In the boss’s office.

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Boss Li personally brought the coffee to Rong Xuelong with a smile. “Ms. Rong, please.”

Rong Xuelong didn’t even look at the coffee in front of her. She had a spurious smile on her lips. “Boss Li, I don’t like to drag things out, so let’s dive straight to the point. I’m prepared to buy your company. Give me a price.”

“Ms. Rong is so straightforward!” Boss Li looked at Rong Xuelong as if she was a gold ingot. “Let’s not beat around the bush. My company has good resources. This is my price.”

Boss Li reached out a hand and placed it in front of Rong Xuelong.

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Rong Xuelong raised her brows. “500,000?”

Boss Li almost vomited blood. “500,000! Ms. Rong, are you kidding me? My company is worth at least 50 million, right?”

“Ha.” Rong Xuelong sneered. “In terms of resources, does my Heaven and Earth Media have less than you, Orange Day? What I am buying is your employees! But when I came today, Boss Li, your employee…”

When Boss Li heard Rong Xuelong’s words, he understood that she was finding fault with him to lower the price.

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It was all Su Yanyun’s fault for causing trouble!

She actually brought her man into the office and even went against Ms. Rong!

Boss Li smiled while scolding Su Yanyun in his heart. “Ms. Rong, we’re already preparing to fire the employee you saw this morning. She definitely doesn’t represent our company’s normal standards.”

“Oh? Fire?” Rong Xuelong looked at Boss Li with a spurious smile. “Why?”

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“Ms. Rong, you should know that the person on the headlines yesterday, the scum of the industry, is her, Su Yanyun. This employee usually hides deeply in the company, but I didn’t expect her to be such a person.” Boss Li patted his heart. “Ms. Rong, don’t worry. Since I want to sell the company to you, I definitely have to sell everything to you. I will definitely fire a person like Su Yanyun before I sign the contract!”

“Boss Li makes it sound so easy.” Rong Xuelong knocked on the sofa’s armrest. “But why did I hear that Su Yanyun is pregnant? It’s probably not appropriate to fire a pregnant woman.”

PLs read on MYB0XNOVE L.C OM

“What’s wrong with that? She was the one who violated the rules and ruined the industry’s culture. She used her body as capital to extort interviews with people and ruin our company’s reputation. It’s good enough that we don’t sue her!” Boss Li looked indignant.

“So, Boss Li thinks that your company is worth 50 million just by firing Su Yanyun?” She asked as if she was setting a trap.

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“Of course.” Boss Li said matter-of-factly. “The employees in our company are all elites in the industry. Although you have a lot of resources in the media, we have our own channels. Ms. Rong, look…”

He was about to brag when Rong Xuelong suddenly snorted.

She tilted her head at her assistant. “Let him see it!”

While Boss Li was still in a daze, his assistant had already turned the laptop in front of him and faced him.

“Boss Li, you probably didn’t see the latest headlines. The news now is all about Cheng Tingxue taking revenge on Su Yanyun and suppressing her. Many media outlets have exposed the recording of Su Yanyun interviewing Cheng Tingxue. Most of the news regarding Su Yanyun yesterday should be fabricated. The reason is probably because she had evidence of Cheng Tingxue buying an award and a role, so Cheng Tingxue took revenge in advance. Boss Li, as a media person, your sensitivity is too poor, right?”

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