Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 11

He was going to home school.

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Because of this, Ling Xiao was in a great mood, and stayed in Qiushui Pavilion and talked to Ling Jingshu for a long time, his fair and beautiful face flushed with excitement.


Ling Jingshu wasn't impatient at all, she listened with a smile.


All the cousins ​​in the family were studying in the home school. Ling Xiao stayed in the inner house all day. Although he had no worries about food and clothing, he was very lonely. Those who can come into contact with on weekdays were all the female relatives of the inner house. She was the only one who had the patience to listen to him.


"...By the way, when I came here just now, I met cousin Lu." Ling Xiao suddenly mentioned Lu Hong: "He is very kind and friendly, and even talked to me for a while! "


Ling Jingshu's expression turned cold.


Fortunately, Ling Xiao couldn't see and didn't know her reaction at this time, so he continued to smile and said: "Biao Brother Lu heard that I sent a servant to study at home on my behalf, and praised me. I told him it was you who thought of this, and he praised you for being so smart. He also said that the peonies you planted are very beautiful and that you have a beautiful heart..."


Ling Jingshu didn't want to hear anything related to Lu Hong, so she opened her mouth and interrupted Ling Xiao: "A Xiao, grandma's 70th birthday is coming soon. All the posts in the house have been sent out. Uncle and the others haven't arrived in Dingzhou yet. Maybe something happened and they were delayed on the way!"


Ling Xiao's attention was immediately diverted, and he sighed worriedly: "Yeah, grandma has been talking about uncle and his family these two days."


From the capital to Dingzhou, thousands of miles away, if anything happens on the road, it will delay the trip, which is really worrying.


"Maybe they will arrive today." Ling Jingshu comforted Ling Xiao with a smile: "Uncle and the others took the official boat all the way, and they also took the official road. Those thieves and bandits with ulterior motives never dare to approach. You don't have to worry too much."


Ling Xiao nodded obediently.


Ling Jingshu pondered for a moment, then suddenly said in a low voice: "A Xiao, I have something I want to discuss with you."


Ling Xiao laughed: "If you have anything to say, just say it directly. I'm not used to such a serious tone."


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There was half an hour difference between their birth time, but Ling Jingshu had been taking care of him like a real elder sister. After becoming blind, Ling Xiao trusted and relied on her even more. Most of what Ling Jingshu opened her mouth to say, Ling Xiao obediently obeyed.


Ling Jingshu's eyes were a little gentle, and she said in a low voice: "A Xiao after you fell down, you were injured in your brain, which made your eyes blind. Many famous doctors have been invited to treat you over the years, but none of them could cure your eyes. I thought the doctors here in Dingzhou are not very skilled in medicine, and most of the real Medicine masters are in the Royal Hospital. So, I want to take you to the capital to seek medical treatment and heal your eyes."


Ling Xiao showed a surprised and confused face, he couldn't react for a while. After a long time, he stammered and said: "But, but, will our father and grandmother be willing to let us go to the capital alone? Even if we arrive in the capital, how can we find a famous doctor?"


Ling Jingshu has been thinking about this matter since she was reborn. At this time, speaking with confidence she said: "We can go to the capital with our uncle's family and stay at their house for a while. With our uncle and aunt taking care of us, I don't think father and grandmother will worry that much.


"After arriving in the capital, I will find a way to find a famous doctor, so you don't have to worry about it. The worst result will be that your eyes remain the same. But if it is cured, you will be able to see the world again. Don't you want to study and take the scientific examination in an upright manner? "


Of course, I want to!


In the past few years, he has had such a dream almost every day: his eyes are restored and he can see things again. He can read and practice calligraphy, and take part in scientific examinations. He will no longer be a waste in the eyes of everyone, and will no longer drag down Ling Jingshu...


A strange blush appeared on Ling Xiao's fair face, his breathing was short and unsteady, and he murmured uncertainly: "Will I really see again? "


Deep pity and heartache surged in Ling Jingshu's heart, she quietly squeezed Ling Xiao's trembling hand and said firmly: "Yes, there will be such a day. A Xiao, you believe me!"


Ling Xiao nodded vigorously.


"What I said today, only you know and I know, so don't reveal it for now." Ling Jingshu said quickly: "I'm here for everything, so you don't need to worry."


Ling Xiao nodded subconsciously and then sighed guiltily: "Ah Shu, it would be great if I wasn't a burden. You can be like cousin Wan, cousin Xian, leisurely all day long, thinking about how to make yourself more beautiful. It's all me..."


"How can you be a burden." Ling Jingshu softly reprimanded him: "We are two brothers and sisters. In this world, we are the closest people to each other. As long as I can cure your eyes, I am willing to do anything. "


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Going to the capital, she was there first to treat Ling Xiao's eyes. Secondly, she also wanted to find opportunities for revenge.


The identity of the enemy is incomparable, and if she wants to take revenge only with her own strength, it was undoubtedly an ant shaking a tree and an egg hitting a rock. Therefore, she had to go to the capital to find another way.


Going to the capital alone, Old Lady Ling and Fifth Master Ling would never agree. In order to heal Ling Xiao's eyes....The reason for eye treatment was easy to convince them.


Moreover, the road ahead was boundless, and she didn't know how much time and effort it will take. How could she rest assured that Ling Xiao would stay in the Ling Mansion alone?




After convincing Ling Xiao, Ling Jingshu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.


The two siblings chatted casually to pass the time. Around noon, Old Lady Ling specially sent Mo Kui over and told the two siblings to go to Yonghe Hall together.


It was an enviable good thing to have lunch with the Old Lady in Yonghetang. There was a separate small kitchen in Yonghe Hall and the menu for three meals a day was much better than that in the big kitchen. Moreover, this also represented the favoritism of Old Lady Ling.


In the past, this was indeed a gratifying good thing. However, Ling Jingshu couldn't laugh anymore when she thought that her aunt and the two Lu brothers were also there.


However, Old Madam Ling's orders were never to be refused.


After Mo Kui finished explaining her intentions, seeing Ling Jingshu's expressionless face, she couldn't help but be secretly surprised. But she didn't show anything on her face, and said with a smile: "The old lady is already waiting in Yonghe Hall, and I would like Miss Nine and Young Master Ten to leave now, so as to not make the old lady wait any longer."


Ling Jingshu calmed down and responded lightly "Got it."


Although Ling Xiao couldn't see with his eyes, he was extraordinarily careful and keen. Immediately he noticed Ling Jingshu's strangeness, leaned close to Ling Jingshu's ear, and asked in a low voice: "A Shu, don't you want to go? Otherwise, I will go there alone, and when I meet grandma, I will tell you that you are unwell... "


Ling Jingshu's heart warmed up, and her eyes softened a little: "Grandmother asked me to go because she felt pity for me, so she will feel bad if I don't go. Don't worry, I'm fine now." 

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At most, seeing Ling's mother and son, just eat some less rice.




When they arrived at Yonghetang, Ling's mother and son were indeed there.


Ling Jingshu and Ling Xiao stepped forward together to greet the Old Lady.


The moment he saw Ling Jingshu, a gleam of joy flashed in Lu Hong's eyes, and he got up and saluted as a peer: "Cousin Shu." 


In front of the old lady Ling, Ling Jingshu had to endure it, and returned the salute with her usual expression: " Cousin Lu is polite."


Lu Qian also got up, with a smile on his delicate face, and a cheerful and lively tone: "Cousin Shu, you are finally here. I was talking to my grandmother just now, the Luoyang brocade you planted is so beautiful. Our Lu family’s peony garden doesn’t have such beautiful peonies.”


Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips lightly: “My cousin Qian is praising me highly.”


Lu Qian didn’t seem to notice Ling Jingshu’s indifference and continued to smile warmly and said, "Cousin Shu, I want to ask you how to plant peonies. I wonder when Cousin Shu will be free?"


One by one, they called each other very affectionately.


Does she know them that well?


Ling Jingshu frowned invisibly and responded perfunctorily: "I am ashamed of Cousin Qian's praise. In fact, these peonies were planted by gardeners. I was just watching from the sidelines. If you are interested in planting peonies, you might as well go to the peony garden more. The gardeners will know everything and talk about it."


Lu Qian was not discouraged when he touched a soft nail. Turning to the old lady Ling and acting like a baby: "Grandma, you just told me that cousin Shu is good at planting peonies. I sincerely asked cousin Shu for advice, but she simply refused to talk to me!"

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Ling Jingshu: "..."


This Lu Qian, did he take the wrong medicine?


Old Lady Ling hasn't seen her grandson for so many years, and these days she almost held him in the palm of her hand, obedient to everything. Hearing this, she immediately cast a reproachful glance at Ling Jingshu: "Sister Shu, since Ah Qian is interested in planting peonies, you just need to give him some pointers."


Once Old Lady Ling spoke, Ling Jingshu could no longer refuse. Because of embarrassment, she whispered: "Grandmother, men, and women should have separate seats at the age of seven. My cousin is twelve years old this year. It's always inappropriate for me to go to the peony garden alone with him..."


"Cousin Shu's concerns are indeed justified." Lu Hong's eyes lit up, and he immediately interjected: "I'll just go with you. That way, no one will gossip."


Ling Jingshu: "..."


Ling Shi saw some signs from the side, and smiled meaningfully: "Alright, after lunch, you two will go to the garden together."


Ling Jingshu pursed her lips, trying to say something, but finally did not open her mouth.


Although Ling Xiao couldn't see Ling Jingshu's expression clearly, he was keenly aware of her gloomy mood, and couldn't help being secretly surprised. Cousin Hong is kind and friendly, and cousin Qian can also be called lively and cute. But Ling Jingshu seems to dislike the two brothers... 


"A Shu, I have nothing to do anyway, and I will go to the peony garden with you to relax later." Ling Xiao smiled and pulled Ling Jingshu's sleeve.


With him by his side, Ling Jingshu's mood should be better!


Ling Xiao's careful thinking couldn't be hidden from Ling Jingshu.


Ling Jingshu hummed, her brows stretched.

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