Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 52

The boy was about fifteen or sixteen years old.

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Thick eyebrows drawn into the temples, a pair of indifferent and deep eyes, a straight nose bridge, and thin lips formed an extremely handsome face.



Dressed in a black brocade robe, he seemed to blend into the dark night. However, the temperament of the whole body was too eye-catching and dazzling. Even in the dark night with dim light, he was still captivating.



That was the look of someone with innate nobility, and it was the bearing that can only be obtained after living in a high position for a long time. When people saw him, they felt awed. They didn't even dare to meet those deep and unpredictable eyes.



At such a young age, he would never be a high-ranking official in the court. With so many highly skilled guards, it was obvious that this young man was by no means an idle person...



Ling Jingshu secretly guessed the identity of the other party.



The opponent's boat was a bit taller, and the boy stood on the deck, looking rather condescending. Condensed and sharp eyes also fell on the girl who was held hostage by the bandits.



The girl was obviously held hostage in a hurry, and she didn't have time to wash and dress up, so she was only wearing a homemade half-worn dress.



Her black hair was disheveled behind her, her pretty face was slightly pale, her eyes were black and bright, and her red lips were bright.



Like a peony waiting to be released, she emitted dazzling colors in the dark night, making people unable to move their eyes away.



The leading gangster pointed a long knife at the girl's back. It was strange that the girl also had a dagger in her hand, and the sharp dagger was pressed against her tender neck.



The kidnapped girl was unexpectedly calm.


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The guards seemed to keep their eyes on the girl, but they were actually looking at the girl out of the corner of their eyes.



There was no wonder they couldn't keep their eyes off her.



Even he couldn't help but take a second look at the girl with such a beautiful face.



"It's you who want to see me?" The young man in Xuanyi glanced at the Second master, his thick eyebrows raised slightly, his voice was calm, and he didn't hide the contempt in his eyes.



From the moment the boy in Xuanyi appeared, the Second Leader knew something was wrong.



Just by looking at this young man's demeanor, one could tell that the background was absolutely extraordinary. To say something embarrassing, the experienced gangsters and the young man looked at each other, their knees felt weak, and there was despair in their hearts that they could not resist.



The second leader suppressed the panic in his heart. He bluffed and shouted: "We are only asking for money, and we didn't hurt anyone's life just now. But you killed our group, you are so vicious and insane. Now back off the twenty-mile waterway for me, and I will lead the brothers to leave immediately "



Was the mind vicious and insane?


The young man in Xuanyi smiled instead of being angry. It was just that the smile didn't reach his eyes: "It's really interesting, I've grown up so big, I've never heard anyone say that about me!" 


The head of the guards beside the boy in Xuanyi was full of anger and pulled out the long knife in his hand forcefully. He was about to issue an order to kill these gangsters, but was stopped by the boy in Xuanyi: "Wang Tong, wait a minute. These gangsters are quite interesting, let me ask a few more questions."



Quite interesting?



Ling Jingshu and the Second leader glared at each other almost at the same time.


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The Second leader's dignity as a gangster was ruthlessly trampled into the mud. For Ling Jingshu, the hope of being rescued was even smaller.



Although this young man in black clothes whose identity was mysterious came to the rescue in time, he was by no means a good person with a bodhisattva heart. He didn't take the lives of all the people on this official ship into consideration at all.



She had to find a chance to save herself, otherwise, next year Ling Xiao will burn incense and funeral paper for her...



The young man in Xuanyi didn't seem to see the anger in Ling Jingshu's eyes, so he opened his mouth and asked the Second master: "You keep saying that it's just for the sake of asking for money and you don't hurt people's lives. If that's the case, why are you and your subordinates empty-handed? Instead, you are holding a weak girl who has no power to restrain her?"



The Second leader suddenly had the illusion of kneeling in the courtroom, and subconsciously replied: "Before we had time to grab the gold and silver, we knew that rescuers were coming. That's why we took this lady hostage, as long as we get our lives, we will let her go." 



After answering he felt extremely annoyed. What was wrong with him? There was nothing to be afraid of a young boy who had not yet grown up and relied on his family's prestige to run wild.



The Second master's expression changed, and he sneered ferociously: "Do as I said immediately. Everyone, retreat to the ship and leave a twenty-mile waterway. Let us go, otherwise, I will kill her now!" 


Used a little force on the long knife. They tore through the thin clothes.



The cold tip of the knife pressed against the skin tightly, and with any more force, it would pierce the back.





Ling Jingshu's pretty face became paler, but her heart gradually calmed down. Subconsciously, she clenched the dagger in her hand.



The gangsters were panicking, and all their attention was on the ship in front. But they didn't notice the slight movement under the water's surface.



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A few guards who are good at swimming had quietly entered the water and stealthily approached the official ship. They were waiting to surprise them with a sudden attack.



The boy in black was trying to attract the gangsters' attention.



The young man in Xuanyi twitched the corners of his lips, and said leisurely: "I don't know her before, her life and death have nothing to do with me. You have to do it, just kill her now. Later, I will order the guards to shoot arrows and shoot. If you are shot to death with random arrows, it can be regarded as avenging her. She can also rest in Jiuquan." (1)



The Second Master: "..."



Ling Jingshu: "..."



The boy in Xuanyi's eyes flashed slightly, With a half-smile but not a smile: "Why don't you do anything?"



The Second master's blood rushed to his head, and his temples throbbed. Being provoked repeatedly by the young man in Xuanyi, he almost wanted to kill Ling Jingshu desperately.



However, there was still a sliver of rationality in his mind, so he resisted the urge.



Right now Ling Jingshu was his only reliance and hope of escape. If Ling Jingshu was killed, what awaited him was the ending of being shot to death by random arrows or hacked to death by random knives.



At that moment, a sudden change occurred.



The guards hidden under the water suddenly jumped onto the ship's plank and rushed towards them with sharp knives in hand.



Whoosh whoosh! The guards who had been standing still on the board of the ship also released their arrows at this time.

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The gangsters were caught off guard, and almost everyone was hit by arrows, screaming miserably. Those who were not shot at the vitals were killed by the guards who emerged from the water.



Countless arrows were fired, hitting like raindrops. One of them brushed Ling Jingshu's cheek, and the other pierced the skirt and brushed past her legs.



Ling Jingshu didn't move at all, but her back was covered with cold sweat, and her palms were even wet.



The Second master's arms and legs were shot by arrows, and with a scream, the long knife in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.



However, he had been standing behind Ling Jingshu, as long as he takes another step forward, he can hold Ling Jingshu in his hands again, and there was still a glimmer of life... 



Before the Second leader took a step, Ling Jing Shu swiftly turned around, her eyes flashing with a cold and ruthless gleam. She raised the dagger in her hand.






The Second master's pupils shrank sharply, trying to escape, but it was too late.



There was a sharp pain in the chest, and blood splattered in the air.


The Second master collapsed, his eyes wide open, and he could not rest in peace.


......(To be continued.)


Author's Note PS: Ah Shu is the most complicated heroine I have ever written. She was cowardly and kind in her previous life, but she will slowly transform in this life~ I


hope everyone will like it~O(∩_∩) o

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