Chapter Forty-Three:

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Experiences of the Township

Just like when they came, the army of black armor and white feathers were as orderly as the tide when they left.

At the same time, the people of the Cheng convoy were busy stacking firewood and pouring oil under their own corpses, intending to focus on cremation and then put them back separately. The corpses of the thieves and bandits were casually thrown down the mountain stream, waiting to be eaten by ravenous beasts. Shaoshang was at the front of the crowd, playing the flute to send off those innocent creatures who were about to enter the underworld.

The melodious sound of the flute reached the newly launched Black Armored Army, and the originally cheerful ‘Bamboo Branch Tune’ was lowered and slowed down by the girl, like the wind passing through the bamboo forest under the cold winter sun, cold and sad.

Ling Buyi smiled and listened attentively, but he didn’t know what he was thinking. His expression suddenly turned cold and self-deprecating, like a handsome and proud rock eagle in the shadow. He raised his whip high and galloped away with his horse leading the army.

After playing the song, Shaoshang put down her flute with tears streaming down her face. Many of the children and girls who had been laughing and playing the other day, their loved ones and friends could no longer look forward to them. At the end of the matter, Shaoshang realized there were still many things she could do nothing about.

The two surviving maidservants identified a total of eleven bandits who had assaulted them from among the captives. Shaoshang sat in the house and listened to the gossip hungry crowd watching the five horses tear the corpses. Unsurprisingly, there were many, especially those servants and maids who lived in the inner house all year round, who were so disgusted by the bloody scene that they could barely eat anything.

Immediately after the execution, Ling Buyi led the army to capture the bandit leader and left behind two hundred black armored troops to escort the Cheng convoy to Hua County. The leader of the team was the elderly guard who had an arrow wound in his arm.

It was then Shaoshang found out his name was Zhang Mingshan, he had already had an official rank of several hundred stones, and was the assistant general under Ling Buyi’s tent. The friendly looking guard with a scar was Liang Qiu Qi and he was the biological brother of Liang Qiu Fei, who liked to interrupt.

The next morning, Shaoshang dressed in her men’s clothing again and rode her beloved cow-spotted horse.

All the people in the Cheng convoy, from those who were being healed to the servants who were walking by the carts, looked up in the dim light of the morning, waiting for their young and delicate mistress to order their departure. Shaoshang wielded her right arm with force, swung her whip in the air, and the wheels of the carriages slowly began to roll ­– she rode on her horse and looked back, happy to finally be able to leave this valley of bloodshed alive.

The convoy traveled eastward and there were no further disturbances along the way. Shaoshang felt that even if a small thief wanted to catch up with the autumn breeze, he would be scared back when he saw such a silent and solemn black armored army riding beside the convoy.

After drinking the soup and medicine, Madam Sang’s fever subsided and she gradually regained consciousness. She looked apologetically at Shaoshang who had come to visit her. “I wanted to take you to relax and play around, but I didn’t expect to make you suffer such a big ordeal. It would’ve been better to stay in the capital.”

Shaoshang quickly stopped her. “Aunt, don’t say that! It’s just my troublemaking nature keeps following me everywhere, and staying in the capital would only have me be punished by Mother. It was a good idea to bring me out here! By the way, I have met so many interesting celebrities and visited so many interesting places, and now I have seen even thieves and bandits making trouble. When I go back to the capital and have another banquet, I must not boast! I would like to say my divine arrow is invincible and I can shoot two enemies with just one arrow. The thieves were simply blown away by the wind…” She pretended to threaten the maidservants and servants in the carriage. “You are not allowed to expose me!”

All the women were amused to death, and the pale complexion of Madam Sang was covered with a blush.

Shaoshang didn’t stay in the carriage for long, always going back and forth in the convoy. She not only had to take care of the injured person’s fever and ulcers, but also had to inquire about the current road conditions. She also had to worry about Cheng Wei and the twins… After only half a day, she was stiff and sore all over. Fortunately, Zhang Zhao was accompanied by the Li family father and son for chatting, so she didn’t have to bother entertaining him.

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When they arrived only half a day’s journey from Hua County, they saw Uncle Pig’s Feet, who had been separated for several days, leading a team of old and long soldiers up the slope. When he saw Shaoshang, Cheng Zhi, like a porcupine stepping on a finger pressure board, rushed towards her with a loud cry, anxiously shouting, “Where is your aunt? Where is your aunt’s wife? Where is your wife…”

Shaoshang sneered. She had intended to run on the spot, but she saw his beard, stubble, and clothing falling out, his face was yellow and slim, his hair bun was crooked and slanted. Uncle Cheng, who had always had elegant clothes like a jade figure, became Kong Yiji after two days of absence.
[Kong Yiji is a fictional character from a short story of the same name. He was a pedantic scholar who became a laughing stock. He’s a ridiculous and pathetic character. Recently he’s become a meme by underemployed people in China (from Wikipedia).]

Without waiting for Shaoshang to open her mouth, the family commander next to her had already indicated the carriage where Madam Sang was located. Cheng Zhi rushed towards it, and then from the carriage came her uncle’s crying and Madam Sang’s joyful weeping.

Shaoshang suddenly felt that she was redundant.

After asking Cheng Zhi’s accompanying guards, she realized that when they entered Qing County, it felt strange. Everything in the county was fine except for that it was deserted, but when they entered the county office, he found that the county magistrate was not there. He only said that the county magistrate Gongsun led his troops to lead the county in a hurry three days previous, and only a few days ago he sent people to report that he would return that afternoon.

The obtuse small Master Cheng sat for more than an hour and finally waited for his senior brother to come back, and he was almost frightened when asked. Even though his head was not bright enough, he immediately realized that his wife and niece were wandering outside, where it was more dangerous.

In order not to take advantage of the scattered thieves, the emperor ordered officials from all over the country to guard the city and no one could leave at will. Senior Brother Gongsun had to borrow troops to find people for Junior Brother Ben. However, at this time, the Cheng convoy had fled to the hunting lodge for refuge.

Cheng Zhi led a large group of people around like headless flies for a while. It was getting dark before he thought of directly searching for someone in Old Master Li’s village. However, when he arrived, the filial son Li Wu Lang had already led Xiang Yong to go and rescue his father overnight.

Cheng Zhi was extremely anxious, knowing that his wife and family had indeed encountered bandits. The other people in the village couldn’t tell where their Old Master Li was, so he had to wait a moment to find someone. In the pitch black and panicked, a large group of people plunged into a valley, but instead injured 30% of the guards. It wasn’t until dawn the next day that the good horses were reorganized. Cheng Zhi became smarter this time and found a local person as a guide. He touched every possible hunting house and finally found the right place that morning.

As a result, when they had arrived at the hunting house, Shaoshang and her team had already departed, leaving only a pile of scattered limbs and bloodstains on the ground after the fierce battle and execution, as well as a pile of extinguished cremation sites. After his brain caught up with what he was seeing, Cheng Zhi passed out and was awakened by the guards splashing water on him. He advised that perhaps everyone in the Cheng convoy had already been rescued, so he chased after them all the way.

After listening to this fragmented story, Shaoshang became really angry. The worse his brain got, the luckier he became. The most aggravating thing was that Uncle Pig’s Feet had been running around the mountains and plains for several days and nights, and he never once encountered a bandit!

It should be said that Uncle Cheng Zhi was truly a model figure who had been lucky all the way from birth to that day.

He was lovely when he was born, just like Old Master Cheng, a beautiful man of a generation. All of his siblings’ looks together were less than half of his. Old Madam Cheng loved him to death, and she never made him suffer even though the family was struggling. Then, at the age of less than ten, his elder brother rose to power, and everyone in the village thought Young Master Cheng an honorable person. After a few years, the long-sleeved and good at dancing Madam Xiao got together with a few famous families, and took advantage of the opportunity to send Cheng Zhi to Bailu Mountain to study abroad.

Originally, Cheng Zhi, who had a poor background in education and a poor family background, could not avoid the cold eyes and ridicule of his classmates on the mountain. Who would have thought that he would meet Senior Brother Yan Kong who took pity on him when he was young, handsome, and innocent, and protected him all the way until he graduated and became an official (Shaoshang finally found out that this was a serious look age). In the chaotic world outside, the flames of war were raging, but Cheng Zhi was happily studying in the mountains where he had nothing to do with the world.

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Before leaving the mountain, he got the daughter of the mountain lord to marry him. From then on, the father-in-law and brother-in-law who loved Madam Sang also took care of him so that officialdom went smoothly, saving Father Cheng a lot of energy.

Shaoshang finally knew why she always inexplicably disliked her uncle when she looked at him. As a child who was unlucky since birth, seeing Cheng Zhi like that, how could she not be jealous?!

After chatting with Madam Sang for half an hour, Cheng Zhi finally came out to express his gratitude to Zhang Hao and the Li family father and son. Zhang Hao just gave up and said, “We are only following orders.” So, Cheng Zhi poured out all his fear and panic into gratitude to the Li family father and son and, on the spot, he was about to marry his children.

Cheng Zhi said that his father-in-law had already advocated for his eldest Cheng Wei, but his twin sons were still single! Good appearance, strong muscles and bones. Would you like to choose one?

Old Master Li thought that although the Cheng family was a newly established family, seeing the trend of prosperity, he readily agreed. To show his sincerity, Old Master Li clarified his family background and said, “Although I only have grandchildren now and my two newlywed daughter-in-laws, who have just become pregnant, look like they are carrying a boy. Have you seen my Wu Lang? He has recently began chasing after the young mistress of a family friend and acts like I don’t know. I will go to propose later. If they work hard, in two years there will be a child!

Li Wu Lang thought, ‘Father… please watch your words…’

Cheng Zhi was very considerate and thought that the Li family was also worried, so he warmly advised the father and son to return to their village as soon as possible. Anyway, now the Cheng family had the borrowed guards from their senior brother, and the protection to Hua County was enough. Father and son readily agreed.

However, when persuading the Black Armored Army to retreat, Cheng Zhi kicked the iron plate. Zhang Zhan stated that ‘military orders must not be violated’ and that they must see them enter Hua County with their own eyes to complete the task.

So, the next half of the day, Cheng Zhi never left Madam Sang’s carriage, and even A’Zhu and others were driven out. He had to pack all the tea, food, dressing, and bandages with his own hand.

Shaoshang stared blankly without saying a word, cursing that son of a bitch a hundred times in her heart. For the sake of Uncle Pig’s Feet’s true love for Madam Sang and bad brain, she continued to temporarily lead the convoy on behalf of the patriarch.

As he approached the gate of Hua County, Zhang Zhan walked forward with a firm bow and bid farewell, and firmly declined the two boxes of gold ingots that Shaoshang had found in her uncle’s carriage. He also said, “If you want to thank me, you may as well personally thank my young master one day.”

Shaoshang stiffened her cheeks and smiled. “Yes, exactly…” Here were two things. First, holding two boxes of gold to reward Ling Buyi, she couldn’t even think of such a terrifying behavior. Second, she really hoped to never see Ling Buyi again.

Cheng Zhi had been stationed in Hua County for many years, and the soldiers guarding the city gate immediately recognized the familiar guards and servants of the Cheng family, and immediately opened the doors to welcome them.

As the city gate opened, the sky was filled with white puddles, and many pedestrians on the road were dressed in mourning clothes. The pawn who opened the gate on the side still wept and hung his head, murmuring, “Master Cheng, you finally arrived…”

No matter how slow Shaoshang was, she realized something was wrong and quickly pulled her uncle, who was still in the carriage.

Cheng Zhi stood at the gate of the city, staring blankly at the people dressed in filial piety clothes all over the street, and even those who made coffins on the street. After a moment of confusion, he woke up and instructed his wife to walk slowly. He quickly turned and mounted his horse to run towards the county government, while Shaoshang quickly rode her horse to keep up.

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Turning two street corners, the tall and clean four-entry county government compound stood in front of the uncle and niece. The newly paved bluestone steps were as neat as ever, but there were also many white soul calling flags hung on the roof in front of the door, fluttering in the wind like snow.

Both uncle and niece were stupid.

Cheng Zhi thought to himself, ‘It’s broken. I came out in a hurry to find someone and didn’t even ask my senior brother about the situation in Hua County.’

Shaoshang thought to herself, ‘Didn’t Ling Buyi say Hua County was safe? Was he lying?!’

When the officials came out and saw Cheng Zhi, they immediately threw themselves on their knees and wept bitterly, repeating the same sentence over and over again, “Master Cheng, you have finally arrived, here you are…” and added, “Old Master Cheng passed away!”

The magistrate of Hua County also had the surname Cheng, but unlike Shaoshang, he came from a wealthy family in Henan. County Magistrate Cheng was nearly sixty years old and was gentle and elegant. He was not so much a bureaucrat as a kind teacher who was unwilling to punish his students.

For several years, as a colleague, Old Cheng had always treated Cheng Zhi, a subordinate of his own surname, as if he were a close child. His daily duties were also taught by hand. In fact, the magistrate had always been in poor health. If it weren’t for the many losses suffered by the children of the Cheng family during the turbulent times and were struggling in the officialdom, he wouldn’t have been called to office at such an old age.

After drinking, the elderly often say, “I will become an official in two years, and I can finally go home to taste wine, read books, and have fun and elegance…”

Cheng Zhi would smile and say, “You’ve said this eighteen times. Anyway, you’ll have to endure it for a few more years. Looking at such a powerful county magistrate, I can’t bear it!”

Three days ago, the rebels suddenly faced a crisis. The emperor’s place of residence was already prepared and not affected, but unexpectedly, the poor bandits and scattered soldiers not only did not give up, but also dispersed and plundered under the instigation of intentional people. One of the exceptionally fierce bandits rushed towards the nearby and prosperous Hua County.

In the years of peaceful times, many people had already let down their vigilance. Finally, the magistrate of Loacheng County reacted and quickly closed the city gate, ordering soldiers and the strong men of households in the city to come and defend. Although there were not many defenders in Hua County, fortunately, in recent years, the city defense had been very stable and repaired, making it difficult for thieves and bandits to break through. The people in the city were protected by thick walls, but the people in the countryside were not. Suddenly, two villages across the county town suffered heavy casualties.

So, the most common and tragic scene in ancient war history appeared in the form of a reduction of X times.

The bandits drove the old and weak, women and children captured from the countryside to the city gate, threatening the magistrate of Old Cheng to open the gate, otherwise they would kill them. As they spoke, they picked a crying baby and showed the people at the gate the tip of the knife pointed at the child.

Inside the city were the people under the rule of Old Cheng, as well as in the countryside. They were not forgotten when collecting taxes or sharing labor on weekdays. How could they abandon them at this time? The old county magistrate Cheng bid farewell to his old wife and young grandson (whose father died early), and led his generals and half of the soldiers, plus any volunteers from the city, to go out and fight.

Before leaving, the white-haired old man sternly ordered the city gate officials to put down the gate bolts after they left and weld them with molten copper.

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In fact, everyone knew there was a great disparity between them and the enemy, and they couldn’t defeat the fierce bandits. The old magistrate also knew that, he was just trying to kill bandits so that those kidnapped people could escape. After half a day of fighting, the kidnapped population indeed managed to scatter and flee, and more than half of the troops fighting in the city were killed or injured. They were about to be completely annihilated when the rescue troops arrived.

Under the emperor’s command, the Huben warriors divided into several teams to eliminate the bandits, and two of them rushed to Hua County upon hearing the news. After killing most of the fierce bandits, the remaining bandits scattered and fled. Seeing this, everyone at the city gate cried and broke open the welded bolt of the gate. However, they couldn’t find the figure of the old magistrate. By checking the battlefield, they realized that the old man’s body was missing an arm.

Upon hearing the news, Madam Sang stumbled to the county government compound despite her leg injury and knelt in front of Old Cheng’s coffin, crying uncontrollably. Cheng Zhi had already put on his plain clothes, tears were stuck to his face by the cold wind, and he insisted on guarding the spirit of this elderly man who was waiting for his parents. Shaoshang’s tears rolled in her eyes, and she consciously went outside to find a white cloth and wrapped it around her waist, kneeling together before the coffin.

Amidst the cries of the packed mansion, Madam Cheng, who was covered in onyx, smiled slightly and said to Cheng Zhi, “If we can avoid chaos and live to this age, we won’t be wronged. My son died early, and my husband regarded you as his own child. You will accompany him for three days before the funeral. After, you cannot behave like such a child again. There are still many things to do in the county.”

Cheng Zhi’s crying was hoarse, unable to speak. After a while, he nodded numbly.

The old lady turned to Madam Sang and said warmly, “His hair and mine have turned white, and we lived together for a long time. We hope that you and Zirong will have the same luck as us in the future. We will love each other for a lifetime and remain steadfast. If you have a wound on your body, don’t put yourself in this way.” As she spoke, she asked the servant beside them to forcefully support Madam Sang to recuperate.

When staying at the back of the county government office for the night, Shaoshang squatted by the bed to change the dressing and bandage for Madam Sang. She couldn’t help but say, “Why should the old county magistrate go out of the city to take risks? Can’t we call the general and soldiers at the city gate? It’s not the same as being diligent in his duties. He was so old… I don’t think His Majesty would blame him.”

“This was not for the emperor,” Madam Sang’s eyes turned red with tears and she solemnly said, “His Majesty wouldn’t blame him, but all the families and ethnic groups are watching. Without this ambition, how can the children of the Cheng family in Henan have the face to enter court and compete for officials?!”

Seeing Shaoshang scared and afraid to speak, Madam Sang consciously spoke too heavily and stroked the girl’s hair. “We are from a wealthy family, and we should be stronger than the common people. When we meet the enemy, we should go to battle first, and when we die, we should be the first. Otherwise, why should we hold a high position and be supported by the common people? If we only want to be safe, how can we be worthy of our ancestors’ tombs?”

Shaoshang hesitated a few times before she said, “…Our Cheng family is not yet a wealthy family…”

“Perhaps we will be in the future,” Madam Sang said with a smile. “Since your father and uncle’s generation, every generation of descendants has been brave and diligent. After our death, we will erect a high plaque in the ancestral hall to be revered by future generations and continue to grow. Old Master Cheng died to save the people, sacrificing his life for righteousness, and he was a great philosopher. This death was well deserved.”

Shaoshang couldn’t think of what to say.

In her era, many works criticized how the aristocratic families were clumsy and pedantic, how they dragged down the times, and how they compromised and appeased peacefully. One of the achievements of many emperors was to destroy the power of the aristocratic family and crush the power of the wealthy.

But the children of this era’s aristocratic family were still so passionate, with swords on their sides, walking alone in the sea and snow.

At that time, she also realized for the first-time what family was. If she was sheltered by the Cheng family and enjoyed comfortable food and clothing, then even if she could not bring glory and honor to the Cheng family, she must not tarnish the family. For example, indulging recklessly and defecting to the enemy.

She let out a faint sigh; it was not easy to live well during this era.

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