Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 59

Afterward, Ling Jingshu remained silent.

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Uncle Ling euphemistically and implicitly expressed his willingness to return to the capital with His Highness the Imperial Grandson.



The Ling family was scared out of their wits by the night raid of the bandits, and the escort boatmen suffered many casualties, and they had neither the guts nor enough manpower to set off back to Beijing. It was okay to bring them back to Beijing.



The Imperial Grandson nodded casually, and said, "We'll rest for half a day first, and we'll set off after noon. Let your official ship set off together!"



Uncle Ling was delighted in his heart.



Uncle Ling didn't have much chance to get in touch with this noble grandson of the Emperor, but he heard a lot of rumors.



It was said that the young grandson of the emperor has a temperament very similar to that of the Emperor when he was young, with unpredictable moods and deep thoughts. The officials of the East Palace respected the grandson of the Emperor even more than the Crown Prince of the East Palace...



But today, the rumors seemed to be too exaggerated. Wasn't the Imperial Grandson easy to get close to?



All that needs to be said had been said, and it was time to leave.



Uncle Ling stood up and bowed his hands to leave: "I have been disturbing His Royal Highness for a long time, and I feel really uneasy. So I led the family members to leave." 



The grandson's eyes flashed, and he ordered: "Wang Tong, you act on behalf of the king. Take Minister Ling back to the boat."



His Highness Imperial Grandson favored this Minister Ling very much!


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Wang Tong was secretly surprised in his heart but responded quickly in his mouth.






"Those rumors are not true. Who said His Royal Highness is too moody to get close to you? Clearly, he treats his subordinates with respect and kindness!"



After returning to the cabin on the official ship, Mr. Ling had a delighted expression on his face as he said, "Misfortune may be a blessing in disguise. This saying is really true!"



With the help of last night's incident, he established a relationship with the Imperial Grandson in an upright manner, and they were able to go back to the capital together. Although they were not on the same ship, it was always indispensable to board the ship to pay respects to His Royal Highness when the ship was moored to rest. Uncle Ling felt very happy.



Madam Sun knew Uncle Ling's thoughts best and said with a low laugh: "Master has worked in the Ministry of Industry for many years. The position of Secretary of the Ministry of Industry has not been moved for several years. If you can climb up to the relationship with His Highness, wait for Qiao Shilang to retire, as long as His Highness says something, this position will most likely belong to the master." 



These words can be regarded as the heart of Uncle Zhong Ling. But, in front of all the juniors, Uncle Ling had to maintain a bit of the elder's demeanor and decency. So he coughed and said: "I am very happy to have the opportunity to get close to His Highness the Imperial Grandson. It doesn't matter whether you get promoted or not."



...Speaking insincerely, not aligning words with true feelings!



Ling Jingshu sneered secretly in her heart.



Uncle Ling only wanted to get promoted and make a fortune, so he met the big tree of the Imperial Grandson. Can't wait to get close to him. Even the thrill of almost dying last night was forgotten.



However, this was also a good thing for her. If Uncle Ling has a relationship with the Imperial Grandson, it will be more convenient for her to ask to see the Imperial Grandson in the future...



Just as she was thinking, Uncle Ling had already looked over and said with a pleasant face: "Ah Shu, today's meeting with in front of His Highness, you have dealt with it very well. What happened last night happened suddenly, and we couldn't react in time. I didn't expect that you, a delicate boudoir girl, are stronger than me and Ah Ji." 

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From the originally indifferent "Sister Shu", his address towards her turned into the intimate and caring Ah Shu. At this time, it can be seen how much Uncle Ling appreciated Ling Jingshu's performance last night and today.



Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled, and replied softly: "This zhínǚ(1) only did what she was supposed to do, and my dàbó's(2) praise makes me feel uneasy."



Madam Sun immediately smiled and said, "What's there to worry about? Not only the master wants to praise you, but your bómǔ (3) also prepared a lot of compliments!" 



"Facing danger without fear or panic, with boldness, attentiveness, and composure." Madam Jiang looked at Ling Jingshu with admiration in her eyes. "Such courage is rare in this world."



Ling Jingyan echoed unwillingly: "Yes, I was scared enough at that time. All I did was cry."



After this incident, everyone's attitude towards Ling Jingshu changed greatly.



Ling Jingyan's mood was probably the most complicated. Before, at most, she felt that Ling Jingshu's appearance was a little bit better than her own, but now she suddenly realized that the gap was not even a little bit.



Probably like the difference between wildflowers and peonies...



This mood, this sourness!



She couldn't even feel any jealousy. She only felt loss and regret.





During lunch, Ling Jingyan changed her normal routine and almost kept silent. Like an eggplant beaten by frost, she was listless and lifeless.

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Ling Jingshu had a panoramic view of Ling Jingyan's changes in expression, and after a little thought, she guessed why Ling Jingyan was in a bad mood.



Ling Jingyan was kind-hearted. It was just that being coddled by family members, she often gave off an arrogant temper. Now she felt that she was far inferior to her, it was not strange that she was not in a good mood.



If she wanted to live in her uncle's house in the future, she will inevitably have to depend on them. It was necessary to build a good relationship with everyone in the Big room. It was because of this, that Ling Jingshu had shown favor to Uncle Ling everywhere before.



Therefore, Ling Jingshu didn't mind coaxing Ling Jingyan.



After lunch, Ling Jingyan went back to the cabin, and Ling Jingshu also followed in, calling "Cousin Yan".



Ling Jingyan hummed unhappily.



Ling Jingshu took Ling Jingyan's hand, and asked with a low smile, "Yan tángjiě,(4) are you angry with me? Why have you been ignoring me today?"



"How could this be?" Ling Jingyan quickly replied, paused, and explained in a low voice reluctantly: "I was terrified last night, and I haven't recovered all day today, and I'm not in the mood to speak. I didn't mean to target you."



This was not entirely a lie.



The thrilling scene last night was still vivid in her mind. Thinking about it now still made her shudder.



But why did Ling Jingshu dare to take the initiative to follow the gangsters?


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Today, she still calmly rescued her father...



It's really maddening to be compared to other people!



Ling Jingyan pursed her lips in annoyance.



Ling Jingshu understood Ling Jingyan's thoughts and didn't expose them, she just said softly: "Actually, I was also very scared at the time. It's just that the situation is imminent, and it's useless to be afraid. Those gangsters came after me, so I can only hold on and face it."



After a pause, she continued: "In such a critical situation last night, your family stayed together and had no time to take care of me and Ah Xiao. This is inevitable. I stayed with Ah Xiao, and I didn't have the courage to call you to come there."



After hearing these words, Ling Jingyan relaxed her brows, most of the guilt that had been lingering in her heart dissipated, and she couldn't help sighing: "Ah Shu, you have a big heart, just don't blame us."



 There were still some unpleasant tastes, but she really had no face to show it.



Ling Jingyan lifted her spirits and smiled and said, "It is a blessing in disguise for us to meet His Highness the Imperial Grandson."



Ling Jingshu followed Ling Jingyan's voice and said, "However, this Highness the Imperial Grandson does not seem to be very approachable!"


… ...(To be continued.)


1. Daughter of brother

2. Father's elder brother. In this case, the Eldest elder brother.

3. Wife of father's elder brother.

4. Sister from your father's side of the family who is older than you. 


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