Lovely Allergen

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Red Bean Rice Cake

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The weather in this city was forever unsteady. The never-ending summer heat needed only one night’s worth of cold wind before it abruptly disappeared in one day.

Yue Zhishi woke up early and heard the whistling wind outside. He thought it was just the early morning’s low temperature and didn’t think much about it, rushing to school in a daze. By the time  he finished two classes, the wind was much stronger than before. His body didn’t have the ability to resist the sudden drop in temperature, so he kept sneezing repeatedly. The whole class went outside during a break, and Yue Zhishi followed with his arms wrapped around himself. 

“Your body’s too weak, my brother.” Jiang Yufan hit his hand. “It’s so cold, why don’t you go home in the afternoon to get some clothes.”

Yue Zhishi nodded, but then he shook his head straight after, suddenly thinking of something. “It’s Friday. The senior sister at the broadcasting station can’t come today, so I have to temporarily work with another new person. We have to rehearse later.”

“That’s too bad. I can bring you some of my clothes?”

Yue Zhishi sneezed and rubbed his nose. “Don’t worry about it, might as don’t go out. We don’t have school tomorrow, I should be fine for just one day.”

Jiang Yufan remembered something at this point. “Oh that’s right, Zhang Yameng just said it’s her birthday tomorrow and invited our entire class to go KTV. Are you gonna go?

Zhang Yameng was the most well liked girl in their class. Her father worked in the food business, and even though she was a bit spoiled, she was always warm-hearted towards everyone. She could be considered as the class’s favourite. Yue Zhishi was also eye-catching, so a few classmates would always joke about the two of them, Zhang Yameng looking as if she also enjoyed the jokes. It was okay if it was just once or twice, but after too many times, Yue Zhishi wanted to hide and run away. 

“I…” Yue Zhishi sneezed again, unable to finish his words.

Coincidentally, Zhang Yameng was just walking over to them, and one skip brought her to Yue Zhishi’s side. “Yue Zhishi! You have to come tomorrow, I booked a really good restaurant.” Her two hands were clasped behind her back, and her smile was sweet and pretty. “Everyone else already said yes. Our class can’t miss even one person.”

Yue Zhishi wasn’t able to say anything in time before Zhang Yameng quickly informed him of Saturday’s entire itinerary in one go, not leaving space for anyone to interrupt. At the end, she even slightly, cutely begged, telling him he definitely had to come.

It was a bit difficult rejecting someone directly to their face, especially when she was inviting the entire class. Yue Zhishi didn’t want to go so he didn’t promise anything, and listening to the gym teacher’s arrangements, he headed straight to the end of the boys’ team.

He’ll just text and say he’s sick tomorrow.

The music started playing, and the students all did their warm-up exercises.

The students in the high school department were in front of the junior high’s department. He gazed through the entire mass of bodies, his sight unconsciously arriving at the front. He saw Song Yu also standing at the very end of his class and sighed in relief. At least gege was wearing his winter uniform.

But he wasn’t wearing the western, suit-like uniform. Instead, he wore the black and white gym uniform that was constantly being ridiculed, the clothes big and loose on him and making him look even taller and skinnier than usual.

Other schools always envied Peiya’s school uniforms — the students were given four different sets. Their summer uniform was a shirt and tie, and the additions of a knitted vest and a suit outer coat completed their winter uniform. They also had a set of gym clothing and a set of thick winter-wear. The two school departments were naturally different colours. But because of this abundance of choice, chaotically mismatching uniform sets could always be seen on Peiya’s campus.

And even though the gym uniform was loose and unfitting on Song Yu’s tall figure, he still stood out much more than other students.

After they finished their last exercises, the students were all dismissed. Yue Zhishi realised that the change in partners tonight had yet to be reported to Qin Yan, so he started walking towards the high school department, hoping to use this time to quickly notify him before going back to class.

Qin Yan saw Yue Zhishi running over from far away and stayed where he was to wait for him. He even pulled at Song Yu.

After the class substitution last time, the rumour of their bad brotherly relationship had completely disappeared. However, the story of Yue Zhishi eating a self-heating instant rice meal during night self-study and being caught spread very quickly. In everyone’s hearts, Song Yu was a difficult person to get along with, so being able to cover up something so ridiculous during his own class substitution was already a sign of an incredible, earth-shaking brotherly relationship. 

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Yue Zhishi used the least amount of words possible to explain his situation, worried he would be taking up their time. The cold wind rushed past, blowing his curly hair into disarray. Goosebumps formed on his skin, and he shrivelled up just like a frail little mouse.

“Okay, I understand.” Qin Yan had sharp eyes. He saw a colourful bag peeking out of Yue Zhishi’s pants pocket and reached out a hand to pull it out. “What is this?”

“Skittles. I bought it from the supermarket,” Yue Zhushi said. “I can give it to you if you want it, Qin Yan gege. The yoghurt from last time—” He sneezed again.

Qin Yan’s attention was entirely on the skittles. “So nice of you. I’ll try a few pieces…” The bag in his hand was yet to be opened when it was snatched away by Song Yu. It flew through the air in a sharp parabolic arc before landing in Yue Zhishi’s stunned hands.

“Try what? Time for class.” Song Yu dragged Qin Yan away.

“SYU! You just don’t want to see other people treating me well!” Qin Yan was very unsatisfied at being dragged away, but he suddenly realised, “Hey, wait, what yoghurt…”

“You’re so noisy.” Song Yu frowned.

Since the candy ended up not being given away, Yue Zhishi could only place it back in his pocket, rubbing the numb tip of his nose. 

“Yue Zhishi.”

Hearing Song Yu’s voice, he lifted up his head and saw Song Yu zip open and take off his outer jacket in one smooth motion. The coat was quickly thrown over his head, covering him just like a mousetrap, before Yue Zhishi could react. 

“Put it on.”

Yue Zhishi hurriedly pulled the coat down from his head, but he only managed to catch the sight of Song Yu’s back. He lowered his head, sized up the jacket in his hands and held it a bit further away to look at it before finally putting it on. He pulled the zipper up to the very top.

The sleeves were very long.

He could only see half his hands.

He swung the sleeves around as he ran back to the classroom, just like a little chick fluttering its wings. The black and white colour of the high school department’s uniform was glaringly obvious in the crowd of blue. Once he was back in class, Yue Zhishi suffered through rounds and rounds of teasing, everyone saying words like ‘I’m so envious’.

But Yue Zhishi found that he inexplicably enjoyed this teasing.

The vicious wind outside was just as wild as before, the strange, whining noises drilling through the gaps in the metal window frames. Yue Zhishi held up his face with his pair of sleeve-covered hands and silently listened to the sounds, suddenly finding the wind noises quite cute, almost like the cries of a small baby demon.

In order to rehearse their lines, he only ate a bowl of clear, tasteless rice porridge during lunch. He met his partner in the cafeteria and went back to rest in his classroom after they finished discussing their upcoming session. After he slumped onto his desk, Yue Zhishi placed his head on top of his arms, his entire being wrapped in the faint detergent fragrance of Song Yu’s jacket.

They clearly used the same detergent, but why didn’t it feel the same?

Song Yu was different from everyone else.

Yue Zhishi didn’t feel too well the entire day and almost sneezed at the microphone when broadcasting, but he luckily managed to endure until class ended. Once the bell rang, Zhang Yameng pulled at him and pretended to ask him questions about their homework. After her question was answered, she suggested heading out together. “Are you feeling a bit uncomfortable? You’ll definitely get sick if you ride your bike through the wind. My driver is outside waiting for me, I can take you home.”

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Yue Zhishi shook his head and distanced himself from her. “My home isn’t the same direction as yours. It’s very close by, I’ll reach it after just a little bit.”

Zhang Yameng kept insisting and even pulled on his arm. “Don’t be so polite, if it’s close then it’ll be even faster by car.”

Yue Zhishi managed to take back his hand just in time to cough twice. 

“I think it’s meant to rain over the weekend. I don’t want my bike to get rained on the next two days. Maybe next time.” He quickly walked away.

It really wasn’t easy to ride his bike during a cold day. The wind kept puffing up his jacket, the cold air mixing with the smell of sweet osmanthus flowers on his body as he rode by. Yue Zhishi was dizzy by the time he got home and made a lot of noise changing his shoes. Father Song was doing some work at the kitchen island and looked back once he heard the noise. “Le Le?”

“Uncle.” Yue Zhishi’s voice was stuffy.

Song Jin could immediately tell something was wrong. “Did you catch a cold?”

When he saw Yue Zhishi come in wearing his son’s uniform, Song Jin chuckled before returning back to his notebook. He said to himself, “Song Yu does know how to act like an older brother after all.”

“Quickly come and have some sweet soup. Your Aunt Rong’s been simmering this red bean and dried tangerine peel soup all night.”

Yue Zhishi took down an unfinished volume of shounen manga from the bookcase before sitting down next to Song Jin. The red bean had been stewed to a soft and smooth paste, the sweetness from the crystal sugar just right. The soup was at a comfortable temperature, and it warmed Yue Zhishi’s entire body after just one mouthful. The baked rice cake was fluffy and soft with a slightly crunchy shell. After soaking it in the red bean soup, one bite would pull out the centre of the rice cake, sticky and chewy. Happiness burst in Yue Zhishi as he ate while reading his manga.

He didn’t make any noise, seeing as Father Song was busy. He ate silently and grabbed another bowl after he finished his first. There was a roasting platter on top of the kitchen countertop, and freshly roasted spicy pork jerky rested in it. Yue Zhishi took two pieces and returned back to the kitchen island with his bowl.

Song Jin closed his laptop after he finished his work. “What are your plans for the weekend? Do you want to come fishing at Liangzi Lake with me? Your Aunt Rong is coming too.”

Yue Zhishi licked the red bean soup off his lips. “Is gege going?”

“He’s too busy. He’s making a speech tomorrow for the city’s Best Three Students election,” Lin Rong said, coming down the stairs.

City’s Best Three Students. Song Yu was the city’s Best Three again. Yue Zhishi carefully chewed his jerky, his heart full of admiration. Song Jin wasn’t aware of this at all and asked, “There are so many requirements to elect the city’s Best Three Students now?”

“Yeah, I thought it was strange at first too, but I later heard from a friend that one of the children who won the award last year got in through different means and took up a spot.” Lin Rong sat in front of them with her own bowl. “There was a child with better grades from their school who didn’t get chosen. That child’s parents were very unsatisfied and went to find the Department of Education. That’s why the criteria this year is much stricter, and they even added this election speech requirement segment just in case.”

Yue Zhishi immediately said, “Song Yu gege will definitely get the award.”

“Of course.” Lin Rong laughed and patted his head. “But it’s fine even if he doesn’t get it. Once you worry about winning or losing, it starts becoming too stressful.”

“Then I won’t go fishing tomorrow.” Song Jin closed his notebook.

Lin Rong held onto Song Jin’s shoulder. “No, your son has ordered that we’re not allowed to come. We should just let him do what he wants.” She then looked at Yue Zhishi. “What are you doing tomorrow, Le Le?”

Yue Zhishi was holding a small porcelain bowl and, hearing her question, let out a long hum and sighed, “I don’t know.”

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“This little guy looks very busy,” Song Jin teased.

Lin Rong curiously asked, “What’s got our little man all worried like this?”

While they were talking, they heard the door open and the very familiar sound of someone putting down keys. All three of them looked over.

“Xiao Yu, quickly come have some sweet soup,” Lin Rong called out. She then returned back to their conversation. “What were we saying? Tomorrow’s date?”

“Not a date,” Yue Zhishi decisively denied. “A classmate invited the entire class to a birthday party.”

Song Yu left his schoolbag on the sofa and silently went to wash his hands in the kitchen. He then poured himself a cup of water before leaning back against the countertop, eyes looking at the three people at the kitchen island.

Lin Rong wanted gossip, unlike a mother. “Boy? Girl? Just a lunch?”

“Girl, Zhang Yameng.” Yue Zhishi replied without much care, brain full of other things. He knew Song Yu didn’t like sweet things, so he extended out a hand and pointed at the pork jerky on the countertop. Song Yu turned around and looked at it, and when he turned back, Yue Zhishi was frowning and fighting to not sneeze.

“…Uncle should know her,” Yue Zhishi belatedly added.

“Ah, Zhang Pengyuan’s daughter. I saw him earlier during some business meetings.” Song Jin drank some tea and casually said, “You should go, weekends are meant for relaxing.”

Song Yu slowly ate his piece of jerky with his head lowered. His eyes would occasionally glance upwards and meet Yue Zhishi’s as he looked at him.

As long as Song Yu was around, Yue Zhishi’s line of sight tended to always circle around him, like a moon revolving around its planet. His light coloured eyes forever held the burning affection, feelings of worship, of longing… everything a younger brother would feel towards his older brother.

Lin Rong was still teasing. “Is Zhang Pengyuan’s daughter pretty?”

“She’s quite beautiful,” Song Jin said.

“Really?” Lin Rong lightly smacked Yue Zhishi’s arm and didn’t have any of the strictness other parents would have towards their children’s possible early dating. “Does she have any intentions towards our Le Le?”

“Of course not.” Yue Zhishi frowned. He got up from his barstool, put his empty bowl into the sink and softly said to Song Yu who was still leaning there, “Song Yu gege, your jacket…”

“You can just chuck it into the washing machine.” Song Yu finished eating the piece of jerky in his hands and moved away from the little gap he and Yue Zhishi were in from the kitchen island. He said good night to his parents and went upstairs. 

Song Jin started joking around again. “Le Le, don’t learn from your brother, his mouth is closed tighter than a metal bottle bonded shut. It never opens. He’ll suffer in the future when he meets someone he likes. You’ll have to learn from me if you want to chase a girl…”

“That’s enough.” Lin Rong also got up. “Don’t listen to him brag.”

“How am I bragging? I put in so much effort when I chased you back then.”

Yue Zhishi laughed and said he didn’t want to watch their public displays of affection, turning around to go upstairs. He happened to notice the schoolbag Song Yu left on the couch, and a small light immediately lit up in his heart. He ran to pick up the bag, stomped up the stairs and excitedly went to knock on Song Yu’s door as if he found some treasure.

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If someone’s mood could materialise into reality, there would be a little wagging tail on Yue Zhishi’s butt right now.

He lifted his hand and lightly knocked twice with no reply. He knocked twice again, and there was still no one opening the door.

Yue Zhishi could faintly hear the sound of water running from inside the room before it seemed to stop. He stuck his ear onto the door, his entire body leaning onto it, and wanted to carefully listen to the movements inside. But the door suddenly opened in an instant, and Yue Zhishi fell over, body completely unbalanced. 

He fell directly into someone’s arms.

Song Yu had just finished showering and was only wearing a bath towel. His hair was still wet, droplets of water dripping from the tips of his hair onto Yue Zhishi’s forehead. Yue Zhishi was startled awake by the water drops and sprang away from Song Yu’s body.

“Xiao Yu gege, your schoolbag…”

Yue Zhishi looked fairly calm, but he’d unconsciously gone back to his childhood nickname of Xiao Yu gege as a reflex, instead of the full name he now used after growing up.

Song Yu took his bag and quietly said his thanks. Yue Zhishi had lost his train of thought, the words he wanted to say before coming upstairs entirely forgotten. He only wanted to run away and didn’t know why. It’s not like they haven’t showered together before when they were younger.

Even though that was a very, very long time ago.

“Good night I’m going back to my room now.” Yue Zhishi had just lifted his legs to turn around when Song Yu grabbed the collar at the back of his neck, almost as if he was lifting a small chick.


Yue Zhishi obeyed and faced him, standing straight.

Song Yu gestured with his chin. “My jacket.”

Yue Zhishi subconsciously lifted a hand to the zipper at the front of the jacket as soon as he heard Song Yu’s words, but then he paused. “Didn’t you say to just put it in the washing machine?”

“You’re at my door already, may as well just take it off,” Song Yu calmly said.

Yue Zhishi made a noise of understanding and pulled off the sports jacket. He then flipped it over Song Yu’s torso, pulling both sides of the shoulders to hang just right, and covered Song Yu’s entire upper body.

Song Yu frowned. “…What are you doing?”

“Worried you’ll catch a cold.” Yue Zhishi sneezed once and then quickly escaped.

The author has something to say:
There’s not a lot of twist and turns in this novel’s relationship development, maybe just some sweetness and bitterness at the same time. Don’t scare yourself thinking there’ll be large amounts of knives! I also haven’t included a ‘breakup and then reunite’ tag, but a side CP (very little scene time, will show up only occasionally) will soon show up with a little bit of pain (this storyline is from my first novel, and you’ll see Song Yu’s POV).

This is a slice of life novel, so story beats won’t be very fast. I wanted to write about the trivial little things in growing up and going through puberty. You can’t rush it. Little Jade is a very cat-like person, he doesn’t like getting close to people and likes to say one thing but do another. He’s a bit tsundere, but he’s the person who treats Le Le the best.

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