Lucy Reborn

Chapter 20

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Selena stood by as Imperial Physician Lu checked Lucy's pulse. Lucy yawns delicately tired after spending so much soul force. If Selena wasn't so anxious she would have directly refused the doctor and napped. So sleepy. Even her spirit essence was thin in her inner sky, as she had mobilized most of it to be embedded in her shield. I'm so tired. Lucy yawns again as Physician Lu lets go of her wrist. "Third Miss Jing seems fatigued as if she overworked herself. It's best for her to rest in bed for a few days. Miss Jing has a weak constitution, and should be watched closely so she doesn't exhaust herself." Physician Lu warns seriously. Bullshit! Lucy curses. I just get tired because I'm purging so much poison. This body is healthier than my last one.

Still, Lucy has no hope of convincing them. After all at least once a month Lucy would get a fever as a result of poisoning and would be half dead for days afterward. She was lucky they just thought her body was just weak, instead of assuming a serious illness. Today's collapse wouldn't help her case either. Oh, well bodies can be strengthened, I will just act healthier slowly as if I'm developing a strong body.

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Selena frowns when a maid rushes in. "What is it?" She asks coldly. "Miss Selena, Flame Li, and the Imperial Guards are here to see Third Miss Jing," The maid says. Selena and Lucy froze in unison. Flame Li was a Flame Warrior. They were much like eunuchs, except their bodies were capable. Instead they devoted their bodies, and power using a Soul Oath, and Soul Flame. In a ceremony, the Soul Flame was placed in their bodies and would burn up them up if they even kissed a woman, let alone had sex. Even their soul would turn to ashes.

Some Flame warriors became such as children and remained as such till the day they died, others choose a set amount of years to serve as a Flame Warrior. One had to engrave runes on the Soul Flame to bind it to them, so the choice was important. After all, if they choose to be Flame Warriors til death, there was simply no way to remove the Flame. Even crippling their strength wouldn't allow them to pull the Soul Flame out.

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What would warrent a Flame Warrior seeing Lucy? Selena frowns, and glances at Physican Lu. "Is she able to see them?" Selena asks. Phyisican Lu nods. "Yes, just carry her. She should be fine." He answers. With that, Lucy is quicklly taken out in Miss Selena's arms to see an impressive unit of 40 Imperial Guards, and Flame Lie standing in the midst of them. Mother was kneeling already. "Kneel to recieve His Imperial Magjesy's Imperial Edict" Flame Li calls out. Lucy bit her lip as Selena knelt. Quickly, Lucy reaches out to read Flame Li's mind.

The brat looks sickly. HIs Magjesty is farsighted to supress General Ning through his son.

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Lucy pulls back, a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Alas, she was unable to stop what was to come. Flame Li held the edict up, and read. "On account of East General's numerous merits, and heroic deeds, I hereby declare Ning Dishi, East General Ning's oldest son of Madam Ning betrothed to Rimes Shaya Lucinda, The Ninth Imperial Miss, Third Miss Jing. A cherished daughter of Second Imperial Prince Jing and the beloved granddaughter of I Bao Wang Yong, Emperor of Verra."  

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Lucy felt faint as Mother accepted the Edict. I'm betrothed? Damn it, I'm now engaged to a toddler. Lucy had heard of Ning Dishi. He was 2 years old, and a spoiled brat according to First Uncle Shen. Worse was this was clearly a plot. Suppressing General Ning through his son. Obviously, that meant through her marriage. Lucy lowers her shield to catch stray thoughts.

Ning Dishi's marriage will be delayed by 2 years since he can't take concubines until after his marriage to an Imperial Miss. Poor General Ning, having an Imperial Miss as a daughter in law. Ning Dishi lost his right to a secondary wife, and now only allowed a single concubine unless his wife allows him more. What if she's jealous, and ensures he only ever has one wife and one concubine? After all, she is part of the Imperial House. It would be her right.  Won't General Ning's son be a joke.

Having a null as a mother, Ninth Imperial Miss will probably have a very weak affinity, perhaps she might be a waste as well. This is plainly polluting Ning's bloodline. How strong could the daughter of trash be? She won't ever surpass Novice. A Novice as Ning Dishi's Madam will bring shame to his ancestors.

Lucy closes her shields on the thoughts of the Imperial Guards who were despising her. Lucy sighs in her heart, so that's why. While she was happy to discover the rights an Imperial Miss held, but Lucy knew it won't be that easy. This marriage was clearly meant to shame a highly respected General. If she really married over, she would be jumping into a pit of fire. Unfortunately refusing it was impossible. Even General Ning wouldnt dare, after all the Edict clearly said cherished daughter, beloved granddaughter. Even a hint of dissatisfaction from the Ning Family would be insulting the Emperor.

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