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Xu Jia Li woke up with the rays of the sun kissing her bare face. It was as smooth as a petal of a rose and as white as jade without visible pores in it. She was indeed a beauty that one would be envious to without needing too much make up on her face.

She yawned and raised her arms before she began to rub her eyes as she slowly opened them just to cover them again when she remembered what just transpired the last night.

'Oh my god! What was that? Why did you do that? Are you a wanton? Argh!'

Still lying on bed, she began turning from side to side, feeling all the embarrassment enveloped her. She took the blanket and covered her face, trying to forget everything.

Last night had been like a dream for her. However, she knew full well that she should not do what she had done.

First, she did not act like a proper lady but based on her action, she could be mistaken as a thirsty perverted old hag. Second, she only knew him for two days and everything happened so fast. Lastly, she knew that she must do something to stop acting the way she did when she's with him.

She didn't have a good night sleep because of what happened. Her head seemed like spinning from lack of sleep. She thought of Si Weimin all throughout the night. It was only during dawn that she felt sleepy and eventually fell asleep.

'Why shall I do now? Did he think lowly of me now?'

Xu Jia Li was cut in her thought when she heard her mobile phone rang. She took off the blanket and picked the phone on the side table. Seeing that it was Shen Linqin, she answered it immediately.

"Yes, Linqin?"

"Li-jie, is it true?"

"What? What is true?"

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"Is what Zhen Nian told me true? Is it true that you are at CEO Si's home?"

"Y-yes – "

"Oh my gosh, Li-jie! Whyyy?! Why are you staying with him?"

"Linqin, listen to me. It doesn't mean anything. Don't think about it so much."

"Li-jie, did ahm d-did you sleep toge –"

"Whaaat?! Linqin, are you losing your mind? I-I did not s-sleep with him. It's only for a night. I-I have my own room. I will go back to Harvest Condominium tonight," Xu Jia Li's head was full of sweat and her heartbeat was unsteady. She inhaled deeply before she continued, "Please, arrange for a new bed for me."

"B-but, I've changed it yesterday already. I even asked for a new doorcam for you."

"Ohh, I didn't know," she held the hem of her nightgown, her hands forming a ball as it grabbed her cloth. "Okay, that's great, Linqin."

"Well, you can't stay on it yet. We are not sure about the culprit. Why don't you just stay in my place, Li-jie?"

"No. I don't want to be a burden. I will stay at Harvest Condominium.

"If that's what you want Li-jie. I will just make sure that there are more camera on your flat. And Li-jie, don't forget that tonight is your welcome party. The dress will be delivered to Spring Valley this morning. Hmmm, Li-jie, are you okay now?"

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"Thank you, Linqin. I can manage now. Don't worry. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye."

She turned off the phone when she heard Shen Linqin said her good bye. She sighed and leaned back on the headrest of the bed. She hugged her knees and buried her face on it.

She flushed when she remembered that they almost did the deed. Si Weimin's eyes promised of so much love that she drowned on them. When he took off her dress, the burning look on those mesmerizing pair of eyes made her forget all her inhibitions.

He stared at her, admired her exquisite form.

"You are a sight to behold, my love. I will never get tired of looking at your beguiling form."

His voice was a bit husky, adding warmth on her body. The reaction she did surprised her. She moaned and moaned when Si Weimin explored her bosom. She could still feel how his warm mouth left a trail on her neck down to her breast.

His hands were also busy caressing every part of her body. When it reached her back, it got down to her well-toned and enviable bottom. He grabbed and stroked it. Xu Jia Li arched her back and grabbed Si Weimin's hair. She was losing her breath due to the intense emotion brought by his action. She knew she wanted more. Her body was dictating her to continue. Her inside was aching for his touch.


"Oh, love, you smell divine... so good..."

Xu Jia Li blushed beet red when she heard his words but instead of answering she held him tighter.

"You're my oasis. I never knew this yearning so deep that only you could satiate."

"W-weimin... ahhh..."

"Do you like this, my love?" Si Weimin fondled her other peak as he continued sucking the other one.

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"Y-yes.. N-noo! O-ohh, W-weimin.. Ahhhh."

"Love, just yes or no." Si Weimin stopped and instead of sucking again, he blew his warm breath to her peak which brought goose bumps to her whole body. Her peaks hardened even more, seeing what he had done to her, she saw him smile and continue to lick up her peaks.

"Ohhh! Y-yes.. ahhh."

Xu Jia Li closed her eyes and began to savour the sensation. When Si Weimin's hand reached down to her navel, down to her smooth abdomen, Xu Jia Li immediately held his hand and stopped him. She immediately opened her eyes and looked at him. She stuttered as she said, "I-I'am s-sorry."

She picked up her dress and went directly to the bathroom. She was ashamed of herself. She was a disgrace. She looked in the mirror and saw the hickeys left on her bosom.

She could still remember how Si Weimin knocked on the bathroom door. His voice full of worries and concern.

"Love, open the door. Let's talk."

Without opening the door, she answered, "I'm sorry, Weimin. I-I didn't... I shouldn't have done that. I-I shoudn't.."

"I won't say sorry, love. I want it so badly that I don't regret a thing that happened."


Si Weimin woke up early and went directly to his art room. He was gazing intently on the paintings but his mind was wandering far away. He could still feel Xu Jia Li's warm lithe body close to him.

He didn't know what happened, or what made her flee, all he knew was that he loved her and he wanted her. His longing for her made him lose his mind to the extent of acting on impulse. He knew it was too soon...

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Yet, he couldn't stop himself...

He blamed himself for succumbing to his desire.

When he saw her fled to the bathroom carrying her dress, he knew he scared her again. However, a part of him was happy, knowing how she responded to him.

After talking, he led her to the guest room and brought food for her. He said good night and left. He was lost for words, he knew that he had to take everything slowly.

Si Weimin picked up his phone and dialled Wang Guo's number. After only a few rings, someone answered the call.

"Wang Guo"

"Good morning, CEO Si."

"Any news about the upcoming press conference of Sweet Memories?"

"Yes, CEO Si. Director Han announced that it's still going to be pushed through."


"CEO, Thomas came back. I was with him last night."

"I know. We talked already. How about the news about Jia?"

"It's still as bad as before, CEO. Would you like me to take those rumours down?"

"No. Let them be. Jia has a plan. I'll let her handle it. I trust my woman can handle herself well."

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