I was sent in place of my dead sister. My father thought of this plan, as a way to not lose the support from the Granado family.

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Despite riding a carriage, it was four days of travel.

At the gates of the Granado family, my father shouts for the guards to open the door but the Master of the house and my soon to be husband is not present, and we’re denied entry.

“She must have arrived the day before yesterday to enter the door? We’re a bit late, but it didn’t mean that it was on purpose!”

Father shouts.

“But the Lord is not present now. He just went out this morning.”

The gatekeeper soothes father.

“So… why don’t you stay at the inn in the royal capital today …”

“Will he be here tomorrow? Can you promise it?”

“No, no, I’m just a gatekeeper. I can’t promise anything…”

“And who will end up paying the lodging then? Will you pay for the road bank and the lodgings so far!”

“Eh, what ?!”

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Oh, I can hear father from here. It’s true we’re so poor that we can’t afford an inn so far… But…

In many ways, I think I must not get out of the carriage.

I can see how desperate is father to have gone so far.

The chances of getting paid (chances of successfully delivering me as the bride and not discovering the switching) are increasing if he doesn’t let them carefully inspect me. He has to leave his daughter (me) without giving them time to think. It’s a pity we were driven out, but if he can make use of this opportunity so they don’t see my face, it’s his win. Sadly, for the time being, it’s not working.

… However, this gatekeeper is in trouble.

I want to help somehow. But because I’m not cute… this strategy was put in use. I’m the cause of this.

I managed to calm my father and tried to leave, so we pass this night at an inn in the city today.

But at that moment, a woman’s voice was heard.

“What’s the fuss, Thomas?”

“Oh, Mio! Welcome home miss.”

The gatekeeper is afraid.

I looked at the window.

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I wondered if the Count’s family had arrived, but it was not.

Dressed in a black dress and a white apron, a typical maid was talking towards here. Her hair was combed in two pigtails. Is she about twenty years old?

As the gatekeeper tries to explain to her, my father gives his name. Listening to our family name, the maid frowned.

“Oh … Baron Sharon. The engagement has been broken, and you lost ties to this family, so why are you here?”

This maid seems to know about the death of my sister. Has the Granado family known since then? Do we still have any opportunity?. Father, it seems all your effort has been in vain.

“I brought my second daughter, Mary.”

“… instead of the dead daughter?”

She stared at father with contempt. I was ashamed. I want to pull my father and leave now. But I can’t do that, my family depends on this, I shrunk in the carriage.

The maid doesn’t show impatience in front of my father, she stretches her chest dignifiedly.

“Certainly, master has read the letter this morning. He then wrote a refusal letter in answer and handed it to me. ”

“But… but… we had a long and restless journey to come here. I want to let my daughter rest before going back. Please, let her enter the castle.”

“Settle down in the town Baron Sharon. “

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“Please! We can’t afford the accommodation! At least call the Count here!”

“Accept the truth Baron! This! Is! Not! Possible!!”

“You’re only a servant! Who are you to decide this!”

My father said and grabbed the maid’s shoulder.

What! I rushed out of the carriage. I have to stop my father!

However, the maid dodged my father like it was an easy feat, and he went down to the ground. Father is laid at the cobblestones while shouting from the pain.

The maid abandoned her unchanging face and voice.

“Take care, Baron Sharon. I’ll call a guard to escort you out of here.”

“U. Gu, pu … this, this woman, pu, to have done this to me …”

“You can curse me as much as you want, but I won’t allow you to enter the castle. Please be quiet. Master is now away for important matters …”

“Oh, I’m sorry! We have really intruded here in such a busy time and made this disaster… Please forgive us!”

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I crawled in the ground until I reached their feet and kneeled there. My father sits in the ground and looks up at the Count’s housemaid.

“Sorry, I’m sorry. My father has been rude. Please forgive us.”

I have to apologize anyway. In answer to me, who apologizes with the forehead on the ground, the maid freed my father. He’s complaining.

If I stretch straight, I am taller than my father. So while becoming a wall between the maid and my father, I apologized to the maid again.

“We’re extremely sorry to have made such a scandal.”

The maid, raised her face and looked at me directly. The light blue eyes look at me from top to bottom.

……Hmm? Why is she smiling?

“Oh, you … are you, Marie?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Second daughter … Sister of Anastasia who died …?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. I don’t look like my sister at all …”

The maid screamed in happiness. He tells the gatekeeper to call the Count, and he runs into the castle in a hurry. He returned immediately and bowed to me.

“Welcome, Marie, please go in ….. our master is waiting.”

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