Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 55

That's right!

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This dagger was indeed Ling Jingshu's.


When the gangsters forced her to leave, she pressed the dagger against her own neck. But... why was this dagger on the bandit's chest?



Ling Ji's mind was in chaos, staring at the blood-stained dagger as if he had seen a ghost.



Wang Tong looked at Ling Ji, who was dumbfounded and speechless and tugged at the corner of his lips. "You didn't mishear, nor did you misunderstand. The leader of the bandits, indeed, met his demise at the hands of Miss Ling Jiu, who is kind-hearted and averse to bloodshed. In the critical situation just now, the bandit leader who had been holding her hostage was already injured. If he had caught her again, he would have used her as a shield before his own demise. Miss Ling Jiu, on the other hand, acted decisively and took the initiative to kill him."



After a pause, he continued: "This kind of thing should not be publicized, otherwise it will damage Miss Ling Jiu's boudoir reputation. I will order the guards of the Eastern Palace to keep it secret. As for the guards of your mansion and the boatman on the boat, you have to come forward and handle it."



Saying that he stuffed the dagger into Ling Ji's hand.



Ling Ji lowered his head and looked at the dagger, feeling heavy in his hand and even heavier in his heart.



If it wasn't for the sake of saving everyone's lives, Ling Jingshu would not have stepped forward resolutely. Even after knowing that the road ahead was dangerous, she still took the initiative to leave with the gangsters.



If something really happened to Ling Jingshu, how could their Ling family face their relatives in the family's old house, and what face would they have to face everyone in the fifth room?



Ling Jingshu was also forced to kill someone. It was really admirable that such a weak girl can be so alert and decisive. It made him, an imposing seven-foot man, feel ashamed.



This kind of thing must not be spread!



Once it spreads. Not only will the face of the Ling family be damaged, but Ling Jingshu will also even become a different kind of woman in the eyes of others...

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Ling Ji quickly made up his mind, took a deep breath, and replied, "Thank you, Commander Wang, for reminding me. I know what to do."


.. ....



"Father. Brother and Ah Xiao have both gone to the deck, and there is no sound of killing outside. Are we safe?" Ling Jingyan, who was startled and cried for a long time, her voice was already hoarse, and she tremblingly squeezed out a few words.



Uncle Ling listened for a while, and said uncertainly: "There is really no strange movement outside, those gangsters should have been caught or killed."



Sun's voice was also a little hoarse: "Come on, light the candlesticks first."



The scared maids who were limp on the ground finally responded. Struggling to stand up, they groped to light the candlestick.



There was finally light in the cabin.



Jiang's complexion changed suddenly, and she said tremblingly: "There are footsteps outside."



Everyone's complexion changed.



The footsteps were not heavy. It was soon outside the door. The door was pushed open with a babble.



Ling Jingyan had already closed her eyes and screamed. The faces of Uncle Ling and Madam Sun turned pale.



"Don't be afraid, it's me and Ah Xiao." Those who appeared at the door were indeed Ling Jingshu and her brother. Ling Jingshu's voice was a little tired.

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Only then did everyone heave a long sigh of relief.



Ling Jingyan, who was still screaming, stopped immediately, she didn't know where she got the strength from. Quickly got up and rushed over. She hugged Ling Jingshu and cried: "Shū Tángmèi,(1) luckily you came back safe and sound. When you left with the gangster just now, I was so scared that I didn't dare to make a sound to let you stay... I'm sorry..."



Uncle Ling and Madam Sun felt guilty in their hearts, looked at each other, and silently turned their heads aside.



Just now they watched Ling Jingshu leave with the bandits, no one dared to say anything. Now that they thought about it, they were really too cowardly...



"Yan tángjiě,(2) you don't have to blame yourself."



Ling Jing Shu's gentle and calm voice resonated among the crowd. "At that moment, it was fortunate enough that everyone's lives were preserved. Furthermore, they were specifically targeting me. If I hadn't voluntarily gone with them, they would never have let me go."



"Uncle and Aunt must have remained silent, thinking about preserving their strength and waiting for the opportunity to rescue me in secret. How could I not be aware of their painstaking efforts?"



Uncle Ling and Madam Sun's faces were a little hot, and they knew that this was Ling Jingshu's considerate excuse to excuse them... 



She was really a good girl who was reasonable and considerate!



Uncle Ling cleared his throat and said, "Ah Shu, you have worked hard this time, you must have been quite frightened. Come in and talk." 



"Yes, Ah Shu, come in quickly." Sun also changed her tone and was very intimate.



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There was some bitterness in Ling Jingshu's voice: "I've splashed a lot of blood on my body, I'm afraid it will scare you. I'll go back and change into clean clothes before I come here to talk." 



Until this moment, Ling Jingyan could smell the blood on Ling Jingshu's body.



Normally, Ling Jingyan's legs would go weak from fright.



However, today they had experienced so many dangers. At this time, everyone was safe and sound, which was already a blessing from heaven. Who cared about the details.



Ling Jingyan dragged Ling Jingshu into the room, and said: "There are some bloodstains, what are you afraid of, as long as everyone is safe." 



That's what she said. Under the light, seeing the mottled blood on Ling Jingshu's dress, Ling Jingyan was still taken aback, and blurted out: "Ah Shu, how did you get so much blood on your body?" 



The blood stain looked like someone was killed very close to her …



Ling Jingyan was taken aback by the flashing thought in her mind, she quickly dismissed the terrifying thought and found a reasonable explanation self-righteously: "I see. The people who came to rescue must have killed the bandit who held you hostage. You were too close, blood splashed on you."



Ling Jingshu remained silent, letting Ling Jingyan and others misunderstand.



That's right, no one would have thought that she killed that gangster with her own hands!



Even she didn't expect that she would have the courage to kill someone.



At such a critical juncture, the body's reaction was even one step faster than the brain's.

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The feeling of killing was not good, even a little disgusting. However, she had no regrets. If it happened again, she would do the same thing again.



The only thing that made her anxious was that there were too many people present. This matter cannot be concealed at all. The Ling family will soon know the truth... she was afraid that they could look at her differently.



If it gets publicized in the future, it will be difficult for her to gain a foothold in the capital.



This was Ling Jingshu's real worry.



Jiang opened her mouth and asked, "Ah Shu, who saved us today?"



Ling Jingshu's mind flashed the handsome and indifferent face of the young man in Xuanyi: "It was the Imperial Grandson who led the guards of the Eastern Palace to rescue us."






Madam Jiang was startled for a moment, and then quickly breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out to be His Royal Highness."



According to blood relationship, she and the Imperial Grandson were cousins who were not much different in age. However, the other party had a noble status, so she wouldn't just call him biǎodì (4) casually.



Uncle Ling cheered up, and immediately said: "Go back to your room, wash and change your clothes, and when it is dawn, I will lead you to thank His Royal Highness."


1. Daughter of father's brother who is younger than you

2. Daughter of father's brother who is older than you

3. The grandson of the Emperor

4. Son of mother's brother who is younger than you

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