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Xu Jia Li's face was as red as tomato after reading the Weibo posts in her phone. She glared at Shen Linqin, handed her the phone, and sat quietly as she held her head.

'This is not good. How can I explain things when I get back?'

After the event, they immediately left and went directly to the hotel to prepare for their flight. She refused Li Yun's offer of taking her to the hotel and instead bid him goodbye.

Xu Jia Li was not in the mood when Shen Linqin asked her to eat. She was a bit irritated. She couldn't imagine how Li Yun was able to bribe Linqin to let him come up on stage, and do that public display of affection.

She hated it but she just couldn't let him be embarrassed in front of so many fans; thus things happened the way it did during the event. She knew well enough that it might ignite rumours back in China.

When she saw Li Yun walked towards her, handed her the flowers and kissed her right cheek, she wanted to slap his face and get out as soon as possible. She felt suffocated; her head suddenly filled with annoyance.

Xu Jia Li was never attracted to him, even after so many years of trying. She had been honest to him the whole time but he just wouldn't budge. Li Yun continued courting her and followed her whenever he can.

Li Yun was her senior in Cui Ruzhou. He was a remarkable student; the pride of their university. He was signed immediately as a celebrity under Leading Light Studio; one of the prestigious company in the entertainment industry after he graduated. But he left the former to go to Sun and Star Entertainment when he learned that Xu Jia Li was signing under them.

He was 4 years older than Xu Jia Li. He had always been kind to her but Xu Jia Li never felt that he had feelings towards her. She was rigid, cold and indifferent to the opposite gender. Many guys in Cui Ruzhou tried their best to capture Xu Jia Li's aloof beauty but they all failed.

As Shen Linqin received the phone from Xu Jia Li, she meekly smiled and read the posts. There were many titles on top of the platform.

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[Asia's Multi-Talented Queen: Dating Hot Actor Li]

[Li Yun Surprised Xu Jia Li: Are They For Real?]

[ JiaYun: The New Couple of the Entertainment Industry]

[A Love Blossomed in Japan: Li Yun and Xu Jia Li]

People were posting like mad with the sudden display of affection given by Li Yun.

"Aiyooo! My Yun-ge is real sweet! I heard he postponed his tv guesting just to accompany Xu Jia Li in Japan!"

"Are they really dating? Oh, they are match made in heaven!"

"I wish to see them both together in a movie. Then, let's see from there if they really look good together."

"Woaah! If our hubby Li Yun dates Xu Jia Li, then what of the Drama Princess, Qi Xenjin? Aren't they a thing?"

"Aiyooo! Don't tell me, Xu Jia Li is the third party! Our Asia's Multi-Talented Queen will never be that!"

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"Oy, our Princess Xenjin dated him first. That Xu Jia Li bitch must have seduced our Prince. I would never believe that he likes her."

Then all of a sudden, fans of Xu Jia Li, Li Yun and Qi Xenjin were in heated discussion as they continued to argue; the previous tags were changed soon after:

[Xu Jia Li Seduced Li Yun]

[Li Yun Forced to Attend Xu Jia Li's Concert]

[Xu Jia Li on the Brink of Despair Seduced Qi Xenjin's Li Yun]

Shen Linqin's guilt-ridden face turned to Xu Jia Li and uttered, "Li-jie, I'm sorry. Please, do not be mad. I don't have any idea that this will happen. That Qi Xenjin must be behind this."

Qi Xenjin was also an artist of Sun and Star, and was Li Yun's on-screen love team. They were tagged as the Prince and Princess of Chinese Movie.

"Linqin, just don't do this again next time. No matter what you think about getting Li Yun and me together, it will be of no use."

"So what should we do right now, Li-jie? That Qi bitch must be plotting things to you once we go back."

"Should I be afraid? As long as I'm not doing anything wrong, what is there to be afraid of? And Linqin, you almost forgot the main reason why I entered the entertainment industry."

"Yes. Yes, Li-jie! I will not be meddling in your love life again."

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As Xu Jia Li was about to pat Shen Linqin's hand, she heard the phone in her hand rang.

She lazily picked it up and answered without looking at the screen; she did not see Manager Lan's name written in it,

"Hello?" she said without interest.

"Jia Li, what's with the voice?"

Upon hearing Lan Meixu's voice, Xu Jia Li suddenly had the idea why she was calling.

Lan Meixu was the greatest manager in all of China. All the artists under her care had been very successful because she helped them get the suitable projects based on their talents. Luckily for Xu Jia Li, she was good in everything.

Lan Meixu had been her manager ever since she entered the industry. The only reason she could not come with them in Japan was because of her father's health condition.

"Meixu-jie, it's nothing. I am just a little tired."

"Don't lie. I have already seen the most popular posts in Weibo and almost all the entertainment sites."

"People will get over it soon."

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"I am not worried whether people will forget or not; whether they'll get over it or not. What I'm mostly worried about is, you. Are you really alright?" Lan Meixu knew that Xu Jia Li was not used to issues regarding love. She had been with her for a long time since she debuted as a Pop Star.
She knew how hard she tried her best not to be involved in the rumours and scandals of the industry.

When Xu Jia Li heard Lan Meixu's concern voice, it immediately stirred some hidden emotions in her; she was touched.

Lan Meixu was only 3 years older than Xu Jia Li, which was why they get along really well.

"Meixu-jie, don't worry, I am really okay. These things will eventually die away and be forgotten."

"Okay. I'm really glad to hear that. Anyway, aside from that, I am calling to inform you of the welcome party organized by the company for the success of your Asian Tour."

"Oh! Hmmm-"

"It will happen three days from now at Grand Riviera Hotel. The company also provided you with the dress you will wear. All you have to do is to be there."

"Yeah. Of course, Meixu-jie, I will definitely be there."

"Li Yun will also be there, so it will also be a good chance to clear all the rumour."

"No one needs to clear anything. As long as the other party won't explicitly add coal to the issue, then it will be okay."

"Okay. I'll get going now. Take care. See you once you get back."


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