Again! enjoy!! —-

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I bowed in a hurry.

“Sorry! I’m sorry, very sorry about all this. I should have stopped all this, sorry!!!.”

“It’s okay. “

“Yes, but … uh, father?”

“I’m back Mary. You don’t have to return with me. The Count accepted.”

“Please, send these flowers to Miss Anastasia’s grave in your trip back, Mr. Sharon.”

Quickly, the Count said.

……What should I do. Thank you, I can say that my sister will be comforted. But.. sadly, me, as replacement of her in this engagement, is of low value in exchange for the treasure given. The treasure has already been sold off and used by my family.

I still think… we should apologize to the Count. Also for Anastasia honor.

But, are we not applying salt to the Earl’s heart, while doing so …?

–Hmm? Father is leaving already! ?

I tried to jump out in a hurry and follow him.

But the Count was faster than me and closed the door.

“Don’t chase him. I have something to ask you.”

“What, what?”

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“Mary … were you abused by your family?”


Suddenly, my breathing stops.

Abuse … Abuse?

I felt like I’ve been hit in the stomach. Those intense words stopped my breathing and I felt dizzy.

Abuse … what? From where did he get that from?

Sure, I think I’m a little less favored than my sister… but nothing more.

Also, it’s mostly because I’m not cute.

“That’s not true”

With conviction, I answered.

“My father is a thoughtful man. I am a little incomprehensible and sometimes strictly dictated, but I think it is necessary, so I can improve fast! I do not know where did the Count get that idea from…”

“it’s Cyrus”


My mouth stops at the sudden word. The Count repeated it again with the same face as before.

“Cyrus, it’s my name. I don’t like being called Count. If I call you all the time Baron Sharon’s daughter Mary, you won’t like it right? so I want to be called by my first name.”

“… I’m sorry then, Cyrus.”

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I obeyed, but for some reason Cyrus opened his eyes big, like surprised and happy…

……I wonder what is with him? As rumored, he’s awkward …

“Um, where did you hear that?”

“Well, why did you wear such a plain dress for your birthday that day?”

I asked a question, but the question was answered with another question. And a difficult question to answer at that. I was stuck and no words left my mouth.

Cyrus will not wait forever.

“Don’t say that it’s your hobby. I don’t know the customs of the Sharon family, but in the royal capital they usually wear gray dresses for widows or nuns. That color is a way to reject men. Are you a nun? ? “


“Then, do you hate men?”


I don’t think so.

But it’s true that I wore a gray dress for the party.

It wasn’t a life without any contact with men, but they were all crazy about Anastasia. I am shaded by my sister’s overwhelming brightness.

I love romance novels, and I’m not without interest in the opposite sex. But I don’t really expect it. I never knew someone I could say I liked because I never thought it could happen.

“… So, did you want to help your sister get an engagement? That’s why you left your place to her?”


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“How bad is the life of the Sharon family?”


“I don’t know what to say… so I’m silent”

…… It is not the desired life. But I didn’t expect to get out of there.

I don’t know what to answer.

I don’t want to answer anymore.

Oh … I’m going to cry …

“… I’m not cute …”

This was the only answer I could squeeze out from me.

Cyrus muttered, “Yes,” and seemed convinced. After a moment of silence, he called Mio out loud.

“Yes, what is it master?”

“Take Mary out”

I stiffened and weakened immediately. … No surprise. I knew from the beginning that I would be kicked out.

Dad, have you gone far already? It is hard to walk a four-day road by carriage, by foot. It would be helpful if I could join you.

Mio smiled broadly, and bowed deeply.

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“As you order master. Tunica is already waiting.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Do you want to use the dresses prepared for Anastasia?”

“Drop it. Measure Mary again and tailor it from scratch.”

“It takes too much time. The best products are the ready-made products.”

“So that’s it for today.”

……Hmm? What is it?

“I’ll call Liu Liu. Do everything you can do today. Don’t spare time and money. Polish her thoroughly.”

Mio bowed politely to me who doesn’t know what they’re talking about at all.

“So Mary, let’s go.”

“Yes, yes, where are we going …”

“We have everything you need here”

“What do I need?

I didn’t get an answer. I was pulled out of the room.

As he turned my head over my shoulder, Cyrus was waving goodbye to me.

Translated by djurasico (dot) home (dot) blog

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