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The night ended well despite what happened earlier. Although she received malicious stares from some of the people who attended, she still managed to enjoy the night.

Somehow, she knew that someone wanted to destroy her. From the looks on Qi Xenjin and Hui Ruo's eyes, she knew that they weren't up to something good. She knew that she's running out of patience and one more move from Qi Xenjin, she had to give her a dose of her own medicine.

She was doing her best to focus on her goal but these things kept on happening which made her farther away from that goal.

'Qi Xenjin, I hope you'll know what is good for you. Don't push me to my limit.'

Xu Jia Li inhaled deeply. She didn't want to waste her time with Qi Xenjin but things were beginning to escalate. She didn't know if she could handle things that concern Si Weimin but she had to control herself. She sighed.

"Jia Li, let's go?"

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"Alright, Meixu-jie."

She walked slowly as she was led by Lan Meixu towards the car. She looked up and saw the night sky filled with glowing bright stars. She gazed dreamily, 'If only things weren't as complicated as this.' She stood there – feeling lost.

"Jia Li, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
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"Yes, Meixu-jie. Good night."

Xu Jia Li could still see Lan Meixu as she walked directly to her car. Then, after a few seconds, she was gone. She never felt so alone. She slowly walked to her car and looked for Shen Linqin. No one was inside the car, not even the new driver hired by Lan Meixu.

"Where are they?" She asked as she got her phone. She was about to dial Shen Linqin's number when suddenly, a strong pungent smell of rustic odor hit her nose. She hated the smell and began turning her head looking for what it could be.

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She put her phone on her purse and walked at the opposite side where it was dimly lit. She saw someone moved in the darker corner of the parking lot. She was suddenly filled with fear. She felt cold all over her body. She was having a second thought getting close to the shadow but a part of her urge her to go.

She held her breath and slowly reached the spot. Each step she took, the more she could smell the odor; so foul, she could almost throw up.

The shadow was still moving. But even before she could reach the place, she heard someone say, "Curious, aren't you?"

The hair on her body stood as she heard the chilling voice. She stood still, her body couldn't move; her feet felt so heavy. She saw the shadow walking closer to her. She finally found her voice and said, "Who are you?"

Without answering, she saw that it was getting even closer. She was starting to panic when Shen Linqin's voice made her jump.

"Li-jie! Where are you?"

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And suddenly, she saw that the shadow was nowhere to be found. She inched closer and found nothing. She looked behind her and saw Shen Linqin and the driver approaching her.

"Li-jie, why are you here? Why didn't you call me?"

"I-I thought I see something. So I came here. Can't you smell that?"

"Wh –" Before Shen Linqin could even start her question, Thomas moved fast towards the dark area where Xu Jia Li saw the shadow. He leaned closer to the ground and suddenly, he said, "Please, go back to the car now."

Xu Jia Li could hear the anxiety in his voice. Without moving, she asked, "What's the matter?"

"There's no time to explain now," Thomas stood and held both Xu Jia Li and Shen Linqin's hands. He ushered them inside the car.

She saw him move faster as he started the engine. No one was talking as they left the parking lot. Her mind was boggling as she recalled the shrilling voice. She shuddered.

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"What was that about?" Shen Linqin was the one who broke the deafening silence. She looked to and fro between her and Thomas, "Li-jie, what did you see?"

"I saw a shadow, Linqin. There was that pungent smell of blood that made my head ached. I-I tried looking where it might be coming from. Then, there's that shadow. I- I don't know what got into me but I started approaching it."

"Why did you do that, Li-jie? You could've been hurt. Oh my gosh!"

"I-I k-know. But there was something about it that made me really curious."

"Ms. Xu, don't ever approach anything or anyone like that. It's dangerous."

"What? Dangerous?" Shen Linqin's eyes were so big they could almost get out of their sockets. She was so shocked.

Xu Jia Li didn't speak, even Thomas remained silent. She was lost in thought.

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