Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 27

Lu Qian’s deep feelings tell his own affection.

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Ling Jingshu was not moved: "Don't say anything more. What I want to say has been clearly said just now. In this life, I don't want to have anything to do with the Lu family, and I will never marry into the Lu family. 


Lu Qian pursed his lips, and said in a low voice, "Mother will soon propose marriage to wài zǔmǔ (1) and fifth jiù jiu (2). As long as they all nod their heads in agreement, the marriage will be settled..."


Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed anger, she sneered and said: "Lu Qian, you are always like this! You are paranoid and stubborn. Like a child who will never grow up, always crying for things that don't belong to you. Whether you want it or not, you never care about other people's willingness or not. It was like this in the previous life, and I have lived my whole life again, but I still can't get rid of this problem." 


"I don't want to see you again, so get out of here now!"


Lu Qian's face was bloodless, and his eyes showed sadness and pain, But he still refused to give up, and suddenly said: "Ah Shu, you were killed so badly in your previous life, don't you want to take revenge?"


Ling Jingshu's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly looked at Lu Qian, her eyes full of vigilance and hostility: " You want to tell the Lu family everything?"


"Ah Shu, you misunderstood me." Lu Qian immediately explained: "This is your biggest secret, and it's also mine. I swear to you, I will never tell anyone in this life, especially the Lu family."


She would never believe anyone's oath again.


There was a sneer in Ling Jingshu's eyes: "Really? Even if I want to kill Lu An and his wife for revenge in the future, you will not say a word?"


Lu Qian's eyes shot an eager and crazy light: "Yes, as long as you marry me, I will never say anything, and I will do my best to help you." 


"I know you hate the Lu family and you want to kill them. But you are just a weak woman with no power to restrain the chicken. If you want revenge, you have to marry into the Lu family. Only when you come to Lu's house, will you have a chance for that. Big Brother betrayed you in your past life, and you hate him so you never want to be husband and wife with him again. I am your true lover and destination."


"Ah Shu, just marry me!"


...This Lu Qian was really crazy!

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Ling Jingshu gasped, and looked at Lu Qian like a lunatic: "Do you know what you're talking about?" 


No matter how sinister and vicious Lu An and Ling were, they were also Lu Qian's biological parents. He didn't care about the love of childbearing and the kindness of nurturing, and kept saying that he would help her avenge her revenge!


Before, he was just a willful, stubborn and disregarded child. Now he is twisted and crazy and chilling.


Lu Qian looked at Ling Jingshu's unbelievably astonished face. Instead of getting angry, he laughed instead: "Of course, I know what I'm talking about. Ah Shu, I was too weak and useless in my previous life, and I didn't have the courage to save you. You were humiliated. The moment I was about to die, I swore to myself, if there is an afterlife, I will never be as cowardly as before. I will protect you, and I will avenge you!


"In the future, my eldest brother will go to the capital and become a fùmǎ, and will never return to Jizhou again. The position of the head of the Lu family will naturally be mine. Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of my parents, I can poison them both secretly. At that time, the Lu family will become our world. Ah Shu, I will repay you double for all the humiliation you have suffered before."


The smile was as innocent as a child, but the words that come out were ruthless and cruel.


The more Lu Qian said that the more determined Ling Jingshu was to reject him.


However, to Lu Qian, blindly refusing was useless. He was terribly paranoid and couldn't listen to what he didn't want to hear. If she wanted to reject this marriage, she could have to start with Madam Ling and Fifth Master Ling. As long as the marriage was not settled, Lu Qian's wishful thinking was useless...


Ling Jingshu's thoughts flashed, and she deliberately slowed down: "I really didn't expect the things you said today. Give me some time to me to think about it."


The slight looseness in her tone made Lu Qian uncontrollably excited, and his fair face flushed with excitement: "Okay, okay, it doesn't matter if you think about it for a few more days."


Ling Jingshu softened her voice again: "Before I think about it clearly, don't ask my gū gu to propose marriage, please? You will still be living in Ling's house for a while, and there is no rush in these few days." 


Such tenderness was Lu Qian's dream in his previous life, it was something that he could only dream about. Knowing that Ling Jingshu was trying to delay the time, Lu Qian still couldn't refuse, so he nodded without thinking.


Ling Jingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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What should be said has been said, and it was time for Lu Qian to leave.


But time alone was so rare, Lu Qian couldn't bear to leave at all, so he quickly found a topic: "Ah Shu, when were you reborn?" Ling Jingshu responded casually, "It was about the same time as you." 


Sure enough, it was a marriage ordained by heaven. Otherwise, how could they both wake up and be reborn at the same time?


Lu Qian's heart was filled with joy, and his eyes sparkled: "You haven't shown any signs, have you?"


Ling Jingshu didn't want to continue this conversation, and asked instead: "After you were reborn, have you been noticed by the Lu family?"




Lu Qian replied confidently: "I have always been very careful, and I have never shown anything in front of my elder brother. He has never been suspicious of me so far. "


Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed, and she asked abruptly: "He knew you were going to propose marriage, and he didn't suspect you?" "


Lu Qian smiled.


There was no suspicion, but the separation of brothers was inevitable...


Ling Jingshu stared straight at Lu Qian, not missing the subtle change in Lu Qian's expression: "Lu An and his wife originally planned to help him propose marriage. Before that, I had sternly rejected him. With his pride, he will not have the audacity to propose to me again. Therefore, when Lu An and Madam Ling proposed marriage, he must have refused. Then, you suddenly stepped forward and asked Ling to propose marriage to you. Am I right? "


As if seeing it with her own eyes, she described the situation accurately.

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Lu Qian was shocked as if seeing Ling Jingshu for the first time.


The Ling Jingshu in his memory was beautiful, talented, and gentle like water. He was so attracted by her beauty and gentleness that he could no longer tolerate others in his eyes. After seeing Ling Jingshu after rebirth, he had been immersed in the surprise and excitement of the reunion. Until this moment, he was startled by Ling Jingshu's change.


Sometimes gentle (towards Ling Xiao), sometimes cold as ice (to him and Lu Hong). The sharpness at this time was even more shocking.


Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips and asked lightly: " You are only twelve years old, and in Lu Hong's eyes, you are still a puzzled child. You suddenly said you wanted to marry me. How can Lu Hong not be suspicious? Maybe, he has been secretly observing your every move, and he has long been suspicious."


Lu Qian took a deep look at Ling Jingshu: "You know his temperament very well. "


The lover who fell in love with each other in the previous life, the husband who slept with her for two years, how could she not understand Lu Hong?


She sternly rejected him and vomited because of his touch. With Lu Hong's self-esteem and pride, he would no longer have the audacity to think of marrying her. Everything was calculated, the only thing that was not calculated was Lu Qian's "accident".


Wanting to dispel Lu Qian's obsession was not as simple as dealing with Lu Hong.


Ling Jingshu said indifferently: "He and I used to be husband and wife, and we also had a time of mutual love. I understand his temperament, and it is not unusual. In this life, I will never marry him again. But, I will never again like other men."


Lu Qian: "..."


The last sentence, like a sharp arrow, stabbed him hard in the chest. There was no bleeding, but the pain pierced his heart.


Ling Jingshu raised her eyes and looked at Lu Qian: "Lu Qian, I have something important to ask you. You must tell me the truth." 


Lu Qian felt a little uneasy in his heart but didn't show it at all on his face: "Okay, as long as I know anything, I will not hide it from you.”

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“I want to ask you, did Lu Hong really never write to me in his previous life, and did no one bring me a message? He just abandoned his wife and abandoned his son without saying a word?"


This problem has been lingering in her heart for a few years and has always been stuck in her throat like a stick. Even if she won't be emotionally involved with Lu Hong again in this life, she still wanted to figure it out: "Was there another side of the story that I didn't know about?"


Lu Qian's pupils shrank sharply, and he blurted out without thinking: "No!"


Ling Jingshu, who was staring at his face closely, didn't miss the strangeness, and her heart sank suddenly.


Lu Qian was lying!


If there was really no inside story, if Lu Qian doesn't know anything about it, when he heard such a question, his first reaction should be "I don't know", not nothing.


What was he hiding?


"Lu Qian, you just promised me that you will tell me everything without hiding anything. Are you going to regret it so soon?" Ling Jingshu's face was cold, and her tone was full of sarcasm: "You also claimed that you want to marry me, and you will treat me for the rest of your life. Good. It’s all deceptive nonsense!”


Lu Qian secretly clenched his fists, panic flashed in his heart, but he said in his mouth: “I didn’t lie to you. The eldest brother and Princess Changping have the same affection, empathize with each other, and loved her with all his heart. Feeling guilty, he had no face to write a letter back, and no one has brought you a message. It is he who had failed your affection!"


Anger flashed in Ling Jingshu's eyes, and her voice became more condensed and sharp: "You are lying! You clearly know the inside story, and deliberately deceived me. Do you think I am still the gentle, kind, weak and deceitful Ling Jingshu of the previous life? Lu Qian, if you are not going to tell the truth, get out of here now. From now on, you are not allowed to appear in my presence again!"


Lu Qian didn't expect that Ling Jingshu would be so sensitive, let alone that she would be so angry, and couldn't help feeling flustered. Subconsciously, he took a step forward and took Ling Jingshu's hand: "Ah Shu, listen to me..."


1. Grandmother from mother's side.

2. Brother of the mother.

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