Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 41

Lu Ann and his son had already boarded the boat, and there was no one in the carriage.

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Ling Jingshu and Lu Qian got into the carriage one after the other and closed the door.


The noisy sound on the pier became an excellent cover. As long as the two of them lowered their voices to speak, they would not be overheard.


"Time is running out, just say what you have to say!" Ling Jingshu restrained her smile and said lightly.


Without outsiders, there was no need to pretend anymore.


Strange to say, seeing her indifferent look, Lu Qian calmed down instead, and said straightforwardly, "You want to leave the capital, why did you hide it from me? Are you trying to avoid me on purpose?"


Ling Jingshu didn't answer but asked instead: "If I let you know, would you be willing to watch me leave Dingzhou?"


Lu Qian: "..."


Of course not. If he had known about this earlier, he would have tried his best to obstruct it.


Lu Qian pursed his lips, his expression already said it all.


A trace of sarcasm floated in Ling Jingshu's eyes: "So, what can I do other than hide it from you?" "


"There are many famous doctors in the capital, and there may be hope for Ah Xiao's eye disease to be cured. Father is indifferent to Ah Xiao, and Madam Li is even more eager for Ah Xiao to stay a useless person all his life. I am the only one who can take him to the capital. So, for this trip to the capital, I have to go. With your temperament, after you know it, you will inevitably think wildly, and you will definitely stop it. So, I purposely withheld this news.”

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This explanation was reasonable and made Lu Qian’s gloomy mood a little better: “You don’t know how long it will take for you to return. It may be a few months, maybe even years. What will we do about our marriage?"


Ling Jingshu replied lightly: "This matter is up to grandma."


It is absolutely impossible for Old Lady Ling to agree to this marriage again!


It's a pity that Lu Qian didn't know about this. He even thought that this was Ling Jingshu's tactful hint of agreeing to the marriage, and he was instantly elated with joy on his face: "Ah Shu, do you really agree? That's great! No matter how long you go, I will wait for you to come back." 


Ling Jingshu understood that Lu Qian misunderstood, but she didn't explain much.


Madam Ling loved Lu Qian the most and regarded Lu Qian as her lifeblood. As long as she learned from Old Lady Ling that she was suffering from a strange disease that prevented her from touching men, even without the Old Lady's further words, she will definitely give up the idea of ​​marrying Ling Jingshu to her precious son.


By that time, she was already far away in the capital. Even if Lu Qian knew the truth, there was nothing he could do.


Lu Qian was still rambling on: "...The capital city is far away. Fortunately, you are on the official ship with our uncle and the others. It is expected that those thieves who can't wait for it will not dare to take the idea of ​​​​taking the official ship. After arriving in the capital, you immediately write a letter back to report that you are safe..."


Ling Jingshu suddenly interrupted Lu Qian: "Is there really no inside story about what happened back then?"


Lu Qian was caught off guard, with a slight expression on his face. After a change, he quickly returned to normal, and quickly replied: "Of course not. If I hide a word from you, I will be struck by lightning and die."


Ling Jingshu stared closely at Lu Qian: "Since you want to swear, just change the oath. If you know the inside story but deliberately hide it from me, you and I will never meet again in this life."

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Lu Qian's face suddenly changed.


Back then, there was an inside story! Lu Qian clearly knew everything, but he kept his mouth shut and refused to say a word... Could it be that Lu Hong had some unspeakable secrets that kept him from returning to Jizhou?


Ling Jingshu's heart was ups and downs, but she asked calmly: "Didn't you keep saying that you won't hide anything from me? Why don't you dare to swear?" 


Lu Qian turned his mind and said calmly: "It's okay, I will make the oath as you said."


"By God above, I, Lu Qian, swear to God, there is absolutely no falsehood in what I have said. If there is even half a lie, I will be punished by God to be alone in this life, never to have a relationship with the woman I love, and never to see each other again. "


After taking the poisonous oath, Lu Qian's palms were covered with cold sweat, but there was a bright smile on his face: "Ah Shu, you should trust me now!" 


Yes! She completely believed that he had kept a secret from her all along!


Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips and replied pointedly: "Of course, I believe you. The sky is above, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other. If you lie to me, God will punish you. "


Lu Qian's back also began to break out in cold sweat, and his smile was unconsciously distorted: "How could I lie to you? 


Ling Jingshu didn't want to look at Lu Qian's insincere face anymore, and said lightly: "It's getting late, and it's time for me to board the boat." "After finishing speaking, she stood up.


No matter what Lu Qian was hiding, it doesn't really matter. No matter how many difficulties Lu Hong had, he failed her in the end.


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She and Lu Hong are separated by the unbearable pain of their past life, and the detestable faces of the Lu family. In this life, there was no possibility of reconciliation between them




Lu Qian was reluctant to give up, but he couldn't find any reason, so he could only follow Ling Jingshu out of the carriage and send Ling Jingshu on. 


Ling Jingyan also vaguely knew Lu Qian's thoughts, and couldn't help laughing and joking: "Cousin Qian, if you really don't want to leave, why don't you go to the capital with us. "


Lu Qian's heart was very moved. However, he was not crazy enough to lose his mind, so he said calmly: "Cousin Yan is joking. I have already sent my cousin Shu to the boat, and it is time to go. "


He said it was time to go, but his eyes lingered on Ling Jingshu's body reluctantly.


Even Madam Sun saw the clue, coughed, and said: "Let's sail quickly!"


No matter how thick-skinned Lu Qian was, he was too embarrassed to hang on, so he finally got up and left. Before leaving, he gave Ling Jingshu a reluctant look: "Cousin Shu, when you arrive in the capital, don't forget to write a letter to report your safety."


Ling Jingshu hummed perfunctorily.


When Lu Qian's figure disappeared in front of her eyes, Ling Jingshu suddenly felt refreshed, and her mood suddenly improved a lot.


Ling Jingyan had a panoramic view of Ling Jingshu's expression changes, and couldn't help laughing in a low voice: "There is such a young man who is infatuated with you, is there any dissatisfaction in your heart?" 


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Although Ling Jingyan tried her best to lower her voice, the cabin was only this big in total, and Sun and the others still listened to it. Thinking of Lu Qian's reluctance to leave before, everyone smiled knowingly.


Marriage between cousins was a joyful event. Although Lu Qian was two years younger than Ling Jingshu, he was a good match.


Ling Jingshu was neither annoyed nor shy when she was teased by Ling Jingyan, she just smiled slightly and said, "Cousin Yan, stop joking. I treat Cousin Qian just like Ah Xiao." 


It seems like falling flowers have intentions while flowing water was heartless! (1)


Ling Jingyan shrugged and finally stopped making fun of her.


The ship sailed slowly and left Dingzhou Wharf. Ling Jingshu looked at the gradually distant and blurred Dingzhou City through the wooden window lattice on the cabin and quietly exhaled the suffocation in her chest.


The Ling family was a magnificent and exquisite cage, and she was just a well-fed caged bird. With fine clothes and delicious food, she had nothing to worry about, but she was also imprisoned in the cage and could not move freely.


After trying so hard, she finally left the Ling family and the Lu family.


From now on, the sky is vast and the birds fly and the fish leap. (2)


This was the path she chose. Even if there were many obstacles in the future, even if the future was dark and unclear, even if there was a day in the future when she will fall to the ground and be smashed to pieces, she will have no complaints or regrets.


1. It basically means one party is in love, the other is not.

2. Now life was full of possibilities.

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