Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 1

The pliable white cloth tightened deep into her neck

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The blood of her whole body rushed to her head, and the pain of suffocation overwhelmed her.


Breathing was getting thinner and thinner, and the neck was getting more and more painful.


No, she doesn't want to die


She hasn't been able to see her son grow up, and she hasn't had time to avenge her humiliated self. She hasn't waited for her husband to return and ask him why he had failed her.


She was unwilling to die like this.


The pain accumulated to the peak. Before falling into complete darkness, Ling Jingshu used her last strength to open her eyes, and deeply embedded the terrifying faces in front of her mind.


"A Shu, what's wrong with you, wake up quickly." A distant and familiar voice kept ringing in her ear, and one hand clung to her arm and kept shaking.


As if it can wake her up from a long nightmare.


After the name "A Shu" was repeated for a long time, the voice finally choked. Cool tears fell from the corners of his eyes and dripped onto her hands.


Her fingers moved and her eyelashes trembled slightly.


"Young master, Miss eyes are moving." Another long-lost familiar voice rang in the ear.


It’s too noisy to get to Huangquan, and you can’t be clean. (1)


She rubbed her brow and slowly opened her eyes.


A teenager's face came into view.


The juvenile was about thirteen or fourteen years old, with white skin like jade, red lips and white teeth, and the eyebrows are exquisite and beautiful. It is a pity that a pair of eyes seem to be covered in mist, and it was dark and unclear.


"A Xio," Ling Jing shouted out the long-lost name, her voice trembling slightly, and her eyes were wet: "Is it really you?"


This was her twin brother Ling Xiao who was born half an hour later than her.


At the age of eight, Ling Xiao fell heavily. After he was rescued, his eyes were blind. She had asked many famous doctors to treat him. Her brother was originally talented and intelligent, known as the child prodigy, but was ruined by this accident. Can no longer read, write, paint or do calligraphy, and can only stay in Ling Mansion, a bird that is raised in a cage.


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More than Ling Xiao, she was just another caged swallow that was carefully raised.


After she got married, the Ling family quickly set a marriage for Ling Xiao. A few days before the marriage, he fell ill and died early. She was too naive, she thought that Ling Xiao died of sickness. It was not until a long time later that she realized that Ling Xiao’s death was not an accident at all, but was poisoned by people.


But all this was too late. At that time, she was so deep in her own troubles, let alone avenging Lin Xiao.


Ling Jingshu, who was overexcited, did not notice that her voice was much more tender.


"A Shu," Ling Xiao was surprised and reached out and caught Ling Jing's hand: "That's great, you are finally awake. You had a high fever for two days, and you were talking nonsense and scared me."


"Yeah, miss, you are awake." A maid in a blue dress with a pair of buns was full of excitement.


The maid was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a goose egg face, a pair of big and bright eyes, a straight nose, and diamond-shaped red lips; it was a beautiful face.


"Bai Yu," Ling Jing blinked through the water, her voice choked: "So you are here too....."


Bai Yu was four years older than her and since she was six years old, Bai Yu was by her side to serve. The master and servant had been with each other for many years and had deep feelings.


Bai Yu had a calm temperament and a beautiful appearance. She was the most outstanding among all maids in the whole Ling household. Her stepmother Li's nephew Li Erlang took a fancy to her and had the audacity to ask her to be his concubine. Li promised many things with her soft words, and she nodded her head.


Her momentarily soft heart hurt Bai Yu for a lifetime. After Bai Yu married Li's family as a concubine in less than three years, she was tortured to death by the main room. The two of them, master and servant were separated forever.


For so many years, she was betrayed by the people around her. When she was full of pain, she often remembered the loyal Bai Yu, and her heart was always filled with remorse and self-blame.


Taken away just at an age of twenty-four, how unfair she was to her. After she died, God opened her eyes and allowed her to reunite with Ling Xiao and Bai Yu.


Unconsciously, Ling Jing already had a tearful face.


She grabbed Ling Xiao with one hand and the other hand groped the hand of Bai Yu: "A Xiao, Bai Yu, after so many years of separation, I had always missed you in my heart. Now that I am also dead, and the three of us are reunited in the underworld. We won't be alone in the future."


Ling Xiao was startled when he heard this but did not respond for a while.


Bai Yu smiled helplessly and said sympathetically: "Miss has been having a high fever for the past two days. She is probably confused by the fever, and she is full of nonsense. What life and death, it is not auspicious to say this."


It was the same voice as in her memory. Soft and sweet.


Ling Xiao also came back to his senses, and clenched Ling Jingshu's hand distressedly: "A shu, you must be having a nightmare! Don't be afraid, Bai Yu and I are both fine, and you will be fine too.


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Ling Jingyi finally noticed something was wrong.


Ling Xiao’s hand was warm and Bai Yu's soft. The pity concerns expressed on the faces of the two were so clear.


Also, she was sitting on a delicately carved wooden bed at this time, through the pink gauze, she could see the smooth bronzing mirror, see the delicate vase, and see the screen embroidered with peony.


This was not Huangquan Hell, clearly, it was her boudoir when she was a girl


Ling Jing’s mind was in a mess, subconsciously retracting her hand and touching her neck.


She refused to kill herself, and she was choked by the three-foot-long white cloth. But now, there were no deep visible bruises on her neck, but it was warm and smooth.


What exactly was going on?


Ling Jing’s heart suddenly came up with an amazing guess.


"Bai Yu, go get the mirror." Ling Jingshu's breathing was unsteady, her voice was short, and her cheeks were flushed.


Bai Yu hurriedly responded and bought the bronze mirror and hold it on her chest.


A sleek bronze mirror reflected a young girl's face that was still a bit green.


The eyebrows were like mountains in the distance, but they were not painted. Lips were like cinnabar, red when not touched. The skin was delicate and smooth as jade. The most beautiful was the pair of clear water-like eyes. When she smiled slightly, it seemed like the spring breeze swept across the lake, swaying the charming young girl's demeanour.


The fourteen-year-old girl was like the most precious Luoyang brocade in the Ling family's Peony Garden. She was beautiful and unparalleled. Her beauty was clean and pure, and the beauty was breathtaking.


The fact that she had resurrected after her death was a shocking thing.


However, this absurd and untrustworthy thing happened.


Ling Jingshu looked at her familiar and unfamiliar self, but what flashed in her mind was the pale, emaciated face ten years later. Her eyes were blank and dull, and her heart was desolate and numb. It's better to live in the dark than to live...


Thinking of the past, Ling Jing's heart seemed to be poked by a thin needle, and the sharp pain spread quickly.


Her alluring beauty bought her unbearable humiliation. She would rather be born in the homes of ordinary people, look more mediocre, and spend a lifetime in peace.


Ling Jingshu stared at the bronze mirror and had not spoken for a long time.


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Bai Yu thought that Ling Jingshu was not happy with how she looked and smiled and said: "Miss is lying on the bed for two days, and it is inevitable that your look will take a toll. When you get well and change into bright clothes, you will be more beautiful than before."


The Ling family's Feng Shui was good, specializing in beauty. From the main room to the fifth room, this generation had a total of eleven girls. A few have died, and only six have grown up.


Ling Jing was ranked ninth, and she was also the most outstanding among her cousins. Since the age of ten, she has been famous in Dingzhou for her beauty, and she cherished her appearance.


Ling Jingshu closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes again and her eyes were clear and calm: "Bai Yu, I am hungry. I want to eat chicken noodle soup that you make yourself."


Bai Yu was very happy and immediately smiled: "Well, slaves will cook."


Bai Yu's cooking skills were excellent, and her movements were neat. In less than a stick of incense, she came with a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup.


The noodles were strong, the chicken soup was fragrant, and the green leaves are dotted, which makes the index finger move.


Ling Jing smelled the familiar aroma, her nose was slightly sour, picked up the chopsticks, gently stirred up some into her mouth, and slowly ate.


The Ling family's daughters' education was very meticulous. Not only was a female master hired to teach them chess and calligraphy, but Madam Liu, who had retired from the palace was hired to teach them the rules and etiquette.


Madam Liu had a strict temperament. The young ladies of the Ling family suffered a lot. Ling Jingshu was no exception. However, several years of teaching had paid off.


Even if hungry, Ling Jing ate gracefully while eating fast and looked beautiful.


Ling Xiao’s eyes could not see, but his hearing was exceptionally sensitive, and he couldn’t help but listen to the slight movements: “A Shu, you haven’t eaten anything for two days, and your stomach must be very hungry. Don’t worry about the rules, just eat well. ""


Bai Yu also echoed: "The young master is right; there is no other person here, and the lady does not have to worry about it."


Ling Jing’s heart was warm and her lips raised slightly: “Well, I listen to you.”


After a bowl of hot chicken soup was served, the cold hands and feet warmed up, and the whole body also had strength.


"The old lady also sent people to ask how the young lady is doing. The young lady is awake, so she should go to the old lady to let her know." Bai Yu said with a smile: "The slaves will wait for the lady to change and dress up."


Ling Jing snorted, hung down her eyes and covered her coldness.


Men and women are different. Although Ling Xiao’s eyes could not see, he still had to avoid suspicion. Take the initiative to get up: "A Shu, I am going out and waiting for you."


Bai Yu took a bunch of new clothes. Pink, goose yellow, light purple, and green, all were bright colours suitable for young girls: "These are new clothes just made a few days ago, which one does Miss want to wear?"

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Ling Jing lightly said: "No need for the new dresses, just bring the old lake blue one."


The young lady was the most beautiful, her temper was soft and pleasing and was very popular with old Mrs Ling. Mrs Ling liked the bright beauty of her granddaughters. Miss is good at it, and she is especially careful in choosing how she dressed.


But now, the young lady was going to see Mrs Ling in her old home clothes... it was puzzling behaviour.


The half-new lake blue dress was a little homely, but Ling Jingshu still looked really good wearing it. Bai Yu combed a double flat bun for Ling Jingshu again, with a beaded flower on each bun.


Ling Jingshu stopped Bai Yu from selecting the bracelet and collar: "No, that's all."


Bai Yu felt a little strange but did not ask anything.


Ling Jingshu stared at Bai Yu, and suddenly came up with a sentence: "Bai Yu, I will never let anyone bully you in future."


Bai Yu’s heart felt warm, and the tears in her eyes were just around the corner.


How lucky she was to meet such a gentle and loving lady.


Ling Jingshu looked at the moved face in front of her eyes, but she thought of Bai Yu that had been murdered in the past, and her heart felt sad. But she immediately started to cheer: "Bai Yu, let's go."


Ling Xiao stood waiting outside the door, Ling Jing took the hand of Ling Xiao, and said softly: "A Xiao, let's go together to greet our grandmother."


Ling Xiao nodded, his smile was pure and innocent.


Ling Jing tightened her lips and straightened her waist. She took Ling Xiao and walked to the hall. Just like going to the battlefield, fearlessly facing the coming wind and rain.


Bai Yu silently and faithfully accompanied her.


After experiencing death, she knew more about the value of life and about cherishing the people around her.


The people who have failed her, the humiliation they have suffered, she wants to get justice one by one.


Even if the other party's identity was noble and out of reach, even if she had to pay everything for revenge, she will not hesitate in her revenge. 



T/N I am starting a new novel also from the same author. This is a great story. 


1. The underworld in Chinese mythology.

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