she quickly went to the bed to rest. She slept soundly with the blankets in her arms the whole afternoon, and when she woke, she saw the sun was in the west. It was only then she realized the Cheng family had returned to the mansion. As expected, A’Zhu told her anxiously that Madam Xiao asked her to go to Nine Zhui Hall as soon as she woke up.

Shaoshang first took out the small target lens that her Second Brother Cheng Song had sent, tilted it left and right, and praised the cute and exquisite pig head in the mirror. She felt she had excellent control this time.

Now she was even more confident.

In case anyone is confused, this is not the same person who Shaoshang got into a fight with in the television series. Yin Xu’e is a new character and I love her.

Next Chapter: The Second Large-Scale Verbal Brawl

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