Lucy Reborn

Chapter 16

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    Three days later, Lucy clings to Mom, as the physician brews yet another bowl of medicine. I pushed out the poison, and my fever is gone.  Why must you pour this stuff down my throat? Lucy wonders, giving him the stink eye. Alas, Physician Liu was too terrified of Father's punishments, to dare slack off. So bowl after bowl of nourishing soups, and blood replenishing brews made Lucy's tiny stomach bulge. In the days since her poisoning, Lucy had drunk so many of the soups. She had begun to memorize the brewing process. As Physician Liu prepared each batch in front of Mom, and Lady Selena to prevent any suspicion.

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    What made Lucy speechless was Father's shock when Miss Selena reported that Lucy was poisoned. After all, the black sludge wasn't subtle. Father flared up, as his last 5 children had died from fevers after their Acknowledgement Ceremonies. He really was a Stupid Father! Shouldn't you notice someone is poisoning your precious brood! Honestly, Lucy wasn't sure the Heavens had dealt her a good hand. Having such an ignorant Father was rather scary. I can't even walk, and I'm relying on this stupid Father to keep me alive. Lucy teared up in her heart.

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    When reincarnated, shouldn't I be the Blessed Daughter of Heaven? I should have riches, power, and love throwing themselves at me. Instead, I have a violent Prince Father, and someone poisoning me. Lucy puffs out her cheeks. I've been cheated! Cheated!  Miss Selena carried the medicine bowl over, and Lucy obediently drunk it with a sour face.

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"Has Lucinda recovered?" Mom asks, holding Lucy tightly. Lucy wiggles. My ribs. My ribs! Relax your embrace, Mom! Mom kisses her head, gently. Anxiety plain on her face.

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"Young Miss seems to have recovered," Physician Liu says cautiously. "Feed her the fever medicine till tomorrow morning. This poisoning has weakened the Young Miss' constitution. She must drink a nourishing soup, every morning and night to strengthen her body" Physician Liu instructs, writing out his prescription. What nourishing soup? What strengthening of the body? You're just giving people more chances to poison me!

And in fact, a month later, Lucy felt a familiar burning her veins and gave a sharp glance at the two maids. Just which one poisoned me? Or was it both? Lucy sighs. Whatever.  I'll just wait until my powers recover enough for my bane to come back. We will see who can hide their ill intent than. As such, Lucy cleansed her body of her second poisoning at 7 months old.

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