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An unknown but pleasant feeling overwhelmed Xu Jia Li. The look he gave her made her inside warm as she felt all gooey and hot. She was giddy but she suppressed what she felt immediately. With a flushed face, as red as a strawberry, she turned her head and looked away.

After the kiss the two of them shared, she still remained quiet and did not say a word, even though Si Weimin asked her a lot of questions. She could still remember as it still lingered on her mind that he was with Zhou Bingbing that night.

'Hmm. He obviously enjoyed her company. Argh! What do I care?'

Her heart tightened, trying hard to forget the unknown emotion brewing on her. She heard as Si Weimin sighed before he started the engine of the car. The sound it produced slowly ease the strange emotion she felt. She tried to focus on the road, feeding her eyes with the flickering lights from the buildings, feasting on the beauty of the still lively night.

She was absorbed in her own thoughts when she heard Si Weimin speak,

"Love, please talk to me. What just happened back there?"

The hurt in his voice was eminent. She looked at him and saw his pained expression. Si Weimin turned his head back on the road, trying to focus on his driving. He took occasional glimpses on her, still expecting an answer from her.

Seeing how he was suffering from her silence, she couldn't take it anymore as she took a long breath and answered,

"There's nothing wrong, Mr. Si."

"Mr. Si?"

"Yes, Mr. Si."

"What happened? Can you please tell me?"

"Nothing happened, Mr. Si. Everything is good." She gave him her sweetest smile as she turned her head looking outside the window.

"If there's nothing wrong, then why are we back from this Mr. Si thing?"

"I don't see anything wrong in calling you that, Mr. Si. It is a sign of respect towards you."

"I don't have any clue what happened back there but love, whatever it is, I'm willing to listen and wait until you trust me enough to tell me."

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Si Weimin continued driving as Xu Jia Li remained quiet. She pondered on the words he said. She was feeling guilty for acting like a kid but she just couldn't hide the strange feeling she had. Everytime she remembered about Zhou Bingbing and him, her heart began to tighten like a big rock was left on the top of her heart.

'Why am I being so childish? Why am I feeling this way?'

She wanted to shout her heart out and just release the pain inside her. She placed her fisted hands on her lap before she bit her lips. She was annoyed with herself for feeling that way.

'What is this I am feeling?' She thought inside. JEALOUSY... The word came as a surprise to her. It hit her and realization came pouring down on her.

'Am I jealous? Oh gosh, am I really jealous?'

With eyes so big, she slowly turned her head and took a glimpse at Si Weimin's side. She saw him looking straight, focused on driving.

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'Why are you giving me these new and strange feelings? Since we met, I've been drowning on the emotions you've ignited in me.'

As if sensing her gaze, Si Weimin looked at her and said, "Do you like what you're seeing?"

The smile never left his face as he returned his gaze on the road.

"I'm not looking at you." She rolled her eyes as she flipped her long hair at the back of her shoulder. She gave him an annoyed expression as she pouted her lips. She sat up straight and folded her arms on her chest.

"You don't have to tell me that you like what you see. It's enough proof seeing the look on your face... and the drool. Here."

Si Weimin's grin was so wide, pointing his finger on the side of his lips. Seeing the apparent displeasure and annoyance on her face, he couldn't help but chuckle which made his mesmerizing eyes smaller. The smile lightened his handsome face.

He was so handsome that she held her breath as she stared at him. He looked happy which made Xu Jia Li speechless for a second before she answered,

"What! What drool! How conceited! Humph!"

"Love, conceited is never a part of my personality." He chuckled as he threw her an amazed look. He winked at her which further deepened the frown on Xu Jia Li's face.

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"Whatever!" She reached for the controller and turned the music on, preventing Si Weimin from saying anything more.

She increased the volume when suddenly, she gaped her mouth as the song took her by surprise. She didn't expect to hear her song in his car. She remembered that it was the first song she released when she debuted as a singer.

She looked at him questioningly which only received a nonchalant gesture from him as his answer. She frowned as she saw him shrug his shoulder, his eyes shining brightly.

' ' Friday night beneath the stars

In a field behind your yard

You and I are painting pictures in the sky

And sometimes we don't say a thing

Just listen to the crickets sing

Everything I need is right here by my side

And I know everything about you

I don't wanna live without you...

I'm only up when you're not down

Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground

It's like no matter what I do

Well you drive me crazy half the time

The other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true

And I'm only me when I'm with you ' '

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The song continued to electrify Xu Jia Li's being, her voice filling the car made her feel confused and even more puzzled. 'Did he have my songs in his music player?'

She looked at him and heard him say,

"Well you drive me crazy half the time. The other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true."


"Huh? That's the lyrics, right?" He chuckled as he turned the car to a curve unfamiliar to Xu Jia Li.

"Oh! Yeah, that's the lyrics. Wait! Where are we going?"

"To my place."

"What? To your place?"

"Yes. Seriously, love, will you repeat everything that I'll say?" He grinned at her as he raised his brow.

"Mr. Si, why are we going to your place? Can you please drop me off on my place?" Xu Jia Li said exasperatedly.

"Your place is a mess. Your bed still has blood on it. How will I let you stay there?"

"I can sleep on the sofa. Why are you deciding this on your own?"

"Love, it isn't safe to stay in your place. It's not that I'm deciding this on my own but I want you to be safe. The culprit knows your pass code and may still be there, lurking in the shadow, waiting for you."

The concern on his voice made Xu Jia Li's heart melt. However, the last words made her shiver in fear. 'Will those people hurt me like they did to mom?' Suddenly, she felt all hatred return back on her as she remembered Zhou Jiayin's face. 'How pretentious! A two-faced devil!'

She was cut in her thought when she felt his hand touched her hand. She heard Si Weimin's voice, "Love, just stay in my place for now. Once I'm sure that the place is safe, you can stay on Harvest Condominium again."

Hearing his words, she considered the fact that it wasn't safe to stay on her place yet. She remained quiet as Si Weimin continued to drive his car.

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She couldn't help but feel grateful that he was there. Somehow, she knew deep inside that his presence made her even stronger. He gave her strength which she, herself, couldn't even point out. She was a strong woman. She was never weak. She could win her own fight but the truth that she needed him was something she couldn't lie about.

The drive to Si Weimin's place had been a quiet one. The two of them remained silent all the way with only occasional glimpses from Si Weimin. She didn't hear him say anything but his presence gave her comfort.

She saw the car passed the gate where the guards nodded at Si Weimin. She realized that they were actually entering Spring Valley. This subdivision was one of the high-end places where only the richest live. They passed by the row of flowering box which had little lights on them.

Xu Jia Li's mouth opened wide, admiring the beauty of the place. After a while, they stopped in front of a huge mansion which architectural design was a combination of Europian and Eastern style. There was a beautiful garden in front with lots of flowers and plants.

What caught her attention even more was the pond at the far side of the garden. She continuously observed the place when Si Weimin opened the car for her.

The head butler opened the door when he heard Si Weimin's car.

"Good evening, Young Master. Good evening, Miss Xu."

Si Weimin only nodded while Xu Jia Li had a confused look in her face as if asking why the Head Butler knew her name. She looked at him and only got a shrug as his answer.

"Young Master, will I prepare dinner for you and Miss Xu?"

"No need, Uncle Tang. Just prepare Jia's room."

"I'll do just that. Excuse me, Miss Xu."

The Head Butler Tang went upstairs while Si Weimin and Xu Jia Li left alone downstair. Si weimin held her hand which she immediately took back.

"I'm okay. I can manage."

"Will you tell me what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing, Mr. Si. But I don't really need your help. Maybe Ms. Zhou needs it more."


Author's Note

The song is Taylor Swift's song entitled, "I'm Only Me When I'm With You".

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