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My dear readers,

As New Year is fast approaching and classes are about to resume in a while, I would like to clarify the update schedule that we will have.

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I know, I have very few of you who read this novel. But still, I'm really glad. Your comments made me happy. I always love to read the comments every chapter. XD

However, this story is the product of passion for writing, dedication and hard work bestow upon achieving a dream.

First, I am a new author. An aspiring writer. A newbie. So, any flaw you'll see, I hope you'll be kinder to forgive. (I used to edit for others but I don't know why I couldn't see the typos and grammatical errors, if there's any, in my own work. Rest assured that I'm working on them and will edit them in one go.)

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Second, I am not being paid for this. This is merely an act of love. This novel is solely written for the very reason of loving writing.

Third, I have life outside the four corners of my room. I'm not bound to the nook and cranny of my laptop nor the clicking of my keyboard. The stability of my updates depends on my free time because as I've said in the above statement, I AM NOT BEING PAID.

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Fourth and last, writing is hard. It is. There are times when I stare on my screen and nothing flows. Totally, writer's block. I couldn't even type a single word. Writing is not something you produced in a whim nor something you could have in a tick of a second. It takes effort, time, energy, hard work, and love to produce a single chapter. So please be considerate.

Also, keep in mind, this is an original story, written by a newbie author.

On our chapter update, it will be 5 (FIVE) chapters EVERY WEEK. I hope you will stay committed and wait for the chapters. Also, I hope you will understand.

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All the love,


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