Chapter Fifty:

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Warehouse Reserves Restart

In March of Yangchun, the first ten days of the year were approaching. As a (temporary) parent official, Cheng Zhi needed to preside over the purification ceremony for the people – that is, leading them to the riverbank to splash water and wash themselves, removing the bad luck and haze of the previous year.

As for the high-ranking women, although they weren’t actually going naked to engage in the celestial sport, they also wore much thinner clothing and even had to use curtains to block them. Lou Yao hesitated and asked Shaoshang if he could pour himself a bucket of water that day as a gesture of wish.

Shaoshang smiled. “Okay,” she said. “But that day I’m going to wear a bare shoulder shirt. What are you wearing?” Her two collarbones were as slender as butterfly wings, very beautiful in her opinion.

Lou Yao immediately blushed like soy sauce braised meat, but he didn’t know what his brain had done, so he covered his nose and ran away. Unfortunately, the day before the festival, Father Cheng and Director Xiao fell from the sky. Strictly speaking, the couple arrived half a day apart from each other. Now Shaoshang, not to mention showing her collarbone, had to regulate her words and deeds.

Cheng Shi was very happy when he promised the marriage but the aftertaste was inexplicably sour. After all the recruitment work was complete, he led his army back to the capital and passed through Dongjun. He quickly led a team of guards to Hua County to visit his daughter and examine his future son-in-law.

Madam Xiao was also caught off guard by this marriage.

Firstly, the second wife of the Lou family entrusted someone to speak to her about being close to Shaoshang. Without waiting to quell her astonishment, she also received a sincere letter of marriage from Lou Yao’s father in Qingzhou (in fact, this letter was originally sent to Cheng Shi, but at the time of writing, Lou Yao’s father did not know that his future family was nearby). Madam Xiao had just received an urgent letter from her husband stating that he had agreed to the marriage and had exchanged tokens with the second Lou adults.

Madam Xiao felt a fit of anger and didn’t even bother to pay attention to her husband’s feelings. She set off to Hua County to inquire with Cheng Zhi and his wife in person, and then pick her daughter up and return to the capital.

“Whenever you encounter something that curls up, your brother will take me as a thief to guard against.” Madam Xiao mocked herself.

“What did I say back then? Don’t go too far with Shaoshang, be careful of the backlash,” Madam Sang said with a smile. After laughing for a moment, she asked how everything was at home.

“Old Lady Hu accompanied Mother to uproot all the flowers and plants in the backyard. At the moment, they’re discussing what kind of crops to plant! I think her spirit is better than before. Yang Yang is still learning to manage household affairs, and her temperament has matured. No one dares turn a cold face on her.”

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“So, what do you think of Shaoshang now?” Madam Sang asked with a smile.

Madam Xiao pondered, closed her eyes, and sighed, “You raised her very well… better than me.”

After a few months of separation, her daughter not only had a graceful and filled out figure, bright teeth and eyes, but also the fierce aura that had previously stuck between her eyebrows had dissipated. Her gaze at people was no longer gloomy and solitary, but instead showed kindness and mischief. After experiencing what she had, the girl’s overall demeanor was now open-minded and natural, and her elegant demeanor exuded a lively and innocent radiance that was truly joyful.

Madam Sang looked around and ostentatiously said, “Look, Shaoshang rebuilt this room!”

Following Madam Sang’s gaze, Madam Xiao looked around and found that this inner room was made somewhat differently. It was warm, but not stuffy, and the light was bright and atmosphere transparent.

“A while ago, Shaoshang even dug me a stove for bathing, and even connected it with a big wooden barrel that she found, so I can soak in it no matter how cold the day is. From bricklaying to water diversion, this was all her idea, and cost-effective. The craftsmen were quite satisfied!”

Madam Xiao sighed lightly.

Her deceased biological mother, even though she had several sons and a daughter, still had a waist like a willow, a shape like a girl, and delicate and clear face. No matter how many wars, revolts, and family downfalls happened outside, nothing could disturb her enjoyment of wealth and prosperity. Nowadays, Shaoshang had grown up a lot, and her appearance was almost identical to that of her biological mother, but her personality was becoming increasingly different.

The backyard of the government office was not very large, and from outside, Cheng Shi’s thick scolding and the girl’s angry voice were faintly audible, interspersed with Cheng Zhi’s laughter at his old brother’s misfortune. Upon hearing this, both sisters-in-law felt amused.

“A’Yao is also the youngest child pampered by the Lou family,” Madam Xiao said, expressing her concern. “Don’t take it lightly.”

“Although A’Yao is young, he knows of bows, horses, swords and spears. Don’t worry, he isn’t delicate! Besides, Shaoshang is here. Brother is just being intimidating… By the way, what do you think of this engagement?”

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“We have all exchanged tokens, what else can I say?” Madam Xiao said helplessly.

Madam Sang noticed the displeasure in her tone and she softened. “To be honest, what would you do if this marriage were not arranged by Brother-in-law, but rather left to you?”

Madam Xiao remained quiet for a moment. “I won’t hide it from you,” she said simply. “That day, the Lou family sent someone to inquire about the marriage, which I couldn’t even have imagined in my dreams. Ah, Shaoshang is rebellious and has a bad reputation in the capital. Even if A’Yao was okay with it, I think Madam Lou would hesitate, who knows…” She shook her head. “This happened so fast.”

“Now that He Zhaojun has married Prince Xiao, A’Yao’s mother is facing no glory. If she delays any longer, she’s afraid that He Zhaojun will have children. Could she be happy?”

Madam Xiao nodded, then hesitated. “Do you think that if Shaoshang marries well in the future but Yang Yang’s husband’s family is not as prestigious as the Lou family, will the Ge family become resentful…?”

“There you go again!” Madam Sang forcefully set down her bowl. “I’ve told you before that eagles and sparrows cannot be raised together! Such an appearance and temperament like Niao Niao cannot be covered up!”

Madam Sang thought it was a good thing that Madam Xiao didn’t know Ling Buyi yet, otherwise there would be even more trouble. “Yang Yang has her own advantages and will have a happy marriage in the future. As you said earlier, whether one’s family is high or not is closely related to whether life is good or not! If Niao Niao can marry low and live with peace of mind, why can’t Yang Yang also do that?”

Madam Xiao was not angry, either. After sighing, she spoke slowly, “Actually, I have also thought about that. Many things are not something that I can do as I want. Master Lou said in the letter that he was hesitant at first, so he sent someone to inquire. Coincidentally, he saw your injured and sick group as they stumbled backed to Hua County. Along the way, there were many people who were tired and couldn’t bear it, and the large convoy was actually led by a little girl…”

Madam Sang remembered her leg injury at that time, and her husband, who had been crying and regretful, trapped in the carriage and refusing to get out.

She couldn’t help blushing.

“Master Lou said, no matter what the rumors in the capital are, what he sees and hears from the people under his command were all the benefits of Shaoshang – responsible, courageous, filial to her aunt, considerate to the descendants of Old Cheng’s family, intelligent, knowledgeable, and a warm heart of compassion for the weak and lonely. Master Lou also said that a good or bad temper was only the last resort. Shaoshang is still young, and she would gradually learn in the future,” Madam Xiao said.

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Madam Sang chuckled. “I see that A’Yao’s father is so gentle and kind. Shaoshang will be blessed in the future!”

Madam Xiao gave a bitter smile and said, “My own daughter, I didn’t even know that there were so many benefits, but Master Lou, an outsider, could tell. Shun Hua, can you tell? Am I wrong?”
[Fucking yes you are. Mygod.]

Seeing the hard-headed and arrogant woman was now looking lost and self-doubtful, Madam Sang couldn’t help but soften a little. “Shaoshang still has a lot to learn,” she said. “A single act of ‘making your own decisions and assuming your own abilities’ can scare her uncle and me into a cold sweat! You don’t know, Shaoshang used to want to open a kiln and burn bricks on her own! It scared me to death. Fire and water are merciless, and if it’s not managed properly, the kiln will explode and the bricks burst, burning to the point of scars on her face and body. What could I do?!” She patted her chest and thought about it with lingering fear.

“When you speak, she listens,” Madam Xiao sneered. “But now, when I tell her what to do, will she be willing to listen to me?”

“…This child only listens to those who treat her well,” Madam Sang whispered.

Madam Xiao remained silent.

Cheng Shi had snuck out to challenge (scratch that, test) his future son-in-law, and his daughter stared at him with wide eyes. Except for a few archery and knife gestures, he couldn’t reveal anything with his throwing stone lock. 

“Father, what are you doing? Don’t tell me A’Yao isn’t passing your test? Can you still get the token back from Uncle Lou?” Shaoshang crossed her arms and smiled. “Father, let me tell you a wise saying. Before the marriage is settled, you need to investigate their shortcomings more. Once the marriage is settled, you need to pay more attention to their benefits, so that life will be easier.”

Father Cheng was also an old hand at this, how could he be stumped by his daughter? Seeing that Lou Yao had been helped down by the servant, he smiled and said, “What do you know at a young age? I’m trying his strength for you. It’s better for your husband to be weaker. In the future, if you argue, you can also fight him two ways, so that when your father and brother come to rescue you, they won’t see your nose bruised and face swollen.”

“Father, can you hope for something better for me?” Shaoshang became angry and loudly said. Who would dare try to assault her?!

Since the marriage had been decided, Shaoshang couldn’t be allowed to be happy outside. It was time to start the etiquette process, learning the routine and basic family lineage, and quickly perfect them.

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That night, Madam Xiao instructed her servants to pack the luggage for Shaoshang. Little Lou Yao shyly asked, ‘Can I come back to the capital with the Cheng family?’ Madam Xiao looked silently at the roof and reluctantly lowered herself for a while. At the same time, she felt a sigh of relief in her heart. No wonder the third brother and his wife were so confident and relaxed. Seeing the boy’s sticking to her daughter, it was obvious his feelings were true.

Madam Xiao was a swift and resolute person. It took two days for the motorcade to be repaired, and on the fourth day, she picked up her daughter and set off. Lou Yao rode a horse alongside her as usual, with a regretful expression on his face that his fiancé could not ride with him.

Shaoshang reluctantly bid farewell to Madam Sang, tears swirling in her eyes, urging Madam Sang to pay attention to her body and her leg injury. Her voice was choked with sincerity, and Madam Xiao looked sour off to the side.

Not only did she feel sour, but Cheng Zhi, who had been in the cold wind for half a day, did as well. He naturally took his wife’s hand away from his niece’s, and then muttered a few clichés with a caring expression.

Shaoshang looked pitifully at her third uncle.

Father Cheng was a typical person who was wise, but foolish. He lets go of small things and has a clear mind for the big things. Madam Xiao looked strong, but she rarely changed the decision made by Master Cheng. But, Uncle Pig’s Feet, his belly and intestines were far less beautiful than his face. He was held in the palm of the hand by Madam Sang without realizing it, and he always liked to be proud, indicating that all the nutrients that should have grown into his mind back then had grown into his face.

Cheng Zhi also looked at his niece with pity.

He knew that Cheng Shi had been honest and sincere from head to toe since he was young. When telling lies, it was like telling the truth. If you don’t fan people’s tears when telling the truth, it’s considered acting out of order. Madam Xiao was even more resolute and resourceful. No matter how powerful the niece was, could she still climb over the palms of this couple’s hands? If you can’t handle it properly, you’ll have to throw a cup and be punished with a cane!

Cheng Zhi touched his niece’s head and said, “After returning home, listen to your parents and stop being stubborn.”

Shaoshang patted her uncle’s arm and said, “Uncle, listen to Aunt’s words more. Don’t think too much, it’s definitely right to listen to her.”

Both uncle and niece felt sorry for each other in their stomachs, and for a moment, they found it difficult to reconcile and no longer resented each other.

The bamboo whip was raised, and the convoy set off. Shaoshang looked back from the carriage window, only to see the city gate slowly closing behind her. She took a gentle breath ­– she was about to return to the capital city. She hoped to get married to Lou Yao earlier and then go out with him to become an official. That really was what made the sky high and the sea wide.

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