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Si International Corporation

Si Weimin had a fierce look on his face upon reading the newspaper. With his forehead creased in annoyance, he crumpled and threw it on the floor – grabs his phone and called Wang Guo.

"Make sure to remove all the rumours circulating against Xu Jia Li in every entertainment forum and site!"

"Yes, CEO. Should I file lawsuits, too?"

"Do that and tell them that whoever dares to put that garbage back will have to face bankruptcy!"

"Of course, CEO!"

"Do that now!"

After Si Weimin ended the call, Wang Guo was thrilled to know that the devil was still continuously helping Su Jia Li. He had been with Si Weimin for a long time. His heart suddenly melted with Si Weimin's undying affection towards Xu Jia Li. Ever since Si Weimin took over Si International Corporation, he had witnessed how he worked hard just to help her.

'The devil can really be sweet, sometimes.' Wang Guo snorted.

Wang Guo could still remember the time when Xu Jia Li was really sick but she needed to finish the painting that was to be given to one of Cui Ruzhou's Board of Trustees.

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Having learned that, Si Weimin immediately called the president of Cui Ruzhou; offered 100 million dollars to have the painting instead, and instructed the president to give ample of time for Xu Jia Li to finish the commissioned painting. Otherwise, he would pull out all his shares from the university.

Si Weimin also stood outside Cui Ruzhou Dormitory, with face full of worry, just to make sure that Xu Jia Li will be alright. He even bribed her roommate – a full scholarship grant – just to bring the food and medicine that he bought for her.

These things, only the two of them knew.

'Huh! Who would even dare lay a finger to the devil's most beloved queen? You are all digging your own graves.' Wang Guo whispered to himself.

Immediately, Wang Guo did what he was told and called Han Xian, the head of the HR Department. Together with the company's lawyers, they prepared the appropriate lawsuits for all the companies that posted and published the rumours on their newspapers and other social media sites and platforms.

Within a minute of receiving the lawsuits, all the entertainment sites and forums removed all rumours about Xu Jia Li. Like children who were afraid of their parents, one by one, they responded with an apology letter for the previous deeds. Hence, all news about Xu Jia Li vanished in thin air, and was later on replaced by her upcoming Welcome Party.

Si Weimin was not yet satisfied with how things turned out. With his usual aloofness and cold aura, he called Wang Guo through the intercom and told him to come in his office without delay.

As Wang Guo entered, Si Weimin spoke, "Contact Thomas, tell him to investigate the pictures uploaded on social media; find the culprit and gather all the crucial evidence. He only have one day."

"B-but Ceo, Thomas is currently in New Zealand for his new assignment and has to handle a very confidential matter."

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Thomas Young was one of Si Weimin's friend. He was a top-tier military man and had become the best in his career. He handled confidential matters and was good in computer technology. Si Weimin only trusted Thomas in this kind of assignment.

"Tell him to leave whatever he is doing. He can do the investigation even if he is in New Zealand."

" . . ." Wang Guo only gaped at Si Wei Min. 'What is this devil talking about? How can that even be possible? He's surely bullying the weak.'

". . ." Si Weimin did not say a word but responded with an icy glare instead.

"I will call him right away, CEO."


Wang Guo only cried inside for Thomas' misfortune. 'Aiyoo, the devil will not stop. Poor Thomas!"


Zhou Mansion

Zhou Bingbing was currently at home after finishing the filming of her movie. She had been waiting for her father's arrangement for her to meet with the CEO of Si International. The real beauty that she was, she was growing impatient for being rejected for how many times.

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She had been eyeing Si Weimin for quite a long time. She couldn't understand why he never called back once. She was literally a catch! The one who was perfect to stand by his side! She sneered, "Ah, Si Weimin! You will be mine, no matter what."

She grabbed her phone and called Si Weimin's grandfather, Elder Si. Upon hearing the voice on the other line, Zhou Bingbing started to talk in a sweet melodic voice.

"Hello, Chairman Si! My father told me to call and ask how you have been these days."

"Oh, my dear Bingbing! I am still alive and kicking, tell Jiayin that. By the way, call me grandpa. There is no need for you to call me Chairman Si." A laid-back laughed can be heard on the other end which overwhelmed Zhou Bingbing.

"Y-yes, Grandpa Si." She timidly answered while putting an evil grin on her face – immensely delighted with Elder Si's patronage.

"Good. Very good." A satisfied Elder Si replied back.

"Grandpa Si, I bought ginseng for you when I visited Hanlong Province. I wonder if I would send it to the Si Mansion or – "

"Don't send it. Come over here instead and visit your grandpa. I can use some fresh company." Elder Si laughed heartily.

"O-okay, Grandpa Si. I will come and visit this afternoon."

"I will tell Weimin to come home then so the two of you can meet."

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"Y-yes, Grandpa Si. I-I also have something to give to Weimin-ge." Zhou Bingbing coyly responded – coating her obvious desire to conquer Si Weimin.

"Okay, then. I will see you later, Xiao Bingbing."

"Goodbye, Grandpa Si."

With a satisfied smirk written on her face, Zhou Bingbing took her phone and called her manager, Fei Hong.

"Buy ten boxes of ginseng and bring it here. Now."

"Why do you need that many ginsengs, Bingbing?"

"It's for Elder Si. I will come and visit Si Mansion this afternoon." Zhou Bingbing giggled.

"Oh! Finally! You are now close to having Si Weimin at your hands."

"Precisely! Elder Si favours me a lot." Zhou Bingbing had a glint in her eyes as she continued, "No one will ever be perfect to be Mrs. Si Weimin. He will be mine. That is for sure."

"Right, so what should I buy Si Weimin then?"

"He loves painting. You don't need to worry about that. I have that covered already."

Pleased with herself, Zhou Bingbing bade farewell to Fei Hong. She immediately went down to the basement and beamed when she saw what she was looking for – a painting of a couple holding hands.

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