Chapter Nine:

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The First Family Banquet (Part 2)

Without waiting for Cheng Shi to continue, Old Madam Cheng said, “I know that my son has made great contributions again this time. The emperor is going to increase your official rank!”

Madam Dong Lu interrupted with a smile and said, “It’s natural to increase your official rank, and you have worked hard. For your merit, you will also be rewarded with gold and silver fields.”

Cheng Shi smiled and said, “The Emperor is kind and generous, he never lets meritorious ministers fail. What can I say about this? What I want to say is another matter.” He glanced at everyone and when his gaze fell on Cheng Shaoshang, his face was full of love. “Plus, Yuan Yi and I have four sons and a daughter. Fortunately, the four sons walked slowly with General Wan’s family and did not come back with us. Otherwise, the house is small and there is nowhere to live…”

Madam Ge quickly interrupted, “Brother, you cannot blame me for this. You said in your letter that it will take half a month to come, but who knew you would arrive so soon. In an instant, I didn’t have the time to tidy up the house for you.”

Old Madam Cheng exclaimed, “Shut up. It was too late at the time, and now they have been back for several days, did you just sort out the house? Eldest Son is the head of this family. You have been lucky and occupied the largest house and refuse to leave.”

Madam Ge defended herself, “Mother agreed when I moved over. It was the shaman who said the residence was advantageous for children to rest in it. You see, it wasn’t long before I gave birth to Ou’er…”

“It didn’t take long. But it’s been a few years and there’s only one child.” Old Madam Cheng pointed to the chubby boy who lowered his head and ate fiercely. She had children and raised them herself, so naturally she had the same requirements for her daughter-in-law.

Madam Ge’s anger was half dead. After Cheng Shi and his wife left, Cheng Cheng complained that she was a hindrance and that the relationship between them was not good. After that, they either refused to cooperate or put in the bare minimum when working together. How could she have thriving offspring?!

She turned to Madam Xiao and began to weep. “I am an incompetent person! Sister-in-law is so blessed and I’m reminded of it when I’m in front of your Second Younger Brother. It’s a pity that there’s only one son under his knee while the general is thriving! The prophecy is there but the heavens must pity me.”

Old Madam Cheng disagreed. “Eldest Son has four sons. I heard that Marquis Yu has thirteen sons now. That is the style of wealthy families with great achievements for generations! If the feng shui of the house is really that good, it is time for Eldest Son and his wife to live in it. It is useless for you to live in it, anyway…”

Madam Ge was not convinced and said, “Marquis Yu has a house full of concubines and beauties. The thirteen sons were not born by Marquis Yu’s wife alone!”

Cheng Shaoshang was embarrassed and thought, Aunt, you are devious.

“That’s enough!” Cheng Shi shouted loudly. “What’s all this nonsense? You can’t even listen to this happy event!” He really was annoyed with these broken women. He looked at Madam Xiao again, for fear that she would be displeased, but Madam Xiao didn’t seem to mind at all.

“What is the relationship between concubines and sons? Does Second Younger Brother have a concubine? It’s not just the Dong Lu family who has children,” Cheng Shi said.

Dong Yong quickly hunched his shoulders. Madam Dong Lu proudly puffed out her chest.

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“Concerning concubines, I’ll accept one if I want one and reject if I don’t. I don’t want one, and I have a lot of children…” Cheng Shi turned his head and glanced at Cheng Cheng, who was drinking with his head down. “Second Younger Brother, you might as well accept a few. Third Younger Brother got married late and already has one daughter and two sons. Could it be that Madam Ge is no longer able to…”

Cheng Shaoshang became even more embarrassed and thought, Father, you are also devious. She had an inkling that before her general father made a name for himself, he was a happy man who loved to gossip.

Madam Ge’s sharp voice rang out, “What does Brother-in-law mean by this? How can you be so critical…?”

“Husband,” Madam Xiao finally couldn’t stop herself from interrupting. She closed her eyes and said, “Let’s get down to business.” It had been more than ten years since she experienced this quarrelsome atmosphere and wasn’t used to it.

Cheng Shi stroked his beard and cleared his throat, saying, “Mother, recently Third Younger Brother wrote a letter saying he wants to return to the capital city to report his work. This year we can celebrate New Year’s Day at home. It’s rare that us three brothers can reunite neatly under Mother’s knees and must have a lively time. I feel that our children and grandchildren are busy, and this house is not enough to live in…”

Old Madam Cheng wept with joy and said, “Third Son is coming back, it is a blessing from heaven! Finally, you three brothers can reunite. Over the years, you two have been one east and one west, and I’m worried about something happening to you all. This is great! The house is small, but we can squeeze in more people, just come back.”

Cheng Shaoshang noticed that when it came to Third Uncle’s return, Cheng Cheng, who spent most of the meal looking half-dead, straightened up with a look of joy on his face.

Cheng Shi smiled and said, “It’s okay to squeeze more in for now, but what if there are more children of Second and Third Younger Brother’s in the future? Even if the girls get married, the number of our sons’ children will also increase. In the future, they will get married and also have children. A group of small children, Mother, there won’t be room to squeeze them…”

These words were exactly what Old Madam Cheng loved to hear. Thinking of a room full of little children rolling around by her side in the future, she was so happy that she jumped up and nodded repeatedly, “Yes, yes!”

“I wanted to change my family to a bigger house years ago,” Cheng Shi said. “Unfortunately, I searched and searched, and most of the larger empty houses are far away from the central city. Good houses are all taught to live in by others. But in the future, the children will go to the Imperial Academy to study so the closer the better…” In the past, the family was poor, and one yuan had to be divided into two. After ten years of conquest, money was more than enough, but there was nowhere to buy a manor that met his standards. Most of the high-ranking generals, nobles, and relatives of the Imperial Family who followed the dragon were full of vigor and vitality, and who would want to sell their good residences?

When Cheng Shi spoke about the Imperial Academy, Madam Ge’s expression changed but she didn’t dare interrupt.

Old Madam Cheng sighed. “It’s not our fault our family arrived late.”

Cheng Shi smiled and said, “But who knew we didn’t need to search, the house came to us! Do you know the Bu family that lived on the front street? The one who rebelled at the beginning of the year?” Cheng Shaoshang’s mouth twitched. Father Cheng, speaking of rebellion like this, does your Emperor know how happy you are?

Old Madam Cheng was still a bit confused, but Madam Dong Lu said cleverly, “I know. Isn’t it the Bu family who escaped from the capital with his brothers, wife, and children while His Majesty was struggling in the fierce battle? I heard they escaped to the sea, entangled with their previous subordinates.”

Madam Xiao looked admiringly at Madam Dong Lu and said, “That is the one. After reading the letter of Third Younger Brother, I learned the prefect of Langya had chased his remnants and had killed them all.”

Madam Dong Lu sighed, “His Majesty is so kind, and he treats his subjects with kindness. This family had such a high title, why did they run away? They lost the lives of the entire family in vain.”

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No matter how high the title, Cheng Shaoshang thought, it would never be as satisfying as being the emperor.

“Old Master Bu was originally a hero in the country,” Cheng Cheng suddenly said. “He was defeated by His Majesty and surrendered out of desperation. Of course, this would not be reconciled.”

Cheng Shi saw that his second younger brother was finally willing to speak up and said happily, “A person who surrendered the heads of his own allies to lower His Majesty, what kind of hero is he? Second Younger Brother, you are in the capital, what else have you heard?”

“Not only Old Master Bu, but several families were unwilling, ready to move, or secretly communicating with foreign thieves,” Cheng Cheng said. “A while ago, His Majesty ordered several ministers to be imprisoned. His Majesty is not easy…”

This was a very familiar scene; the world devastated by war and heroes are united. The one who stands on his own as king today could be the one promoted to emperor tomorrow, just like the Gu king competes. Very cruel and scientific, the one who kills the last Gu worm is either the strongest, the luckiest, or both.
[Gu is a legendary venomous insect.]

The emperor that Old Master Cheng took refuge in was only one of the small kings in the country at the beginning. When the founding of the country began, he was surrounded by enemies on all sides, but Madam Xiao – with her first-class foresight – was just as good at picking her liege as she was picking her husband.

“But… what does this have to do with the house?” Old Madam Cheng looked bewildered.

Cheng Shi smiled and said, “General Wan was injured due to his meritorious service this time. His Majesty intends to pay a pension and has given the Bu family mansion to General Wan. General Wan knew that I was planning to move houses, so he gave up the big house next door.”

“Gave up?” Old Madam Cheng’s voice trembled. “My son means, they gave us the house? No need to spend money?!”

Uncle Dong was also surprised. When viewed from above, the Wan household and Cheng household looked like a gourd with a small head and large body. The Wan household was about four or five times larger than the Cheng household, with only one wall separating the two houses. At that time, the emperor was only one of the heroes and his power was still weak. Although he had established the capital here, many wealthy families were not optimistic about it. They were worried that there would be a war, so they sold their homes and returned to their hometowns to avoid disaster.

The rich Wan family bought the two adjacent houses in one go as soon as they came to the capital, and half sold/half gave away the small house beside it to the Cheng family, so that the two families could take care of each other. Uncle Dong also fawned over General Wan, but he was never spared a glance.

“Exactly.” Cheng Shi smiled. “When I came back the day before to meet Old Madam Wan, the old woman said she would simply love to move over before New Year’s Day and worship the ghosts, gods and ancestors of heaven and earth in the new house; she also asked us to move earlier, so the New Year will be prosperous!”

Old Madam Cheng was so happy she didn’t know what to say and nodded repeatedly.

“Old Madam Wan is generous,” Madam Ge said. “Brother-in-law, why don’t we go and help?”

Madam Xiao’s eyes flashed. “No need. General Wan has been injured and it is not easy to move around. Old Madam Wan has been moving her belongings for more than ten days now, and we haven’t helped much. We’ve already moved around in the past days. When General Wan returns to the city, he can go straight to the new house to rest. We’ll then visit to have housewarming wine.”

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Old Madam Cheng was so happy she could only say, “Okay.”

“She started moving more than ten days ago! Why haven’t I heard about it?” Madam Ge exclaimed in surprise. She kept asking her servant to watch the movement of the Wan household.

“Old Madam Wan is a war hero of the world,” Madam Xiao looked at her with a profound expression. “The Imperial family is like an Imperial army, if it can be used it can be shown that it cannot be used. If it is used, it can be shown that it does not need to be used, and is like a mountain. Although the household is being moved quickly, on the surface it looks like a still, deep pool with not much movement.”

Madam Ge’s heart became cold and she lowered her head. She secretly scolded Old Madam Wan for being an inflexible old biddy.

“Mother, I’ve already thought it over,” Cheng Shi smiled. “We will break through the wall and connect the two houses together. Mother will live in Old Madam Wan’s current residence and your son and Yuan Yi will live where General Wan used to live. Isn’t it true that Second Younger Brother likes to study in quiet? The place is big, let him choose wherever he wants to go!”

Old Madam Cheng trembled with excitement. The most enviable thing in the second half of her life was Old Madam Wan, who was majestic and solemn. To put it bluntly, General Wan was a filial son. He gave his mother the best and most comfortable place in the house. Could she live like Old Madam Wan in the future?

She couldn’t help but shed tears and her heart softened. She felt that although she had been arguing for ten years, her son still cared about his old mother in his heart. She suddenly realized that the world was not as good as her own son. All younger brothers and nephews stepped aside first. She was confused before, but can’t break her son’s heart for the Dong family’s father and son any longer.

Madam Dong Lu was obedient and quickly exclaimed, “Congratulations to my aunt, congratulations to my aunt. May you enjoy endless blessings in the future.”

Everyone at the table straightened to congratulate each other. Dong Yong was ignorant, but Uncle Dong knew the situation was over. His nephew was determined to separate him from his sister and not allow him to take advantage of it anymore.

“Every time I go next door, I like it so much in my heart,” Madam Ge said with a smile. “I really didn’t expect that we would one day live in it.”

Cheng Shi rolled his eyes and angrily said, “You don’t need to go. Didn’t you say that the house you live in now benefits you? Just live well and no one will get in your way.”

Cheng Shaoshang had to stuff her laughter down. He asked the husband to go to the Wan household and choose any place, but told his wife not to move. How would it be possible for Madam Ge to have more children now?

Madam Ge’s face was purple, and she choked for a moment. She wanted to say how could couples have children when they are not in the same room, but could only stutter, “You, you…” She had thought when Madam Xiao returned, she would ask for the right to return to the main residence. Although she couldn’t refuse, she could make it difficult for them. As for the main residence, Madam Ge refused to let it go, and if she were forced to do so, she would cry.

Madam Xiao never mentioned a word about changing houses since she returned. Now she would be able to reject the servants Madam Ge had raised in the house and fill the new house with her own confidantes. There was no room for Madam Ge to speak.

Madam Ge’s mind suddenly became clear; she had known her sister-in-law for several years, and also learned about her methods at the beginning. If she guessed right, the Wan family was almost finished moving. Maybe this time, it was Madam Xiao who was guarding the door of the new house. The family she brought back, how could she manipulate these people? If she moved to a new house, Madam Xiao would at most ask her to bring a few servants, so what was the use of her efforts in the past ten years?

Before Madam Ge could come up with an answer, Dong Yong looked envious and smiled, “Auntie, I haven’t been to the Wan family’s manor yet. My father and mother were allowed to see it, can I…?”

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Madam Xiao’s eyes showed contempt. Although Uncle Dong was greedy, he was a smart enough person to know when not to talk. This Dong Yong didn’t have any strengths. At his age, he thought he could be coquettish in front of his aunt, relying only on his thick skin to pretend to be a cowhide cream; when she turned around, she would find someone to tear apart this cowhide, letting him know that the sky is high and the earth is thick.

Madam Ge quickly tried to think of a way to fix this. “I am a woman, I don’t understand external affairs, but we are all family. Uncle and my brother have made mistakes, and the punishment for being a sister is enough. How can we break off our relationship?” Uncle Dong was her good helper in hating Madam Xiao, and she could only win when he came over.

Madam Xiao smiled and looked at her husband. Cheng Shi’s face darkened. Old Lady Hu smiled and went to see Old Madam Cheng, and the meaning of her expression was, ‘What do you think? Let me make the point, she really would say that.’

Old Madam Cheng yelled, “What do you have to do with the affairs of our Dong family? You dare to be long-winded about things Eldest Son and I have decided? Who are you in this family? You are so reluctant to let go of the Dong family, just go to the Dong family! This old body will not stop you from being happy!”

It was said that farmers were sincere, and when scolded, they directly attacked them in three directions. Cheng Shaoshang’s eyes lit up.

As soon as these words came out, Madam Ge’s face turned as pale as a pig’s liver. Although she grew up in the countryside, she was the beloved daughter of Old Master Ge. She was served by maidservants since childhood and never received such vulgar abuse. With a wail, she pushed aside the table and ran out of the room with her sleeve over her face.

Cheng Shaoshang used this excitement to look at Second Uncle Cheng. His expression hadn’t changed and he poured himself a drink; no one else in the room reacted. For example, Uncle Dong, Cheng Shi, and the others knew of Old Madam Cheng’s fighting spirit, while Madam Xiao, and Madam Dong Lu had known about the drama today.

After a moment, the big-eyed girl next to Cheng Shaoshang flushed with embarrassment and clenched her fists. The chubby boy on the other side, who was still eating, probably didn’t understand what happened.

After spouting off to her daughter-in-law, Old Madam Cheng was in full spirits. Old Lady Hu filled her with wine and said with a smile, “You have been talking for a long time, hurry up and moisten your throat.” She then cut off a piece of chicken for Old Madam Cheng. “This steamed meat is what I cooked today. Can you taste the tase of our childhood?”

Old Madam Cheng took a big bite, was surprised and praised, “This is the taste!” She smiled at Old Lady Hu. “You have loved cooking since you were a child. I haven’t tasted your cooking for many years.” Turning her head to look at Dong Yong, who was stupefied, she said, “What are you looking at? Eat!”

Old Lady Hu smiled. “Master Dong and the Young Master were born with wealth and fortune, they probably won’t like these rural dishes.”

Cheng Shaoshang tapped her hands against her thighs. This old lady had a talent for speaking.

Old Madam Cheng looked at Cheng Shi after hearing this. He was eating heartily, as if it had been a long time since he had had such a meal. She knew there wouldn’t be good food and drink in the battle ahead, and felt distressed. “When your father was here, he was watching. After he passed, I watched. Where did the father and son suffer, while my children suffered the hardships?”

Uncle Dong didn’t pick up his chopsticks, and could only apologize.

Next Chapter: Mother and Daughter

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