Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 22

This throw-up was by no means an adjective.

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Ling Jingshu really vomited.


The stomach seemed to be stirred by something constantly, and the whole body was numb, but the fingers touched by Lu Hong before were hot, as if being burned by a fire.


Lu Hong was also frightened by Ling Jingshu's fierce reaction and froze in place. He watched Ling Jingshu's face contour with pain as she vomited.


The human body responds most directly and acutely. He only touched her finger, and her reaction was so violent... It turned out that she wasn't acting, she really hated him!


The sound of Ling Jingshu vomiting startled Bai Yu who was guarding the courtyard.


Bai Yu hurriedly pushed open the courtyard door, and when she saw Ling Jingshu vomit in embarrassment, she was both shocked and distressed. She rushed over quickly, supported Ling Jingshu, and patted her on the back: "Miss, what's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable?"


After vomiting completely, the spasm in the stomach finally subsided.


Ling Jingshu was weak all over, her limbs were sore and limp, she leaned on Bai Yu's shoulder with a bleak face.


Bai Yu's voice was already choked with sobs: "It was fine before, why did it suddenly become like this. The servant girl will let someone report to the master and wife, and now invite a doctor..."


"Don't disturb anyone." Ling Jingshu's voice was weak, but she was extremely persistent: "You help me into the house. I'll be fine after I rest for a while."


Bai Yu couldn't resist Ling Jingshu, so she had no choice but to respond. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lu Hong's stiff, ugly, sad, and handsome face, and his heart became more and more strange.


What the hell happened just now? Why did the lady suddenly vomit?


"Miss is not feeling well, so the servant will help her into the room to rest first. It is inconvenient to see Young Master Biao."(1) Bai Yu said it very euphemistically, but the meaning behind her words was very clear.


Yes, he should leave too!


Lu Hong wanted to say goodbye to Ling Jingshu, but when he looked up and saw Ling Jingshu's embarrassed and weak appearance, he swallowed all the words again.


Then, turn around and leave.


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When he came, he was full of joy and anticipation and walked briskly. When he went back, his heart was sore and sad, and his feet were as heavy as a thousand catties.




Lu Hong came out of Qiushui Pavilion in a daze.


Just a few steps away, he met Ling Xiao.


"Cousin Hong," Ling Xiao listened to Lu Hong's footsteps, with a clean line on his lips: "I've been waiting here for you. Have you seen Ah shu?"


Lu Hong's face was stiff, he couldn't speak at all. No smile came out, just hummed in a low voice.


Ling Xiao asked curiously: "Have you confessed your feelings to her? How did she react?"


Lu Hong's expression was obscure, and his voice was a little hoarse: "I was too abrupt. She didn't have the slightest affection for me at all... . " He can no longer deceive himself by thinking that, in fact, she also has a good impression of him in her heart, but she refuses to show it because she was shy.


She hates him! She was so disgusted that she didn't want to look at him anymore! So disgusted that he only touched her finger, and she vomited!


Thinking of this, Lu Hong felt as if his heart had been hollowed out, empty, and extremely uncomfortable.


Ling Xiao couldn't see Lu Hong and didn't know that Lu Hong's eyes were full of sadness and loneliness at this moment, and even quietly glowed with water. However, he could hear the trembling and despair in Lu Hong's voice.


Ling Xiao sighed secretly and patted Lu Hong's shoulder comfortingly: "Cousin Hong, don't be too sad. It's probably because there is no fate between you and Ah shu. With your family background, character, appearance, and talent, you will definitely learn from it in the future. There will be a good marriage."


"A good marriage..." Lu Hong murmured and smiled miserably.


No matter how many beautiful and lovely girls there were in the world, no one could replace Ling Jingshu.


Without her, where would he have a good marriage?


Lu Hong was in a low mood and really didn't want to speak. Ling Xiao didn't know how to comfort him, so he thought for a while and said: "Cousin Hong, you are in a bad mood, so don't go to the theater. Don't show anything wrong in front of others. Why don't you go back to the house and stay alone? Be quiet."


Lu Hong hummed and left with heavy steps.

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Ling Xiao stood there for a while, then walked towards Qiushui Pavilion.




Ling Xiao has been blind for many years, and he knows the way to Ling Mansion like the back of his hand, especially the way to Qiushui Pavilion, he has walked it countless times. Already thoroughly familiar with the heart, he didn't need the maid's help at all.


As soon as he stepped into the yard, Ling Xiao smelled a strange smell and rustling sounds.


Ling Xiao frowned. Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask, Bai Yu's voice rang out: "Sixth Young Master, why are you here?"


"Bai Yu, what are you doing?" Ling Xiao asked without answering, "Where is Ah Shu?"


Bai Yu hesitated for a moment, Finally, he told the truth: "Just now, the young master of the Lu family was talking to the young lady alone, but for some reason, the young lady vomited out of her stomach. She is resting in the room now! The maidservant is here to clean up..." 


Before she finished speaking, Ling Xiao's expression changed, and he immediately went to Ling Jingshu's bedroom.


Because he was flustered and lost his former composure, he almost tripped and fell.


Jing Yu exclaimed, and rushed forward to support Ling Xiao: "Master, be careful!"


Ling Xiao's thin chest rose and fell rapidly, took a few deep breaths, and settled down: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I want to go in and see Ah Shu."


Jing Yu was worried and followed Ling Xiao closely. After Ling Xiao pushed the door and entered, he stopped, closed the door gently, and stood outside.


"Ah Shu," Ling Xiao groped to the side of the bed, with an anxious expression on his face: "How are you doing now?"


The moment Ling Xiao pushed the door and entered, Ling Jingshu opened her eyes.


Her face was still a little pale, without any blood, and her voice was a little weak: "I'm fine, don't worry."


"You vomited it all up, why are you fine." Ling Xiao sat on the side of the bed, with an expression of annoyance and self-blame: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have made up my own mind and arranged for Cousin Hong to meet you privately."


Speaking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little strange. What did Lu Hong do to make Ling Jingshu react so violently!

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Ling Jingshu saw the doubts in Ling Xiao's heart, but she didn't want to explain further, and said lightly, "I'm really fine. I suddenly felt nauseous just now, so I vomited it out. Just take a short rest. You don't have to worry, and don't talk about what happened today. Don't tell others."


Ling Xiao solemnly agreed, hesitated for a moment, and then asked in a low voice: "Ah Shu, do you really not like Cousin Hong at all?"


Ling Jingshu replied firmly without hesitation: "Of course No. If I can, I don't want to see him at all."


She only had a deep-rooted hatred and disgust for him, and she never wanted to have anything to do with him in this life.


Ling Xiao didn't ask about the bottom line anymore. Ah Shu hated Lu Hong and didn't want to see him, so he will make sure not to let him appear in front of Ah Shu from now on.


The two didn't speak, and the room fell silent.


Ling Jingshu looked down at her fingers, the place touched by Lu Hong still had a strange burning sensation, which made her feel nauseous and very uncomfortable.


This feeling was really not right...


Ling Jingshu tentatively stretched out her hand and held Ling Xiao's hand. Xiao's hands were soft and warm, and the familiar touch was reassuring. The feeling of nausea that was just around the corner subsided like a tide.


Ling Jingshu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.


Ling Jingshu didn't dare to rest for too long, and after about half an hour, she went to the stage with Ling Xiao. The theater troupe was singing five daughters' birthday wishes, the singing was wonderful and lively, and everyone watched with great interest, but no one noticed Ling Jingshu's departure and return.


Only Ling Jingyan asked with a smile: "Why have you been away for so long?"


Ling Jingshu replied nonchalantly: "I don't like to listen to operas, I just went back to Qiushui Pavilion and slept secretly for a while."


  Holding her hand and whispering: "Grandma's birthday banquet will last for three days, and this troupe will sing for three days in a row. It's going to be quite lively these few days..."


Ling Jingshu listened absent-mindedly. . There was nothing strange about the hand being held by Ling Jingyan.


It seems that it was because she hated Lu Hong too much that she hated his touch so much.


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In the afternoon, the troupe finally broke up.


The guests who came to celebrate the birthday said goodbye one by one, and the Ling family was busy again. After seeing off the guests, the evening family banquet was about to start.


The Ling family has been in Dingzhou for a hundred years and has a large number of people. This branch of the Ling family is a serious lineage. Old Madam Ling had a very high seniority, and today was her 70th birthday, so many people from her clan came to celebrate her birthday.


Though it was a family banquet in name, there were more than a dozen seats. The male and the female relatives naturally have to sit at separate tables.


Lu An glanced at his table, but he didn't see Lu Hong. He couldn't help but frowned, and called Lu Qian to ask, "Ah Qian, where's Ah Hong?"


Lu Qian lowered his head and replied, "I haven't seen my eldest brother either." 


He didn't know why Lu Qian was behaving awkwardly and avoiding him for the past few days. When they met, he did not take the initiative to speak. When he asked a question, Lu Qian didn't dare to answer. And that look of avoiding him was really depressing.


Lu An ordered with a displeased face: "You go and look for him quietly, and you must come back before the dinner begins."


Lu Qian responded and hurriedly went to look for his brother.


Seeing Lu Qian leaving, Lu An's mood was not much better.


He had been in Dingzhou for a few days, socializing with several brothers-in-law every day, and there were quite a few officials in Dingzhou City who come together to get close. However, after all, in Ling's natal family, many things have to be restrained... At the banquet, at most, some singers will be invited to accompany the wine, so don't think about sleeping.


For Lu An, who can't be without sex all day long, such a day was tantamount to the torment of the Qing Dynasty, and it was really not interesting to face Ling's mediocre and decrepit face all day long.

In a trance, a pretty face with beautiful eyes suddenly came to mind.


Lu An had always liked beautiful and enchanting mature women, and most of the concubines in the mansion were also of this type. He never thought that he would be attracted to a girl who was not yet a woman.



1. Cousin from the father's side.


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