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Si Weimin arrived at Si International Corporation after making sure that Xu Jia Li was safe in her apartment. No matter how worried he was, he couldn't just do things impulsively. He didn't want to scare her off, especially now that they were finally having a mutual understanding.

Of course, he was worried of her, the letter and the carcass somewhat made him think that it wasn't a coincidence. However, he knew that she was strong enough to handle these things. All he needed to do was to be with her through it all.

They could do anything but he won't just stand back and let them hurt the one he loved. Whoever those people were, he won't stop until he knew who they were.

A deep frown formed a valley in the middle of his nose as he put his hand on his chin. Absorbed in his thoughts, he gently stroked his chin as he thought of what happened. He knew that these were all planned. He needed to find out more about this incident. This was baffling him to the point that he couldn't just stand back.

Another thing that worried him was the call he received from Wang Guo. If it was only him, he wouldn't care about it at all but since Xu Jia Li was involved, he couldn't let it passed.

With a calm and cold countenance, he exuded a nonchalant behaviour as he strode swiftly inside his company, not showing any sign of his earlier worried expression.

He was greeted by his employees who saw him on his way to the elevator which he only responded with a nod.

The receptionist smiled sweetly as she stood and bowed slightly as she greeted Si Weimin who passed by her desk. With a glowing face, she waited excitedly for his reply. The usual response of a nod from Si Weimin made her winced as she bowed her head hiding a frown on her beautiful face.

Without paying attention to her, Si Weimin continued to go to his private lift.

His mind, although preoccupied by what Wang Guo told him, was still as sharp as ever as he noticed that some of the lady employees were whispering with one another while waiting for the elevator to open. Looking at them, they looked like new employees based on the color of their ids. He was about to ignore them when he suddenly heard Xu Jia Li's name.

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As they were facing the elevator, they didn't notice as Si Weimin stopped and listened to their conversation.

He heard one of them said, "I never know that the cold and domineering CEO Si could really buy his way to the entertainment industry. What's with that movie anyway?"

"How could we know? Rich people are worst than pigs. They can do everything in a whim."

"Still, why would the CEO enter the film if not for being seduced by that bitch, right?"

"That's true. That Xu Jia Li, humph, I thought she's pure. Never knew she could be so cunning." The woman wearing a bright yellow skirt and orange half sleeve blouse sneered as she flipped her straight hair and showed a disgusted reaction on her face.

"Pssh! The CEO is a very handsome man, and powerful, might I add. Of course, women like Xu Jia Li will do everything just to get him."

"Yeah, pssh! Oh my gaaad, that's social climbing!"

"And this, have you heard? Well, anyway, before I begin, my cousin is working at Sun and Star Entertainment. So what I'm gonna tell you is true! This is from an insider. Very legit!"

The woman with a bob cut hair paused to heighten the suspense as she gazed on her officemates. Seeing them listening attentively, she continued,

"It's said that she has always been that way, of course, to climb up the ladder. Who would believe that a mere orphan like her would reach the top without using her own body?"

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The other women gasped upon hearing those words as the woman emphasized on the word, 'own'.

"I knew it. She's not even that talented. I also heard she's been using a ghost singer. So it only means that she couldn't even sing!"

"How pretentious! She's not worthy to be called Asia's Multi-Talented Queen."

"Indeed! I have to post that on my social network accounts."

"I will do that – " The woman wearing a bright yellow skirt didn't finish her sentence when they heard a deep male voice as cold as the Antarctic, saying, "Ladies, the elevator arrives, are you so busy that you didn't hear as it opens?"

They stood still as they tried to process what had transpired. 'It's the devil's voice.' With trembling bodies, the women slowly turned around to face Si Weimin. They looked like a cold bucket of water was poured on them. They were pale and white as paper as they stood rooted on place.

With cold eyes, Si Weimin tilted his head and glared directly at them. The women started to sweat profusely as they couldn't stand the intensity of his gaze. They couldn't even move their lips to answer.

All of them had only one question in their minds, 'Did the devil hear us?' Yet no one was brave enough to break the silence created by their fear towards him.

"Would any of you want to repeat what I just heard? It seems interesting but my ears are a little weak to even process the fun." Si Weimin put his hands on his pockets as he continuously glared at the women in front of him.

He was fuming mad when he heard them slander Xu Jia Li. He wanted to cut their tongues for all the false accusations they had. However, he knew how to play games with their kinds.

He looked at them and saw as their eyes grew bigger in shock and fear, knowing that he heard what they said.

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"What now? Who will speak first?" Si Weimin asked as he pretended to impatiently look on his wristwatch. All the while stomping his right foot to look even more impatient.

Still, when he raised his head, no one wanted to speak. The women were all trembling. They looked pitiful as they slouched, hands were clasped together in front.

"Okay. You see, I don't really have all the time to wait just to hear these fun facts you all said. So, why don't we play a game? I see you're all new. If I reached the elevator with you repeating everything you've said, you'll all stay. However, if you failed, you'll all need to get lost."

Si Weimin smiled as he started his way towards his private lift. He sneered as he heard the women's gibberish mumble as they tried to explain what they said or didn't say. They all looked at him sheepishly as they slumped on the floor.

He entered the elevator and looked at the pitiful sight before him. He couldn't help but smile as the women had a regretful look on their faces. Once the elevator door closed, he clenched his fist and waited until he reached his office floor.

Upon seeing Wang Guo on his desk, he immediately signalled him to follow him inside his office. When they were inside, he kicked his table and slammed his fist on the wall. He glared at Wang Guo and said,

"What happened to what I asked of you?"

"E-er, CEO, I'm still looking for it."

"Darn it! How long will you make me wait?"

"C-CEO, it's too sudden and there's still no lead about it and – "

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Even before Wang Guo could finish his sentence, Si Weimin shouted, "Fuck off! Get lost!"

Wang Guo had no choice but to go out, seeing how angry Si Weimin was, there's no point in reasoning with him. Even though he knew that was he was asking was a punch on the moon. He silently left and closed the door behind him.

Once Si Weimin was alone, he repeatedly kicked his desk and slammed his hand on the table. He was frustrated as there's still no lead on who was the man Xu Jia Li saw.

After he left Xu Jia Li's apartment, he immediately called Wang Guo and told him to investigate the incident. He knew that the culprit might still be there, knowing how far from the city the place was. However, it seemed that it's not as easy as he thought it would be.

He sat on his chair and put his numb hands on his hair, his elbow rest on top of his desk.

Earlier, when Wang Guo called him about the news on all the social media platforms that he bought his place on the movie, he wasn't even worried. The news could easily be swayed. However bad the news might be, publicity was publicity after all. It would still help the movie but when he heard that Xu Jia Li was being slandered, he felt a sharp pain on his chest.

Lo and behold, he found himself on Xu Jia Li's apartment building. He didn't know why he went there but he didn't go to her unit. Instead he went to his friend who was the owner of Harvest Condominium and bought his own flat.

Even he was shocked on why he bought a unit there. So, when he was about to go out, he was full of unwavering thoughts on why he bought a flat. All he knew was that, he was thinking about her and was worried about her reaction about the news.

And there, just like a game cupid played on them, Xu Jia Li accidentally bumped on him. He was utterly shocked and happy at the same time. However, he didn't get the chance to mention the news to her, afraid that it would ruin the moment.

The kiss they shared still lingered on him, he was the happiest man alive, knowing that there was a tinge of hope for them.

Si Weimin was cut from his thoughts when he heard his phone rang, without interest, he looked at the screen and saw Zhen Nian's number flashed on it. He immediately answered and heard her small voice,

"CEO Si, please go to Li-jie's apartment now."

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